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Bro’s done


He’s literally crying


Crying from his eyes and nose, then later from the butt.


Bro's cooked


Enjoy shitting lava for the next hour….




Nah fam it's asian spicy.


*nah pham


phnom penh




When i lived in cambodia i had a friend who was a small aussie vegan. Carried personal hot sauce everywhere she went, loved spice. We were eating some place and she asked for the food spicy, then caught the waiters arm as he went to leave and said 'real spice, asian spice'. He went to the kitchen, returned and said the chef told him 'she might think she likes spice but she doesnt know asian spice'. She sent the waiter back explaining that she knew exactly what she was asking for. Then the chef herself appeared, half annoyed half pleading with the girl that she understand what she was asking for. Finally gave up and presented the 'asian spicy' food, the staff came to watch my friends reaction. She ate it happily ajd enjoyed it. The staff all shocked and excited laughing. When we left my friend told me she was still fairly certain they hadnt given her full power


*audible confusion*


Taught me that. Memes, the DNA of the soul.








pam pam pam




Pammy and her Pam Pams


What's funny is that if he cooked it the right way (dry sauce noodles, not supposed to be soupy), it would've been MUCH spicier


Some of their products are intended to be prepared as a stew, but you're right, the original is spicier




You're right, I do see that now. The 2x has a decent kick to it for sure. Lit my mouth on fire the first time I tried it. I started really getting into spicy food after trying buldak since it has a lot of great flavor.


> I think that sauce packet should be considered a weapon of war Nah, it even says on the label: "Sauce packet is **safe for adult humans** if handled with gloves."


I looked up the Scoville units on the 2x and it said 10,000 and immediately thought fuck no it ain't. Shit is hotter than my 50k hot sauces.


If theye were bagged maybe, but those are cup noodles and its meant to be soupy, how tf are u gonna cook them properly in the cup?


Pour hot water in, strain the water out before adding the sauces. Some of them have holes on the lid to facilitate this!


Nah, assuming it’s Buldak, the instructions tell you to dump out the water once it’s done cooking and before putting in the sauce. There’s tiny slits in it.


There are triangle straining holes on the lid so you can drain most of the water out. It tells you drain it in the directions.


Wrong. You open it halfway, fill with boiling water. Put chopsticks on lid to weigh down. Wait 4 minutes. Use chopsticks to poke holes in the side you didn't open which conveniently is fucking marked.... Pour out water, add "soup" base. Source: cup literally in front of me.


Non-Japanese Asian spicy. Japanese spicy is weak ass shit.


That's most definitely Korean spicy. Their noodles are SO DAMN SPICY, especially the buldak noodles. Good God, I can't believe they could easily handle that level of spiciness. I bought a whole pack of the black buldak, and they're still sitting in my closet somewhere after a year because one pack of them made me not even *want* to touch them anymore. I even got the pink kind, which is supposedly the least spicy in the Buldak series, and they're still too spicy for me. And here I thought my spicy level was pretty high, but Buldak just clocked me.


I only use half the 2x spicy sauce, but my secret I learned from a first gen Korean best friend is put a slice or two of American cheese on top. Sounds weird but it’s so good, and helps with the spice.


Weird tip but it’s actually amazing lol. I made a kimchi grilled cheese with American and my fiancée was tripping til she tried it (we aren’t korean lol)


Japanese spicy can be a roulette, because 99% of the time it's all just lightly tingly... until you unsuspectingly buy a ramen from a chef who lived in Korea for 10 years and now your world is fire


Now indian spicy...


Where the only flavor is physical pain.


And the diarrhea flows like wine


And if I could financially do so, I would eat it every single day.


