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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Militoe: --- Hi everyone, I live in Egypt, 110 million population living on 9% land mass. Water shortages and frequent electricity cuts for 3 - 5 hours several times a day. Ethiopia is filling up its dam and I expect even more water cuts. Combine that with blistering heat of 40C+ (104F), and I'd like you to picture just how miserable the average person is here. I won't even get it to wages and economic inflation. Also, all neighboring countries are in wars and facing famine. Now, onto the military dictatorship. They have made sure there is no nature, not even a single tree on the street. This is in order to prevent shaded areas where people might gather publicly. Another favorite is the 10-lane highways replacing pedestrian sidewalks in order to make any potential protestors easy targets. They've also bankrupted the country with a new capital far away from the population. No one is armed besides the military and their cronies, so fighting back is a bit of an difficult task. We're talking an organized mafia here. No laws apply to them, they can take your assets as they want and you literally can't do anything about it. They jail people for memes btw. Under so called "state of emergency" protocols i.e. massive paranoia to any form of dissent. Did I mention how uneducated most of the population is? The dictator himself is fully aware of that, which is why I leave you with this gem of a speech: > "Don't you Egyptians dare say you would rather eat than build and progress," Sisi said. "If the price of the nation’s progress and prosperity is to go hungry and thirsty, then let us not eat or drink," he added. > > > In a meandering and informal speech, the Egyptian president mentioned hypothetical ways in which he could "destroy" Egypt, if he were so inclined, by distributing pills to foster chaos in the country. > > Sisi said that he spoke with the Supreme Judicial Council regarding how easy the country would be to destroy and had concluded that giving 100,000 people in "difficult circumstances" tramadol, a strong opioid, would do the trick at a cost of no more than $30m. > > "I was chatting to officials from the Supreme Judicial Council this morning and told them: can you imagine that I could destroy Egypt with 2 billion pounds," he said, during the three day conference dedidcated to presenting the accomplishments of his 9-year rule. > > "They were very surprised…I told them I could give them Tramadol and 20 pounds to 100,000 people who are going through difficult times," he added. > > "I can give them 1,000 pounds, for ten weeks…I could destroy a country with more than 105 million people, with a billion pounds…basically 30 million dollars, which some people spend on one party." Just a profound speech made prior to his very legitimate 93% re-election win, after swaying impoverished people to go vote for him in exchange for 1KG of rice, sugar, and vegetable oil. So is there a hypothetical scenario where one can survive the impending collapse? This country doesn't have any arable land that is at least a distance away from an urban population, it's extremely congested. It's one of the driest countries on the planet, barely sees any rainfall, and it's already being stressed and forced to monitor and portion its only water source, the Nile. It imports most of its essential food like wheat as a result, because it just can't grow enough to feed the population. Also, the general population is illiterate and can be swayed very easily by so called "leaders." I am wondering if there is a way to survive this? I can't see something like homesteading being possible in these conditions. And if I wnat to be far away from an urban population, I'm stuck in the middle of the desert, lol. If there's not, the only way I can leave is by leveraging my 2 YOE in software engineering while learning French as a means to immigrate to Canada,which seems to be the only country accepting immigrants (to the annoyance of many, I understand). But picture yourselves in my shoes, what would you have done? If history has taught me anything, the pharaoh will be remembered while his famined population will be an afterthought only mentioned by the historians. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dtdzzf/egyptian_president_sisi_said_that_he_spoke_with/lb8raup/




your report is stark, and I wish you well. The solution sounds to me that you should leave for a better place if it is at all possible. Inshalla you can make it to a better place.


Mubarak seems like the lesser evil now, but alas, that was a CIA induced "colour revolution" in 2011 and the USA clearly got what they wanted.   What I don't understand is, is there any logic behind this tramadol thing?  Like, if 100k out of 110 Million died, the poorest ones even, how would that destroy the country? It sounds as if he wants to kill those people as useless eaters.




So he's threatening 100,000 junkies loose on the streets? That would bring down all of Egypt? Surely there are way more than 100,000 junkies in a country of 100m people, no?


Seriously. It’s casually fascistic while being completely unrealistic. Also, $300 for a single dose? He’s getting ripped off. He could create 100,000 addicts way cheaper than that. Dude has been in the heat too long, his brain is cooked.




