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You guys got stuff for CNA week?!


Right?! Made a huge deal out of nurses week but all we got was a short thank you on the hospital staff Facebook page


My facility does CNA gifts with nurses week. I got a stainless steel coffee thermos, and a picnic blanket. Way better than my old job that gave me a paper bag full of dollar tree party favors.


we got dollar tree party favors even though i work for the most profitable company in the state. they made a HUGE fuss about nurses week with company sponsored events every day for a week. we only got little trinkets bc one of the nurses cared enough about us to get us some.


All we got was short staffed shifts and an extra 2-3 patients😂😂


The nurses where I work don’t get anything either.


Bro same I'm looking at this post like ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


>You guys got stuff for CNA week?! More total care patients.


And they're probably a 2 assist and are very large and combative


Former CNA here but I have never heard of CNA week. I worked in LTC and Nurse's Week was a big deal, which I get, but all we got was yelled at all the time. 😭


My company did absolutely nothing for nurses week (seriously not even an email) then kept that energy going for CNA week and also did absolutely nothing!


We got a voucher for 1 free coffee from the cafeteria. You could choose any blend of coffee you desire, except for the Starbucks blend.


Hell no that’s brutal


🤣 that’s insane




Fucken assholes 😭😭


A cna lunch bag, make up bag with candy, chapstick, gum, pens, and a keychain in it. Work logo Tervis cup, and a "cna survival kit" with make up wipes, chap stick, Tylenol, tissues, and a pen.


This actually sounds like they tried!


And our personal nurses got me a cna t-shirt, and weekly planner with some snacks.💕


I work with a 5-star hospice company, the company treats us great.


Love to hear that! Hospice deserves the love!


Same for me! Our company treats us very well!


Nothing says appreciated like dollar store bought items


That or bulk Amazon lol


You guys got gifts??


Honestly, As a pen and paper *enthusiast* , I bet the best part of that gift is the pen. Fancy Pens from work write smooth as silk 🤌 Key chain is cute, bottle will be left in the ground somewhere at home. Not bad 😁


It’s a nice pen.. but it didn’t work lol. I’m a 26yo male I have zero desire for keychains


????? Men can't use keychains now? Sad existence.


can put it on a spare key or something 😂


Last year all they gave us was an umbrella with the hospital logo


An umbrella would be the best gift I’ve received outside of $25 cash I received from my agency in IL


Got a 4 dollar coupon for the cafeteria in an envelope with my name spelled wrong


You are cared for


We had a "game" to play. Spin the wheel. You could win different levels of gifts. Ranging from chocolates to the "big" prize being a t-shirt or sweater with our facility name on it. I happened to win a sweater. Yay me.


I hope that sweater lasts you a life time


It does keep me warm on the long nights.


I got a happy face sticker 💀


The hospital I do clinicals at was celebrating CNA week and just on the day I was there they were doing free manicures, raffles, free ice cream, free lunch, gift bags and more. I’ve never seen a hospital do that much fr


They gave us breakfast. Which was just the same stuff they fed the patients, and we were allowed to wear jeans if we wanted to on Friday.


I’ll never understand why nursing homes think wearing jeans to work is some sort of treat…


I have so much stuff In my scrub pockets. There is no way I could manage with girl jean pockets.


One meal and my jeans would be covered in puree food


Or something else entirely. No, thank you.


10$ Amazon gift card lol


A carry bag and a plastic tumbler I’m not going to use. They say “ Thanks for what you do “ or something 🙄


Wonder if we work at the same place 😂😂😂 that’s exactly what we got too


Cookies for us to share and Keychain hand sanitizer


Checks out. Pizza must’ve cost too much


The cheap cup I got says the same thing as your keychain! Do these people meet up and plot or something?


I got the same exact cup at Christmas


I got ✨nothing✨


We got stuff for nurses week but absolutely NOTHING for CNA week 😂


We had an entire week with free food everyday, pizza, sandwiches, etc. and a free food truck one day. I got a lunch bag and water bottle as well. It was pretty legit. I wasn't even aware that there was a CNA week until this year because I have worked at such terrible facilities previously.


Got a card and a banner in the hallway thanking us....I personally brought in bags of candy for my coworkers....


Well you’re awesome!


My job the largest ltc facility in the state of Washington did absolutely nothing for the cnas. Zilch! The great news is the nurses received $20.00 Gift cards.