My first time trying lamb vindaloo was as a young girl. In my youthful hubris, I got the highest heat level, despite the waiter's warnings. I'm the whitest white person to ever white (Sámi), but I love spicy food, "I will be fine." I finished it, but I needed a bib for my runny nose and tears, and could only speak in thumb's up/down. They gave me free mango lassi refills for being a champ about it. :)


Now Thai spicy


I roomed with an indian guy for a few weeks once. He was making dinner and it smelled super good. He let me taste it after explaining it was spicy, but I was aware. I watched him make it out of mostly a variety of peppers. Was a paste that we ate with something like pita, maybe it was pita? He was super surprised when I could handle it. That said, I frequently overspice my own food and use a lot of serranos, sometimes habeneros in my food. Not really a typical white guy.


With the one very treacherous exception being real wasabi from an actual wasabi plant. Good Lord. I guess it's not, technically, "spicy" but it'll certainly set your mouth on fire.


Gets those sinuses so clear though.


I would rather take a mouthful of real wasabi than horseradish wasabi


Can confirm. My Japanese wife thinks regular black pepper is too spicy to put on food.


You have to be more specific. Is it Cantonese spicy or Indo spicy?


I think it might be Korean spicy. Which can be quite something.


Isn't that the spicy Korean ramen that everyone was freaking out about a year or two ago?


Yep, the buldak noodles. They are insanely spicy.


I always see them mentioned on r/spicy but I never see them in the supermarkets where I live in France. I'm in Vietnam now and I was really excited to see them in the supermarkets here. I'm going to get a few packs to take home to "surprise" people with.


Yeah, as an Indian, their spiciness is on a whole another level compared to what Indian food has.


I'm Korean and thought I could handle spicy food. But the spiciest I ever had was Indian. I think it was a restaurant known for its spiciness. Went ahead and ordered "normal" level spicy and it kicked my ass.


Tbh, the Korean food that I ate was those Korean spicy noodles shown in this post, so Korean food might not be as spicy as what I ate. Still is the most spicy food I have ever eaten ever.


At least you can taste Indian food


Lol username checks out


Asia is a big damn place. Japanese Korean and Thailand spicy are like different GD planets. Even just china is all over the map 


Korean guy at my college brings molten glass with him as a snack, mostly eats solar flares though.


Man that's him on a diet....when he brings that vat of molten slag that is bright orange you let me know....


I like the x4 damage purple one


“I love Mexican and Indian food” mfs when they try Thai or Korean food: https://preview.redd.it/5vpz5vhroc1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31bdd634f0cb5677f6705da7a6c1081adee82662


Heck... Even as an Indian I'm impressed those mfs eat that stuff everyday. 


They don't, 'Korean Ramen' isn't really Korean food, they eat it just like how foreigners do, for fun, for super spice, special occasion, such and such. It's kinda a new thing in Korea too Us Malaysians eat that shit up, I absolutely love them and eat them often to save money as I'm tired of normal instant noodles and love the taste


Thai and Malaysian people horrify me with their spice tolerance. I feel like I could shoot one of ya'll and you'd at most whince before walking it off. Inhuman constitutions.


My partner is Malaysian. Her mom only gave me the subtle nod of approval when I pad seared then ate whole a fresh habanero with no drink chaser as we were prepping dinner in the kitchen. Before that she just rolled her eyes when I said I like that shit.


I one time helped my chef at my old job move, he was this big old head who didn't take any shit. His wife was a four foot tall Thai lady. This woman berated us and mostly him the entire three hour move, mostly when we were moving her chest freezer filled with random chili peppers and meat bones lol. Thai people are it to be fucked with.


I will very rarely order my food "Thai hot" from the local Thai place. I just can't do it every meal, what I usually do, is order the normal dish, and ask for a small bowl of the ground peppers they cook with, and season to taste, that stuff is soooo good. Eventually ordered a bag from Amazon.


As someone who hits up the local CU and Emart24 it’s not “just for fun” lol Korea has had ramyeon for a long ass time even in Army Soup after the war


not specifically buldak ramyeon tho. that's new (2012) and imo doesn't even taste good, it kinda only exists to be overly spicy. but if you have a high spice tolerance it's just sweet and gross. also it's inconsistent af one time i ate 2x spicy and it was fine the next day i ate it again cause it was all we had and i was crying after putting 3 slices of cheese and milk ?? unless you mean shin ramyeon which is the best and we have had that one for like 40 years


the two countries where i specifically never ask for "local spicy" are thailand and korea..thailand i feel was the harshest. i swear they served me battery acid as a joke.


