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Crack, heroin and meth are my no gos


My coke addiction is bad enough, I will never try crack


Good decision


0/10: would not recommend




Hate to say it but if you use coke then you’ve inadvertently done meth before.


I mean that's not true and totally location dependent. I've used alot of meth, I know what it feels like and how long it lasts and actually enjoy it. I don't like coke at all and I've never found meth in my coke. It would be a pleasant surprise back in the day.


Same same -


I should specify. If you’ve done coke in North America (specifically Canada/USA) you’ve had meth cut in your coke.


Yeah, no. Meth as a cut in coke is extremely uncommon. You’d be hard-pressed to find more than a handle of lab confirmations of such a thing.


Nah bro where are you getting this


Not as a conscious choice though


This is not true lmao. Maybe a relatively small percentage of coke gets cut with meth but it doesn’t make sense because the drugs are entirely different and coke doesn’t last 20 hrs lol. I think when people complain about meth in their coke or whatever, it’s really just all the other shit it’s been stomped with. Trashy coke will make you feel like gollum on the comedown and I think ppl associate that with a meth-y feeling… but unless you’ve been up for two days off a few rails you probably just was cut with dewormers and probably human shit or something. A true(r) statement would be: if you’ve done pressed adderall or bought “real adderall 30’s” that weren’t ridiculously expensive you’ve probably done meth. Anyway who cares lol it’s not like there’s a stain on your soul because you accidentally did meth. If anything it means you’re probably going to heaven when you die in your sleep tonight (I’m talking to you Stephen)


Agree. Also, adderall is so easy to get; it’s wild to me that people buy street adderall instead of getting a prescription or buying from a friend/acquaintance who they know gets theirs from a pharmacy.


How so?


If he’d have done meth on purpose instead of accidentally via shitty cocaine, he’d be a degenerate shitbag. But since it was an accident no worries


In parts of SE Asia they mix heroin with weed and tobacco and smoke it out of big wooden water pipes. I would totally do that for the experience if I was there.


I bet you get turnt damn


I wouldn’t to be honest, i know what I’m like. If I enjoyed it I wouldn’t leave that area


They must put a small amount of H into it, since it is so strong and big H bong hits sounds deadly


Did em all they are fun but been off all besides meff a few nights ago Crack is the biggest money waster and heroin Meff is a mind fuck but easier not to get physically ill just mentally


When I was much younger I alway said that. Then my best friend pulled out a powder snorted if. I asked what it was. He said h. He said just do a bit. Never injected or smoked. But it was the weirdest addiction. I instantly wanted more and became a daily user instantly


The big 3 everything else can be worth a try lol


I stand with him, these are my three big no nos


No.needles...no meth, no heroin


Hey you done need the needles for heroin or a pipe for meth! You can snort both so have fun!


Don't forget a carefree night of beer, bros, and boofing!


my first time with meth was snorted. got flipped to me as some coke, definitely was not coke


Personally smoking or injecting hard drugs is where I draw the line


Yeah same


Never really thought I’d get into coke but it’s the highest I’ll go. Absolutely would never do meth, crack, heroin, fentanyl, bath salts.


Yea i used to have a friend that fw real perks which was fine as long as they were scripted but over a good year he spiraled and got into the infamous Fent 30s…. sad to see him go down like that but i cant associate myself with or be anywhere near those suicide pills


Bath salts? Excuse me if I'm not educated but how does that work


What Are "Bath Salts?" Synthetic stimulants often referred to as “bath salts” are from the synthetic cathinone class of drugs. Synthetic cathinones are central nervous stimulants and are designed to mimic effects similar to those produced by cocaine, methamphetamine, and MDMA (ecstasy).


DO NOT TRY CRACK. JUST DONT. EVER. FOR ANY REASON. You don’t wanna risk this evil. I wish I never tried it. It is in no way whatsoever an experience worth the risk that it comes attached with. Hope this message can help at least one person to make the right choice


I’m another one who wishes they never tried it. Hooked from the first pipe. Have you managed to get clean? I’m struggling. But Day 5, again!


That's something I'd never try but some people say it kinda feels like coke, is it true?


