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You can always share a picture of your workflow to give more context. What are you trying to do? There is an advanced queue option in the command ribbon called auto queue that you could use to process one workflow at a time but repeating. You could also instead specify a certain number of batches to queue when you hit the queue button. For processing images from a directory, Was Node Suite has one as does the Inspire pack.


I am trying to mass process still images of a video using the same prompts.


There are custom animation nodes and models out there, have you tried those?


I tried using the n-suite, but it's not saving the images, it's just generating them and not saving them, even with "save frames" set.


Using an incrementing counter like seed generator and then setting that as the index for Load Images from Dir with an image load cap of 1 would mean each run loads 1 image to the workflow, then the next run does the following image, so on and so forth until it errors out by reaching the end of the directory.


https://preview.redd.it/q0wf03ht16ad1.png?width=1389&format=png&auto=webp&s=a852d9196875ecab7c8988c8cc300ed76664191a That's my build and it's not good lol, This build still makes me hit "queue prompt" for every image I want. Imagine having to hitting "queue prompt" 149 times.


did you turn on autoqueue?




WAS Node Suite has a “load image” node that can be set to “incremental”. Use that, then run the number of batch jobs that matches the number of images in the folder.