Before very smart arrogant Americans will angrily correct that Sisi meant Fentanyl, here a read for you: https://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/CND/CND_Sessions/CND_60/CRPs/ECN72017_CRP4_V1701497.pdf No, it it is TRAMADOL indeed. Tramodol abuse is a serious and widespread problem peculiar Egypt. Yes I know, it is a week drug, but for whatever reason it took off in Egypt.


I was thinking they were going to poison everybody else, that’s why he’s paying them.


Dude sounds like Jim Jones :(


That’s what I thought.


I wouldn't blame the CIA for the Arab spring. It denies the agency of the people themselves whom had plenty of reasons to be angry. Nor did the USA have a motive to topple Mubarak though could have with Morsi. Not everything is a conspiracy. 


It doesn't deny the agency of wanting a revolution, but it clearly meddles the outcome. Look at how many regimes the cia couped or color revolutioned. Victoria nuland boasted about the maiden putsch only costing 5 billion dollars. And the infamous "fuck the EU" call was all about disagreement between Europe, who wanted a democratic president (Klitschko) and the us wanting a fascist o e from the Swoboda (Yatsenuk). The call was all about foreign powers arguing about whom they want to install in a supposed independent country. I have no doubt the Ukrainians wanted change, but the people who helped them wanted to control Ukrainian policies . It's no different in Egypt, Syria, Libya...


The CIA has indeed couped many and it's why much of Latin America has a similar view of the USA as Eastern Europe does of Russia. However to suggest that the Euro Maidan is one is deeply insulting to the average Ukrainian. So I wouldn't say that to their face if I were you. The arguments and involvement of (western) foreign powers you speak of were largely about how to pick up the pieces of something that the Ukrainians had already started on their own. The involvement of foreign powers from the east had been in full swing for a while already.  Or should we refer to the American revolution as a French anti-British coup?  In Egypts case Washington would clearly have preferred Mubarak remain in power. I would however not be surprised if they at least approved of Sisi taking down Morsi. 


We'll, we have nuland's official bragging about it being so cheap and the call were nuland decides the new lead for Ukraine, and we have an official decision from the high court in kyiv that  the shooting on the maidan was from hotel ukraini (and not from yanukovic's police), in which only the hard right Swoboda and two german state media teams resided, whose recordings have been used as evidence in said court ruling. If the USA official admits for being responsible for the maidan AND there a publicly available call as proof,I don't know how someone could deny it? Why would Ukraine be the only country immune  the meddling despite the USA bragging about it?because it's white? If you read RAND and foreign policies, they also write pretty open about it. If you go back a few years, RAND laid out the long term plans to overthrow Ukraine to fuck Russia. On their official website, of course. It's all open knowledge. The court ruling was in official Ukrainian news . You can Google it.


> I am wondering if there is a way to survive this? I can't see something like homesteading being possible in these conditions. And if I wnat to be far away from an urban population, I'm stuck in the middle of the desert, lol. If there's not, the only way I can leave is by leveraging my 2 YOE in software engineering while learning French as a means to immigrate to Canada,which seems to be the only country accepting immigrants Yes, if leaving somewhere better is a choice you should take it before you can't. Even if it's somewhere marginally better, you could still find ways to move up from there. Sorry this is happening to you.


Just gotta say your writing skills are great!


I know a guy (he goes by the name Ray here in the USA because no-one can pronounce/remember his name) who came from Egypt last year. He lived in a city near the Canal. Somehow, Ray managed to find a white girl from Michigan (where I live) who had adopted Islam, was touring Egypt, and they got married. He moved here, to live with her. She was living in her parents' house with their young child (maybe 2 years old?) when he finally made it over here last year. They already have another child. Ray is miserable. He called me up to hang out this past February. He misses Egypt. The people here are cold to him, and hates the call-center job he is trapped in. He does not understand why (compared to Egypt) everyone is so uptight, no-one he knows ever calls or wants to hang out. Work does not provide time for him to attend Mosque. He did **not understand how expensive everything would be**, especially providing for two kids! He still could not get a driver's license a year after getting here. The strain on his face (and this is about 7 months after he got here) when he was telling me this was just so sad. I did my best to encourage him, but I did not hold back when I told him; "Look, man, you are in it now. You got married and had kids, dude. Your life is all work and no play now! It's going to take every bit of energy you have to work enough to support them. I don't know if things are more laid-back in Egypt, but here in the USA, unless you are rich you will suffer." So listen to me and don't be like Ray. Ray is trapped because he assumed that everything would be cool here. (and yes I know you are trying for Canada but things are much the same) Things are not cool here, friend. If you are not rich, you will suffer.