It feels like coke on crack, best fkn feeling ever until you run out 30sec later and realize you got addicted after a hit


Heroin/fent I never wanna try. Idk if lll ever really abuse opioids again, don’t want to go down that road. I’ve tried crack and meth. Amphetamine has been way more addicting to me than coke has been. Coke is like my backup when I can’t get amph. But I initially got hooked on stims from Mdma and meth, and switched to amph after that. 


I wouldn’t do jenkem either or however tf you spell it. Just utterly disgusting


what’s wrong with jenkem?


There’s a very sad episode of hoarders where a mentally incompetent woman living alone wasn’t practicing any hygienic habits in her home. She was living on top of so much of her own waste, even eating from soiled containers, and using the same unwashed buckets for a toilet, as her toilets were full of waste and just left sitting like that. Turns out she was inadvertently making jenkem and constantly getting high off of it. She was so addicted to it that when they were trying to get her out of the house, she cried about how she didn’t want the “party to end.” Literally wild.


I heard of a guy in the Army while we were deployed who would jerk off in the porta potty (the porta potty’s never got cleaned out and where full) and he did that for 11 months. When he got home he couldn’t have normal erections because he needed the smell of shit to get him hard. I imagine he was getting high off the fumes.


I’ve been sat on the couch with a shocked Pikachu face for the last several minutes after reading that 😭


What isn’t wrong with it??? wtf


all natural and LEGAL high. nothing gross with nature. what’s next, are trees gross too?


I wouldn’t compare trees to human feces and urine lol. If you don’t think inhaling the fumes of fermented human feces and urine is gross, idk what else to say to you🥴


I just read about it and i wish i didn’t WTF


Exactly & people are justifying it too lol


Isn't that a urban legend tho? Can't be real 😭 🤮


It is def a hoax.


I would agree 100% with coke being no1 outside of your 4. Can’t really say anything different, heroin crack meth opoids ect are a no go for me. Also anything along the lines of spice and sativa ect. I’ve always said if I’m on my death bed crack/heroin would be something I’d try


Anything that involves a needle or a glass pipe.


I tried meth once and it was awesome so I'm staying away from that now


Smoked a foil of h once and knew that was the last time.


cocaine. if i could go back in time…


beth heroine or this fucked up chinese chemical


Fentanyl, Crack, Opioids.


Crack and opioids. Remember, once you go crack you never go back, if you think I’m joking then keep on smoking!


Crack, Heroin, Meth


There's no drug I wouldn't do per se, I just would never inject anything because I'm terrified of needles


Curious: would you if someone else were to do it for you?


I'd try everything at least once but I absolutely draw the lime at injection. At no time have I ever or would I ever injection anything.


Crack, Heroine, Angel Dust, Meth, Fentanyl, poppers… I don’t even do coke. I’m just here, being nosey.


why poppers? like genuinely why not poppers, im not even encouraging it or anything but i dont get how poppers are on the same no go list as heroin and crack




That shit hospitalized me when I was 18. How anyone can take that for fun is beyond me


IV any type of drugs. I’ve seen diff types of people do it. Most are passed away or having physical problems like infections and other things of that sort.


If I gotta stick it in a vein it’s a no go!


Opiates and benzos but mainly cause I don’t like downers I wouldn’t use street meth but if I ever got prescribed Desoxyn I wouldn’t say no lmao Also synthetic cannabinoids, certain research chems, and deliriants


Smack, crack or anything opium based


Heroin. I’ve gotten close to doing it, even within the last few months - when I felt like I had nothing. In reality if I had gone down that route I would truly have nothing.


you would have something - an answer to all your problems, in the beginning. then it will slowly trick you until you are spending hundreds of dollars just to stay out of withdrawal, not even to get high, and then you will truly have nothing, but you wouldn’t care as long as your high


Opioids they are incredibly physically addictive i’ve seen family its the worst. Meth because it changes your personality any rationale decisions are gone there is a reason they call it crack activities


Heroin or fentanyl




Anything other than coke and weed is no for me




crack, it’s the only thing i haven’t done and it’s the only thing i don’t want to try. also don’t do airduster. feels amazing but is so fucking bad for you.


If it’s isn’t marijuana or alcohol it’s a no go


If you like coke I’d highly recommend not trying crack once. My hard limit was needles and even with that I feel fortunate that I sampled many things and didn’t destroy my life. Anymore I’m mostly just weed beer and psychedelics.