Yeah I didn’t bother and pay attention to what our nurses got. Largest in the state is a red flag for LTC imo


Last year I got a potted plant from the residents 🥲


what species? is it still thriving?


It's a morning glory and still thriving even after the cat took a chunk for tasting. 🙂


We got T-shirts that were made by a family member of one of our residents. Not for CNA week but just bc she wanted to do something nice for us. Our administration did absolutely nothing. Didn’t even acknowledge us by word of mouth. She’s literal scum tho so it was to be expected. Thank God I don’t work full time :) wouldn’t want to give my whole entire being to a place like that. 💕💕


Two part time gigs is so much better than a full time.. just gotta play the no insurance game


Oh Nate.. my friend. Wait until you hear that this HEALTHCARE JOB doesn’t provide insurance. Not even to their full-time employees. No PTO, no sick leave.. absolutely nothing. 🥰


I’m gonna assume that they aren’t making up for all that in raised wages lol..


Absolutely not. It’s 11$ an hour IF YOU ARE CERTIFIED. if you’re not it’s 10$ lmao. They say you get a raise every 6months and at your year mark. I’ve been there almost a year & you guessed it.. no raise. It’s actually an assisted living facility but somehow, some way the admin has been able to find loop holes for getting people in that are almost completely total assists. They meet the criteria by the hair on their head. 2 aids/30 residents. Ridiculous and I know it’s illegal but our state board only seems to care about the state of the kitchen at our facility. Unfortunately, I live in MS so the highest pay rate by hour for a CNA here is probably around 14/15$ which is crazy because people at McDonald’s can make more. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The only reason I stay here is because I love the residents, I’m only part-time and im taken care of financially by my husband so it’s really just chump change for me. I feel for my coworkers that rely on these wages and have kids tho :/


Didn't even realize it happened, my work didn't even say anything.


all i got was a black blanket and the nurses got all types of things 🙄


Lol my last time as an NA before getting my CT/x-ray job we got a voucher at the cafeteria for a free soda 😂😂😂😂


I work at a long term care facility and we got lunch everyday during cna week, and it’s was good lunch like subway and kfc and pizza. We also got a bag filled with goodies like pens, Badge reel holders, notebooks and candy. Of course nurses week was a lot better than ours but at least they tried this year.


You got stuff?? All we got was expired candy. The nurses got food and drinks brought to them and a whole week of recognition and goodies. We are the backbones of this field it seriously sucks they don't appreciate us a little more.


Fruit pizza, and a drawing no one knew about, which 1 cna won a plastic cup with stickers and candy in it.


got a fucking umbrella like 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We got nothing


We got the thank you keychain and a coupon for a free fountain drink/coffee from the cafeteria


Wait, you guys got something?


Since our title is not technically "CNA," we get nothing. If there ever is a week for the random job title they chose, they'd probably choose a new title over getting us gifts.


I mean.. I didn’t get anything. Tbh I’d take a Starbucks gift card over 99% of the appreciation week gifts


Beach towel, bubbles, one water bottle with a liquid iv packet, and like 3 pieces of candy, and a pen Not the worst but far from the best.


I ordered my free scrubs they promised us and still haven’t received it so…you know how that goes


A water bottle, a stylus pen, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, a reusable baggie. And catered lunch for the week.


We got nothing. LOL, not even an email 😂


I once got a starlight mint, a sticker and a hand sanitizer keychain. We also got a box of bread to share in the break room and there wasn’t enough for everyone.


Oh man, you got the cups too eh? This was back in February, but we got the classic "Can't give you a raise, but here's a pizza party from the shittiest joint in town".


We got cold bagels, which day shift didn’t leave any for night shift and we had to do the dishes for :) so in reality I got ✨more work✨


I got a bag of chocolates and a coaster🤪


all we got was pizza correction day shift got pizza correction and the nurses took all the leftovers home in the middle of evening shift 🎉🎉🎉🎉YAY🎉🎉🎉🎉 another year we got to wear any color of scrubs we wanted that day instead of that awful blue color that was rad


“Day shift got pizza” is so fucking real


I got Covid and 10 days off with no pay for PCA week 😂😂


I got a broken pen, a 60ml syringe, sticky notes, and a some m&ms


We got a miniature coloring book. 😂


We got food every day of the week: Monday - ice cream party, tuesday - nachos, Wednesday - no food, but people voted on superlatives, Thursday - more sweets like cookies, Friday - baked potatoes. It’s funny because almost the entire staff is on some kind of weight loss regimen. It feels kinda disrespectful because everyone organizing the events knows this. There’s literally a weight loss competition posted in the break room. Also these events are useless to the workers that are out performing home care or off work.


