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That's crazy drama to have with your plug My guy runs it like a business no chat lol they have runners


Yeah it’s usually next to no chatting. Definitely no drama I said bye and left; it’ll just be a loooonng time (if ever) before he sees me lol


The "drama" seems very one-sided, imo


coke plugs are always shite... Mine let me wait 4 hours and then was pissed when I was literally 2 minutes late in the end...


facts, mine is legit a childhood friend and will take forever to answer and never deliver. and makes me wait forever in my car at his place cause he was "on his way"


I think we just have to live with it... I try to interact as little as possible and not to give my plug any reason to want to screw me over


facts like they ain't gonna change their way


This too … always takes forever !


Omg that sounds annoying 😂


or like he'll answer once and then stop, leaving me hanging like bro can we meet or nah?!


My plug was shit too. I used to live next door to this m.f'er and he would take 45 minutes to meet me outside. So I started leaving after 5 minutes and he'd call within minutes all pissed! Haha phuck that dood!


Don’t piss off the people that bring you money I hear that’s bad for business, dunno why others don’t get it


Precisely a customer is a customer regardless of what they buying, his loss! Probably was too high to realize he was being a complete d*ck but like I said wasn’t the first time… time to move along


I saw the quality decline for weeks, kept asking about it (“no, no it’s the same as ever). Had enough of this bullshit and deleted his number.


I think most coke plugs make quite a lot of money quite quickly and they don't really care about customers it's just quick turn over whoever wants to buy the bag


Agreed like I said it’s 8am my goal is to be in and out but yeah like you said I’m sure he’ll find another consistent customer to take my place , I’m just not dealing with anybody’s shit ❤️


Sadly when it comes to powder or pills it’s more likely to be a fucked up world dealing with people. I can’t imagine what it’s like being a woman dealing with some of those pricks, but you seem to handle it well and don’t add to the drama. I’m always cool to my dealers and even help them out if they need it, but I ain’t got time for games or little petty bullshit. That dude shouldn’t be surprised if you don’t fuck with him anymore, cause as you said customer service still counts for something, especially in this world where people rely on the plug.


Yup! Wish I could like this a million times lol. I’m low drama , don’t wanna be seen , spotted, or anything like that. Even if they try too strong to come on to me or be aggressive in that way I cut them off immediately. Like I said I have my own money, I don’t judge what other girls have to do when they want their fix but that ain’t me. I’m cool I say “Good morning” keep the conversation very minimal cuz like you said the games and petty shit no one has time for. And nope I won’t be using him anymore, not worth the headache or the on/off crappy coke!


I’m glad youre able to not add to all the bs out there, maybe your plugs will learn to cut that shit out cause odds are someone desperate will fuck them up if they pull it on the wrong person. Also not to creep but I took a peek at your post history and hopefully you’re still doing well, I know the hurdle when quitting is the hardest part, but take it from me, coke is very easy to quit if you really want to. The addiction is mostly mental , and as long as you keep yourself occupied you’ll stay straight. Good luck out there 👍


Thank you !!!!


I don’t see at as anything to even think about, and second, he’s a drug dealer. The end. Drop him or carry on


He’s dropped. Thank you for your input. ❤️


go with someone else. you are the customer. take your business elsewhere.




I’m East but I’m taking a sabbatical bro lol , thank you anyway ❤️


I’m east coast DM me


What the fuck? We do dead drops out here. No face to face interaction. No waiting around for hours in a parking lot.


I took a little break and just reached out to my plug and nothing. You’d think they’d want my business no matter how infrequent!


Oh yeah I’ve met those types. All these guys wanna be Tony Montana in their heads 😂


Chatting personal stuff with a customer in front of his peers might make him look un unreliable in terme of safety and discretion regarding their opération. Being cocky and shutting the convo down like that isnt nice, but it's convenient . Trust isnt always granted between business partners.




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