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According to my iq of 9 billion you have homosexual


In all fairness, this is how a lot of people in this sub talk and they’re dead serious so I could understand why people can’t tell it’s a joke


I still haven’t figured out if this is a circlejerk sub or not


This and r/mensa are essentially just r/iamverysmart


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mensa using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mensa/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This sub is full of elitists who do nothing](https://np.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/182ziyk/this_sub_is_full_of_elitists_who_do_nothing/) \#2: [Anyone feeling like they are stuck in the blue region?](https://i.redd.it/3mbh1umng86b1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/14aaxjt/anyone_feeling_like_they_are_stuck_in_the_blue/) \#3: [How high intelligence looks like](https://i.redd.it/wus6n8f25v7b1.png) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/14hex9j/how_high_intelligence_looks_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeahhh, I had a friend like that. Cognitive testing was his idea of conversation even before we had even heard of normal distribution. He later tested for mensa, and apparently, he was 2 points too short. Obviously, that was because the test did not measure fluid intelligence.


Or we are all autistic


That too. I honestly didn’t realize this was a joke at first until I read the comments


The reason I always order wagyu steak is so the bill is within 1sd of my 160 iq. Midwits are scared of this grindset 🥱


i always have to add some garnish.. just to make it closer to 200……..


It’s a great strategy unfortunately sometimes goes over the head of your dinner guest if they are not a super genius like you unfortunately


*Scoffs* 125. Anything below a 126, my score, is just stupid. You pathetic 125 scorers probably think you're smart after watching a single YouTube video with the buzzword "superposition" in it. Boohoo now you know quantum physics. Get an IQ point and then we'll talk.


Buddy I was doing Newtonian theories when I was in kindergarten we are not the same


I knew relativistic mechanics when my lesser minded peers were learning the alphabet. I knew multivariable calculus when they were counting. Pfft newton imagine not using hamiltonian by kindergarten


What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Harvard law, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on mensa, and I have over 125 confirmed iq points. I am trained in stochastic calculus and I’m the top thinker in the entire Cincinnati trivia club. You are nothing to me but another dumbass. I will outthink the fuck out of you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can outsmart you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my mind. Not only am I extensively trained in classical physics, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cincinnati trivia club and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking stupid, kiddo.


I can't tell if this is satire xD if it is your taking the joke too far


Look up navy seal copypasta


Hahah genius parody. I flopped back and forth on whether it was satire or serious more than once. Nicely played!


Truly genius


just wanna say everytihng about you is invalid because you're in the USA, the most pathetic country on earth. your so called IQ doesn't matter because you're still very obviously dumb as a rock.


They up iq scores artificially to make Americans feel better so the barbarians don’t revolt


It's a copypasta, all a joke. Way to throw a whole country under the bus though


Haha get a load of this clown with his Cincinnati Trivia Club ....i graduated from there in the 6th grade...how about you come talk to me when you learn a little something about the Ohio Fact-checkers Guild, where the big kids play. Then maybe we can talk


Only a buffoon like your 125-IQ self would spend so much time typing that. I had my 125.5-IQ personal assistant summarise it for me. You think you can challenge me in any realm of mental combat? If your wit is a bucket of war, my intellect is every single molecule of H2O in the observable universe.


Sounds like words from a 23 year old gamer that never did anything with his life and still lives in moms basement. And you don’t want to know what my number is, it will make you cry.it’s higher just FYI I’m in construction. It’s just a number don’t mean shit if your a prick about it.


I certainly don’t have a 125 IQ, so maybe I’m a fucking idiot for saying this but here it goes. You sound quite narcissistic and lacking of empathy, especially since you’re surprised that she looked at you weird for bragging about your IQ. I think someone so smart and hopefully with emotional intelligence can pick up on why she might have looked at you weird for saying that. Also you saying you can cure cancer in 5 years? What would make you think you’re smarter than any scientist / group of scientists, enough to be able to succeed at that? Grow up.


This is obvious satire.


Both scores are slightly above normal mental capacity, making this hilarious!