At least you got something. We literally got a sign made out of printer paper taped to the nurses station that says “thank you CNAs” That’s it.


They have a CNA week...


You guys are getting stuff?


but at least it’s blue right? /s thanks for all your hard work dude what you do is no joke


When I was a cna there was no week. It was just an endless trudge of call lights, bariatric bed changes, psychiatric assaults, cloudy urine UAs, hefting weakened patients into chairs that didn’t fit or into cars that weren’t big enough, blood draws on threads old wiggly dehydrated veins, waxy chunky brown ear irrigation, and lots and lots and lots of fluids.




It’s CNA week?! 🤣


A TAL cup that changes colors alongside a lunch bag with assorted snacks


Y'all got gifts this year? LOL All we got this year was a little gold-plated star pin that says something around us making a profound difference or something. We didn't get anything else like the nurses did for their week.


I got that same cup, some candy and a bag of chips


I didn't even get a pen


Wait it's CNA week???? Goes to show how much my hospital cares


I got nothing so … there’s that xD


I got nothing. They gave us nothing.


I got that exact same keychain in the photo. Was there a name tag holder on the other side?


I’m a CNA Coordinator and my company bought gift cards for all the CNAs but nothing for me 🙃


we received kind bars with a paper with our name written on it, saying : “we KIND of like you” :)


Ok they’re just buying these in bulk from somewhere because i got the same thing 💀


At least you got something. We didn’t even get acknowledged


Wow you guys got some nice stuff that at least says thank you.


A water bottle full of candy, a pen, a badge reel and a keychain that looks like anal beads according to my husband (he isn't wrong though). One of the nurses bought some cute tote bags for us to go with the other stuff.


We got ✨pizza✨


Pizza and a pair of socks w the hospital logo


For PSW week in Canada we didn’t even get anything 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s better than what we got for nurses week. I was offended but we should have expected it I guess. Our pay rates tell us how much we are taken for granted every week.


Didn't know you all had a week. Well deserved. I think my facility didn't do this but included them in nurses' week. I really like that color.


Last time I was a cna during Covid the appreciation we got was a tiny thing of hand sanitizer and a mask. We didn’t have a cna appreciation week


I got one of those cups filled with candy lol


We got grocery store sandwiches and cookies 😅


Just toured a skilled nursing facility and I saw a sign: CNA APPRECIATION - EMPLOYEE POTLUCK. Too cheap for a pizza party, dang. No wonder they can't keep staff.


I got a shirt from my unit, some catered food (it was okay but nothing fancy), and a little bag of goodies.


I'll have to take a picture of the plastic cup we got for something or another, I need to remember what. PCT last month was like a cleaning cloth or maybe scrub cap. The note only said thank you, so I'm not sure if I should wear it on my head or clean my tv ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Yah mine is we didn't even get celebrated


At work we got t-shirts but I did not receive one bc I'm night shift lol


Everyone on our dementia unit got a little gift bag from the nurses. It had a cup and a couple little things. There wasn't enough for night shift to get one


Well that sucks. Night shift always gets the short end of the stick 🤬


I have to drive out to my agencies office on Friday (nearly a 2 hour drive) to pick mine up. I know it includes an Amazon gift card and a cooler back pack. Who knows what the quality will be but I’m kind of glad they at least are paying attention to us.


Lol my hospital didn't even acknowledge it


My facility forgot all about it, but we did get badge reals and pens on nurse's week, so there's that I guess.


I got a small slice of pizza and some nasty punch😭😂. It's the thought that counts though✅


My job didn’t even mention it. No announcement.. no posters or flyers on the walls… nothing. No one got anything.


Hahaha all I got was pizza when I was a CNA.


We got nothing. Not even a happy CNA week. When I asked my manager, she said the hospital doesn't celebrate CNA week because we do Nurses week.


