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i’ve sent these “thank you” emails to 2 of my professors so far. They definitely do appreciate them especially during this online transition.


i had the sweetest professor for my spanish class this semester and she emailed me a congratulations about getting the highest grade in the class. i emailed back that is was all thanks to her. last semester i had to work really hard in my spanish class and it made me insanely anxious because the professor was an older lady whose mannerisms just made me super nervous (she had a tendency to put people on the spot and then make jokes at the expense of them when they made mistakes instead of being encouraging, which is not what i need as someone with relatively high social/performance anxiety). this semester, my professor did such an awesome job at making our classroom feel like a home and letting us know everyone in the class could feel free to speak without getting made fun of. it was SO much easier for me to do well. i told her my story and that she is doing everything right to support her students and she was so appreciative. i promise y’all, they do not hear it enough! if you have a good prof, tell them! even if you have to review them anyways for your school! it’s better to hear it from the student themselves than a review board.


Well first of all, congratulations for doing so well in your Spanish class! That’s awesome :D And secondly, I’m sure your Spanish professor really appreciated your response! Good on you for sending it out and letting her know the difference that she made!


I won’t but the thought is nice


Hey, in my world even just thinking about it sends some good karma their way! So you still did your part ;)


I send them if they deserve it :)


That’s why FCQ’s exist as well! Better for the ones who don’t necessarily deserve a thank you note, haha!


I was debating on sending thank you mail to my profs because I was worried I’d be coming off as disingenuous or something if I sounded too formal.... I do really appreciate the experiences I have had in their classes though! Thank you for posting this, I’m pretty set on doing it now, maybe I will tonight.


I think that they’ll absolutely appreciate a message from you no matter what! If you speak from the heart I’m sure it won’t sound disingenuous or too formal at all :)


Thank you, yes, I’m planning on doing it! :)




Exactly why I decided to post! The end of the semester can be a hectic time, but this is a small thing that can go a long way :)


Please do this! I literally cry when I receive any type of thank you email from students


Disclaimer: non American here. Um... you call your professor Chris?


American here: I also find the tone of the email to be strangely informal. I would not talk to my professors this way, so it is at least not an all-US-people thing.


Yup! This professor specified on the first day of class that he didn’t want to be called professor - just Chris! Like another commentor posted, this is usually something younger professors do, though this professor is a bit older and just wanted to form a personal relationship with students.


Yeah I'm American and I've never called any of my professors by their first name. Seems weird.


It definitely depends, I have a few professors who I've been friends with on Facebook and talk to like a friendly coworker then I have some that I would feel weird speaking to in a less than business formal style. To be fair my program is small so when you have the same 2-3 professors for all your upper division courses you get friendly. They'd eat lunch with a lot of us almost daily between classes.


How I imagine these exchanges going down [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFHA47ESnLw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFHA47ESnLw)


Haha, it might actually be a bit like that! I just have to say, that move was a total surprise to me. I had no idea it was going to be about the Manson murders going it - and it was the first Tarantino movie I’d seen - so it was a wild ride! But a good one for sure!


Lol my prof hasnt replied to mines for 2 months


They’re probably still writing you back, trying to find the perfect words to express their gratitude ;)


Its too late :(. Oh well. It was cringe anyway


So sweet!


Graduating this semester is truly not the experience I wanted it to be, but I’m graduating! The professors have worked so hard to give me the learning experience I needed to finish all my major papers and projects and have really just been rockstars. Honestly it’s a wonder how well they’ve been coping :(. I keep checking in on them and it seems really tough!


Congratulations on graduating! You’re a rockstar for making it through college and becoming an adult - no pressure ;) And I’m glad to hear you’ve been checking in on them. I had one professor who was staying up until like 3am every night and he had me worried about him!


Thank you! It’s been a very unique experience this semester for these professors. One of them needed help with setting up anything online because they had never done anything but email before :(


The question is, will they give you an A for sending these emails? I need something in return, they ain’t getting any free love from me unless they return something; NO DEAL!


You can’t outright ask for it, but subliminal messaging is key here. Mention that their class was “A+ material”. Talk about how you were engaged in their lectures “at least 95% of the time.” Finish by saying “Give me an A or I swear I’ll find a way to make sure no one takes your course next semester.” Finesse is tough, but it’ll get you where you need to be.