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Usually when all the blow on my plate is gone and I gotta go reheat it, I jus throw away the one i was using and grab another, but maybe I should try what ur doing 🤔


Why not get a reusable metal straw??


because they need to be cleaned very regularly, just use paper straws. Easy, cheap and our turtle bros thanks us.


Paper can cause micro cuts be careful


I just cut mine down the middle and licked it lol


Use a glass crack pipe to save your nose 👃


What u mean?


Means smoking the coke instead of sniffing it well of course after cooking it wit a bicarbonate to freebase or using ether or ammonia to lock it up 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe try it sometime it’s far better and you don’t wake up with a insane sinus headache


Could I get a link or more in depth tutorial? I have a bad nasal infection and my weekend is coming up,I have wanted to freebase before but never had an experienced user to help,I have ammonia and baking soda on hand


Games sold not told 🤷🏻‍♂️ but base with soda f ammonia and 30% soda is the magic number put blow and soda together add water heat until all turns clear and oil bubbles to top take heat away grab any metal object ie penny or similar rest spoon on a ice cube then start to dab the penny in the bubbles of oil it will take the oil onto the penny then let dry and bingo the less water the better


Cut open the straw, lick whatever lil bit, throw it away


Unroll the dollar lick it and put it back in my wallet. Probs not the most sanitary thing but I’ve done nastier shit lol. Probs why my immune system is a beast too.


My homie calls things like this "an opportunity for immunity"


Oh I do this as well 😂😁


Hey at least we’re self aware lol


Money is disgusting, contaminated... have my own custom snooter that dose the trick.


Ooo fancy pants rich mcgee over here nah just kidding. As much as I’ve invested in coke you’d figure I’d do something similar lol


Get a metal straw and be safe and save more of ur stuff!! 💞


Eww!! LOOL I did this for a long time too but then I got into metal straws


i use my ,steal piece from dark side of the spoon


Fuck yeah dark side of the spoon


Pop it in water and have a quick numb drink


I’ve done this many times 😎


Don't use an actual drinking straw. I have a modified bic pen tube I keep around if im hitting lines


Toss them. I buy a hundred pack every so often


Why not a reusable?


Cheap reusable tumblers come with those straws that have the stopper so they don’t come out the lid, perfect distance for my nose to get deeper into nose without catching my septum. Also go buy a 200 pack of alcohol wipes, please actually clean that nasty stuff rather than scrub it with your sleeve.


Boof em


Smart man 😛


I use halves of Bic pens with the ink reservoir removed. When they get pretty well coated on the inside I pour a good drink or two of liquor (usually whiskey or tequila) through them and drink the coke and liquor mixture, making sure I have an empty stomach…amazing buzz.


I get a toothpick and push it down the inner sides of the straw onto my plate. It’s usually enough for a small bump.


I got a dab nail small enough to fit in the straw, i scrape It over the mirror, i call em “pish posh” lines lol. I normally get a full line if i scrape after doing a g


We do this with the old bags after we're done. We can get quite a bit of we save them up lol


I cleaned through about 60 old bags one time (saved up overr about 6 months) and got almost .10 back total haha


I just toss ‘em. Never thought about doing anything with them until reading this.


I throw it away. No fuss no lick.


Find em in the oddest places


Scrape all the excess powder out and snort in then re-use for next time or cut up a new straw


Open it up, scrape the inside, take one last little bump, then throw it away


So many ppl having problems with home made straws and dollar bills that aren't reusable!! And so unsanitary!! Everyone who skii's should do a favor for themself and get a metal straw they r rlly cheap, save a lot more of your powder, and r more sanitary!! I got so sick of having to cut or fold a new straw every single time, and sometimes the plastic would cut my nose, and I used dollar bills for so long that it makes me want to throw up when I see someone do that now.. lol... B safe everyone!!


Legit using the same plastic straw from New Years. Rock it till you have to replace it


There’s no way I can get a line or even a bump out of my straw and I’ve been using it since like September. 🤔 I’ll def lick it when it’s time for a new one tho! I lick all my bags except the one super thick high quality one that I’m saving for god knows what. 🤣


Post it notes, you roll them with the stick at the end and it holds itself properly, also works when there's more than one person as there is no sharing you just hold On to your own


Origami 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't really use disposable straws. but I do when I'm out and about. I keep it in my wallet. LMFAO 😂


We got these aluminum ones from Amazon. Works perfect.


There are a few companies that make copper and carbon fiber straws. Cleanable and reusable, reduces the risk of contamination


Tampon straw and usually keep it till it’s all fucked up or use a dollar bill


I have a carbon fiber straw that came with a special brush. So when it’s time to clean it. I’ll clean the straw and snort what comes out. Usually a good line.


I have a metal straw so it's reusable and easy to clean, I have 3 different colors too 😆😆


I care about the environment and still use bills


i have a metal piece of a zebra pen that’s about 3inches long and i’ve been using it for years


Are you guys snorting wet coke, or maybe mostly baby lax? If you get a gram and you snort 150 in each multi nostril session, how the fuck do you have enough left in your straw to do anything with it when you're done? Six+ pulls through a straw shouldn't leave any mentionable residue unless you're snorting mostly cut.


See my problem is I can’t use a metal straw here cause my stuff stays outside and it’s Florida super humid here so I use disposable straws that I just cut and use and then the next day it has like moisture inside the straw so I just put a little water in it and put it on my tongue then throw the straw away and cut off a new piece sometimes if no straws available I use dollar bill but now I’m thinking the rolled up stick it note might be the way to go 😅


Not the straw but the bag always.


Dont use straws use photo paper doesnt stick innit wont waste it


I go find the nearest turtle and shove it in that fucker's nose


Those turtles have a real coke problem


Bet they have a big shitty sleeping problem 😩