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Echo topless anyone?


There is a concept art... post Skako. It shows all of his outer implants and how skinny he has become. It's sad to see what Tambor had done to him. The nearest to see him topless later is him and they boys in their blacks when in the brigg on Kamino, before they escape. But I must say, I don't need to see a topless clone. They are beautiful anyway. They're sweet, loyal, kind and friendly, protective and loving. If a clone likes you, you don't have to fear anything anymore as he will do everything to protect you and give you everything he has.


Damn, well written


Naw I want to see him bottomless




I don’t think he has a bottom anymore


He has. About half or a bit more of his thighs are still there. It's only his knees and downward what are missing. Also his right underarm, hand and elbow are missing. I think his spine and respiratory system were damaged as well.


i'm good tbh


Isn't he topless when they first find him in season 7?




On a technicality i guess so but he really has 5 different armor sets (cadet, phase 1, post rishi phase 1, arc, and post citadel), but there are so many colors of his new armor. 501st, BB, BB orange, color scrubbed BB and normal P2 armor. Wolffe just has 4 armors and one uniform. They are all different unlike many of echos.


Three armors and one uniform. His two phase 1 suits are probably the same armor just repainted. Echo still has more suits, cadet, P1, ARC, the stripped down P2 armor from Anaxes, his BB armor, and then the TK armor that’s six to Wolffe’s four


I’m still in awe that he whore a uniform. Why did he want to become a soldier and not like a Lieutenant? I mean I’m glad he made the switch but still it’s crazy


I’m pretty sure all clone commanders are given a dress uniform in addition to their armor. We also see Ponds in a naval outfit in “Innocence of Ryloth” and then in armor in the very next episode “Liberty on Ryloth”. There’s also a comic set before the Malevolence arc that shows Wolffe in his phase 1 armor when the Wolfpack wore dark red markings on their armor


I am going to be the nerd emoji guy and point out of that it is 'Innocents of Ryloth'


I couldn’t remember and I’m at work so I couldn’t look it up. Thanks for the correction


Its all good. I'm genuinely terrible with names from the later seasons of the Clone Wars despite them being better. S1 in particular is firmly entrenched in my memory


Echo deserves to be fabulous, he's been through it.


I like how he keeps Rex's hand print on his armor for so long. And I'm a little sad he didn't take it to his Bad Batch armor. And I really like how he keeps wearing a kama like the ARC trooper he is. An ARC Commmando. I think he ha the best looking armor of the Batch. My best boy.


An Advanced Recon Commando Commando


Guess you're right. Should have thought that through.


Don't forget his droid disguise


Ah yes, thank you


You’re telling me that that Wolfe went from like Lieutenant to commander. He use to wear regular clothing to armor and being a Commander is crazy. I will say, Wolfe does have an interesting visor. Can he even see out that 😭


He was never a Lieutenant, he was always a commander. I’m pretty sure Plo Koon calls him a commander in the episode


Yes Plo calls him commander in that episode - there’s actually a few inconsistencies in calling clones their ranks in the clone wars. For example in the Slick traitor episode, Obi Wan calls Cody Commander and then three sentences later calls him captain


I’m going to blame that entirely on Obi Wan, he seems to have a hard time with military rank structure. In the original 2003 Clone Wars micro series, he calls Captain Fordo “Sergeant” and “Commander” on separate occasions. But seriously, I did read that the goof in the Slick episode was because he was originally talking to Rex but it was later changed to Cody


Is that winter gear in the bottom right? I’ve never seen that before.


Same not sure where that's from


There was an episode in season 6, “The Lost One” where Plo and the Wolfpack wear desert gear to investigate a crashed Jedi shuttle, and discover it was the one that Sifo Dyas was using when he disappeared around the time the clone army was commissioned


Desert gear.


Wolffe actually has a sixth look that’s only shown in the comics which is the maroon red version of his first phase 1 armour


And I forgot to include Echo’s droid costume from the first season of The Bad Batch


I didn’t even notice that lol


Would pre Malevolence Wolffe also be considered? His armour was originally red in the comics, changing in honour of his lost men.


Yes, I just forgot to add that one. But at the same time I forgot echo in his droid costume from season 1 of the bad batch


Btw. I really love pic #7


Gotta be Echo


Huh I hadn't thought of that. Even when you include his 2 comic appearances and Rebels appearance it still doesn't surpass Echo's 😮.


Does anyone know if Wolffe's armor changed between the Clone Wars and Bad Batch (Republic v Imperial basically)?


I don't believe so, no


I think it has a few scratches in the chest plate but apart from that, no


And this probably isn't the end, we'll likely see him again wearing something else or maybe even a modded version of the TK armor, which I actually would love to see personally.


I would ask a question but I fear the answer may spoil season 3 for me.


Pm me your question and I’ll choose whether it’s too spoilery to answer


Wolffe looks great


My best boy has taste


This question came up in trivia and the “correct” answer was Wolffe but I argued that Echo was the correct answer


Echo Supremacy Gang rise up!!!


Well he is more popular then wolf so makes sense


Wow it’s almost like we’ve known this since bad batch ended


Have of the echo ones you put are bs. They both have 6


Defend your position