Want a dash of noodles with your ghost pepper paste?


Made friends with a tuktuk driver and we ended up meeting his whole family for dinner. I asked him to ask the waiter in Thai for THAI SPICY curry. His whole family got to laugh at the idiot white man crying at the table cause I thought I was somethin.


I only put one drop of the 2x hot sauce in my noodles and that shit still nearly killed me


That was my first experience with non-western spicy. I was like 9 or 10 and at a friends place playing Computer games, and his chinese mom made dinner, some sort of noodle soup. They bring out this glass jar with pickled chili like things, dipped their chopsticks in it, and stirred their bowl. I asked if i could do that to, and my friend said "sure, but it's kinda spicy, so don't do more than a drop". I don't remember much of that evening after that. Otoh, it set me up with a liking and high tolerance for spicy food. I used to like Thailand spicy for a while; though admittedly i've mellowed out since then :) It really paid off when i was in Thailand though :D


if you dont put finger chilis in your spicy ramen dont speak to me


"Kill... me..." -Your stomach lining


Yeah it’s all fun and games until they develop chronic ulcers and intestinal issues


now i think of it that could be a problem oh well


Bulgogi slaps tho


Korean food as far as I know isn't known or revolves around spiciness like Mexican and Indian food until recently. It started as a gimmick/trend when ultra spicy food was a trend in all of Asian internet, not really the norm unlike Indian food where eating like that is just a daily thing


I tried Thai food once and actually almost died. I didn't know they cooked with peanuts, and I went into anaphylactic shock.




I think the spiciness experienced from Mexican and Korean peppers are somewhat different. I’ve seen people comfortable with one side taking difficulty with the other multiple times.


puking and diarrhea is a normal response to overdosing capsacien. it is very possible you simply overdosed. i'd consider slowing working on tolerance by slivers of habero, then working your way up. if that is indeed something you are interested in. generally korean thia etc use birds eye chilis, which i think are orenmental, whereas habs are, "chinense" peppers. a misnomer if i ever heard one! anywhoo, that could be because of different varieties but unlikely. although each person has a preferance in type. i myself LOVE chinense, but can't stand whatever jalapeno is, and don't care much for thia peppers/ornamentals either.


You're not allergic bro that's just what hot peppers do




You can go through that if you are really bad with spice and just can't handle it. Puking and diarrhea are things people experience who eat something way too spicy for their tolerance levels. How do you handle stuff like jalapeños?


Hot peppers really should not do that unless you are very sensitive to spice. Never once have I puked or gotten diarrhea from a habanero.


korean spices are BRUTAL


If there's Korean text or guy spewing fire it's usually fine. Both at the same: It's going to burn even two days later on the toilet.


I once did a hot dog challenge where I needed to eat two of them with suicide hot sauce and sit there for 5 minutes with no water or milk or puking up Like a dumbass I got that shit near my eye and tried to wash it onto for it to drip into my eye and burn like a motherfucker I also had the hot shits the next day and it was burning like crazy, so I feel this dudes pain very much lol


“Two days later?!” I think you may need to drink more water and intake more fiber.


Ya bro. I don't think i've ever had my ass burn after eating spicy food. I think these people are just REALLY unhealthy.


