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Endgame, full stop


Yeah like how is that even a question lol the last hour of that movie alone is full of moments that break all of those movies.


Something i go back and watch periodically.


Absolutely no reason why not, it has laughs, cries, shock and awe. Some pretty untoppable moments. I was real pumped in No Way Home too for sure, but especially that last chunk of Endgame is something else.


End Game and it isn't close. Spiderman had some gasps and the odd cheer. Cap lifting Mjolnir had people in fits. Probably only potebtially rivalled by Thor's entrance to Wakanda.


From Cap-Mjolnir to Portals to him whispering *"Assemble"*, I was sobbing like a little child.


I think it was bigger then Thor's arrival. Everyone was excited, but we knew it was coming.


Tobey & Andrew going through the portals in NWH and Captain America shouting out "Avengers Assemble" in Endgame were probably the loudest I've ever heard a theatre scream and cheer.


Cap's entrance at the train station in Infinity War got a lot of cheers. My jaw dropped at that moment.


Everyone rightfully praises rdj Tony Stark, but man Evans really killed it. He played Cap so well


Can’t even be compared! No Way Home had one scene with lots of screaming (when Andrew and Tobey show up), Endgame… I mean the whole final battle was had everyone going crazy.


I don’t think any movie in history has ever had reactions like we saw with Endgame - Infinity War a close second. It’s hard to imagine an experience like that happening again, but I guess anything is possible.


You felt the build up in every movie from iron Man. That build up is no longer there in marvel and the fans feel it


Endgame was amazing but I also remember infinity war on opening night and the silence was just as strong and the pop during the portal scene


Nah. March of the Rohirrim, and its not even close. Not comic book related though, but a bazillion times better nonetheless. Also, if we stick to comic book, Wonder Woman entrance in BvS gave me more chills than the portals or Thor scene at Infinity. But they are close behind.


>Wonder Woman entrance in BvS gave me more chills than the portals or Thor scene at Infinity. Ah yes. The 5% who didn't see the trailers.


Why are dr strange and lego Batman even here as options


Dr. Strange got some decent reactions opening weekend when I saw it. Not to the levels of No Way Home or Endgame, but good nonetheless. Lego Batman, for as much as I love that movie, it’s out of its depth here.


Not saying it didn’t, but *some* reactions and reactions on the level of end game just aren’t really comparable lol


Dr Strange got a reaction out of me, I said “AHHHHHH FUCK THIS MOVIE GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK”


The illuminati scene was a pretty big deal to have Patrick Stewart come in as Charles Xavier, even riding the giant yellow hover chair with the X-Men cartoon theme playing.


Not saying it wasn’t, but not anywhere near the reactions endgame had. That movie had entire theaters going off


For sure. For me personally Spider-Man was my biggest reaction, so I guess it's just a fun discussion point, even if they asked what the biggest reaction was.


"Turn Two-Face into black and blue face" The Metal Batman song is still just... perfect


Listen, trust I wish that was the one getting the biggest audience reaction out of the bunch lol


Endgame portals scene. No way home especially when Andrew saves MJ.


When he jumps through the portal you couldn’t hear shit in my theater


When Andrew came through the portal. The woman next to me was obviously a fan of his. She screamed so loud it damn near busted my ear drum. I’m not mad about it, I just think it’s a funny story from my experience


Nah, he got the loudest cheer opening night at The Chinese Theater.


Interesting that Garfield also has the quietest reaction from a Spidey film too. The ending of TASM2 goblin fight was dead silence every single time I saw it in theaters (like 4 times).


I don't think people actually hated those movies. They just didn't hit at the box office big enough for Sony. I'm pretty sure if you were old enough to see those movies in theaters he is your favorite Spiderman. I wish Sony would just make movies with him and let Disney use Tom Holland (who is better than Maguire but bland.)


Yeah Garfield should get to be the Sonyverse Spidey. Garfield and Hardy holding it down would be pretty dope.


Let Garfield mentor Miles. It would be...wait for it... Amazing


Cap mjolnir moment too


Endgame and it isn’t even close.


Captain America picking up the hammer was insane to watch in theaters. It was hype af. However, at my theater that same energy was felt when all 3 spidermen appeared on screen for No Way Home.


*Infinity War* should also be on here if we want an actual close race. Thor arrives in Wakanda, Cap stepping from the shadows in Edinburgh, Gamorra or Loki’s death, Quill’s stupidity… god this list just goes on.


Idk, Thor's arrival in Wakanda in Infinity War has to be top 10 loudest pops I've ever heard in a theater. It might've been louder than Cap summoning Mjolnir.