Having a kid is a quick way to become trapped.


It is. I know some people who rave about how great and important to them it is, but personally I couldn't deal with that weight around my neck day-to-day in this kind of adversarial society.


From Lebanon, I wish you the best and I’m also on that very same emigration track


The obvious reason for the new capital is also to keep the levers of power far away from any potential angry population. Unfortunatley Egypt really is one of the most brittle countries around. Without continuous imports from outside there will be a severe deficit of calories for the population. Sisi could destroy it simply by being too broke to afford said imports. 


I'm Canadian, and yes, we have too many immigrants in too short of time leading to a housing and greedflation crisis. One more ain't gonna kill us. I hope you can make it over.


Also Canadian. I wish the best for OP, but *each* immigrant is only one. And our housing market is so tight that each and every extra person knocks someone out of the bottom of the housing market. Now we have growing tent slums in every city, and it gets COLD here in the winter. You're talking about giving away what we no longer have to spare. Members of my own family gave their lives to establish what we have here, and I feel a responsibility to maintain that gift for my children - their descendants. Globally, humanity is in serious political trouble; our best bet as the unwashed masses in every country is to rise up and take control back. I know OP doesn't have that option as a single individual, but no single individual ever has, and somehow, previous generations still managed to do it. It's time to make a choice.


That's horrendous :(


get out if you can


I commend you for bringing your story here! I haven't seen any mainstream media reporting about the situation in Egypt.


I remember the people protesting against Mursi, then miltary jets crossed Tahrir square. The people cheered and thought the military would save them. At this very moment i knew the revolution is over.


Damn, thanks for the info about Egypt. Sometimes this sub gets focused on the global north or overlooks certain things. I sincerely hope you'll be able to get out of there. I didn't know just how cruel and totalitarian the Egyptian government was.


If you're in the US you may find out soon enough.


Just waiting for my turn...


I'm sorry how tone deaf and ignorant some of the responses to your post are. I have a feeling that sometimes when the content on this sub isn't about events that effect the USA or Europe, people lose interest. It sounds like you're on the right track with your plan to emigrate. I know if I was in your shoes I'd be thinking about doing the same thing. I don't know that much about the situation in Egypt these days to be completely honest with you, but it sounds like a total tinder box, and utterly unsustainable. Sisi's goons will support him until the coffers run dry and the food runs out for them too, and then they will desert him quick as anything. His inability to reconcile the contradictions between secularism and Islam, and to totally lock down extremist Islamist elements, to me, suggests that once his regime falls, Egypt could be thrown into another period of acute, open unrest.


That's largely due to differing access to information. The global north is overrepresented in both individuals access to information and communication and as a focus of study. I very much appreciate OP for adding to our collective knowledge. Not much is written about Egypt until something goes seriously wrong and even then it's difficult to acertain accuracy. 


Egypt is high on my list of countries most at risk of near term collapse. Why don’t you consider emigrating to other countries? Chile and Uruguay in South America have living standards pretty close to first world.


>Chile and Uruguay in South America have living standards pretty close to first world. 1. Those countries are not appealing in terms of language, income, living costs, jobs, democratic institutions and safety. 2. South America is leaning toward fascism. Besides, Chile and Uruguay are not migrant tolerant people.




[The Rise of Fascist Formations in Chile and in the World](https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/9/12/230) [From Mexico to Chile, these fascist movements are reemerging. When observers cling only to European examples of fascism, it means that the signs emerging in this hemisphere are being overlooked. ](https://progressive.org/latest/the-other-americans-fascism%E2%80%99s-ugly-shadow-abbott-20230616/) [The Rise of Fascism in Brazil](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0094582X221140419) [Third Worldism and the lineages of global fascism: the regrouping of the global South in the neoliberal era](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0143659042000185426) If you want to know about the roots of fascism in that continent: [Italian fascism and diasporic nationalisms in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay](http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch) [Latin America: Between declining US imperialism and rising neofascism](https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/latin-america-between-declining-us-imperialism-and-rising-neofascism) [Interview: Federico Finchelstein On The Modern Rise Of Fascism](https://rantt.com/interview-federico-finchelstein-on-the-modern-rise-of-fascism) Also, if you want a glimpse of Uruguay and Chile hospitality, visit their subreddits and IWantOut


Ok Chile and Uruguay are not immigration friendly. What about Panama and Costa Rica? Seem to be friendly to expats, comparatively high gdp per capita, high human development index and already with significant American/canadian expats populations.