I knew a guy from Korea he was very interested to try American spicy noodles so we traded a pack That shit was so spicy It was black cup with a chicken that had its mouth on fire And my stomach was not happy He came back the next day and said the noodles i gave him were "too mild"


That is Buldak. https://megakfood.com/products/8801073210363


Thats it! thats the noodles that made my tummy do a backflip Thank you for finding it, i knew it was a good idea to describe the cup Tbh id be willing to try it again and probably will now that i got the brand


I bought a pack of their 2x spicy noodles about a year ago: my lips end up tingly and numb whenever I eat one and my stomach is never happy. I’ve started using less than the full sauce packet and it’s still absurdly spicy


If you go there it’s actually quite rare to find truly spicy food unless you’re looking for it, it’s more like a moderate heat, often. However if you find somewhere thag does buldak (fire chicken wings) that is legit magma


Bought buldak X3 recently, prayge


There's 3x? Damn. Eating the 2x took me like an hour because I had to take breaks lol


It sucks because it actually tastes really good but you only get glimpses of that in-between sheer agony.


rip bro i enjoyed the normal ones and got a stomachache after eating 2x not to mention the pain while eating it


I love the 1x and tried 2x. 2x put me into a sort of system shock, fever, physically not well state. Never again.


RIP your anus


I saw some 3X in my local chinese supermarket and didn't dare. 2X were right on the borderline between "these are fuckin mint" and "I've seen the face of god, and he was angry". 3X has got to be like eating the sensation of being punched in the stomach.


Oh, that's Buldak. It's pretty good Korean ramyun.


Yeah I’ve got it a couple times and it’s spicy as shit. I got the spicy once and it was hot but I enjoyed it. Then bought the 2x spicy to see how bad it was. Holy God… that shit was insane.


There's a 3× as well. At some point I was eating the 2× nearly every day to prepare for the 3×. I could have been doing that for a month and I still would have not felt better while eating the 3×


x2 almost murdered my entire body , the drop to x1 is queite big I feel, its like they are literal with their x the fuck is x3 made out then??? satans balls?


You’d be correct that the x numbers are literal. x1 is 4404 Scovilles and x2 is 8808. Wikipedia didn’t list x3 but I’d have to assume it’s 13,212


I’m having a hard time ameliorating the facts that a) these bowls are 4500-9000 Scoville, b) jalapeños are 2500-8000 Scoville, and c) these bowls are causing people to scream and puke and cry in pain. How can all three of these things be true?


Well if you eat jalapeños the chemical that induces the feeling of spicy is mostly in the seeds and pith. These bowls of ramen have the spicy chemical as part of the flavor packets you add to the soup. The reason the soup is going to be way spicier is that the chemical is better delivered to your taste buds. When you're slurping down some spicy ramen your taste buds are going to be pretty much coated in the chemical. Scoville is a measurement of the amount of those spicy chemicals so even though a jalapeño is going to have similar levels of the chemical it is mostly in parts of the pepper we don't eat. This is also why hot sauces made from jalapeños can be way spicier than just eating the peppers.


I tried a few bites of the 3x spicy version and that landed me in the bathroom for the rest of the day.


I haven't seen 3x one where I'm at. I did find 4x one. Spicy as fuck, but fucking delicious. A bit of bread while eating it helped a little bit.


I like that you train yourself to eat different foods lmao


When you try the 3x you begin eating the 1x for fun


Wait until you try the x3


Fuck that shit, my wife eats it like candy


Eating Buldak at full spice will have you hallucinating through the tears


Me and my gf likes them too but its literally 4x more expensive than other Asian noodles and 10x more expensive than instant noodles and is rather starve before eating instant noodles again


That red one is very spicy though. Worse than the black.


I've always eaten Buldak without a broth. You cook them like any other ramen then just keep like half a cup of the water for the sauce and it ends up creamy and clings to the noodles. Are the cups that different from the packs? If mans can't handle watered down Buldak I hope he doesn't try it made right. The 2x Buldak is the perfect amount of spicy.


A decade or so ago I was in the US Army and spent a few months at Rod Range in South Korea. The base was a shithole but the one good thing about it was a Katusa Snack Bar. They served noodle based meals that were amazing. I thought it was Ramen Noddles so since then I have tried several Ramen restaurants in the US but they were never the same. I assumed it was because it wasn’t authentic or I just thought it was better than it was because the other food options at the time weren’t great but after seeing your comment and googling “ramyun” I now think their meals were Ramyun not Ramen. Which makes sense since Ranyun is apparently a popular dish in Korea while Ramen is Japanese and the whole point of the Katus Snack Bar was so Korean Soliders would have familiar food options while training with the US.


