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The following submission statement was provided by /u/rekabis: --- El Niño hit the Philippines hard, in what is normally their hottest months, causing temperatures to spike to 47℃ in places - normal temps are pretty much 10℃ cooler - with a 50% probability of temperatures going _even higher_ in the next week or so. It’s so hot that aircon needs to be throttled/managed to avoid premature mechanical failure. So much for the “we’ll just use AC to keep cool” people. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cc8vlw/so_hot_you_cant_breathe_extreme_heat_hits_the/l13n4dm/


I wait for the year where dehumidifiers will outsale AC units. And seriously consider the opportunity to petition my city to turn the old earth fortifications into heatwave bunkers. Seriously, we have kilometers of perfectly usable brick tunnels all around the medieval city center here. They should be put to use again, this time against a new enemy


It seems like cities in at risk areas should be working on passively cooled heat shelters in case of power failure. It really wouldn't be hard to stock some underground spaces with some drinking water and basic amenities. For places with existing tunnels or caves it would be super low effort. Even those that don't have something existing could dig or bury some structures without a lot of effort. Of course in the US the places that really need this planning won't do it because they would have to admit that there is an issue.


It is not a question of difficulty; it is a question of "is it profitable for the next quarter."


I would hope that this would be a government responsibility, but I agree, it's not an engineering or resources keeping it from happening.


Yes it is. Keeping people poor but alive is a  economic strategy that worked 


Under ground can over heat as well, with enough bodies. We put out about 100 watts doing nothing...put a few thousand people together even underground you have an oven.


Also they need lots of fresh air that needs to be air conditioned anyway. It's easier to just improve insulation of above ground buildings.


Reminds me of each states Continuance Of Government plans. Taxes have paid for bunkers so that the state will still exist even after everyone on the surface is dead. Doesn't make a lot of sense but hey, someone made money off of it (Mostly Bechtel). Gotta build those airports and dams tho!


Exactly. It's like building a Canadian well, except we can live *inside the Canadian well*. Low cost, low energy, and effective.


school me on what a canadian well is


Sorry, I thought it was nicknamed the same in English. [Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground-coupled_heat_exchanger)




The captions are in French but I get the gist. Never heard of this before.


Once the capitalists realize that people will pay to use those shelters then they’ll be widely available… for a fee


Here in Oz everyone keeps building black roofs, utter stupidity, suburban clowns will be baking in their urban heat island’s manufacturing more AC heat to throw at each other in a death spiral, one power blackout from extinction.


I would love to build a basement into our place in Oz, but council would no doubt disagree. A few years ago we visited an old colonial period house that had a basement, high ceilings, lots of windows and a verandah basically around the whole place. Was surprisingly cool and not an AC unit in sight!


I’d like a bush block & build an Earthship


Those thermal mass designs only perform well in medium to low humidity climates.


35°S ok? Edit: Mind you the bushfires will probably get us first in Oz


Thick, earthen walls are ideal for that, although it won't do much about the oxygen depletion. The real issue is the vent tubes. The air return passing through thermal mass, and past exhaust air heat exchangers, tends to get overwhelmed by the heat capacity of humid air.


China uses their Cold War era air raid tunnels as cooling centers in summer. I visited one practically in the city centre a few years ago and found it surprisingly cool (and not humid, despite the 70%+ humidity levels).


Most ACs are dehumidifiers. There are three kinds of dehumidifiers, and the other two are optimized for cold climates, or very small spaces.


Dehumidifier and air conditioner are the same machine. Only difference is that a dehumidifier re heats the air as it exits.


Who knew the Age of Troglodytes would be here so soon!


Where do you live


Living in Vietbam and it's the same. Some dumb idiots are still saying climate change is not a man made thing. Yet go to the jungle and its still cool, the problem is the lack of trees in cities which provide coolness and absorb heat. Saigon is replanting trees at a large rate now, thankfully.


Hanoi is so cooked with no outlooks for improving yay


Yeah I notice when I go to Hanoi the lack of trees and the horrible humidity. I'm off to Kazakhstan soon, so I'm looking forward to seeing a new climate.


Parts of the globe might soon experience prolonged periods of 'wet bulb' temperatures, and this is a truly terrifying prospect. If aircon systems were to overwhelm electricity grids, causing entire cities to go in to blackout, the death tolls could be enormous.


Good ol Ministry for the Future timeline...


Yeah, and this time without even the ministry.