Benzos as they’re pretty cheap to buy in bulk and seem insanely addictive, and obvs crack + any hard opioids


Erm, I mean I wouldn’t do Salvia again, I probably wouldn’t do crack again, but everything else is free game, oh apart from meth. And fent, and pyros, or jenkem


Sum y’all a bit too picky to be on r/cocaine lmaooo


I always had the attitude to try everything if the opportunity arises - as long as i can sniff it, swallow it or smoke it - i do not consider injecting anything. So i smoked crack and heroine, did many drugs, the only ones i have not done having access to is salvia I think - it scares me


I never say no to any drugs as long as it's QUALITY


If you like coke stay the fuck away from crack, that’s all I’ll say..


Opiates, i just call em death pills 💀




Can you not fucking take a hint


It’s the hangover all over again. Lucky Mike Tyson didn’t punch you for stealing his tiger 🐅


I find it funny that people use coke here say they would never use meth or heroin. Those drugs aren’t any worse than cocaine. Just a different kind of drug. I would never use cocaine if I didn’t have heroin too. I already am prescribed Adderall so I don’t need meth. To answer OP’s question, I would never do krokodil. Provably would never do DMT again either.




no more acid, never done crystal meth so don't fancy it and fentanyl / nitazines has ruined the idea of trying to smoke H


also - most of the weird research chems


Honestly, I’m down for trying 4f-mph and possibly 2-fma but like mdpv? Hell no


Crack, heroine, meth, fentanyl.


Meth , heroin, opioids in general.


I Have no interest for any stims they dont seem as much fun to me I'm not sure though have never tried but I would never do Meth, bath salts, fentanyl, xylazine basically anything that has a high chance for harm or addiction but I am willing to ignore that for some other stuff just because I wanna try it.


Meth coke heroin pcp stuff in that category


No heroin or crack I’d maybe try meth once but I honestly doubt it. 🤷‍♂️


Probably just like pcp or salvia, pma


I used to be addicted to fetty, black, and xans at different times. Those are life ruiners for most people. Certainly for me.


Any more trips got psychosis and that lasted years along with ptsd fair play to anyone else that wants to do them tho just wasn’t for me


DMT, Payote , had a few friends who never came back and that scares the shit outta me




Heroin & fentanyl


Heroin, crack, and fetanyl


Fentanyl or heroin. Opiates makes my skin feel like it’s on fire. So yeah no fear of OD on opiates.






When i krillin myself i wanna get high on all drugs then pop my potato with a switch.


Same I always tell my buddies that I’m gonna shoot up the nastiest street dope I can find when I’m on my deathbed lmao


Anything that is not weed or cocaine


my no go's were Fentanyl, Cocaine, Meth, Heroine, and Morphine but considering I've been doing Fentanyl, Cocaine, Meth, and Morphine the last couple years? Guess I'm not left with many No's Heroine ain't getting touched though, I'm scared of that shit 😂


In this order. Oxy/fentanyl/heroin. Crack. Meth. Less potent opioids. Liquid G. Amphetamines.


Alpha-PVP, PCP, Salvia


Personally never done PCP or DMT. Those scare me


Crack and DMT. Already done pretty much every single other common drug. Haven't done heroin but i skipped that straight to fentanyl lol so same difference p much


Jenkem, smoke crystal or crack, inject literally anything




1 crack (I've seen crackheads, it's another level), 2 fentanyl or any other of the fuckeries that are coming up with the opioid crisis like tranq dope and the likes (I'd try heroin if it wasn't for that and if it were accessible where I'm from), 3 spice.


Mkat is great, not sure why you put it in the same league as meth and opioids. It’s all about testing and using good sources. If you buy shit off the street, your asking for trouble


I've done everything almost except never used the needle


Meth, spice, DMT, PCP, anything involving needles, salvia, fentanyl, and probably mushrooms but only because I don't have the balls lol. Oh and also any inhalants other than nitrous.




Pain pills, heroin, and fentanyl! I've lost 10 people to that shit!


I’ll never do heroin and never to ketamine again that fucking scared me I was praying for it to end


Crack, meth and absolutely no needles 💉




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I've done all basically besides research chemicals I wouldn't do that hallucinogen back in 2010 I've heard way worse than dmt


Weird. DMT is the best drug I’ve ever done.