Pretty sure you're supposed to drain the water then add the packets


youre suppose to drain water, but leave like 5 spoons worth of water, then add liquidy packets and stir fry them a little, it releases more flavour..but completely draining and adding packets works too


Doing that also lowers down the spice level a bit. At least based on my experience.


I make a broth with the sauce / peanut butter / left over oil from spam , cook the noodles in it again (i only cook them to sepereate them the first time)


It's the soup version I'm pretty sure Source: have had every flavor/version of Buldak, been a super-fan ever since it went viral with Mukbang youtubers


Nah this one is the "stir fried" version, it literally says it in black on the bottom right of the cup in the pic. The soup version is the "stew" one that's in a different colour and says stew on the side.


Ah yeah must've missed that. So this guys struggling with a watered down version of the 2x stir-fry lol


It says stir fried but it’s really just boiling water in a cup. Looks like he didn’t drain it enough either way


Yeah that's why I put stir-fried in quotation marks lol.


Alternative method: only use about 250-300ml of water, add the sauce to the water at the beginning. The liquid will combine with the noodle starch and reduce down to a nice thick sauce by the end of cooking, the noodles will absorb a lot more flavour, and you get to skip the whole draining stage.


I like drinking the broth when I’m done w the noodles so I always leave some water


Best ad


Bro got cooked


you know its strong when the sauce stains the utensils and the cup


As a non-white person in America I feel this. I expect things that are labeled "spicy" to be pretty mild, because white families here just don't use spice like that. But every now and then I am pleasantly (and occasionally unpleasantly) surprised to find the opposite.


Get the Campbells Chunky Ghost Pepper Chicken Noodle soup


Dude I got some of this and brought it into the kitchen I work in and we all tried it and the next day I had to call into work because my stomach hurt so bad. Tasted really good though while we were eating it


I've heard so many bathroom horror stories from that soup. Buyer beware, do NOT eat during a work day.




My brother loves that stuff! I can't even sniff it without sneezing.


At one point, me and some friends were in Downtown Denver waiting for a bus leaving Denver. We were all hungry as all fuck, so we went to this chicken place. Colorado spicy food is normally weak as all fuck, so I ordered the spiciest one. I should have known when the restraunt's fursona had cocaine eyes they weren't fucking around..... It was so spicy that by the time I got home my stomache ached so bad I wondered if my appendix was bursting for a sec. I had to chug milk just to alleviate the pain


>restraunt's fursona the restaurant's *what*


Pretty sure they meant to say Mascot, but are too deep in the furry culture at this point. Cursed comment though, lol.




As a white dude born in New Mexico, I never understood the white ppl can't handle spice meme. I was born in it, molded by it. I think it's only white people close to Canada, lol.


I grew up in a southern white family, surrounded by southern white people, and their main "spice" of choice is salt. You might get some black pepper if you're lucky, lol. With that said, I also know plenty of white people who can very much handle their spice, so it certainly isn't the same across the board!


This attitude is so silly. I've had the spicy Korean noodles. I've had the Chinese hotpot. I've also had buffalo and hot wings from wings places that are every bit as spicy. I season *the fuck* out of my food, unless it's a rib eye. Whiteness, just like every other racial identity, isn't a monolith.


I used to live around the corner from a Thai restaurant and my Korean girlfriend and I would go there pretty frequently. I'd order a spicy dish and she'd order something mild and invariably hers would be spicier than mine. They saw my white ass and thought I didn't actually want spicy. We solved the problem by ordering each other's meals.


I don’t understand why you see the world through skin color in the US I find it quite disturbing. Some white people eat spicy food, some non white people don’t eat spicy food, I don’t understand the need to always mention skin color, and why it is relevant in your comment.


As a white guy who sold spicy food in a grocery store, I've met tons of black and hispanic people who don't like spicy things.