Ah, the worst timeline


I read that and thought the book was overrated and in parts ludicrous. But his underlying premise is sound, and we do appear to be on or nnear the threshold of major wet bulb events. This year or next, depending on the duration of El Niño, could well result in some extremely dangerous heat and humidity conditions. And in 5 or 10 years' time?


I was so excited to read the book and found it for the most part lacklustre , but the way he described the wet bulb event at the beginning of the book is terrifyingly scientifically sound for what’s to come for our future


Aren't they on the precipice of this in Bangladesh ?


Yes. 85°F weet bulb earlier this week. 95°F wet bulb for 6 hours kills healthy people.


I wish we would talk about this more in the M$M.


The Filipino electricity grid has trouble staying on in the best of situations.


Every part of the globe is experiencing a wet-bulb temperature.


Ayy the Philippines is in r/collapse LFGoooooo Can confirm, i perspire when in the short time i walk outside of the airconed room to get something outside and then back to said airconed room. I don't want to imagine how it would be to those who don't have AC.


My family in rural PH doesn't have any AC outside of the one room in my auntie's house. I'm so worried for them :(


I hope your family is okay 😟 I'm worried about my elderly aunties over there, but the collective culture gives me some peace. The fact that I've only heard about this from reddit is infuriating.


Agree with that. I know they'll share what they have with the whole village. And I also didn't know until reddit! Which is typical lol, but so annoying!


AC is going to be the downfall of mankind. As useful as it’s been for keeping people cool in a warming world, it’s also removing our natural ability to acclimate at all to the heat. I’ve been begging my partner for years to turn down the AC, I run cold and it pisses me off to have to leave my home to warm up in summer. Waste of GD energy.


There's a limit to what the human body can acclimate to. If you think our species will evolve a way to defy physics, you're terribly wrong.


But we don't need rooms at 68 degrees when it's 100+ outside. You can get comfortable at 77 if you give it a try, and reduce the energy consumed


I live in AZ, my nighttime ac is 75, daytime is 77. Only kick it down lower when I am cooking or running the dryer in the home. Planning to out a solar minisplit up soon, since if the grid does go down, at least we don't roast.


In the U.K. we have no AC and it is possible to sleep in 85/90F room but after a few weeks you start to feel unwell not being acclimatised to it. Stayed in an Airbnb that met the U.K. winter insulation requirements but had no AC and became a heat trap. Has to go sleep outside with the kids.


Here in Arizona, the overnight low sometimes doesn't go below 85/90F. If it's 110 during the day, and 85 at night, the house would likely be 100 degrees still at sunrise. Had the ac fail once and it was almost 90 degrees when I woke up when it was 80 outside.


That'll save energy, but it won't give you the ability to acclimate or survive 100+ any better.


It is incredibly stressful for a person to sit 90% of the time at 23 degrees and then go try to exist in 42. If we weren’t obsessed with freezing all the time we would acclimate better than we are now. It’s like the differing acclimation of a person always in the tropics to someone in a temperate region. We’re not doing ourselves any favours.


I agree, although I spent a whole summer in an apartment that averaged 27-30 and never got used to it.


My brother lives in Miami, keeps the A/C in the low 60s all the time, takes two long, scalding-hot showers each day, and sleeps under a heavy comforter. And then says that the heat outside is unbearable. My parents don't have window units, so whenever they're slightly hot they turn on the A/C for a cavernous suburban house with multiple empty bedrooms, offices, etc. I, meanwhile, sleep with a thin sheet and a fan pointed at me when it's hot, and somehow manage to be just fine.


I also keep it in the 60s. Some of us just run hot


We have never had AC, and the room I rent has huge windows that face the sun all day on both sides, gets over 45c in the summer and has topped over 50c before, as long as I have plenty of water and it doesn't get super humid I am pretty much good all day... sleeping on the other hand has to be done in the basement during the summer. These temps are basically the limit to which I can acclimate, even if its not the most comfortable, but if its gets much warmer I will need to move to the basement permanently for 3-4 months of the year. I think the main reason I can handle temps like this, is because I work a physically demanding job at up to 35C, at which point we are not allowed to work outside anymore for health/safety reasons. Except for a few weeks during the transition from winter to summer (spring feels like it lasts a week here now) I don't even start sweating until 25+ if I am not doing anything strenuous.


This is where “Tell me you don’t live in Texas or Florida without saying so” works well.


Have you ever considered blocking the windows to keep out the sun? My house is the same, we can heat it with the sun in the winter, but we have to keep the blinds closed in the summer.