I mean worse experience


Crack is a waste of time, every time I’ve smoked it I’d prefer just sniffing lines. The effect doesn’t last long and the actual stuff goes far too quickly, proper waste of time and money. Meth is similar that it doesn’t last long the effects but it definitely goes very quickly. The hit may not last long but meth will keep you awake for days. The only drug I’d never take is heroin, I’d definitely smoke crack and take meth again but very seldom as it’s just not worth the hassle.


I used to tell myself I would never go beyond coke like a lot and I didn’t wanna do it but just once because I was right about how much I would love it. Long story short I came to the party with Becky and ended up leaving with Tina. Still won’t ever do any hard opiates like heroin/fentanyl or do crack because what’s the point except to say that I’ve done it. I used to like downers but I don’t really fuck with them anymore. I don’t recommend meth by any means. That being said, went to NOLA Pride last weekend with my husband for his birthday and went on a weekend long bender with Tina and Molly and them bitches together know how to tear up the towns even as wild as New Orleans. Also don’t recommend this combo either as I am currently dealing with a severe dopamine drought as well as the increased risk of heart attack or amphetamine overdose. I’ll smoke weed every now and again with my man or when my two best friends aka Cheech and Chong got gentrified (they’re white) get me to smoke with them. I haven’t really dabbled with psychedelics yet but I would like to try them once I get my headspace right. I also want to try ketamine. All that to say that my limit at product kin to that poppy


Never shot h, snorted it but done about everything else, don’t think I’ll ever do that shit thats making those street folks look like zombies, but I did a little bump of horse trank 20 years ago, slept for 2 days, never shot no more of that!!!


Crack, heroin, meth (i was unfortunately given meth and was told it was coke when i was like 16 and almost OD'd)opioids, and nbome. Those substances scare tf outta me


I accidentally snorted heroin and meth. Heroin is a whole different ball game. If I like something too much I’ll never touch it again. It felt like I was running through a field of dandelions pretty much. Meth on the other hand was absolutely fucking horrifying. So pretty much I’ll never do heroin again and I’ll never touch crack.


opioids, heroin, crack, psychedelics, horse tranquilizers, mkat, any kind of pills (you couldn’t pay me), ket, fentanyl, molly, any hallucinogens, no needles EVER, spice, PCP, salvia, oxy (had to take it once for period pain literally felt like i was floating i was fucking terrified), speed etc. i’m just good with weed and the occasional bump of coke.


Would never smoke pot. Weed ruins lives.


Honestly I would never touch smoked amphetamines, opioids/opiates, deliriants or crack. The benefits seem very small vs the downsides


DMT. I did LSD couple times years ago and shit was def crazy. Lsd literally made me face my fears and questioning me a lot of things. Made me see world/life from a perspective tottally diff. i felt that shi lit took my conscious to another level. Most of my lsd sessions took place on my home ending up taking a walk around the hood and walking too way far from the hood (we always did lsd on nights). So my district kinda dangerous too. But we just forgot about everything, we felt like nothing gonna happen to us. A hella instrospective thoughts, we felt we were on an elevated conscious level and we could face anything. A couple months later me and fellas took lsd and wemt to a rave. Lsd experience on a rave was totally different to previous ones on my hood. I used to get inside my mind a lot and thinking a lot of shit. My mind was recieving a lot of information from the universe. But lsd experience on the rave was totally different. We felt on top of the world, vibing to music too intense and flirting girls easily. I was too "awake" i could feel people energy. But DMT is definetely crazier than LSD, so i can't imagine taking something crazier than LSD


I’m a degenerate so it took me a sec to think of one but huffing paint is probably something I wouldn’t try. And someone mentioned jenkem on here.. ya, I’ll pass on that one too


U should try to avoid laboratorial shit. They just mimic other drugs in the nature already. I just don’t know about coke. That’s why sometimes I do it. Nice high and shit.




I’ve done everything except Molly, I don’t do needles though


Cocaine on the weekdays, it changes from week to week. But yeah


Fake droogs


Heroin for sure . Might try crack for the hell of it


I would steer away from Jenkem if I were you. Once you try it, you’ll never be human again.