Thats the joke yeah


It's crazy the amount of people here who don't realize this is satire despite the flair literally being "meme."


Well considering reddit shows you subreddits you aren't subscribed to I can see how that's confusing. I thought this was real too, I don't even. Know what this subreddit is or why its being shown to me at all


Honestly this is the first post on this sub that I could confidently tell was satire - I’m still not convinced most of the posts here are one or the other 😭


Yeah its really hard. Correction tho, ur better than 95% of people. I am better than 99.7%, including u 😂 Im also 6’5, broad shouldered, gorgeous, and have a 7.5 inch penis God being me is so hard 🙄


It’s obvious to geniuses like me that your test was likely faulty. My iq score is the culmination of the averages of multiple attempts on freeiqtest.com, I doubt you were so thorough in your methods. If you must know, I am 6’7 and have a 9 inch dick




Girth measurements, please? Thx


That was the diameter.


My god, he's the chosen one


I couldn't even edge to this, I exploded immediately! Cleanup on aisle MY PANTS!!!😂😂😂


Gotta be a troll, ffs I am autistic and struggle with taking stuff to literally but I can’t see how this could be anything but a joke. That being said I have tried explaining the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and other basic concepts from quantum mechanics to my partner and she usually glazes over. Even I know that to impress a girl on a date you want to ask a few questions about her rather than blabbering on about something you don’t really understand in order to look intelligent.


Im autistic too, it wasnt immediately obvious that he was joking until I read a couple of the replies, the top replies replying with excessively exaggerated claims like "According to my iq of 9 billion you have homosexual" and "I couldn't even edge to this, I exploded immediately! Cleanup on aisle MY PANTS!!!😂😂😂", replies which have literally a 0% probability of being true in a literal sense, pretty much gives it away that the atmosphere is of jokes and satire


This is exactly what I do! I usually can tell by reading the replies. I usually have a hard time when I’m just reading the post.




Autist number 3 here, I thought it was serious too but then saw the meme tag, another w for attention to detail


You meme but I legit met a guy like that once. And this man feel so incredibly threatened by other smart people, specially those that just happened to be older (aka wiser due to simple age difference) that he would go all out in a social rage as "how dare you try to sound smarter than me?", and you would be like, "are you for real?" He was comparing himself to the likes of Newton, Einstein and Voltaire. Totally delusional, but what struck me as odd was that he had this small following of people, so you really didn't want to mess with him. I liked that guy, he was just a curiosity; like it just made me want to experiment on him, what made him tick?... what was going over his mind?... how did he manage to get this people to follow him and feed his giant ego?... so many questions, humans can be interesting. What if the real brain was that girl who would tell him how he was indeed so smart, what if she was the actual manipulative mastermind and he was just schizophrenic?.... But of course I am part of society so can't do human experime... \*cough cough\*, can't deal with his toxic followers, that girl was bad news.


Most sufferable MENSA member




I acored a 132 on a self-scored IQ test that I cheated all to hell on when I was 12. I felt empowered for years, regardless.


Save the logic and reason for the fellas. Never talk math/science/logic with women.


yeah, women pea brain, big strong man science smart ooh ooh ah ah


*Grunts and pounds chest* Man big brain, know to make fire with stick. Know to make sharp rock. Women tiny brain, don't know how make fire. Don't know make sharp rock. *pounds chest*


i have an iq of 140. i like cake.


Weirdly all the IQ in the world doesn't fix a stinky attitude. Have you tried smoking weed?


Haha so original!! Laughing my ass off!!!!


The amount of people not able to read the "Meme" is incredibly high for this kinda sub.


Is this trolling? This attitude would be extremely problematic and some professional help to try and correct it would be in order, I hope this is just a joke.