Costa Rica is considered a luxury destination, being the most expensive country in Central America. US and Canadian expats and digital nomads are particularly welcomed due to their higher incomes. For an average Egyptian to immigrate here, they would typically need to be employed by a multinational company or work as a digital nomad. Additionally, Costa Rica's small size results in a stricter immigration process, especially for individuals coming from other developing countries. Panama is more or less the same as Costa Rica. It is the US backyard after all with the US dollar as its currency. I watched a video from Business Insider a while ago about Panama's promotional efforts to attract more immigrants. However, it seems their goal is to become a mini-Dubai, attracting the middle class and above from neighboring countries rather than from Africa or thousands of miles away.


My first visit to Egypt was in 1991 and the most recent was 2013. For common people nothing seems to get better. The population keeps going up, yet resources and public administration remain as limited as ever. I remember thinking that the only future for this country is if dust suddenly becomes a valuable export. But I still miss eating koshari... I hope you make it to Canada. It's smart to study French since that will make you more qualified.


Holy fuck. I'm really sorry for all the people in Egypt. That's fucked.


"All the people." 110 000 000 people in a desert. There is the problem.


"If the price of the nation’s progress and prosperity is to go hungry and thirsty, then let us not eat or drink," "... with Sisi widely expected to win a third term. " Wow .. it is not like the Egyptian voters do not know what they are voting for. If they want "prosperity" while going hungry, I really don't know what to say.




I knew that it was rigged but 93% is pretty shameless. 


Shit, I had no idea how things are in there... wouldn't surprise me if he had some association with Russia. I'm sorry, seems that the world is not very interested in affairs, didn't hear a thing in the news about this situation.


He is a dictator. Hope people realize this? He isn’t winning because people think he is great. People are in prison, fled the country as refugees, for speaking out against him.


Probably better than the Muslim brotherhood, all things considered


Both are shit. The liberal parties were the ones that has been placed in jail and prosecuted mostly. Pretty unfortunate that they could have won in 2012, but decided to be so divided.


That's the future wating for all of us.


Collapse is the solution, not the problem.


Tone deaf.


You tell him to recycle, buy local and get an EV and solar panels.Then if he builds a community with important skill sets who are of like mind and buys land and a bunch of dodads like water filters and guns. Lol. Tone Deaf? Perhaps, but not wrong. Stay, collapse. Flee, collapse. Do something, collapse. Do nothing, collapse. Share whatever bromines make you feel better. Perhaps teaching acceptance is the least cruel.


Well said :\]\] Accelerate :\]\]


“Tramadol, a strong opioid” LOL


OP said in another comment that Egyptians look at Fentanyl the same as Tramadol. It's lost in translation from the Arabic.


God that was a trip reading that. I was thinking, tramadol? A synthetic painkiller specifically designed not to be as strong as other opioids, and designed to be abuse proof?


> So is there a hypothetical scenario where one can survive the impending collapse? This country doesn't have any arable land that is at least a distance away from an urban population, it's extremely congested. It's one of the driest countries on the planet, barely sees any rainfall, and it's already being stressed and forced to monitor and portion its only water source, the Nile. It imports most of its essential food like wheat as a result, because it just can't grow enough to feed the population. Also, the general population is illiterate and can be swayed very easily by so called "leaders." > > I take tramadol for back pain. It's kind of an opioid lite. I don't feel like I have been destroyed. I also don't feel like it is strong enough to really knock out my back pain.


FYI tramadol is widespread drug of abuse in ex-USSR Central Asia, including where I live. And its relative weakness is exactly why would people like Sisi would mention it. The society wreck will be slow, less dramatic visually, yet as consequentional as in case of Fentanyl.


