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The delays have been such a burden on this book. Between the Lost Children and the attempt to redeem some villains, I have kind of been into some of the stuff thats been unfolding. But its so lost in the shuffle. Every time I finally see the new book come up I think "oh yea, i want to know whats happening" but i complete forget about it during the delays which can't speak well of the story. I hope someone picks up the torch and neither the lost children nor the second chance villains get dropped by the wayside.


Same here, I was interested in it, but never even got into it because of the delays. What even caused them to begin with?


Johns describes it in the article regarding Doomsday Clock: “Quite honestly, there were times when Gary and I were working on a book and it had to come out in this month and someone would say ‘Hey, we need it to come out three months earlier’ because the company needed to make money and then we’re behind on books; it’s frustrating during that situation.” Sounds like he had a workload scheduled and the publisher moved it up to fill in solicit gaps and screwed up his flow. According to him anyway.


Interesting, thanks!


I loved the lost children. I would hate for that to come to nothing. I think the book would've been young justice society. It made sense with Todd Nauck on the art. I want to see what else happens with those kids. I also want to see the egg hatch. Maybe Jeremy Adam's will take it up. He wrote the boom in his Jay Garrick book.


Maybe I'm just old and bitter, but I was just really underwhelmed by the Lost Children stuff and thought "99% of these characters are destined to be forgotten."  DC already has a huge problem with under utilized characters, why flood the space even more with a bunch of hokey kid sidekicks?


Yeah they do have that problem. Especially the 90's young Justice characters post nu52. Though the nu52 new titans & rebirth titans have similar fates. I think poor Solstice is dead. I know Lagoon boy is. Aside from that they have Gen13, DV8, Bunker, Zatara, Misfit, Amethyst, Jinny Hex, Naomi, the Gotham & titans academy kids & so many more.


I guess I could have gotten behind it if it was a few characters, but a whole army of forgotten golden age kid sidekicks is just a bit much.  The Red Bee did not need a lost kid sidekick.


He’s been doing this for ten plus years - running these perpetually delayed event comics or series designed to revamp an area of the DCU then not following through. Also they take so long to come out it counterintuitively messes the characters up by taking them off the table to be used for years at a time.


This is Geoff Johns? He's been around long enough to know better. 


I think he’s at the stage where he’s been successful for so long that he feels he can get away with a lot.


Does his image comics books come out more often than dc book? Been seeing those on shelves lately.


This has been a thing for a LONG time. It might’ve started sooner than this but Flash Rebirth and then the first Barry Allen returned Flash series were delayed to high hell. I think his GL being pretty on time for years convinced people he was great with deadlines but I think on that one, he was writing huge chunks at a time so he was handing in large amounts of scripts. I swear I read an interview where he talked about being a year ahead on GL for most of it, but I could be misremembering. I know Francis Manapul got blasted for the delays on Flash and everyone assumed it was him, because it’s the art a lot of the time (drawing 20 pages in a month is fucking hardcore, man), but he came out and was like “nah, guys, the delays aren’t on my end, I’m up to date”. Which he proved he could do once he took over writing and drawing on Flash during New 52. No delays and I don’t remember if he even had any fill in artists through that 23ish issue run. If he did, it was only a couple of times.


to be fair, ruinining the Suicide Squad and Justice League movies had to take a bit of time in there.


To be mean, he chose to add that many projects to his belt. He should have either said no to the big stuff or found a way to cut short of offload his smaller stuff to other writers


He's checked out


Can someone say Shazam?


I didn’t know who was writing this book before this post, but after your comment I already know.


Thank you for saying this. The guy is a flake.


Hope to see the JSA isn't shelved after this ends just get someone else to write them.


Confirmed by Johns that a new writer is taking over the team.


Praise the lord.


Just give it to Venditti, already.


Venditti would be perfect for the JSA, based on his Hawkman series.


The last arc of that series was cut in half because of Death Metal and was supposed to have a whole lot more JSA, we were robbed.


Man that Hawkman series was so good. 29 issues of epicness. So many great covers as well


Honestly. I loved the period piece books and want more of that. Venditti really nailed Sandman.


The JSA is a great tool for world building and fleshing out continuity, a big part of the early 00s run was just sorting out what was canon post-Zero Hour. There are eight *decades* between the debut of the JSA and the current continuity, let's start filling in some gaps (and maybe use some characters that haven't been touched in a while).


Thanks for talking about him, take this because it’s good. https://youtu.be/nE-KK2lo6go?si=msgU2VRR9fnXOYf_


he did a awesome job


I mean honestly all of the recent JSA books have been really good


It’s not even a good enough comic to warrant the delays! Truly just phoning it in. It’s beyond me why DC gave the JSA back to Johns after he’d already had like 20 years as the leading voice behind them.


Does just no one else know what with the JSA?


I like it 🤷‍♂️


I disagree. It’s one of the better team books on the market for me, just the delays have killed it dead for a lot of people.


I thought this was always planned to be a 12 issue series?