Yeah I have curtains up, and they help a bit.


I think he's talking about energy conservation. ie, a stalwart 10c difference from ambient, vs a louche 15C delta.


They could also do things like plant more greenery and trees. Paint concrete white. That's why they whitewash houses.


White roofs


Hear me out.. we air condition outside and cool the planet. Bam! global warming solved! /s


Could also point pedestal fans at hurricanes and force them away!


There's no acclimating or evolving alongside the world modern humans have built. Also you'd downright be begging for AC at these temps trust me


Bringing the temps down 10 degrees or so would do more for people long term than keeping the rooms at a temperate 24 degrees.


... and how would you go about that exactly?


…You cool the room to 30 instead of 23? It uses less energy and is actually easier than keeping your house even cooler. Still 7 degrees below human body temp so we’ll able to cool off after being in high temps outside and not giving your body the same shock when you instantly move into an environment 20 degrees hotter.


Wear a sweater?


In fucking August?! No! I live in Canada sir, I wear a sweater 8 months of a year. Give me my GOD DAMN SUMMER!


oh shit okay 👍


It’s probably not perspiration but condensation due to a high dew point.


For us americans, that's 116° f


With stupid levels of humidity


So kansas in the summer


Worse. Way worse


I mean way worse? https://www.wunderground.com/article/safety/heat/news/2023-08-18-heat-dome-records-midwest-plains-south-forecast


Arizona after a monsoon


This here


Vegas temps with Georgia humidity. Geez louise...


After experiencing 120 in Phoenix last summer, no thanks. I hope it doesn't last


That’s not even really bad. Imagine being in Florida at 120


El Niño hit the Philippines hard, in what is normally their hottest months, causing temperatures to spike to 47℃ in places - normal temps are pretty much 10℃ cooler - with a 50% probability of temperatures going _even higher_ in the next week or so. It’s so hot that aircon needs to be throttled/managed to avoid premature mechanical failure. So much for the “we’ll just use AC to keep cool” people.


Philippines at 37, with the of humidity, is punishing. 47 is just insane


The heat index is 47, not the absolute temperature, which is in the mid 30s


Oh good, was wondering how the hell you could survive that


Posts in the Phillipine reddit have some who, after taking a bath, aren't sure that they are dripping wet because of the bath or because of the sweat when seconds after they step out. It is just as heatstroking as it sounds.


I imagine you’ll have an answer to that question sooner than we think.


Yeah, I've been there once and in December and it was so hot/humid that my glasses fogged up constantly and I felt like I was dying constantly. I can't even imagine what it's like now. Most ppl don't have AC and if they do, it's generally for one room in their house only.


You should eddit your comment and correct temperature to heat index temperature, they are nowhere near the same as explained in the article . 47C with phillipine humidity would be far beyond wet bulb temperature, which is around 71C heat index


Is there an easy way to back out to the the humidity level?  It says the air temps were 97°. 


I'm in South East Asia at the moment, the weathet has been wild. I'm in Kuala Lumpur currently and it's supposed to be rainy season and the wettest month, it has rained but it's also been sunny a lot more than usual(according to locals I've spoke to). The real feel temperature has been up to 44 a lot of days and even as high as 46, with humidity over 80% many afternoons. Thailand was bad enough in March when I was there it was like the same as above except sunny all day, I can't imagine what it's going to be like in May and June. Vietnam was somewhat of a reprieve at the coast it was around mid to high 30c but recently it's been over 40c I don't know how the people are coping with going to work and living their lives, scary to think how much worse this is going to get. Like what is going to happen if AC is needed to literally keep people from dying in the heat and a power cut occurs


Thailand in March felt scary hot. I ran to get to the shade as quickly as possible. I've never seen such intense temperatures. This is really different.


Yup Thailand literally has zero rain for many months and is so oppressive with the sun and lack of winds and trees right now


I was coming down for mushrooms on the Beach in Thailand and became very acutely aware of how hot it was , at night , with no breeze. Literally no wind , it made me so uncomfortable . It was stifling hot at night. In January. I worry for what’s to come


Yep. Am assuming also no rain at all and little amount of vegetation/trees? Is this somewhere in the south of Thailand?


This was on Koh Tao!


This was on Koh Tao!


That's in the South Did it rain at all while you there or were there some trees?


Of course there’s trees, it only rained twice while I was there over 15 days


I was in Indonesia a month or so ago. Was supposed to be the rainy season and the weather app had rain every day. But family who got there a week before me said there was only a brief shower every day (if that) and was way warmer than was supposed to be at that time of year.


