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I'll be honest, I'm really excited by this. Over 300 pages for the same price as your average manga volume. All while being in full color and a bigger size (same size as dogman).


I think this is a smart choice on DC’s part. It seems to be an obvious way to get manga readers interest and they are a very good price. I plan to pick up Far Sector in this format since I’ve not read it but I might get a few more just for the novelty of it. 


Far Sector is great. I think its the perfect middle ground for ongoing series that you want to collect sequentially. Throw annuals. entire print runs or events into deluxe editions and omnis and you're cornering an untapped market imo.


I wonder how long it will be before we see Marvel do something like this. I could see it working well for Image too.


I was out today and saw the watchmen version and flipped through it. I think I might actually pick it up it’s perfect for planes I have to travel/stay at hotels for work, digital comics are great but I need a break from screens so this would be good alternative to throw in my bag. Plus it’s cheap enough I wouldn’t worry about the travel wear and tear.


Bought Court of Owls.I read it already, but I want to support this and I hope it continues. I also preordered All Star Superman.


Love this idea! Really genuinely surprised to see that the Marvel Masterworks are even way bigger than these. 300 pages for 10 dollars, a lot of bang for your buck!


I wonder if they're trying to compete with manga with these or just make it more readable for public consumption...


I think a little of both. The form factor and size is great imo for trades. They're cheap and look great on shelves. I'd rather have these as trades, the deluxe editions as more of a premium purchase, and omni's that collect entire runs.


totally agree re: these instead of trades. Did he give the price in the vid? I didn't see one.


$10 USD or $13.25 CAD


oh wow that's a GREAT price! I think they should focus on stories or runs they could release in easily digestible volume order like all of Snyder/Capullo's run to replicate the ease of manga. If done right this could be great for the comics industry!


Absolutely. There are so many great stories and series that they could run with this if done right. My biggest gripe with trades was that they were usually 4-6 issues for $25CAD on average. They looked so thin on shelves and at that point I'd rather purchase a volume of manga that I felt I got more bang for my buck sort of thing. I'm excited to purchase Darwyn Cooke's Catwoman in this format.


Crazy to see they are bigger than the average US manga volume, full color, and only $10. VIZ increased their prices to $12 and they're full black and white.


Should’ve gone with the “digest” version.