Have to agree with you here. Cap with Mjolnir was big, and so was the portals scene, but Thor entering Wakanda takes the absolute cake


Followed by the absolute silence when everyone blipped. Thats the bigger reaction


I wish I could fill a cinema with enough people that somehow cared deeply for the Avengers characters but were in a coma or something before IW was released so I could relive seeing this for the first time with an opening night crowd. For me, YouTube reaction videos justified their entire existence with this movie.


Never before has a movie moment hit me harder than that.


Everyone (rightfully) remembers the pops in Endgame, but IW had some doozies too. The reveal of Cap behind the train is right up there too.


Endgame & No Way Home.


I agree but I’m tied on what one


Endgame. By a large margin. The audience reactions of the two aren't even close comparable. The only thing I've seen that had a bigger reaction, albeit anecdotally in this instance, was a midnight showing of Attack Of The Clones when Yoda pulled out his lightsaber.


I live in Finland, we are a very reserved people and almost all movie audiences are silent. Not with Endgame. It was a rock concert, I doubt I will ever experience anything close to that again.


Endgame. 40 years on this earth and I've never experienced anything like it. Not even close.


I cry everytime I rewatch, lol


When the portals start and the avengers theme kicks in it’s teary eye time lol


Incredibly emotional scene


The gasps at "Five Years Later" The laughter at "America's ass" Every emotion imaginable throughout the final battle There really has been nothing like it before and I wouldn't be surprised if there never was again.


Infinite war


This is a stupid question.


Endgame. I can still watch the video of the crowds reaction and still get goosebumps.


Why is Lego Batman even on this list?


This makes no sense, lol


No Way Home had the biggest audience reactions for me. I can’t remember anyone in my audience getting loud for endgame, which is sad


Yeah my Endgame audience was normal but I saw NWH opening night or second night and people were going nuts haha it was so fun


Endgame felt like I was at a sports event.


No Way Home. I had gone on opening night in IMAX for the three (except Lego Batman which I missed). I still remember that people literally stood up and shouted so damn hard when Garfield and Maguire walked in. I am telling you, I have been going in regularly for films since years now (opening nights more so because of the vibe) and I have never seen the welcome that the two got from the audience.


You just had to be there opening night of "Endgame" with that close up shot of Mjolnir getting picked up and the reveal of Cap wielding it. Or the portals sequence. The crowds went absolutely APESHIT.


No Way Home. Especially with all the throwbacks. Endgame close behind


wtf is lego Batman doing here


Infinity War should be there instead of Lego Batman and MoM


I mean Infinity war and Engame are in a league of their own, you can’t compare any other movie with them, they made history


tf is Lego Batman doing here???


Spider-Man: No Way Home, obviously.


Endgame for sure. That movie was like being on a rollercoaster ride


Most likely Endgame, but No Way Home probably as well


No way home


Making noise in the cinema is obnoxious scumbag behaviour.


When Andrew Garfield took off his mask, the cheers were so loud, you couldn’t hear any of the dialogue.


Nothing could beat the explosive reaction to seeing Andrew and Tobey in the same room at the the same time as their respective Peter. A true dream come true that no one thought possible at the time. Endgame was awesome, but it was obvious everyone was going to come back just by the fact that those lost still had movies coming up. It was expected.


No way home and Endgame


Avengers Endgame and its not even close.


Endgame made $2.8billion and became the highest grossing movie of its year and of all time (although since has been surpassed) No Way Home made $1.9billion and was the highest grossing movie of its year Dr strange 2 made $955million The Lego Batman Movie made $312 million. The box office income is so different between these bunch that it practically answers the question by itself.


Why is Multiverse of Madness here?


Why is Lego Batman?


Maybe the scene where Wanda goes all exorcist? I remember audibly gasping when she crawled out. It was a shocking scene in a largely kid-friendly franchise, stunned me they went so hard. Not to mention the introduction of Reed, Captain Britain, and *especially* Patrick Stewarts introduction, with the 90s X-Men theme. And then they all get slaughtered.


My theatre was dead silent for Multiverse of Madness. Which upsets me.


Lego Batman


Endgame, but only for the ones listed: when I watched Infinity War, there was actual applause in the cinema.


100% Endgame


Op is clearly on crack.


Endgame. Everyone knew what was coming, and were still cheering


NWH and endgame are tied but dude there wasnt a single time during endgame where ppl were cheering as loud as i seen in NWH


Endgame. The rest don't come close at all. The only other movie that was remotely close was Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith. That movie had the crowd going nuts.


I only saw Endgame and No Way Home in theaters and there were more reactions for NWH. Although it was close


My theater was silent for NWH. Endgame had people going nuts.


