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Maybe he’s concerned about your health because of your previous post about you “struggling with addiction”? You aren’t telling the whole story.


Yeah I agree, went thru whole profile def fighting some addiction/mentsl health stuff. Get some help girl, youll thank yourself later.


nah buy all the cocaine you desire & toss away the one guy who's trying to look out for your well-being... *just make sure & keep us updated so all of reddit can be entertained while you spiral down the drain AGAIN*


lmao she deleted the post too classic addiction where everyone is in the wrong but the user seems like op could use some help


damn u lurking hard


and ur in denial 💀 not even lurking just can’t comment on my main rn that was active on these subs


I’m not denying my issue with coke it’s unhealthy and I don’t use too often probably once a month sometimes not at all, even if I do end up leaving him I hope I wouldn’t spiral into using all the time as he’s the main reason why I don’t but I’m tryibg to focus more on staying clean for my family and such


yea that’s the thing with substances of this nature is while use is healthy enough now(still will noticeably take its toll if you continued that for the next 10-20 years of ur life) all it takes is a couple life events/changes to turn it into the only way u can feel happy/anything. All the sources and experience needed to start daily using at any time it’s just something to keep in mind not trying to come off too disrespectful i’ve just seen it time and time again.


Facts someone realizing the truth


i mean hear yourself, youre angry at him for wanting you to stop coke. Not gonna lie that's a pretty reasonable thing to do. I'd wish my boyfriend wanted me to break my bad habits instead of encouraging them. You gotta understand if people care for you, they will oppose things you do that are not good for you. I think it's worth having an open conversation with him.


This. Talk to him about this, not the inceldom that is Reddit


I'm surprised with the comments, your boyfriend doesn't want you, a cocaine addict, spending money on cocaine. That is a fairly normal response from any loved one, and has nothing to do with his financial status. If he was richer why would that advice matter more? It's worrying so many comments agree with you.


Yeah so that’s probably gonna get worse from him, not better, with time


Leave him, for his sake. Not yours.


I mean I don't have the whole story, so it's hard to say. I mean, if he was providing just fine for two years, and has now just recently started to struggle, and that makes you wanna bail on the relationship, sounds like you aren't very invested anyways. If you wanted to stay with this guy, I think you would try to pick him up and encourage him, not do blow and demand he works harder to take you on dates.


I do bring up the fact that he doesn’t take me on dates but he blames it on his situation


Depends if there is more to story like worried about your health/frequency of use... my gf has no issues with me doing it as long as Im honest and keep her in the loop with what im spending but has voiced her concern about my health and wants me to cut back.. she knows I need a good sesh once in a while to help with stress so supports it as long as Im responsible and don't hide how much I use..


Depends on why he is struggling financially. But here is my experience outside of dating: I connected with one friend. I’m quite confident his parents aren’t actually poor. Just giving less to the kids bc of a layoff. We hadn’t talked in years. I have been more than generous with him and his gf. Im pretty sure they stole my wallet (almost certain). It’s jealousy. Even tho his parents’ home must be worth a million dollars. But he seems to not get much from them. So he’s convinced I just had an unfair advantage in life. My other friend was my bf when we were younger (middle school to high school until he moved). Saw him over covid. He seemed to want to kill anyone with money (old friends). He also recently hmu and actually confessed in a way that he wants to kill our old friends who grew up with legitimate trust funds (not a simple college fund. Like real trust funds where they can just travel and do anything. He said it was just fantasies. Which I think is true. I tried to guide him towards ‘just become better than them’. Which is a terrible motivation to build wealth. My point is that jealousy and the idea of it being unfair brings out the worst in others. They won’t change their actions, maybe in a negative way. Or they culminate into something disastrous. It depends on why your bf is struggling (i.e., family member got sick, lay-off and had to take a worse job,…) but the safest option is to leave him. Regardless your money is your money. You can spend it how you want (no one should have control over that besides a spouse and even then within reason). At the end of the day you know the full situation. I’d find a friend to paint the full picture with and then make a decision. But it’s up to You. No Reddit post can explain the dynamics of a 2 year relationship. I’ve ended a couple longterm relationships. One time I looked like the bad guy. But no one else saw what I saw from my perspective.