Anything besides weed, shrooms and coke


NEVER, EVER TRY CRACK!! Not even once. I was addicted from my very first pipe. That was last November. Thousands of pounds later, my health totally fucked (I’ve dropped 20kg since then), I’m struggling to get clean. Been trying since February. It is SO addictive, it’ll get its hooks into you before you know what’s happening. It changes your brain structure so you’ll struggle to get pleasure from normal things, so you’ll do more. And then you’re tolerance will increase & you’ll need more & more & more. Thankfully I found Cocaine Anonymous & although I’m only 5 days clean today, I’m working through the 12 Steps & building a strong support system of other addicts, & I have hope that this attempt to get free of this evil drug will be successful. I’m gonna say it again. NEVER TRY CRACK!!!


This is literally true. You will be addicted immediately and you will be dreaming about it when you try to quit or can't get any in real life. It is a nightmare. How are you spending time now instead of smoking? The replacement activity is.where I'm stuck. Great work btw


Heroine/fentanyl that would be like way worse than my life has gone past rock bottom like I must bought this cuz I’m trying to OD


i’ve done damn near everything, i won’t say everything because heroin and fent and all that hard hard nasty shit are just big no gos, without those and whatever else i haven’t tried. coke is by far my favorite


Crack, Meth, PCP, Nitazenes, Fent, DOM, NBOME, Ether, Nutmeg, Datura and DPH


Probably never heroine


No crack, meth, heroin or oxy, mescaline and salvia




crack heroin meth


might not be smart enough to not be doing coke but i am smart enough to not touch meth, heroin, pcp, salvia and DEFINITELY smart enough to not do fent that stupid shit kills


Awww, you guys are missing out on the really fun ones haha jk ....kinda. Every good addict knows "I'll never do x thing" is followed by "unless there isn't anything else around".


from the main ones crack, but my true no go are street drugs fuckin god only knowing what’s inside them, like spice crocodil and this type of shit, you know what i mean, it has one name on the street and you get a fuckin fortune wheel of bullshit chems made just to bypass the law for some time, also many RCs like 3cmc i wouldn’t try as well


Don’t do Xanax! You will be demonically possessed


Nicotine. Extremely addictive, extremely harmful and everything suggests pretty boring as a drug.


Anything to do with needles. Opiates. Psychedelics.


Crack heroin and meth




Full agonist cannabinoids*, salvia extract, 5-MeO-DMT, ambien, high potency opioids that aren’t pharma, any deliriants, anything that lasts more than a day at normal doses, particularly neurotoxic stimulants like 4-CMA. *because I don’t like cannabinoids and think those would give me horrible anxiety and psychosis. They’re perfectly safe physically at normal doses. No drugs are evil that’s kind of childish to say. Done meth many times, it’s a great stimulant but doesn’t at all live up to the hysteria. If you’ve done adderall you know what meth generally feels like. Racemic meth in particular is all but identical. Done crack many times, it sucks. The first hit or two are great but it lasts all of two minutes. It quickly stops getting you high and just makes you feel like shit. Very dangerous feeling and powder coke is genuinely way better. Idk how anyone gets addicted to that shit. Tried Mkat, it’s nice but super overrated. Just feels like MDMA without the psychedelic magic and with a shorter duration. Haven’t tried heroin because the US market is too dangerous. I would try it though if I had a european/canadian pharma product. It’s not unique among other opioids, it just happens to be the opioid sold in powder form on the streets historically so it’s ended up with a ridiculously biased reputation. You could replace it with any number of other opioids and those would end up with the exact same reputation and fear-mongering.


Meth and Heroin, if anything coke is the hardest stuff I do.


Heroin, any opiate. Worst I've done is crack cochineal. Probably unintentionally done meth, but never will nor have decided to buy it.


I wouldn’t do meth. Heroin Crack Xanax (excluding killing a trip, or an airplane) Datura Salvia I don’t think I’d try any cathinones Any diliriants I don’t think I’d try GHB Everything else, fair game from time to time


I’ll shoot heroin and smoke meth before doing dmt or those other crazy psychedelics. I always had horrific experiences with shrooms and acid and I just can’t imagine what those stronger ones would do to me.


That’s absolutely insane that you would be more than willing to inject heroin in ur body, instead of putting a tab on ur tongue, taking a toke of some Dimethyltryptamine Or taking a gram of psilocybin. Thats just wild to me.




Agreed heavy homie 100% 💯 I’ve not really ever had a bad trip, so I can’t really relate, that’s just crazy to me yk lmao