That’s kind of a bummer…our theater was reacting a lot. Especially for the throwback scenes and characters like Matt Murdock


Revenge of the sith in theaters was something else. I remember newspapers were saying telling that schools were just expecting to have no attendance that day, each paper had a giant countdown on the front page too. I thought the theatre was going to explode the moment the star wars logo popped up. Also you haven't experienced Mustafar if you haven't seen it in theaters. The way the entire cinema just glowed red was nuts I'll never forget it


The loudest roar I've heard in a theater was Yoda doing a backflip and killing two clones at the same time.


I think for mine it was when the logo popped up, duel of the fates coming back and grevious with four light sabers. I still say the entire build up for Ep I and III, were unlike anything I've experienced. Endgame was close but I dunno, something about the first and last prequel had the world in a vice grip


Half the theater was on costume for episode III. I thought I was at comic con. I saw it on the Thursday night release, so I knew it would be a bit crazy. Was much more than I thought it would be.


Biggest reason I saw was Dr. Strange. People were instantly yelling about how much the movie sucked


I'd say Endgames got it. NWH is right behind it though.


Endgame, No Way Home, then Doctor Strange 2, I wasn’t into comics when Lego Batman came out


It’s definitely between Endgame and No Way Home


you know it was endgame




NWH for sure.


One of those posts, where everybody except one is competing for the 2nd place. Endagame wins and the silver goes to Spider-Man.


I saw No Way Home and Endgame on release in IMAX, and I honestly feel like the reaction was pretty equal in both.


More people in my screenings reacted to No Way Home than Endgame.


Definitely Endgame, my theater was barely full, almost a week after its release, and yet it was hella loud lol


NWH. Definitely.




End Game and no way home Bro, that's obvious


No Way Home was a huge reaction in my area compared to Endgame


Biggest reaction? Endgame Biggest positive reaction? Endgame Biggest negative reaction? MoM


Only movie I cried at was Lego Batman (I was young at the time.)


Endgame- "I knew it".


End fame for me was silent. No way home had bigger reactions in the uk


Dude. I missed most of the endgame dialogues during the first watch because of audience reaction. No way home was close but the audience was in half capacity so the cheers in volume were comparatively lower. Endgame definitely had more cheer worthy scenes infinity war comes second then no way home.


Other than Lego Batman, I've seen the other 3 movies in the theater opening week. Endgame as it was the culmination of every Marvel project up to that point. Just every scene felt raw and emotional. Even the damn credits got applause. NWH and MoM have great reactions, but Endgame was everything we as viewers deserved to see, and it was worth it.


No Way Home


How are Multiverse of Madness and Lego Batman even being considered here?


When Cap caught Mjölnir I thought the ceiling would collapse in my theater it was so loud.






Endgame and Spiderman had pretty big reactions but Endgame beat it out. Cap pulling Mjolnir and Sam saying "On Your Left" had my Imax screening erupting.


Why is this even a question, endgame easily. No way home second, but nothing in cinema has ever topped "avengers... Assemble" in endgame. The instant cap said "avengers...", you could feel the whole theater holding their breathe cuz they KNEW what was coming. Can't imagine I'll ever be part of a reaction like that again in theaters


Endgame (Portals) or Infinity War (Arrival of Thor)


Endgame and it’s not even close


Between no way home and endgame




Endgame was literally a US History Books level event. ​ The altnerate Peter's popping in was super dope and seeing the Earth-838 team/OG Professor X (w/ theme music) was cool also but would have hit harder if it wasnt shown in the trailers.


I wanna add Black Panther 2, that intro/funeral was really heavy when I saw it at the El Capitan theater. I’d say 1: Endgame, 2: NWH, 3: BP2.


Endgame. Avengers Assemble, Cap wielding Mjolnir and On your left. Saw it in theaters on different days. Everyone went nuts each time.


I've seen all of them at the cinema except for MoM, and I don't remember any reaction for any of them, apart from my cousin and his friends being surprised by Cap being worthy.


Endgame failed in the theater I went. I was hoping for full reaction, but just a third shouted and screamed. Kids were boring. Best reaction I saw was Spider-Man 1. That was THE event. You heard multiple screens shouting at the same time in the premiere night.




No Way Home




The only one I'd these I've seen in theaters is nwh


Lego Batman is better than the other 3 listed, so Lego batman


lego batman this isnt even a question


The others literally don’t have shit on Endgame (and Multiverse of Madness doesn’t have shit on literally anything)


I didn’t watch any of these in theaters.


Do you want a prize


Wtf is Lego Batman doing in this group? Or Strange for that matter


Portals = Biggest Audience Reactions


Lol def not Lego Batman, wtf ?