Good troll post. Upvoted.


to be honest this is how i imagine 90% of the people of this sub lol


You imagine 90% of the insanely obsessed with IQ Tests community to think that 125 IQ is so crazy? I don't think you meant it that way but I can't imagine how anyone, thinking the slighest bit critically, could properly read this post and not see it as satire. Edit: Not necessarily because of the 125 IQ stuff though. Just the overall super over-the-top tone of it.


there are so many people with an iq higher than 125, bro thinks he is the main character


Objectively speaking I am the main character. I am god. You should be lucky I am still alive because the second I eventually die, the world will stop spinning and everyone on it will cease to exist. 125 is a superior iq and peons like yourself do not know the power that comes with it


Peons 😭 I’m adding that to my vocabulary


All of these comments are just a circle jerk




Try 165 you scum. Everyone I’ve known personally has told me that I’m the smartest person they’ve ever met. Bow before me in humility. Einstein is wrong about time dilation and Hawking is but a kindergartner to me. 😂 IQ ain’t everything bud.


You dont seem particularly bright if you believ being interested un Qunatum mechanics is related to being bright. But then again, you are a troll. And trolls arent known for their intelligence.


… this sub is kinda shit


That’s the joke


Oh I understood the joke.




Thanks, this was amusing


Hahahahaha mid wit loser thinks he’s an alien because he’s marginally smarter than above average


Name 1000 digits of pi then lil bro


I’ve named the 3rd 1000 digits. I don’t just give them out to strangers tho.


I'd have milk come out of my nose from laughing if my excessive brains didn't clog my sinuses.




1. I don’t make “jokes” 2. It was clear when talking to her that she could not grasp the material, even when I grasped the theories I was trying to explain within mere minutes of learning them. 3. It is hard for “average people” to understand but when you are of a certain intelligence it is trivial to estimate these things with great accuracy. I would say my estimation of 90iq is correct and certainly it is within the range of 80-100. 4. 125 is a superior score that puts me with the likes of Albert Einstein, Donald Trump, and Leonardo Di Vinci in terms of intellectual prowess. The vast majority of those with “higher” iqs than 125 were likely administered faulty tests, although there are some rare exceptions to this rule. 5. There is no such thing as “overconfidence” when you reach a certain level of excellence. Did anyone ever think Michael Jordan or Messi was being “overconfident”? Of course not. In fact their overconfidence helped them reach their amazing achievements, much like myself.


OP, I served with Albert Einstein. I knew Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein was a friend of mine. OP, you're no Albert Einstein. **.**


I get it now ! Man how are you not popular yet They popularized some fodder like Elon Musk but not you 💀world is unfair frfr


I have news for you bro


Yeah after further investigation i have Come to the conclusion this was a joke , it was likely the case but since i know some ppl like that IRL i had to be sure about it 🗿 i hope very much it was a joke if it's not then damn 🗿🗿🗿💀💀💀


Why would you try to explain quantum theory on a date? Of course she was bored. You might have academic intelligence, but youre a dumdum when it comes to social intelligence dude. No girl is interested in hearing about quantum theory on a date outside of chicks in STEM and I doubt even *they* want to talk about that on a date.


Average CT member's response to a joke:


This person is joking 😉


Quantum theory is just as simple a topic as deciding what to order off a menu to anyone with half a brain, and a lot more interesting


The most idiotic post ever. QM is objectively easier than talking sense to those who lack commonsense.


It's really easy to point a non brilliant person for relating to people with no same interests, hobbies or capabilities. Who tried to explain quantum theory to someone who is not into that? right? My pov based on my personal experience: Usually smart people don't waste time with people they know they are not compatible. My personal filters keep away people that I don't want to relate to avoid explaining topic to someone instead of share knowledge, experiences or new study subject. About cure cancer, prove you really can do it. Facts over words.


Sir, this is a wendys






I’m going to assume this isn’t a shit post. You’re probably not having difficulties cause ur outstandingly smart, it’s more likely because you think you’re smart and no one wants to be around you.


