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You’re wearing drapes?


I think soft summer that can borrow from soft autumn!


You looked amazing in the burgundy, brown/beige, navy, sea foam green, and a couple others! 


5 and 18 look nice. 5 being the best. But I also really like 1 mainly because I love a sage green.




Ahhh hahahaha thank you!!


The shade in pic 4 is perfect!


5,9,11 colors look best on you.


Ma’am that purple looks incredible on you!


Purple looks good on you


Thank you!


Summer. Your skin glows up in the berry and the blues.


Black Blue Purple Yellow Those look good on you


I'm throwing in another vote for 1,5,8!


I don’t know how I ended up here or what season it is but I think these colors look best: 1, 5, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18


Thank you! I don’t know what is happening, is Reddit just recommending this post to people? What did I do?? Reddit explain??? Hahahaha


Everyone is saying summer but I am firmly in the Autumn camp over here. The olive and rust bring you into focus and your skin looks really alive and healthy. The pastels and lighter blues bring out the redness and unevenness in your skin tone. 5, 11, and 14 are all autumn colors and are by far the best of the options. I’m really surprised by the comments here.


Muted colors are for you. (Color +grey)


1, 5, 8, 11, 14, 18 are winners, and 7 and 16 are pretty good.


You’re absolutely cool toned. Thinking summer


I like the bright and warm colors on you. Last two slides as well as the heather blue.


Maroon and navy blue


I know, she looks dynamite in those colors.


5/9/14 look nice!


1, 5, 7, 8, 9 & 11 looks great!


The green and black looks good


I like the bright green!


13, 16, 18 are yours


I loved you in 1, 5, 8, 11, and 16. I think you look best in muted earthy tones. They really bring out your lovely eyes and skin tone.


I really like number eleven You should try lavender


16 and 18 are Gorg to me


I definitely think because you are so soft and light in features. Anyythjng too bold is overpowering. Soft pale muted colors I thought were lovely on you. That soft pale blue was magic . I really said out loud THAT is her color


The olive green, greige, burnt orange and darkish blue all look really good! Not sure what season that makes you though.


5, 9, 11, 14 I really like!


I thought the last 5 look best




Black looks terrible


5 💯 suits you most. Brings your eye colour out and makes them pop, it also compliments your skin tone and somehow makes you look healthier.


I’m screaming from the mountaintops FIVE LOOKS AMAZINGGGG


Cool winter. It leans towards summer but still have the depth of the winter colours.


lol my question exactly when i started looking into color analysis and testing different colors


being more serious though.. personally i find that: 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19 these colors seem to drain you. your colouring looks more muted with these colors and there is a visible shadowing in the chin area i understand that seeing these colors next to your eyes (especially that first pic) there seems to be a connec with the eyes, but the effect on the skin for me would be a dealbreaker 2, 3, 17, 20 these colors create a yellowish area around your mouth and to me this also feels a bit unnatural/exaggerated 4, 11, 14, 16, 18 are okay 15 is meh and 10 swallows you 9… i don’t like something about it, but don’t know what that is exactly:) 19 makes you a bit frozen… like the draining colors (6, 7….) but to a lessen extent 5, 12 are my favourites! 5 might make your skin still a bit yellow but not too much compared to other options you posted 12 is gorgeous


Hahaha good to know it happens to many of us!


big soft summer energy.


That's my bet too. Cool, soft and muted colors look amazing on OP


The purples look lovely


I think you look good in the blues.


I’m a fan of #14 personally 🤔


I thought you'd be cool but why do I prefer all the warm drapes the most? I like 9,11,14,17 the most which are the most obviously warm drapes.


I live to confuse, apparently! Myself included hahaha


Well...I think you look great! However, the olive green looks nice against you!


Thank you!


11, 16, 17 and 18 look great. In my humble opinion you’re a soft cool olive. I think a true light butter yellow for summer would also look stunning on you


5, 7, and 9 look good 👍


Cool tones look great on you. Muted cool tones. The light gray green, for example, but not the vivid turquoise.