Nah make him pitch in for drugs.


Hell yeah leave his broke ass lmaoo come fuck with me i got kilos at my disposal.


If you really wanted you could use your extra money for dates instead of coke. Sounds like a you problem


I do


You spend your money how you want to you worked for it. He should put the effort in to work more hours acquire more money to take you out if it continues I’d leave his broke ass




First it’s controlling her money next it’s what she wears and what she eats


Nah that man child is a problem. Get rid of him.


Maybe you should help your man out with his finances if he's cool with that? Blow should be a good time thing & every once in a while... granted we all do things differently but he's just taking his frustrations out on you & your habit because it's the easy target.


I do help him and I keep my usage to once or twice a month, he only has to pay half the rent and we get free internet. I pay the utilities and he’s considering buying better internet because he hates ours and I refuse to pay for it


Sounds pretty controlling if your habit isn’t hurting your life in any way and it makes u happy and only few times a month? He needs to let u b u( at least until habit gets out of control)


95% of the time that leads to coke being out of control, “Let you be u” Until ur fucking extremely addicted and u receive joy from nothing else in life.


I've shifted to working for myself in landscaping and labour, however I've met the veteran dealer with the best connections locally, and can get shit for $50 a gram, and he's encouraged me to get out more. Gave me 6g for $300, so if I sell half of that it pays for my own usage without digging into my bills.




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Relationships are a constant compromise of give and take but ultimately partners should not control each other. You should tell him that you work hard and will spend the money you earn the way you want to. If you are not getting what you need spell out exactly what your expectations are - he will need to rise to it. If he is struggling but you believe in him long term you should listen to his response and truly consider his point of view even if it doesn't change your point of view or any outcome. If you do all that and it doesn't make things better then I'd probably look to get out of it.


At the end of it all which is fucked to me when ive literally have been the the exact same situation..the reasons or excuses someone who supposedly loves you says it's about money why it's concerning for them shows me all to well what is more important to them. Money is a necessity to the greedy, and that in itself to me is for worse of an addiction which destroys values, solidarity, morals, decency (list goes on) in a person than any substance labeled as drugs out there. No one deserves judgment and ridicule especially from another person. No one is perfect everyone has vices, faults, insecurities (list can also go on) so again that in itself should make people realize they have no right to judge and ridicule anyone for anything they do with their live. Show support and kindness because 9 times out of 10 that person knows they want to make a change to better themselves in whatever way they see needs change, so if you love and care for that person why not offer a way to help make it a little easier (there is so many different ways to help someone if u actually take the time to think of it) because change is hard we all know that so have an open mind and never point out someone else's faults or imperfections because at the same time this person you doing that to might be looking past yours!!!


I’d say if he is annoying you think about if you actually want to stay in the relationship or if it’s just easier since you have been together for awhile! I seen you might be struggling with an addiction but regardless it’s your money and if you want to party and he doesn’t want that more arguments and things will pop up in the future one of you will have to concede or leave the relationship because it’s doubtful this problem will just go away.


The issue is not money, it’s you having a firm boundary regarding not being judged for your own choices and him believing that bc those choices affect him and the relationship, he can tell you what to do. He can’t- he can however choose to leave. That’s the difference between personal boundaries and toxic “rule making”(dictating your partners behavior) If he doesn’t want to leave you but still tell you what to do, that leaves you with only 1 option.


Tell him then lol


There is 3 sides to a story. Yours, the others, and the truth.