>I am better than almost everyone I have an iq over 120 as well. My grandfather was a college professor and dad a rocket scientist/computer programmer. The one thing I have that you don't is humility. >It’s hard living with a 125iq because it’s hard to relate to people. This is because you lack social skills, not because you have this disability of being smart. Look at neil degrasse tyson. He's way smarter than you and gets along well with most people. >Went on a date the other day and was explaining BASIC quantum theory to her and she looked…almost bored? I studied physics. It's boring to everyone that isn't a physicist. Someone with 8th grade social skills would know this. >I am better than 99.999999% of the population Lol dude stop it. 125iq is only in the top 20% >I could easily cure cancer in the next 5 years Do it. Everyone would love you and you'd be a multi billionaire. The amount of hubris and ignorance in this statement is shocking especially since thousands of PHds have essentially unlimited funding and have been fighting to cure this since the 70s when the war on cancer was declared


125 iq? Thats like mid-midwit


🍿🫢 ~~Average bait~~ Bait within 1 SD of the mean, but you got a few bites.


Are you sure you didn't take a test with an SD of 5?


Lies. Believe the gospel and get saved. Repent. Judgment is coming


Are you a troll ?


Sorry but no one with an IQ of over 60, maybe even 20 actually thinks NFTs have value and would name themself NFT Goat.


> Went on a date the other day and was explaining BASIC quantum theory to her and she looked…almost bored? I mean, yeah, I'd be bored too if someone rambled on about something I have zero interest in. Are you sure, it's not *you* who's basic. (I honestly can't tell if this is a shitpost, it just came across my feed.)


Show few posts - mute this post.


Bravo, my friend


Ha 125. That is the score of a 4th grade peasant. Also cure cancer in 5 years!! HA get real my friend! Any reasonably smart individual could cure it 2 and i myself could cure it in 6 months if i wanted to. Come talk to me when you grow up a little, you poor smooth brained little infant.


U have ligma




With the world average iq ranging between 95-115, only 2% is likely to have an IQ above 130. A 0.000001% of the world population is merely about 80 people. Are you in good senses to have such a delusional grandiosity with just a 125 score? I didn’t know a 125 sorer would be that stupid. I’m just a 135 and i tolerate society well enough without any condescension. Just don’t embarrass yourself


Not gonna lie: You had me in the first half.


Lol 125? Bro that’s marginal. Get over yourself.


yes you are so smart that u invested in the NFT bubble


Communication gap am I right. PLEASE ACCEPT ME


I am thankfull for the Meme-flair, lol


https://www.theonion.com/area-man-s-intelligence-probably-just-too-intimidating-1819575602 (I know this post is a joke I think it’s just funny)


Ironically 125 is average, it’s not even a boarder line genius score that would be 130 and above


And some people really do think like this...


Who’s gonna norm the responses?


Talking about quantum theory on a date. Jesus.


Perfection! But you're a peon compared to me. I have an iq of 125.0000000000001


Deary me, no one is truly intelligent if you can't figure out how to use your brain to help humanity in it's plight. With intelligence comes social resposibility and maybe even a little compassion. Sure we're evolving faster, but keep it moving towards some kind of utility, as it were.


Bro thinks 125 is a good IQ score 💀 Yea maybe above average for an ape Get to 127+ then we’ll talk


I don't think 125 gets you into Mensa.


