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You don’t owe anyone a explanation! Do you 🤙🏻


that’s what i’m saying😂😂 like y’all can believe what you want but at the end of the day i’m winning by not blowing paychecks on drugs lmao


Nothing in life is permanent


THIS! I’ve been in similar situations and it will definitely change but she might as well enjoy it rn… I’ve been on the other side of it.. I had several different drivers and cab drivers… hell I had a fricken electric scooter 🛵 at one point… I’m leading a normal life now… just be careful OP, getting it for free is all fun and good until you realize you NEED it and are dependent on him… stay safe ♥️


True. My dad taught me this at an early age. Every thing in life is impermanent


The only permanence in life is impermanence. You’re dad was a true Bodhisattvas.


Seems like one of the jealous people that can’t get it free


Easy there Pinocchio


Who cares if you suck him off for coke we grown here


Blowing for blow


That's what I mean. As long as you know that you're doing the right thing, don't even worry about anyone else. Don't let anyone else's insecurities affect you, at all. At the end of the day you're the only one who will ever be there for yourself.


coke nanny


Kokanee. It’s a native word from northwestern section of the Amercaine states. Not far from Cainada. Cocasia is nice this time of year. You know whats lame ? I get people from “more serious upstanding mainstream subs” looking into me and my comments out of curiosity…. Only to negate every word theyve read due to me commenting in subs such as this. It’s a sad state the media mind has been molded over and into. Believed odd info about your sanity from this or that but not for those taking pharmakeas flavor of the Weak. Theyd likely be surprised to learn nearly every pharmacy offering or surely a large number there of typically and their profitable life in being pulled from the market due to death and disease upon those who had been its loyal patrons. This is all factored in from yhe start. And the known and planned for likely demise


Tooo funny


Good hook up just don’t go driving his stuff around too much you’re liable if you get pulled over.


he never asks me to do that thank god!! he said “you’re innocent, i’m tryna keep you that way”


Super legit hack i dont really know if i should share as its part of my book on such things but im retired now soo whatever. If your vehicle is new enough get a light up uber or Lyft sign/s for your windows. Super cheat code. Give you a reason to be just sitting in parking lots and of places. Either that or carry a dslr type camera everywhere and a bag of gear too. This gives reason for being out at all hopes too. Or think of your own. Always think ahead and try to base things in fact and truth all out what you know and it flows off the tongue smooth and confident like. I made it seem like my buddy and i were gay one time. It deflated/disturbed the cop instantly. He literally just wanted is to vanish and not exist. All i did was act super like “oh no I’ve been caught sucking off my buddy”. While wiping off my mouth off the spit i had just applied in a ridiculously Obvious orbit of upper cheek to side burn. It worked great because i embarrassed my friend soo bad who was supposedly on the other end of the act. He was like “no way dude. Im not doing that. Wtf” And I’m like just shut up and don’t say anything other than we came down here to see the new house getting built. When the cops got to the window he was dying. Face red. Trying you hide in shame. He did great. Why ?? Because i forced it to be real. And the cop i read perfect. Figured seeing “two non gays”. Being gay would cause an existential crisis. “What the f!!? You cant tell who has the gayness now!? Anyone could be a carrier !!!? …..even my partner…..no not my partner he could never be gay. We’ve had each others backs through thick and thin and come out of some of the tightest spots together. No way could he be one of THEM. …*oh nice! Its hump day. Be nice to relax in the sauna after our workout. Gotta get on his asś about coming to swat with me. We could use a standup guy like him as a member. Put my áss on the line for him any day. “ ( and no i Couldn’t get in trouble. Nothing actually happened and i nor he was going to actually admit to such behavior )


Not sure the gay thing would work everywhere 😂 A time I didn't have drugs on me, just to fuck with the police I did this and they pulled us out of thr car for a search, and was going to arrest us for public indecency. Even after explaining it was a joke they were reluctant to leave us be lol


If he has any gear on him and you get pulled over and he stashed it under your seat then denies it’s his, it’s automatically yours


Initially sure, but after house searches it'll likely be pretty clear


This is weirdly wholesome haha.


i think so too🥹






That’s like Princes advice about the internet. (Actually good advice) [poke me. 2c](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy7i9ru7HB8)


Well I've already failed confucius and maybe doubly so being a guy Although I've also fucked my plug so does that cancel it out?


Shit, I’m about to offer him rides too


literally too easy😂😭


What state? Lol


Relax ATF


That escalated quickly.


I used to love being a "taxi" as a teenager. I lived in a pretty rural area so you needed a car to get anywhere and many people didn't have one (and those that did often had hoopties that would get profiled...I had a nice newer fully legal car). Back then pain pills were still everywhere so I'd make free pills for taking people to their doctor appointments, taking people to buy pills, and even unrelated things like taking people to grocery shop when food stamps hit or anywhere else they might need to go. Everyone traded pain pills for everything lol. It was great, I got free pills and I got to spend all day in my favorite place (behind the wheel).