I am a huge JSA fan and Johns’ early 2000s run was a huge part of my childhood. I was so excited to see he was coming back for this run. I like Huntress, I like the idea of redeeming some villains, and I enjoyed the issues I read of this run, but the delays make the issues feel incomplete and incoherent. In between early 2000s JSA and 2020s JSA Johns got really big so I guess I was expecting the delays. But now I feel like Johns barely touched the book even though I know that’s not true.


It was always meant to be a 12 issue series. DC stated that when they first announced the series. It’s only because of the delays that it didn’t end months ago when it should have. It was supposed to wrap up just after the 3 spin-off books did.


> It was always meant to be a 12 issue series. DC stated that when they first announced the series. This is just incorrect. Even this article says otherwise: > **The series originally launched in November 2022, described by DC as “an on-going monthly title”** — only for neither part of that description to end up being true. The series had been plagued with delays as early as its very first issue, which arrived in stores one week late. [...] > The series was **reclassified as a miniseries as of its second issue.** It was originally presented as being an ongoing, and then it started being solicited as a 12-issue limited series; and then starting in the May solicits, issue #6 had the "of 12" dropped from the solicitation, alongside Johns saying that it was not actually a limited. Edit: Of additional note: The solicit says it's the last issue of the "run", not necessarily the series. Johns has said there's a new writer for it, so it may just be the end of Johns' run, being misconstrued as the end of the series. Or it could be that the series with relaunched, either renumbered or retitled, or that whatever plan to have a new writer take over from Johns ended up scrapped in the (less than) 2 weeks since Johns said it was being taken over.


Why is this news it was announced as being 12 issues


It was announced as an ongoing, then Issues #2-5 were solicited "of 12", and then #6-12 have solicited without "of 12" and John said that it was not actually a 12-issue limited.


The best part about this book honestly is the real PG and not Paige girl


Does she go by Karen and her original costume here?


For the costume, no. She's got the jacket, at least when in the present. In flashbacks, she did have her original 1970s costume (which was a low-cut top, rather than collared top with a boob window); in Helena's future (early in the series), she was shown with a variant of her "classic" look, although it turned into a skirt at the bottom, rather than being a swimsuit look. Still got the collar, boob window, and single shoulder cape+clasp. But yeah, her appearances in the present has the 2023 Superfam Jacket look. As for her name... I forget if they actually call her Karen or not. They may have just only called her Power Girl. Or if they did call her Karen, it might have been only in the future? I can't recall for sure on that.




The end of an era of DC with zero fanfare. It's crazy that DC at one point had Johns and Bendis around but Snyder became the driving creative force for the company. Bendis left quietly and Johns was given work that felt like a reward with little impact to the overall universe. Snyder left after Death Metal and I can't help but look back on that like an editor should have been saying do less.


the various Death Metal / Dark Metal / Whatever Metal / Nights events got progressively dumber as they went. When we've got swole Dick Grayson playing a Flying V made of some enchanted metal, I just can't with it. I have no idea what the balance was between Snyder or Capullo but someone should have stepped in and put an end to it.


Metal was a decent event with bad tie-ins. The dark multiverse is full of bad ideas. So terrible plots & brain dead character amalgamation. Death Metal was a well executed story about the DC narrative having to defend itself from being destroyed by bad ideas. It was full of dumb stuff. Editorial wanted the event. They got it. Your opinion is valid though.  The one that got me was Dark Crisis. It was the name Snyder & Capullo refused to use for Metal. It also completely undid those events & all the work since crisis on Infinite earths. I kept wondering what was the point of all this work? I can only think it was a power play by somebody. They got their dark crisis.


Honestly, laying it out like made me reconsider the Metal and Death Metal series without the amount of tie-in material. Doctor Batmathan is brilliant in this context because Doctor Matthan ( aka DC's overuse of watchmen ) being fused with the Batman who Laughs ( a representation of DC's overuse of Batman and dark/edgier character ). I think the tie-ins sorta devalue the point because there is way to much material that seems to take it seriously to the point where Batman who laughs becomes the very thing he was meant to mock


In Death Metal the story is dumb but taken seriously. Some of the tie-ins were part of the joke. Garth Ennis did a baby batman clone. Tynion turned him into a captain of a rainbow batman lantern Corp. Then owlman kamikazes them because he knew as a good idea he would be back. You had Constantine argue with his doppelganger between punk & metal. Superboy prime got himself rebooted. The Robin king takes the bat god idea to absurdity. I look at all of them in death metal as finely crafted works of idiocy. It might dilute the story but that's also part of the point. They are really well done bad tie-ins. your take on Bat-manhatten is great.


Bendis was well passed his prime when he came to DC. They tried to hype it up but every fan knew that he would bring nothing to the company. I say this as someone who ranks USM and his Daredevil as some of the best comic runs ever.


His action comics was pretty decent honestly. Him bringing over Rucka and Fraction for Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen books was probably his best contribution honestly.


Oh yo, that was his doing? In that case okay yeah that's good because Fraction's Jimmy Olsen was great. I still need to read Rucka's Lois Lane book.