Ah.... "scoffs".... if it isn't another intellect-lacking dumbwit... Your intellect is absolutely, undeniably, MINISCULE relative to mine. 125 IQ? HA! What a JOKE! I'll have you know my IQ reaches six figures - indeed, that's right. I am so much of a humble genius that people often become intimated by me and run away the second I open my mouth. This, however, is quite the opposite for women, however. Despite my physical appearance being liken to a "neckbeard" or "incel" (which I'll have you know are extremely racist, discriminatory adjectives, used for the sole purpose of putting down handsome geniuses), the second I speak a singular word to a woman, she instantly falls deeply, hopelessly in love with me. Yes, I may be fat, perhaps, perhaps... but my beautifully elegant vocabulary and the sparkle in my eye are enough to instantly sway super model like women into falling deeply in love with me. In fact, they often become so obsessed with me that they beg for sex. This has been the case foe every single women I have ever spoken to - which obviously, is a lot - heh. I find it interesting you claim any IQ higher than 125 is an "error". Weill "nft-goat", I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT IQ ACCURATELY GOES UP TO INFINITY! Yes, that's right. IQ is truly an infinite concept - and I am the closest human to infinity to ever live (if it wasn't already obvious, heh). My work has been compared to the work of Galileo, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo Dicaprio. In fact, in kindergarten is when I first manufactured ideas that rivaled the work of Davinci. For example, one of my greatest ever inventions was a parachute that had a machine gun on it. Tell me, could you invent something like that? Heh. No, you could not. So, even in second grade I was inventing things that were more intellectually viable than the quote unquote "greatest" inventors in history. On top of this, for my 4th grade school project I made a detailed, legitimate plan to land astronauts on the moon - which was ultimately stolen and used by NASA in 1969. They did not give me credit for this idea, which is unfortunate. However NASA eventually recognized my insane intellect and in return decided to make me their secret "editor" of sorts, someone who looks over every single piece of work NASA creates and analyzes/fixes it. So, I believe it is now quite obvious that your puny little brain is absolutely nothing compared to mine. In fact, it's almost like I'm talking to a rock. That is simply how much smarter I am that you and everyone else. Go ahead and argue with me. Go ahead. Just know you will lose, rather quickly, due to my supreme intellect. So, yeah, good luck in life, little one. You will need it. Heh.


I'm iq of 1 you really don't you misunderstand how iq is working I'm #1 you're #125 I am smarterer haha


Your failed because your a jerk


Try therapy


This is some tasty pasta


Mine comes close to Boiling water. F or K not c. Hit me up if you need someone to help you go further.


Literally bo coincidences in this world


Yes i can relate. Because there is no one on my Level i have to always argue with myself. It mostly ends in a violent fistfight.


I wish this were pure satire but I actually did this particularly with Hegel. (Also to make me more like the meme I hadn't actually read any Hegel I just thought I knew about him) Although because of big bang theory explaining quantum mechanics to girls who were less intelligent actually did work well on dates. Two girls were into it and one of them went on and on about me knowing about quantum mechanics and would try and get me to explain it at parties. She kept a going on about how jealous she was of people who studied physics. It was weird and a terrible relationship. Anyways some therapy and I'm out of my own ass, married to someone with kids and much more chilled out about that kind of stuff. In fact the fact my wife never thought I was notably intelligent was one bit draw.


Okay I took a test in college that took hours and seemed legit and I got 147. (I know I was surprised too). But I don’t know quantum theory. People have different types of intelligence and also it’s expressed in different ways…..


Too bad your too dumb too see how dumb you be. Now look at you rubbing your qubits alone while shes out getting entangled by another particle. Hope your able to find a superconductor in your room temp basement.


If you ever want to know who’s lying about having a high iq just look at all the people who didn’t realize that this is a joke.


Everyone else are like animals without a collar to me.


I have an IQ of 125.1. Please slobber onto my abnormally shaped testicles those of which are in the larger category.


You're a dumbass, honestly. Anyone who cares about IQ does not know what it means.


Lmao...couldn't tell whether or not this was a troll at first. Well done.


For people who actually talk like this...we all know it's not their IQ percentile that's truly remarkable. It's that 0.00001% empathy and social intelligence that really sets them apart.


Uhmm actually, 125 iq is 1/21 rarity, in a room of 105 people randomly selected from general population, there is a very high chance that there will atleast 5 ppl who have roughly the same iq or higher. Then again, the actual mileage may vary though.


real talk here. i don’t doubt you have very high intelligence. unfortunately often accompanied with high iq can be bipolar or manic episodes. i have a strong feeling right now your manic and ontop of the world. you’ll need to control this roller coaster and find balance, then you’ll be able to do the amazing things your dreaming of. otherwise it will be one step forward one step backwards, and the feeling of being so capable but standing still will drive you insane.


This was the smartest troll ive fell for in awhile lmao had me captivated for like 15mins reading


I’m only commenting because this has 125 upvotes.


Iq don’t mean nun homie. It don’t mean u will be successful or not, grit and willpower overpowers intelligence.


A pathetic post, but what shall I expect from a 125 iq halfwit such as yourself😤


This person doesn't really feel superior, just illiciting a response.


