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Mine is a mc Donalds straw cut it into good sizes and hot plate it


If I use a plastic straw it’s always a pink one lol all my shit is pink if I can get it pink




Idk they changed it you have to be “active” on the sub to post pics




I think they’re gone forever


Lmfao 🤣🤣dam but thanks for explaining alot of people were being dicks peace


They got fucking paper ones near me now 😡


McDonald’s straws are perfect for railing some fatties!


Yeah on xanax and skiing ⛷️ good combination


What’s is special about that combination, never had Xanax.


I have never hotplated it. I dont think it is much of a thing here in my country. It dissolves all additives and leaves you with overall less volume but solely pure coke?


Nah it just evaporates all the solvents and dries it a bit. That makes it easier to cut up unto a fine powder. Basically make it 10x better for your nose, without big clumps or trace solvents irritating your nasal cavity


Plate, straw, strainer to break it up nice and card to chop it up some more, nasel rinse spray, few flavours for my vape and some kratom to help with comedown


What actually is kratom?


Plant that binds to opiod receptors but isn't one.. mitragynine and 7 hydroxymitragyine are the main alkoloids as well as few other more minor ones.. it works amazing for pain, inflammation, anxiety, mood boost and can even be euphoric with low tolerence.. depending on dose its usually either stimulating ( low dose ) and more sedating ( high dose) its a great substance but not one you wanma abuse or loses its magic a bit and can get withdrawls if become dependent on it.. i try to just use for comedowns, major pain or hangovers lol


Mai Dong green for just pain,Mai dong red for come down, mai dong white for triping balls never .mix white with any other drugs. Tends to be unpredictably fatal. Mai dong kratom plant is a evergreen that grows in idochina. Has been used by witch doctors and tribal healers for centries. It is a finer so overdose in natral for not possible human body will regugitate. Excess not recommended to take im pill or steeped formes as over cocentrated formes have also caused unpredictable deaths. In its raw form each color dsignates a section of stem and ruffage starting at base and completing at prebloom stage of top.the original healers developed healing through trial and error. Their wisdom js best heeded. Just my opinion.


Yeah I love my Kratom. Ever since I started doing Kratom.i have never experienced those horrible hours being coked out of your mind, tired as fuck and not able to sleep with your mind racing and birds tjirping. Made a BIG difference. I fall a sleep like a baby within 15 minutes.


Cocaine, if you have that you're all set.




Sad voldemord noises


Sniffin- plate, bill, straw, n a card i dont use. Key bumps- weekend car key, phone if i have to break the blow up Foil- blow, baking soda, water, light, foil, straw Dont ask how to/do foil ur basically doing a type of crack haha, can somewhat tell the purity tho which is neat


Plate, microwave, straws, and a kitchen table to discuss business ideas with my friends Oh and don julio And a Xanax Alright that’s all


Agreed need the xanny for the comedown or else it’s fucked




Ck coke and ket


A fellow connoisseur! I posted the other day that these are our go after party blend and got some put down 🤣


Do you do yours in a spray? I decided to try it that way this week.




Good music good,person to chat with, someone to snort and the nose nachos 🤙🏽 maybe some alcohol




I'm pretty easy just so long as I have access to a razor blade and something that I can roll up to snort it with. Quick funny story, years ago a guy I knew was giving me a ride somewhere. He worked in homes. Once the house was built he'd go do the modeling I guess you'd call it. Super nice guy not to sound mean but he was just a real square. Anyway he was on his way to do a bathroom so in the back seat he just had a bunch of glass mirror pieces, puddy, razor blades etc. I remember telling him "Wow man looking at the back seat I'd hate for the cops to pull you over". Yeah it went right over his head


Booze and friends.


Bottle of whiskey, Poppers, Card/dice games, Red plate for lines, Tiny spoon for bumps, 5 dollar bill, Fake ID card to cut lines, And some classic rock for tunes


Whiskey, H20, maybe a couple of smokes or a cigar for the comedown. Either melatonin or Benadryl to easily fall asleep. A throat to destroy. If skiing solo, a good video game. Documentary or two. Or shit tons of yardwork or housework.


I use clear straws and cards like credit cards. All I need.




straws, razors, and something to chop it on


Shot glass and small needleless syringe. Distilled water. Make lines, drop in shotglass and mix with .2-.3ml of water. Draw solution into syringe and push into anus about an inch in. Inject and remove syringe. Butt up and clench for a couple minutes so it doesn’t leak out. 5-10 min you’ll be HAF.


Question: What do you do about the “cut” when boofing??


I’ve never had an issue as long as you test for fentanyl. Testing kits are sold through Amazon. I also have a plug I’ve used for years. After testing for fentanyl put a wee bit in your mouth to see if it burns.


Also heard you can use a coffee filter but I wouldn’t wanna lose any….We used test strips and no fentanyl….Or so it said but we didn’t test whole batch by dissolving in water. Crushed it all, put water in baggie and swirled it around and test was negative….


Sorry but what is HAF?


Something to sip on, a vape, water, and a flat surface. The rest is all improvised.


Yatzee and porn


Harveys straw😂 maybe my canadians would know


A plate, straw, some lingerie and heels... and some porn


Cigs 100% vape just doesn't hit the same And alcohol I can't do it sober


Hot plate, metal blade and notes


I just use my key. Lol


the plastic thing in tampons, best sniffer you can get. this girl i used to live with fucking hated me lol.


A plastic note or straw, card, a non stick surface But id highly recommend getting a nasal irrigation rinser for after, under a tenner and it massively decreases the harm and makes the nose clear quicker and less of the torment of streaming


A Xanax and that’s it


Very fine metal strainer thing (for spreading powder surgar)


Any type of hotplate is essential for me


Coke and a tube lol


If I'm at home - hot plate, rolled up note, credit card, drink, music and darts😁 if I'm out - crush it all up beforehand, definitely my KEY🤣


straw,cards and a surface to do it on, thinking about buying those lil spoons to do bumps


use the tampon inserter !! it has a flare at the end so it’s perfect to get it in a clean swoop


i have a mortar and pestle.. I like to pulverize my whole stash at once.. gets to be near impossible to cut lines later when I'm buzzing and my hands are covered in lube..