Emigrate, when shit hits the fan, this bribed asshole wont hesitate to kill his countryman. Considering who enable$ him, they should pay the price by accepting you as an imigrant 


That's so horrible. As someone living right next door to you (sort of, I'm in Israel) I wish Egypt was in better shape. I haven't visited Egypt since the revolution and even before that I only dared to go to Sinai but I always dream of visiting Cairo.... Your post sound so apocalyptic. I hope personnaly you get your wish and manage to emigrate out of Egypt. And I hope Sisi allows democracy and prosperity in Egypt. That part about not eating.... I bet he eats well.


Tramadol isn't a strong narcotic. It's the weakest.


I think you'll find that tramadol is a particularly nasty opioid well capable of inflicting severe harm on users. It may be a tad weaker than some others in the poppy family, but I've seen it wreck lives regardless. As for it being the weakest drug, there are plenty in others in other classes with much less psychoactive effect (stimulants such as nicotine and caffeine) or harm to users and others (MDMA, psychedelics, cannabinoids) - there is nothing 'weak' about tramadol. I'd personally grade it as one of the most dangerous drugs available, only outstretched in its ability to addict and do harm by other opioids and alcohol.


It's schedule 4 as opposed to other opioids at 2. It's the safest opiod there is. You could kill more ppl w insulin. I'm a hospice nurse, I deal w more opioids than most nurses. I don't even suggest tramadol because it hardly works.


Yep. I've had a couple of spine surgeries. I'm opioid free, I use Gabapentin for nerve pain, but I remember tramadol being basically worthless for the pain I was in.


Tramadol is widely, widely used drug of abuse in ex-USSR. I live there, and I know for a fact, it causes addiction and it wrecks peoples lives. Before very smart arrogant American nurses will angrily correct that Sisi meant Fentanyl, here a read for you: https://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/CND/CND_Sessions/CND_60/CRPs/ECN72017_CRP4_V1701497.pdf No, it it is TRAMADOL indeed. Tramodol abuse is a serious and widespread problem peculiar to Egypt. Yes I know, it is a week drug, but for whatever reason it took off in Egypt.


Was I arrogant? Nope. You are being a arrogant asshole, tho Tramadol is still the weakest opiod on the market. That paper only suggests it be controlled like it is in the US and most developed countries. It seems it wasn't controlled. That will cause problems. It's still an opiod, obviously.


What was the point of your original comment then at all? Other than dismiss the idea that it can wreck havoc in the society, idiotically stating "because it hardly works" and later sleazily adding "It's still an opiod, obviously."? What does this self-contradicting even mean? Typical for the first world asshole (the word you've used yourself first, I did not call you names), you think that something not causing problems in the first world, will not cause in the third world. Well guess what, no. It is extremely difficult to institute control for weaker drugs in developing countries, as law enforcement first of all busy fighting heavy drugs, and secondly due to corruption.


You guys have codeine in cough medicine at schedule V, right? Regardless, where things sit on US schedule list aren't particularly representative of potency of drugs (which is apples and oranges anyway) or harm to the user (a good chunk of those in Schedule 1 do much less harm overall than other Schedule 4 drugs like diazepam). That all said, if you're working in palliative care, I'd agree with your assessment that there's much stronger drugs at your disposal. I'd just heavily caution on describing tramadol, or anything derived from poppies, as weak.


I got, yeah. My line of work. Our scheduling system is messed up. And, I'm using the medical definition of narcotic as opposed to the legal. I don't consider stimulants, narcotics. They are just scheduled meds to me. Benzos and opioids are narcotics for me. And, maybe Lyrica.






It causes addiction not overdoses. You can read the paper...


Before very smart arrogant American nurses will angrily correct that Sisi meant Fentanyl, here a read for you: https://www.unodc.org/documents/commissions/CND/CND_Sessions/CND_60/CRPs/ECN72017_CRP4_V1701497.pdf No, it it is TRAMADOL indeed. Tramodol abuse is a serious and widespread problem peculiar Egypt. Yes I know, it is a week drug, but for whatever reason it took off in Egypt.






Yeah, you’re right, the perfect promise south-central La La Land is much better. They’ve got fent. Much stronger. And therefore will still remain my top goal to make it there.


Please don't suggest drugs, especially specific ones, here