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Something about skiing alone just hits differently


Probably when I started buying ounces thinking I’d save money then it would be gone in just over a week with no sleep. I’m 2 weeks sober now and am kind of in awe at my own existence




Thanks I just jogged 5 miles today. Using the I am sober app helps. Running / working out etc. I know to make it months years I’ll have to replace the void with something else that is risky/exciting. I fear I’ll become a gambling addict instead. I’m basically addicted to trading stocks now and had to quit because of mentally not being on point. Honestly never made a bad move high but all the bad decisions that made my life hell was during the comedown


Still not. Do a lot but don't crave it.


Oh? Interesting


Never craved it enough to think its a problem physically. Psychologically I think it's more complicated.


I never crave for it physically but mentally its becoming a big challenge, im addicted


Right? To me it’s just feeling normal for once


I used to get super social, talkative, energetic and feeling good from coke but after 3 months of using it I never got that feeling again in the past 2.5 years🤣now it just makes me tired. Even from many different people i buy


For me it’s just I just chill out my many thoughts become one thought it’s weird to explain but oof


Seems nice hahahah, enjoy it man 


It's normality I'm dodging just replacing it with a different one I guess?.


Oh it is def different psychologically, I mean it’s a bit weird with me because I have adhd so when I do it I feel weirdly normal?


I have adhd to and i feel at the start and middle i am able to focus, late bit of it is just adhd on crack At the same time i feel it doest really do to much as a nootropic, its more of a "feeling or ilusion of mental clarity and potency"


3 indicators: 1. Self use. Typically turning down plans or canceling to party alone. 2. When any night out gets planned around it. 3. When you spend more on it in a month than the mortgage. Good luck in all the wars to come my people


When I only feel like stopping when I can't take it anymore due to tiredness, going 48h straight more than once a week.. When I call the plug more than once a day...


Man i am on my third today... this is bad


Bruh. Been there


Skiing alone in my room and while violently surfing for porn on my phone 🫥


Same, but literally exactly the same


When I would spend hours in agony because my nose would swell up and burn so bad and I would swear I’d never touch the stuff again but then as soooooon as the pain went away, there I was sniffing away more! 😅


When I realized I’ve told all the stories there is to tell but I still yearn to tell them


Just now realizing I’m a piece of shit drug addict I piece of shit father and I’m tired of it.




I tried it at 17 but didn’t really like it. Went a few years without the gear. It took till I was 19/20 when I needed it when going out on the drink.


Now I wonder what they put haha