There’s 100% going to be a wet bulb this summer


With the possibility that an El Niño can last for multiple years, maybe not this year, but definitely before the El Niño comes to an end.


So, scary thought...  El Nino is already winding down and is very likely to be over by June... and temps are still nuts.  https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.shtml


It...it just started like a month ago... As an aside: weren't there reports that El Niño had a possibility of not going away or was that just over exaggerating from news outlets? Memory is vague on this and Google sucks.


It's been showing signs of flipping to la Nina for months now, got downvoted mentioning that it would be over by this summer before Christmas. Just follow Mark at Hurricane track on YouTube if you are interested in El Nino and la Nina predictions


Heading to ENSO neutral and then potentially La Nina. Climate Prediction Center of NOAA is a good place to find out: https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.shtml


I like how in the news, they keep talking about how El Niño is almost over. Like it just started… I think they are trying to keep the panic down.


Shit's gettin' real!


It's gettin REAL, REAL, son!!


And a cat 6 hurricane.


\*cries in Cajun*


Does this have a clear definition, or is it just a broad term for "a high casualty event related to humid, high temperatures?"


It has a clear definition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature?wprov=sfla1 Basically weather related example is when humidity is so high, the human body cannot cool itself via sweat evaporation. The main way humans cool ourselves. Fans won't work as well. Heatstroke will be more common. Another explanation https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/how-is-climate-change-driving-dangerous-wet-bulb-temperatures-2023-08-09/


I know what the wet bulb temperature is as a measurement. The original comment said "there's gonna be a wet bulb this summer." There's always a wet bulb temperature, so that meaning doesn't make sense in that sentence, it's like saying "there's gonna be a wind speed this summer." I assume they mean "wet bulb event" because I see that language on here a lot as well. I understand that high wet bulb temperatures are dangerous. I'm asking if there is any agreed upon way of quantifiably saying "a wet bulb event occurred this year, at x time and y location?"


It's just a type of measurement, not an event. But *high* wet bulb temperatures are always eventful because of the implication.


Are...are these women in danger?


if someone talks about wet bulb event they mean an actual event that kills enough people that the masses care about it


A "wet bulb event" is an expression that means wet bulb temperatures in the lethal range. I don't think it has a formal definition. About 31 C to 35 C is considered potentially lethal.


I know that the summer this year is going to be hell for the northern hemisphere, but I didn't expect that it will hit places that are so further south. (Philippines is still within the northern hemisphere.)


Its right next to the equator though, so its not like there is a winter in PH. The closer to the equator the worse it will be.


its hotter in japan than it is in the phillipines in summer...


It's a 3.7 sigma event for Manila. Here you can see just how extreme the temperatures are versus historical. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=8&lat=14.125177623582115&lng=121.04326000437143


I noticed the lands near/around water are experiencing the highest sigma events. There's a 4 sigma for a little island to the east of PH. Scary AF indications about the state of the ocean's heat.


Are you referring to Saipan? What I've noticed is that places near the equator seem to have large sigma events mainly because the historical temperatures have lower variance vs more northern/southern locations.  That said, for places that are already close to the upper bound of human comfort, a few degrees makes a big difference. The recent heatwave in Mali hit 5.5 sigma and the graph is stunning to say the least. https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=5&lat=10.408746902331618&lng=-7.822265625000002 PS I made this site


That's impressive and your vision seems to be an admirable one! I also checked out Zato Novo. Kind of off topic but I'm about 2 months away from finishing a full stack web dev program and am hoping to start looking for my first jr. dev job shortly after I finish. I know the job market is rough for this right now but... any advice you can offer? I'm currently using node, express, react and just switched from learning mysql/sequelize over to mongoDB. I plan to learn typescript and eventually python on my own onceI finish the course.


Thanks for the kind words. The vision has expanded somewhat as I'm working on providing an open source climate adaptation data platform that automatically provides weather forecasts for any device that gets plugged in. My goal is to accelerate climate adaptation projects that rely on hyperlocal weather forecasts, mainly in food security and public health. What's interesting is that the same infrastructure can be used for both applications. In terms of advice for you, it's hard to provide good advice without making a bunch of assumptions. What I can say is that when I hire junior developers, I tend to look for traits more than skills. The reason is that it's easier to teach someone skills than change their mindset/way of thinking. The key traits I'm looking for include: process discipline, curiosity, appreciation of efficiency/algorithmic thinking. In a sense it ties back to Larry Wall's three virtues of a programmer, which is easy to understand but hard to master.