I agree with the person suggesting soft is most dominant and I think you’re soft autumn, and either neutral/olive leaning warm or possibly cool olive, and that’s why it’s so hard. You’re not alone! Several of these are a nice start but 14 is my favorite, 16 and 18 are nice, too. 11 is really interesting because the color itself is both cool and warm, but probably more of a cool olive, and it looks so neutral and calm on you. Based on the system you could pull from soft summer, too. But to me the system is kind of frustrating for this kind of thing because if someone has to be selective within their own palette it doesn’t create the ease the system is supposed to provide.


Thank you, you put the frustration into words perfectly! I’ll always pick and choose from the seasons according to my personal favorite colors, I think


Look for fair olive subreddit


Will do, thank you!


I have similar coloring and completely relate to you. My skin is literally green though! Here, I consider it neutral and pull from both soft summer and soft autumn palettes. If I want to look a little more dramatic, I just go smokier, rather than more saturated. YMMV. Have fun—you’re lovely!


the royal blue looks incredible


Thank you! ☺️


Feel like you could also benefit from some brightening skin care. I would suggest vitamin C in the morning!


Ah, I’ve gotta admit that might be dehydration


I think it’s between soft summer and soft autumn for you


Look into soft summer. Muted not pastel. I'm SS and felt everything looked terrible at first until I found some wow colors.


I’ll check, thank you!


Agreed! Immediately thought Soft Summer.


I agree!


5,8,9,18 looks greattt! Edit - 11 and 14 too!


Thank you!!


They all look good


Aw, thank you ☺️ I’ll get a big head reading these comments hahaha


You are definitely cool. I saw someone else mention yellow in your eyes, but this does not preclude being cool toned, especially when it comes to your skin. Moderate contrast. Look into clear/true/bright summer. To me, comparing the cool green vs the warm green (1 vs 2) it is so obvious. The cool green brings your eyes out, while the warm green just feels so disharmonious.


Interesting, thank you! I’ll check out the different summers




I agree, as did the royal blue


Having olive undertones can make it hard to find a particular season. If you have eastern European roots it can be common to have olive tones. I can't tell on other people. I just figured out I was olive skinned myself but when you asked your question that's what came to mind.


Ohh that might be an indication towards olive tones then, indeed. Thank you, I have a new data point!


Soft warm


I agree 100%


Plum and purple ✅


Purple blues and whites suit you to my eyes.


The plum, purple, and forest green look great to me


I really like 11


I like pic 1,7,9,11,13


Lol I know that one! I think you're a soft summer and I am your opposite-a soft winter. There aren't so many of us which is why the standard seasons don't seem to fit. We have similar features but I am very high contrast and you're more muted. In my case I have to take the true winter color palette and add gray tints. Try doing that with a true summer palette and you might have more luck.


I’ll try that, thank you!


I second soft summer


14 and 20 look great




Get away from the beige wall.


It’s white! Just in the shadow because I was sitting in front of the balcony door


I Love the cool dark soft green in 16. A lot of the others seem too bright, but too light also seems to be an issue. I would very much look into more of the darker soft summer colors as a starting point for a wardrobe!


that's what I was noticing too, darker but muted! bright colors were overpowering but pastels washed her out


I’ll check out some of the colors, thank you!


5,6,9,11,16,18 look great on you. A lot of these have cool toned gray in them. I think you are a soft summer.


I agree with these and would add 8 and 12 into the mix. 5, 12 and 16 are ones that really stood out to me. Her eyes and face stand out so much in those!


To my eyes, softness is your dominant feature (over coolness/warmth or lightness/darkness). Therefore, soft autumn and soft summer colors compliment your complexion - meaning, I see *you* before I see the color. Many people with neutral skin tones can go back and forth. My advice would be to choose soft colors above all else! Your eyes are stunning, by the way! And, let’s be clear, you are beautiful in several of these colors.


Oh, thank you so much! I’ll look into soft colors to see how I feel about, then


Yes!! Second this! She looks stunning in muted pastels, and I think I was drawn to the cool pastels? Anything too dark (ie black) washes her out, even though black is a “cool” color


I think you're a summer, either cool or soft




https://preview.redd.it/gw20h6s0vd3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3a9c27f9e7c68603b3f83584731553d472446b Soft.


https://preview.redd.it/rtv26gjzud3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6cdbe47ece038bb44e0443921a5f1ccc650410 Cool.