Fuck what anyone else thinks in ANY situation. We are all out here judging other people actually but it 💯 doesn’t matter what anyone thinks ever. People will always judge you no matter what. Honestly, if people aren’t judging you incorrectly at some point you aren’t living enough life. In the end, everyone judges other people but instantly goes back to thinking about themselves. I don’t do coke anymore but I’m happy for you bc that stuff can break the bank.


He gets a person chauffeur, you get unlimited amounts of pure stamina. Seems like a good trade off.


we hook each other up🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


That’s good friend karma on your part. Clearly he can rely on you for his child. Not many people like that left nowadays.


friends help friends🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Even if you were, you do you.


i would never but don’t hate the playa, hate the game🫡


If he had No girl, would you fuck him. Is he fuckable?


hell no friend, he’s double my age & a drug dealer with no car😭 not exactly my type. more like a weird step dad


Understood. Totally. Best to you sweet heart ❤




I used to be the driver for many of my dealers worked out well haha


I used to love being a "taxi" as a teenager. I lived in a pretty rural area so you needed a car to get anywhere and many people didn't have one (and those that did often had hoopties that would get profiled...I had a nice newer fully legal car). Back then pain pills were still everywhere so I'd make free pills for taking people to their doctor appointments, taking people to buy pills, and even unrelated things like taking people to grocery shop when food stamps hit or anywhere else they might need to go. Everyone traded pain pills for everything lol. It was great, I got free pills and I got to spend all day in my favorite place (behind the wheel).


Are you?


absolutely not!! but i’m not hating on girls who do either🤷🏼‍♀️


What about guys? Some of us know how to conduct business too..


Welllll. Reading your handle first and then the post. I was a little confused. Lol


youre getting free bags who cares what ppl think lol


precisely friend. i just think it’s funny hahaha




right?! i could never but respect to the girls that do🫡


Sex and free coke? Who could say no😂


Take it as a compliment, you look a babe so everyone wants some of you!


Great username


thank you😁


Man that is fuckin awesome lol


Do you deliver blow for him


heck no!!


Hahahahaha omfg you're bringing back memories for me that I am not at will to go into detail about here. Have fun, don't become attached to anyone. Know when to walk away.


Best story before bed on my homage. Going to call it a night now lol


Side hustle! 😎


I never thought that. Everyone includes, literally, the whole entire world. So, just know that I never thought that.


Lol that’s my bad, i should’ve worded it in a better way. By “everyone”, i meant my friends who i’ve told and also most random reddit strangers 😊 but thanks for not jumping to that conclusion


Hello, yes, I would like to submit an application


any plugs hiring a receptionist or sum? lmk🤣


Ride w him go down w heeem


Lol if that's you in your pics I refuse to believe you haven't 😂 I'm a guy and even I have (guys and girls), and the times I have it weren't because of an addiction 😂


I don’t think she really has reason to lie to cocaine Reddit users lol.


friend just because i take pics of my ass doesn’t mean i would ever go as low as to fuck&suck for free drugs i promise i have more dignity than that😭 i’m not rich by any means but i do have enough money to pay for my shit (i did for a good while before we became friends!!) it’s just a bonus that i don’t HAVE to spend money, ya feel me? plus i believe in karma, do good things & good will come back to you tenfold. so if i can help a playa out thru a hard time and in exchange receive something i would’ve bought anyways, why would i not?🤷🏼‍♀️🫶🏼


It's easy for a girl to get free shit without fucking. Just be halfway pretty and have some game. Congrats


shiiiit i absolutely agree but the thing is mf calls me ugly all the time🤣🤣 we’re like family- never once has he made a move or done anything to make me uncomfy. if you saw a side by side of me next to his actual girlfriend, you’d die laughing bc she is literally one of the most stunning individuals i’ve ever seen & i have no problem admitting that i would be a MAJOR downgrade😭😂😂


Girl I seen your pics, stop lying! And it's so great to be around a dude who doesn't constantly try to sleep with you, they're rare right? BTW love your username 😂


Sooner or later ya gonna fuck!


Who is everyone and why would "everyone" know. Fuck em anyways and do whatever you wanna do


not “everyone” per say- just my friends who ski who i’ve told. they all kinda give me that “👀 suuureeee” look when i explain it to them lol


Don’t tell anyone!


They do drugs with you too I assume? Or done shit for whatever?? Or they just there to give you shit for laughs ? Lol Who cares anyways I'm sure they've done shit before hah


I’d rather pay for the bag because my time is worth more money than being an Uber for a drug dealer.


i work the maximum amount of hours i’m allowed to! when i’m off work, i’ve got nothing but time🤷🏼‍♀️ to each their own!!


Ur just fucking an bags are a bonus




What people will even know she’s a user?? What’s wrong with being a whore? What is a whore?


I used to sell started serving a lass ended up good mates she was lesbian tiny little thing she'd always talk about sexuall fantasy. told me she never been made to squirt me exact words was ano ur not into cock drop ur knickers ill finger you an u squirt had her bent down lent against setee she nearly it other wall across room bitch was hucked wasn't long Till was dicking her wud of never happened without Coke involved haha


All fun & games until he has you park out side of a BOA for 2 minutes


Its okay even if you are fucking your plug


I need a plug lol