Thanks for the advice, it's actually more helpful than you might think! I accept that there are plenty of candidates that are more technically skilled than me but I find I actually enjoy learning something for once so even if I don't land a job as a dev I plan to keep coding for fun. Do you have any examples of technical interview challenges you would typically give a potential junior dev hire? I could benefit from practicing things like algorithms and mock interviews.


Personally I like Fermi problems, though they have fallen out of favor. I created Fermi Poker as a fun way to develop estimation as a skill: https://cartesianfaith.com/2017/06/04/fermi-poker-gambling-for-quants-and-data-scientists/


I'm waiting for another "once in 100 years" heat dome to happen again on the west coast. Our snowpack is at a record low, it never rains, and a VERY hot summer is coming. Maybe it'll make regular people start noticing that something is extremely wrong.


I found a good website to envision the snow drought, you made me double take saying “west coast” because I thought we were doing well in California and Oregon. And we are, but wow Washington state, Idaho, and Montana…woof. https://www.drought.gov/topics/snow-drought


Yes I should've been more specific to pacific northwest. I'm sitting on the border of a yellow/orange area. It's supposed to rain for the next week at least. Hopefully la Nina actually kicks in and helps us out.


We might finally have reason for summer school shutdowns. I know the norm was for June-august to empty schools but it hasn't made sense for decades to remain on the agrarian calendar. Most schools in the US don't have air conditioning because the moderate temps didn't require it. Warming summers have changed that. Soon we'll have wet bulb temps in the early months of April and May as well as late fall September and November. So many schools are unprepared


Government under Duterte mandated schools switch to the American school year calendar. Idiots completely forgot that classes ended in March for a reason. My younger brother's lucky since their classrooms are air-conditioned, but even then his school was forced to suspend face-to-face classes because their infirmary was getting inundated with kids with nosebleeds and fevers.


A dehumidifier would lower the humidity below wetbulb, use less electricity than air conditioning, and a fan would offer cooling.


A dehumidifier is an air conditioner. But instead of having the heat rejected out of the space, it's rejected back in. All you have to do is take the hose off a portable air con and you turned it into a dehumidifier. You get latent heat removal with both units, an air conditioner also provides sensible heat (heat you can measure). A stand alone dehumidifier really only makes sense of you're trying to remove moisture in cooler climates.


Or if you’ve got an indoor pool. In which case, kinda fuck you.


i got a bucket with water i put my feet in while i study, does that count


“So hot you can't breathe” Only if you are poor, without AC or have to work outside.


We tend to forget that animals live outside too


animals dont need to commute to work to pay bills, they can sleep all day in a mud puddle.


Most people won't give a f\*ck even if they remember.


Good thing it's just El Nino. Was worried for a sec


Just a reminder; summer is still nearly two months away. We are headed into a future with only two seasons… and two classes of people.


> and two classes of people dead and alive?


Those who already have the money and power and geographical fortune to live inside the survivability bubble a bit longer than the rest… and the rest of us.


Breathing is overrated.


take a shot everytime you read "cold kills more people" in comments


It's a lot easier to bundle up than it is to cool off


Yep. And also, that isn't even a real argument. It is just whataboutery, the bread and butter and meat and potatoes and wine of hardcore right wingers and clowns


Yes this is thermodynamics. You need more energy to cool air than to heat it


Fellow entropy enjoyer 👍


That’s a shame. If I don’t die before hand I’d retire in 20 years to the Phillipines. 


At this rate it might not even be livable in 20 years


Yup that's always been my plan C/D"ish" but I'm recent years I've been realizing that's probably not going to work out.


Dude we had 47 c in the neighboring town the other day. Even with AC in full blast the heat still sinks in our house.


here in the ph i still wear a jacket while its peaking at 48° 🙃


No sympathy for genocidal states.


what? i'm not following


Neighbours killing neighbours for a "pot of chicken" (money) Murderers. Edit: bad link, this one is a little better https://polisci.upd.edu.ph/new-publication-iglesias-explaining-the-pattern-of-war-on-drugs-violence-in-the-philippines-under-duterte/#:~:text=A%20national%20%E2%80%9Cwar%20on%20drugs,broader%20process%20of%20democratic%20backsliding.


Damn, wait till you hear about every other country in the world!


I have.


Genocide apologist.