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Spaghetti can be beautiful. https://preview.redd.it/rh9vu5yk129d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=674ddc4b8d3d57879f990fd92c1be87a4914f683 (this image is cropped from an actual ComfyUI screenshot)


Looks like you just beat a game of solitaire!


That workflow was logically very simple even though it required a lot of individual nodes: I was using a series of 100+ `load 16 bit PNG image` nodes to feed an `image batch` node - this was the only way I found that would allow me to load sequences of 16bpc PNG images as a batch. This batch of 16 bit greyscale images was a sequence of depthmaps I had pre-rendered in 3d, to be used as control images for ControlNet. If anyone knows of a better way to achieve this now I would be glad to hear about it by the way !


https://preview.redd.it/ofpmeh30ba9d1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d5993806be793ddaa16ec0d8f3e36906eb6e07 Take a look at blender spaghetti, if we can edit the nodegroup content at any time like blender, spaghetti will be very neat, comfy's nodegroup can't edit things inside, it's almost useless.


spaghetti is life and joy and happiness - let it all hang out naturally - as the high latent wizards intended


When I post videos some genius always tells me about 'everything anywhere' as if I might not have heard of it. Noodles are much clearer.


Absolutely, not only does that "anything for anyone" node hide what's happening, if I were to get used to it then I would forget how to brush my teeth. I take the hard approach unless I have no sensible solution. Keeping myself unrusted is the only way to survive... wait, and aspirin, yap.


Everything everywhere and Get & Set are terrible for readability, I agree...


I hate get & set but I use EE. You can have lines on [toggle/hover], and you can set priorities to avoid a lot of switches. For example my tile upscaler uses the refiner model if the refining group isn't bypassed, but it uses the base model if it has to.


Im a bit fan of workflows where they show lines, straight or spagetti dont matter as I often just drag everything apart to see how everything fits.  But I wont touch any workflows that use any custom nodes to make it beautiful or hide connections 🤮


Yeah, I opened up a workflow recently that did this?! Installed the missing nodes, only to be greeted with no connections anywhere.. how the heck are you supposed to work like that ?! It might be pretty, but impossible to learn from, or adjust. What would be much better and I do hope we get it some day, is an option too group nodes together with the option to simply double click the group to go 'inside'. This would be much cleaner and in line with tons of other Nodal systems (Like Maya's, Blender's or Nuke)


You can toggle spagetti-showing in settings with "anything anywhere" nodes. https://preview.redd.it/8ar64yfrd39d1.png?width=1245&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e1863bf8f83cbb04cef5c463b2dc531f968459


I'm waiting for anything anywhere all at once




You can also just right click > show ue  links. 


Thank you.


Also, grouping of nodes exists already, but sadly no "inside" mode, just group/ungroup toggle. But still, grouped nodes allow to select which inputs/outputs/widgets to display, and that is a great feature to make a tidy workflow.


Yeah, I've played with it a bit, I had expected it to behave a bit like the example I mentioned (Maya, blender or Nuke) and have it group and hide all unconnected inputs. By this I mean, if I group nodes together and I leave out only the checkpoint loader and an image output, I'd expect the group to be blank with only one input and output, the ones for the Checkpoint and the image output. But it doesn't check for this and your are left with ALL the connections of all the included nodes and have to manually hide every single one. It should be more automatic, the only visible input and outputs are the ones that had connections and by default, the fields and sliders on the group are off, and you instead turn on those you want. I should hunt around, perhaps someone has made a custom node that does this 😅


As I understand it, the grouping function is quite new, so I hope it will see some improvements. And it looks like comfyui is not on the scale of Maya or Blender yet :)


UE nodes are only a plus for your work if it is big enough that several parts load the same thing, and then becomes really nice. My workflows uses UE with colour coding (UE can be set to colour specific) and then grouping nodes to turn parts on or off. Without UE it looks atrocious and adding stuff would be a lot more tedious than just changing the colour of the node.


i like spaghetti 😎


I have stopped myself from learning from any big workflow. If the video do not teach me from the start (like Mateo's Latent Vision) I just skip that vid. Some videos are like hey this is what I want to teach you (let say it's Part A) and the the 2/3 or 3/4 of the vid are how they trying to make the workflow neat... with lots and lots of math custom nodes... I was like hey I only want to learn that Part A... you do not need to teach me Part B C D E F G...


I’ve never understood why YouTube doesn’t offer some sort of branching functionality for videos, much like eLearning courses. I’m sure they could easily do it using timestamps and embed links.


Isn't that like chapters?


That's a question of discipline and organization, not tools. Anything anywhere nodes allow to make workflows compact and readable without spaghettification, but how people use them is up to them. I see them as basic programming syntax, setting variables and using them in other nodes by name. This is a grouped node to load Stable Cascade, for example. Without grouping and shortcut nodes this alone would be a 2-3 screen noodle soup, and the complete workflow with several model types would take weeks to untangle. With anything anywhere and grouping I can separate nodes by logic and function, and connect them by variable names instead of noodles everywhere. https://preview.redd.it/cunjfce0f39d1.png?width=1345&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ddbcb45e4f217859b6aa11b316f9df77044ab03


When I spaghetti I make it a point to specifically *not* have noodles cross over each other. Those stupid line ones overlap in obnoxious ways.


This is entirely subjective. Spaghetti is almost incomprehensible to me, while straight lines make way more sense. Additionally it allows for more compact workflows. We just understand what we prefer to work with. Here’s my pitch: everybody needs to stop being lazy and use bus nodes, as well as reroute nodes. Stop letting wires and nodes overlap unless it’s minor.


Right on brutha!


It is so hard to follow when they use groups and then put nodes on top of other nodes like they're trying to hide something. Also the use of nodes which are supposed to make something global, if you do not know they're at play you get confused why a node has some input from nowhere.


Exactly. I think there's a difference between showing off your amazing workflow and sharing them and teaching a concept to people. Some people tend to confuse the two, but to me they're inherently different.


Best mode is straight mode. But I wish the reroutes where similar to the ones in Blender. And add node wrangler too, I want my alt&drag!


Another pet peev is using a lot of superfluous custom nodes period. If you’re trying to demonstrate a technique it’s helpful to only use the custom nodes that are required. You can always post a second fancy workflow with all the bells and whistles as well if you feel the need to flex your noodling prowess.


this is a really great question. subgraphs/nodes make the most difference for allowing things to be legible. minimap and 'go to node' are crucial. here's a very simple one that is ultra-understandable https://preview.redd.it/ra0q4bivnc9d1.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=605c335c8d9f06ce1301be7d01bfd9d3b1d47e8c