This is a good copy pasta


Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel.


Can't be that smart as you are unlikely getting a second date and still single. So you have failed at dating so far. Kidding aside, if you are that smart in life you are likely on end of the spectrum so yeah you likely "special". I am being kind with that comment if you know what I mean. It wasn't a compliment. BTW, you also seem to have a personality disorder, i.e. narcisstic one. OR just the typical using your intelligence as coping mechanism to mask your other insecurities. There is something else going on there which is NOT related to your IQ.


your a little slow there bud.


"stupid is as stupid does" - Forest Gump


You sound pompous, I imagine that is the real reason why the date did not go well. “I could cure cancer if I wanted to but it is not challenging enough” lol. Your IQ might be above average but your EQ certainly is not - I guess that is what separates the smart from the wise.


Either troll or insane. Props either way.


Is that you Donald Trump?


All that intelligence, yet you can't figure out why she looked at you like a weird dumbass.


And you’re totally full of shit. Dead give-away. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would understand that you can’t assign IQ numbers to people from a dinner conversation or an expression of boredom from your less than witty banter. Most of the brilliant people I know, experience frustration in certain parts of their lives - but not all the time and def don’t understand what all the fuss is about IQ or them being smart.. when you’re extremely smart you don’t feel esp smart. Most people are smart in certain areas. Lack in some others. If you’re really brilliant, then you’re more focused on the areas that you lack.. and ignore the ones you don’t. Basically - if you’re the smartest person in the room? You’re in the wrong room. If I were you, I would get really comfortable with the idea of being wrong. Fast.


If you’re so smart then why waste your time telling us about it, if you can easily cure cancer or solve Thurston’s 24 questions in an afternoon, then you must surely know you grandly wasted your time posting here and should be off doing things far beyond our conceptual thinking.


I got 131 and I am confused all the time.


Bros goal was to piss people off I sense, and it’s working 😂


Better? Smarter isn’t always better… unfortunately


125 is pretty low she was probably laughing internally with her 130 IQ


I’m a bit confused. I thought 125 was in the average range. I’m 155 and to me recollection that is just below high intelligence. Did the scales/ranges change?


Get over yourself is a good starting point. You are brilliant by no hard work of your own. You’re lucky. That’s it.


I smar


The true IQ test here is people not arriving at the conclusion that this is satire.


2 days ago, my neighbors plumber cut MY water line by mistake. While I was showing him how I wanted it fixed, he informed me of his 223 iq. My neighbors shitty plumber is nearly 100 pts smarter than you, you simpleton.


I have an IQ of 210. You all literally look and sound like monkeys to me. I can speak 69 languages fluently. I mastered all branches of mathematics, physics and sciences when I was just 11. Things that are common sense to me require research papers to reach such obvious conclusions. I HAVE cured cancer already (it was pretty simple) but I just don't publish my results because I don't feel like increasing the average life expectancy by a year. I can calculate thousands of integrals in a fraction of a second. Why? Just because I can. You are all beneath me.


It’s called narcissism and guess what honey? It has nothing to do with your barely above average neuropsych exam results lol.


Iq isn't a great measuring stick. Emotional intelligence is also very important. But having high iq by the numbers equals more money. But not always.


Emotional intelligence and not discriminating against people is better than be being smart. I don’t really care what ur IQ is if you’re a jerk then you’re a jerk, and this post gives me the ick


You are a NFT crypto bro? Too bad, that's -50 iq, you are now 75 dimwit


Sounds like you should punch yourself in the head until you’re as dumb as the rest of us


Oh yeah well I once found my way out of a wet paper bag. ![gif](giphy|l0He0cVv8lGggpruo|downsized)


Um actually 🤓. I have a higher IQ so I could cure cancer in 4 years, probably a lot less if I tried harder.


I am sorry sir, this is a Wendy’s


Buy me a house if you’re so good at stuff. One in a Washington city of my wife’s choosing. And a trust fund for like $4500 a month that rises with inflation.


Bro thinks his him