Don’t let someone dictate your life, especially with the time you spend earning the money that is yours. That is super toxic and controlling honestly. I would count that as such a red flag, like yes you’re buying stuff with your extra money, but who cares? It’s your money that you worked for… I mean if you couldn’t pay bills and be proper with your responsibilities then I would be like well maybe stop but if you’re proper on your stuff keep on keeping on and do you boo. Get that bag and don’t let anyone dictate your life because it’s yours after all to live. Edit: just be safe and don’t let the other thing control your life either. Everything should come in moderation and if it’s consuming a major portion of your life then maybe slow down but what was saying is to listen to your heart on staying/leaving that partner because over controlling can be a red flag but also someone who truly cares about you can be amazing. Maybe some self reflection is in order.


You convinced him to let you relapse. You throw up during sessions. You clearly have a drug issue. But yeah, he’s the problem, not your coke addicted ass.




You could probably stand to leave both coke and your guy behind.


not a bad idea. I haven’t used in about a month and i’d like to see how long I can stay off of it


This is not very sprinkle sprinkle of you


It’s about communicating with him great to get advice but only you really know what is right and if he’s right. Every woman has intuition whether we listen to it or its up to us and we also know if we doing the right or wrong thing . If you are socially using your not a addict and fuck him do what makes you happy and if you have mentioned to your partner going out once a month is important to you then fuck him if he doesn’t take you. Men could use their brains and take you on a picnic at the very least that doesn’t cost much its about the effort and energy they are putting in to make you happy love. All the best ❤️


I was in a on off relationship with someone who couldn’t support themselves but kept leaving me because I was the problem. Like tf. All u do is smoke weed put me down and ask for money. I’ll never be with someone who can’t support themselves anymore. The bare minimum now would be they should bring in enough money to buy what ever they want when ever they want.


He’s concerned, you might be under the influence, definitely don’t type or argue when you are, you will regret most things said. Yall ain’t married, he can’t tell you what to do, FLIPSIDE he could just be worried and genuinely concerned for you. You calling him broke asf isn’t helping. “LMK if I need to leave this dude” are you coked out rn? -THIS IS YOUR DECISION AND FROM THE SOUNDS OF IT BOTH OF YOU ARENT READY FOR NO RELATIONSHIP TO ANYONE. Work on yourself. Yes igaf doing coke is a problem even if only 2 times a month. It’s a problem. You got a problem and it’s clearly about to break apart this relationship but blame the man for being broke. You’re no better than he is. Better fucking get off Reddit and go talk to him in person, SOBER not on coke, ok sis? Talk about your problems lay them out on the table, don’t be mean, be civil both parties, be respectful and let the other speak and finish speaking, work your shit out and Reddit may or may not give good advice. But mines solid.


I think it's ur life ur money split the bills ,& c where ur both at. Life is to short 2 have someone telling u how 2 live urs. Make sure he isn't burying his money somewhere living off ur & maybe he is sitting back sack I'll fix her then out of the blue he walks out on u blaming u had a drug (cocaine) problem & he walks away with 10 , 25 , maybe 40 bucks & he has turned everyone against u. U said u been together for 2 hrs! Do u really know this dude . I sorry maybe ur not telling whole story but he has already turned these folks that left comment against u. Trust me I was married for five years 2 a dental hygienist made 2500 to 3000 a week I brought home 400 to 500 hundred but my weed habit was takin us down & it was 20 years ago but she left cause I had a drug problem anyway that was her story today I have 5 vehicles 40+ guns OWN my own home & OWN 40 acres of farm ground which brings in ten thousand a yr clear . Her: she left with 32,000 I know of built a knew home. Shorted the contractor 20 grand ended up filing bankruptcy twice and still lives in the home that she hosed how many people with bankruptcies which she had a bf b4 she left which she met in college he became a respiratory therapist which got fired from a hospital for fondling a gals titties so makes him a stay home dad now so lady what u do with ur extra money is ur business ur not married and u know ur limits don't let these people just because u do a Lil coke or maybe u do have a problem idk but if ur can keep ur head above water live life the way u want to live it..... by the way I'm still single & still toke alil& I after the bills still have extra spending money. Don't have to keep track of the checking account anymore like with her had to watch every dollar and still was overdrawn. 2 years u don't know this guy or what he has up his sleeve . Today's world I don't trust anyone not at all I only know & trust ME . My opinion but it what happened 2 me.........