9, 14, 16 and 18 look the best. Maybe more but I doubted my memory! No idea what season that makes you, unfortunately I seem to be blind to these.


Thank you! You and me both, seasons will forever evade me, I guess…


He,it's sad to see some of our favorite colors look bad on us like black,grey,etc.By the look of it I can really say you can be a light or cool summer if you're cool undertone.I can assure that nearby


A lot of these look good! Especially as you start to get away from the very clear and bright colors. The wine color looked amazing, olive looked great, burnt orange looked great, that dark forest green, the flecked beige, the rust color, all looked absolutely great! I think you’re honored by deep but muddled colors. When you get to the winter jewel tones I think they wash out your eye color and the summers make you a bit more sullen/pale. So i’m thinking you lean slightly warm, and we can even see that fact pull through in your auburn hair and the yellow tint to your aqua eye color. So i’m a vote for Autumn. Not a bold autumn but a dark/soft autumn.


I agree with an autumn of some sort! The ashier lighter summer colors drained all the color out of you. Yet the more deep autumn colors brought a radiance to your face! Once I saw that copper color 👏🏼


I can’t believe you caught the yellow tint in my eyes on those pics! Fun fact, when the pupils shrink enough, there’s a very light yellowish brown ring around them


5, 11, 14, 16 definitely support the autumn hypothesis. I thought you were cool toned until I saw you in that rust color. Beautiful!!!


Agree with soft autumn!


I like the blue (6). That's the one I paused on while swiping!


As a fellow summer I feel your pain 😂


Virtual high five! 😂


you're a summer. probably cool or true summer.


1, 4, 5, maybe 6, 7, 8, 9, 11,12,14,16, maybe 17, 18 all look nice on you, I haven't seen a post in a while where most of the colors work. I do art though so for me a lot of these colors compliment your skin.


Oh wow, thank you! Coming from an artist, that instantly made my day to be honest hahaha


The color behind you isn't white. It is a yellowy off white that makes you look sick. If you cover that part of the picture, you can see which colors suit you, and it's actually a lot of them!! I think soft summer, but I'm not overly familiar with the types.


The shadows really do make it look like the walls aren’t white, don’t they… that’s a good point though, I’ll try looking at the pictures blocking out the background, thank you!


Are you more confused now after all these responses? I know I am! Lol


Sure am hahaha At least I feel justified in just picking and choosing whichever colors I like now!


Most responses to posts seem to vary wildly in opinion. Some popular choices tend to make me go "what?? No way" 🤣


Hahahaha very fair! I guess it’s good I was planning to mostly stick to my favorite colors anyway, no matter if they suit me 😬


Def Muted olive!


Came here to say the same


Consider doing something with your hair to minimize the harsh contrast and pull focus towards your gorgeous eyes! I think adding some warmth to your hair would work really well.


Thank you! I actually used to dye my hair with henna so it had the slightest copper tinge! Might have to go back to that… 🤔


I think you have the same colouring as me. I’m a fair olive and yeah everybody just ignores us. 😂😂


Hahaha unified in our obscurity


I came here to find some answers because i have identical colour set as you in terms of eyes, hair and skin tone, but every comment says something different 😅


It sure doesn’t clear things up, doesn’t it 🤣 good luck!


I think you are warm toned. I'd say autumn but I am no expert. I just love how warm colours look on you. I think that cold colours make you look a little tired.


You have very similar colouring to me and I ended up as cool deep clear. That means contrast is king. So say wearing a navy with a white stripe. Blues look fab on you as do most of the cool jewel tone colours.  I struggled with my assessment at first because I'm very much a city chic style dresser who balks at bright deep colours. Which was why I didn't think anything looked good on me.  Perhaps that is what is happening here? You might just not like the colours that look good on you yet. 


Thank you, I’ll see if I can get used to some of the colors and evaluate then! That was a great point, actually


You need warm colors


Warmer colors make your eyes pop. You are a fall but you can wear pastels. You may need some highlights to warm up your face. Maybe soft medium brown?


I agree with 5, 9, and 11! Plus you have the most gorgeous eyes, there’s no way you can look terrible.


Oh, thank you!!


