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Given what happened in Beast World, you would figure the Titans characters would have at least some sort of tie-in. They definitely deserve to give Waller some payback.


the titans are doing some stuff vs Waller in their book right now


Waid has said that he asked other writers if they wanted to do tie-ins or not. If Titans isn't tying-in, it's probably just because Taylor didn't want to. Flash doesn't have one either, yet GA and GL do.


I’m all for cool events & such, but has anyone noticed that Superman is having his own event right now & he’s literally going to the next one no stops? Is too much eventing man!


It seems some of this braniac stuff will directly lead there


Superman's current event(House of Brainiac) leads directly into Absolute Power just like Batman's and to a lesser extent Wonder Woman. At the same time it's been built up since Dark Crisis and caps off the Dawn of DC storyline. They've built up to an increasing distrust of heroes among the general population since Knight Terrors


Which book is that Animal Man cover for? Has that one been solicited yet?


I haven't seen it solicited as either a main or alternate cover yet.


This event looks very generic, but it’s always nice to see Animal Man!


That was a nice surprise.


I see Mark Waid and I buy.


I’m glad I’m interested in this event because this is crossing over into almost every DC book I am reading right now lol


Same, the only "tie-in" book I'm not reading is Superman, and that's because I've not been reading the run so far. Otherwise, outside of origins and task force, it feels nice to just pick up the main event and see it spiral into a few other books I read.


Am I okay if the only dc runs im following are Batman, Superman, action comics, worlds finest, titans and nightwing to get this event and understand it?


This event is kind of the epilogue of the major storylines of Batman and Superman since the start of Dawn of DC so you should be good


Hard to say until it’s all out? but the way a lot of these events work is that the main story should be just in the main book titled after the event, and the other titles are supplementary material. It seems like Batman will probably be the main tie in? So you’ll probably be fine but the FCBD preview made it seem like Green Arrow is gonna play a big part in it, too


No bad as events go


Another long DC event. I am tired, boss.


It’s four issues.


There's 31 when you look at all of the tie-ins and crossovers (as it shows in the post)...


That's every event though? I'm tired of how long these crossovers are but no one is claiming that Civil War is 109 issues long or Infinite Crisis is 124 (to use two extreme examples).


What is this event about?


Waller stole the powers of the supers with the help of Queen Brainiac and Failsafe, she made her own justice league with Amazos and is hunting the heroes with the suicide squad. I asumme the league will finally reform after the event


Why's waller doing this? Just a power grab?


In her mind, controlling the supers and the villains (or getting rid of them) equals peace


His? It's not Amanda?


Her, my mistake


Ah, no problem. I thought for a minute that they introduced a lost son or brother or something.


No, but they introduced his nephew, hes a psychic called Deadeye


Im ootl, why did the league disband


They in "died" Dark crisis and when they came back at the end of the event they just didn't get together again, the Titans have been the big worldwide team the last ywar and a half or so


Oh yeah i remember the titans taking up their mantle, i just assumed that the league wouldve come back by now lol


I just don’t know if I even CAN this time around. These events are turning comics into homework.


I'm glad I can't stand the entire promise of this event, that is way too many issues, and at least five separate books that are going to be interfered with for several months.


What’s with the cheap brushed metal stock photo background?


Holy hell this is gonna be a long ass event for such a simple concept . Am I the only one that are reminded of the 2004 Batman cartoon and that this entire event reminds of mark millar big game or even the incredibles or Johnathan Hickman new ultimate universe .


Our pre-sales on the one shot lead in are very low. I like Waid and Mora, but looking to not being a strong seller I. Our store.


Lower than Knight Terrors?


Yes, actually!


Def not reading all of these.


Long ass event,


This goes until October? No.


Feels a bit short I know. And only 5 ongoings? Lazy, needs to be 25!! /s


Honestly, I hope this event will have actual stakes. It feels like every DC event for like the13 years have had no impact as everything is immediately reset like the event never happened. If there is a change, its super minimal like Dark Crisis, where the only consequences were Deathstroke taken off the board and Justice league going on hiatus.


DC has been in a weird spot the past few years, with big, important events that have actually made some changes, but people got so used to the dark knights metal->dark crisis everything matters and the whole world is always ending that they just… don’t care? Beast World was fun, but I *did not care*, because of all the events before it where everything ended up not mattering at all.


Beast World kinda doesn't matter. I feel like that's already coming undone in Titans. Some how for the sake of plot convenience, Nightwing is already on to Evil Raven.


No interest is this whatsoever. DC needs to give Amanda Waller a nice, long rest in limbo. She’s the most annoying character since they made Superboy-Prime a villain.


Damn, just when I thought I was gonna skip this one they start advertising with Animal Man. Got me again, DC.


Huh, Damian’s suit is back to how it usually is now. It really was just a mistake.


Nice try


Hate that Wonder Woman is being roped into this. Some issues I’d like to skip but those next 3 covers are jewels…


For those green lantern readers out here, has Waller and related things been significant in the book in the current run so far?


I think it's come out that Waller has >!been in cahoots with the individual who has infiltrated the United Planets and coordinated a quarantine of Earth from Lanterns!< But that's about it thus far.


Hmm, I need to check this out.


Man everyone complaining about events. I get it, a lot of them suck. I’m hoping this builds off of Beast World as far as quality which really wasn’t that bad a story.


Green Lantern? I hope is the Back-up.


What characters are on task force vii? Is it a newer team?


He does look pretty cool in his Black suit in that art style ngl, I have never been the biggest Black suit fan for Supes. But this style looks actually pretty sick.


So, as far as the number of issues goes: 1+4+7+3=15. The main event pretty much consists of 15 issues and a bunch of tie-in. Let's hope the tie-in issues are relevant only to their respective ongoing series.


This is the first I’ve seen of Green Arrow continuing past 12 issues. Did it get bumped to an ongoing?


Yeah, it was upgraded to ongoing status back in December of last year.


How important are the tie-ins? Currently only reading Superman and pretty new to having a pull and collecting singles. Not really looking to add to my pull list but have been enjoying the House of Brainiac mini and dug the FCBD preview. Would I understand enough of the main event if I just pulled the three Absolute books?


So Waller is taking over using an army of specialised Amazos. Like death metal, but with more grounded stakes. Cool.


When was Green Arrow extended?


Back in December of last year. It's now ongoing.


This is why I quit the "big two".


Same here. Marvel totally had me hooked back in after HoX/PoX, then almost immediately started with the events and essentially requiring you had to get every series in order to keep up. That and $5 for a book that takes 10 minutes to read (at best) and it was easier to just drop things.