Once or twice a month ? My gf (non user) deals with me using every other day and was even by my side when I was in my 90 day bender lol. She’s a trooper. Honestly, I don’t see the big deal with it especially if you’re working and using YOUR hard earned money for it. He’s gotta chill but might be a biased opinion 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't even know you but I can already tell you're a lot to deal with, holy shit I'll pray for your bf


Either way doing cocaine is not good. even if you only do it once a month or on the weekends, it’s just plain shit. any situation related to cocaine is stupid. it’s simply not worth losing a relationship over. you need to be more vocal to your partner, and you both need to discuss what you want for each other. have a great day!


How come you don’t take him on a date instead of buying a bag? He doesn’t have money and you still want him to take you out. Why cant you have a nice date using your money?


I do take us out on dates when I can


Oh okay good. Well yeah just be patient with him he obviously cares about you and just wants you to be safe and probably just can’t afford to take you out at the moment. If he were to spend money he doesn’t have on taking you out that would just be irresponsible and a lot of being a good partner to someone is just being responsible in general. It’s hard to take care of someone when you don’t have any money. Also it probably frustrates him watching you spend money on something so pointless when he can’t afford to take you out rn and it probably hurts him knowing his girlfriend is doing drugs. I know it hurts my girlfriends heart so bad when I get high. I do understand your struggle though. I suggest talking to him about it jjst remember to mention that you are appreciative of his love and the money he does spend on you. Good luck girl be safe I hope you figure it all out


I’d say dump him, He deserves someone who doesn’t get mad at them for wanting their loved one to sober up. Doesn’t seem like a money problem, seems more like an addiction problem.


Well, sure you can do whatever you want with your money. Does my gf like that I do it? No she doesn’t. But does she understand why I use it sometimes? Yes she does! Why? Because I actually took the damn time to talk to her about it. Simple as that. Sounds like you haven’t had these kinds of discussions with your boyfriend or you wouldn’t be in this problem. My gf has asked me before to not get any for a period of time. She’s asked me not to have it at specific things. And every damn time I listen to her. She’s not trying to control what I do. She’s looking out for my health and safety and also trying to not make it known to people she doesn’t want to know. And I respect that. It all comes down to communication. If going skiing a few times per month is more important in your life than communicating things with your partner of nearly 2 years… then best of luck to you in your life.


Ok from a mans point of view. He needs to get a promotion or second job. Now that’s been addressed, your situation is is tricky. Either he is anti party life and should realize he doesn’t want a partner who is into extra curricula’s. Or he genuinely may want to start building a foundation with you for the future oddly you being the breadwinner will shoulder that until your financial situation is 50/50 or he becomes the breadwinner.


ugh ik we split rent and I pay utilities which is not what I was expecting for my first really serious relationship raised the way I was


like I don’t want to be dependent on someone at all but at this rate I might as well be on my own


Ok so. I’m skiing as we talk. 35 own 2 homes about to buy a vacation spot in NC on the coast. I am with a woman of 6 years. Recently she quit partying with blow ( little over a year) she is now super unhappy when I go out or have people here and that is involved. I get it. It’s not for everyone. However she is totally dependent on me and stays hone with our dogs. I say that to you to say this. Idk your age. Or income. Buuuut. You sound like you would make a great partner for someone if I was you, I would ask myself the following question. Am I going to marry this man and start a family with him. Otherwise why else would you even consider letting any man tell you or ask you to spend or save differently.




tell homeboy get a better / different job, shit even mcdonalds is $16/hr


$16/h is nowhere near livable for an adult in this economy unless you pull like 50h and at that point I would just be an hero.