No bc the brown orange (14) and the maroon purple (5) look AMAZING on you


Thank you ☺️


I'd suspect you're a summer. Not everyone fits precisely into the brackets. The black is decent but it doesn't compliment you much which would eliminate winter. The light, bright green is okay but it's too bright for you which means you're a muted season. The lighter bright blue is also overpowering which would eliminate spring. The deep yellows and deeper jewels in general are too deep and too warm so autumn is out. The easiest way to tell if a colour is good is to close your eyes for three seconds and open them. If they're drawn constantly to the colour then it's wearing you but if your eyes are solidly on your face then you are wearing a suitable colour.


That’s a really great tip, I’ll try the closing my eyes trick for sure! Thank you!


5, 9, and 11 look great on you!!!


Soft dusty colors or warm don’t look good on you. I think the cool colors look great!


9, 11, 12(maybe a little too bright) and 16 are pretty good on you❤️ would guess soft summer or true summer for you💗💗


Okay, so I said Winter, and then I saw black on you. Not the best imo. BUT that eggplant purple looks AMAZING on you. I think you’re Deep Autumn— the closest autumn to Winter, but not as deep or as bright as winter tends to be— and leans slightly warmer. In my opinion, black is too dark for you and really makes it apparent how soft some of your features are— and both the light and bright colors respectively overpower you in their own ways. That purple is perfect though— it doesn’t compete with your features, and seems to enhance/draw the eye to your face!


I agree! I think she’s deep autumn. I loved the dark, but muddled shades on her. If that eggplant had a hint more red it would be even more *chefs kiss*.


Cool winter for sure!! The jewel tones look so pretty


No no no. I love the jewel colours, the deep green and black. You seem to have a neutral undertone. I say winter!


I like 1, 5, 9, 18 and maybe even 14! I do think you look overwhelmingly muted.


You are soft. So either soft autumn or summer.


So many people here saying summer but I’m going for winter! Could you be a cool winter? I’ll post a couple of pics of the pallets. https://preview.redd.it/8pxk3swbzb3d1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb4c1d27689c67cc9a397dccb0d844751171cdd


I think the greens in this palette are really good. A sea-foam kind of colour, and a darker marine colour, both looked right in the photos. A greenish grey could be good.


I agree with true winter. What’s up with everyone getting typed as a soft summer? It can’t actually be right at this point lol. This sub has a boner for muted colors


Winter has some overlap with summer because they're both cool, the black isn't the best on op, makes them look washed out (especially compared to the summer drapes) which gives away that they're most likely not a winter.


I actually don’t like black on myself - I don’t even go for black mascara because it feels too hard to me!




Or are you a cool summer? 🤔🤔🤔 https://preview.redd.it/t7174i900c3d1.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbf4e79519106b0cad0ecda3ea2d6c467f61339a


True summer!


I think you're exaggerating, perhaps if you fixed your hair in the pictures it might help a bit but overall I feel like more subdued colors look amazing on you. Flashy stuff dossen't work with your complexion but you sure can rock things like 16 easily.


Yes I was exaggerating, I’m not actually going to wear a paper bag over my head hahaha Thank you!


5&18 look really great to me


8, 10, 11, 14, and 16 look amazing on you! I think you’re an autumn :)


Winter, i'm hesitating between True or Bright Winter.


16 and 18 are my favourites, I'd look into the deeper end of Soft Summer if I were you


The jewel tones look great on you! Navy, purples, emerald, even the sage green!


Stop it. 5,9,11,12,14,16, 18 are not terrible at all.


The light blue is a great color on you. They are all nice. Have a nice day.


The first photo (sage green?) looks just lovely :)


Summer ♥️


I think you could be a soft summer! I would look into shaded soft summer


you look amazing in dark purple and dark green!!


also really like the ice blue


The sage, violet and berry colours look beautiful on you I too would say a summer


Soft summer!


Soft summer looks lovely on you x


I like the olive on you😍 11.


I think you're somewhere inbetween Soft Summer and Soft Autumn, but you lean more cool, so thus summer. But as you're on the border, not all the summer colours will look good on you, and you can also get a way with a few of the autumn colours.


Ohh, that would explain a lot! Thank you!


Light spring colors look great on you!


I think autumn colors look best on you! 💗💗