Just about every non-white dude taps out on like 5th wing on Hot Ones. I think we need to have some type of competition to settle this one. I think the whites will rate higher in heat tolerance than most would expect. Ain't nobody beating the Indians.


I think he was including himself in the white people spicy as a general term. More like just American spicy.


All the black people I’ve known who have professed to love spicy food have turned out to not be able to handle real heat. I think it’s some cultural thing where they feel like they have to 1 up white people when it comes to food.


Black people think they eat spicy, lol. Spicy is for us brown people.


I’m white and love spice lmao, I be biting down on a Californian reaper when possiboe


You just be eating Carolina reapers as a snack? What are your routine shits like?


Your body gets used to it after a while. And then if you don't eat spicy you get constipated.


I absolutely love those noodles, they are so bomb at midnight


Yea, every bite you take encourages you to take the next one ASAP. Unfortunately, my stomach doesn't agree with my mouth and the real challenge comes 4 hours after eating the noodles as you try to sleep.


Heavy on the “stomach doesn’t agree with the mouth” part. I threw up once after eating a bowl of buldok noodles that absolutely SLAPPED but I guess my stomach thought I was doing too much






I think it's got to do with culture than races. If your culture naturally has more spicy food, you are gonna handle spicy stuff better


No it's person to person (like all stereotypes) I've met so many Hispanic and Black people that can't handle pepper. I've met so many White people who eat the hottest pepper in the world and don't flinch.


Yeah fr, I’m whiter than snow yet my tolerance for spicy food is 10x that of my Latino boyfriend


All of the hottest pepper eaters in the world are mainly white. Just another way for other people to be racist for no apparent reason.


nope, white southerners in america can handle extreme spice.


I ate four of these in a row one night because I was stoned and they were delicious. The aftermath was not something I would recommend for the faint of heart.


This ones pretty hot. But the same brand makes a 2x volcano chicken in black and red packaging, that one is the best. The sauce pack is deep brown like molasses, then turns fire engine red as you mix it This guy actually made the noodles less spicy, because this variety the best way to have them is to actually dump out the majority of the water. It's not a broth/soup noodle, more like a magma spaghetti.


Spicy for white people (derogatory)


Black people supposedly have a naturally higher tolerance to spice? Is that what this breh is pushing lol


Yeah, that confuses me too, spicy food isn't exactly something I associate with black people.


I think it's a cultural thing. Spice tolerance can be built up over time, so if a person rarely eats spice, they'll always be able to taste the spice when it is present and can be more easily overwhelmed by it. He's saying that white people use spice so rarely that things labeled as spicy end up having only a small amount of spice, meanwhile other races will add more spice to more of their food, and thus can't taste it anymore.


I think what they were getting at is spicy isn't really associated with black people, I don't think. That's more of an asian or indian thing.


"spicy for white people" bruh


This stuff is no joke. I was at my damned limit with this brand


The 1x spicy is about right for me. 2x and 3x were just too much to enjoy. The carbonara one doesn’t taste like carbonara, but it does taste the best of the lot.


Ooh i love Buldak!


The person who handles spice the best and the person who handles spice the worst are both white


The one singular tear down his face


Man learned Koreans make Indians look tame


You don't "fuck up" eating Buldak. If 2x spicy is too hot for you just eat Carbonara style. Buldak is love


Don't even fuck with Asian spice. That'll turn you inside out in a second.


Foods that are hot just to be hot aren’t good. There’s a point where it stops just being an added bit of spice and starts just being unpalatable for most people.


I've seen this 100 times in 100 different subs, and it still makes me laugh every time


It's the crazy white people hot.


Just imagine a white guy using a similar vocabulary...


Asian spicy > all other spicy


I live in Finland and an Indian restaurant opened in my little backwater town. I assumed their „extra spicy lamb vindaloo“ would at least be somewhat adapted to the Finnish palate. Never have I been proven wrong so drastically.


bro is cooked, asian spicy level are on different chart


I'm white and that brand isn't that hot