Agreed, those runs are absolutely amazing and endlessly rereadable, but I'm glad that Bendis only managed to touch the relatively small parts of the DCU that he did. Because the things he did touch, he destroyed.


I mean, Superman is a big part of DC comics.


True. And they had such a good thing going with Super Sons. Aging Jon up just so he could join Bendis' equally terrible Legion of Superheroes robbed us of year's worth of great stories. And the secret identity reveal... it seemed like it was done purely for the shock value with absolutely no plan to build interesting stories on top of it. Bendis in the DCU was like that kid who used to come over to your house, break your toys, and then leave when he got bored.


His Superman run....Rogul Zarr is just infuriating to me. I hate him so much. Then the mess with Jon & a 4th legion because 3 weren't enough of a mess. Worst of all there were some decent ideas. I like Red Cloud as a character. Her abilities work when considering some of Superman's other antagonists. Also, someone on planet staff who was there to undermine it. A daily planet book could work like G.C.P.D. worked but instead we got a mess of re-hashed Daredevil reveals & over-written word balloons.


Tbh i only remember people bitching about his run on Superman, dude is just better at street level heroes period. His themes make more sense with them, and his rant bubbles.


Book has not been good enough to warrant delays at all. At least with Doomsday Clock, I thought the writing and especially the art were good enough to warrant the delays. But this series has been so boring that it’s really unforgivable. The current setup that DC has with Johns clearly doesn’t work. Ever since he became an independent contractor that worked for DC, where they couldn’t edit him or force him to turn in stuff on a deadline, his stuff has either been mediocre and nonsensical (Flashpoint Beyond, JSA) or heavily delayed to the point of damaging the rest of the line. DC either needs to renegotiate the contract so he can be edited and forced to work on a deadline OR stop giving him the license to “steer the line” (at least in his own mind) if he wants to just write a regular JSA book that doesn’t affect anything else, the fine. But his event saga with the snow globes and Flashpoint Bruce has been meandering and completely ignored by anyone that isn’t him.


i may be the only one, but i thought One-Star Squadron was the best thing they've done with JSA characters. they should bring that back.


I really liked this book. I'm glad it's finally wrapping up. I hope this can line up with the main DCU better now. Honestly, I'm really hoping for more lost children. I loved that book. I want more.


Me too! I love Helena Wayne, too


It's a real shame. Geoff Johns was GOATed 2000-2009ish. He's still a great writer but maybe he doesn't feel like the rules apply to him anymore or something.


We shall see. With Johns being a cofounder at GHOST MACHINE and working with different artists on different titles in something they all made up themselves, if Johns is the problem, it'll be easy to tell (his books will all go off schedule). Or if specific artists are the issue (cough Gary Frank cough), only those books will go off schedule. ... or if it was actually DC, then ayo smooth sailing for Ghost Machine lol.


about time johns let go of these characters.


This series has been a waste of Mikel Janín.


I caught up with the book this past year and added it to my pull list, but after huge delays (for me) i dropped it. I couldnt recall what was going on and didnt have the energy to re-read


Are delays such a bad thing? I haven't collected any title monthly since the 90s; I feel as if delays were prevalent in the 00s but the reputation of many of those titles holds strong over the years. If it's a good title, won't it retain readers and accrue notoriety?


It depends on how bad/long the delays are and/or how frequently they happen. If a monthly book comes out less than monthly, why keep buying it monthly? It makes more financial sense to wait for the collection, as well as the collection not having a wait between chapters/issues. Hard to care about something you only get once every six weeks to 2-3 months, depending on how bad the delays are.


Geoff Johns is spread way too thin, what with producing TV shows and so forth.


I mean, I get Geoff Johns revamped Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps and made some significant changes to the DCU over his tenure. But over the last 8 years or so it's been miss after miss. New series promised to launch and revamp things, cancelled after 12 issues. Constant delays. Nonsensical stories that fragment that continuity. It's just one thing after another with John's and the executive roles that he then plays as well. Maybe it's time to step back and revamp? Feels like an endless circle that DC goes through, where they get things right for a bit (Rebirth) and then spectacularly fail to follow through.


>Hey, we need it to come out three months earlier’ because the company needed to make money and then we’re behind on books; it’s frustrating during that situation.”  Very interesting.


What a shame. It was entertaining read.


Wait, wasn’t this always meant to be a 12 issue series from the start? Or did it change at some point to be “ongoing” despite being delayed like crazy


This may be a controversial statement but Geoff Johns fucking sucks


I never buy or invest myself in to anything Geoff Johns puts out because of the years and years of precedent. All of his work is grand ideas but little execution. He is a thinker, not a writer, that looses interest in any current project almost immediately as soon as another idea strikes him.


Should have gotten anyone but Johns to write his book. All it’s been is dozens of set-ups for future shit that never happens. He shouldn’t be writing comics anymore. But he really shouldn’t be writing JSA. He’s had enough time and issues with the team and obviously has nothing new to bring to the title.


DC sucks