When I was working at the nursing home in my town I was Marketing and Admissions Coordinator and we made sure our staff from maintenance to the administration was always shown appreciation. We would do donuts, made pancakes for them nice gifts and so one. No one ever did anything for my position.


A thank you email


Lmao it’s CNA week? Would have never guessed it at my hospital 💀


Didn’t even know it was CNA week lol


They apparently bought us ice cream in those big buckets last second because they forgot. Nothing else and most of us weren't there that day but the shifty bucket ice cream remains.


You’re getting stuff? They want me to come in during the day twice this week even though I’m night shift. I also barely got out of working on my birthday Thursday 😂.


Happy birthday!


Thank you so much 💕


We got a processed steak, over boiled potatoes ( salt and pepper packet included) and I think it was shrimp scampi .I think.😥 Oh and Graveyard Weekend shift got nil


It’s CNA week????????????


It’s always this combo 😭


we got nothing lol. one hospice nurse came up to me and thanked me and let me know she appreciated me for cna week. that’s it. the facility i’m at has said absolutely nothing to anyone lol


my facility did nothing for CNA week lol


The CNAs at my job got bags of popcorn that facility already has and a little mote


If I had a dollar for every “may you be proud” key chain I’ve received as a thank you gift for being a cna I’d be a wealthy person


I got digital feedback in my employee profile that says ‘thanks for everything you do’ and hatsbit


The bag cute 🙄


Wait yall got stuff?


Nope. Quit my cna job for a blue collar gig working outside and couldn’t be happier!


bruh they didn't even acknowledge tech week


A bag with my name on it a pen and some chocolate I thought it was the sweetest cna gift I’ve ever been given


I got a generic writing pen and two snack size Butterfingers lol


CNAs get celebrated at your place? Lol only the nurses get anything at my hospital, but then again there's only 2 other full time aides besides me


What would you guys consider “acceptable” CNA week gifts? Or if you prefer cash, how much (within reason)?


Bro should be grateful to get anything at all.


didn't even know it was cna week, good to know! we didn't even get a mention about it!


I didn’t even know it was cna week, but to be fair, I got a little bag with a pen, candy, a sticker and a memo pad for nurses week… (the sticker was an advertisement to work for our company, which is confusing because I work for the company)


Damn, at least ya’ll got nice things, we got a water bottle with the company logo that is the quality of a nonreusable water bottle, filled with some cheap candy, and a cheap pen also with the company logo on it


i got a pack of peanuts and a paper fan


We got donut holes and mini cinnamon rolls for cna week. That was thanks to our dns. Other than that it was pretty lame.


We got a Covid outbreak


At my job, no one gets anything. Even for nurses appreciate week, the nurses don’t get anything


My facility did dress up days and gave out gifts for each day along the theme of the day, except that night shift got none of it, and the few extras were given to the nurse and med tech 🙃


We got a new easier to open door to the linen closet...thought spending money on things that would make our job easier...would be better than a pizza party...says the company with record breaking profits...


At least you got something. We didn’t get shit. Not even food.


Two dayshift nurses made goody bags with mini candies for the dayshift and night shift PCAs… that was it


Lmao 1st year as a CNA but I definitely got some girly stuff. NGL I have used the cup a lot


Guys I wasn’t even told that there was a CNA week


We got a work shirt and a grill out. Here's the catch, we have had CNA students coming to do clinicals at our facility, tell me why they were invited too???


I got nothing lol


Can men be a cna?


5 $ voucher for the cafeteria


Hi. Little secret. Your clinical leadership may have bought that stuff either own money. I searched for weeks and bought it all with my own money. Out of my own pocket. And I do it on purpose, because I love my CNAs and Nurses. I don’t make a ton of money. But I will gladly pay a couple of Benjamins myself so they know I care about them. I 🩷CNAs, I even used to be one.


we didn’t even get an email 😭


Lululemon Fanny pack n a pen. First thing I ever got as a cna and it leaving to do 3x12s soon


does anyone else get that damn CNA keychain every year?? 😭😭😭


I got a really flimsy lunch bag


We got 1 dozen cupcakes from Kroger to share. Didn't even have the decency to take the damn $7.99 price tag off😒


They put a CNA word search in our break room mail boxes 🤦🏻‍♀️


… i’d say a cup a metal key chain and a pen are actually in the top 10% of gifts they give