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Nah I don’t need to cry my eyes out again




There is always Grave of the Fireflies!


The Plague Dogs would be more on theme


Lets make it watership down, plague dogs and felidae.




God this....


Quitely's wild paneling is such an integral part of what makes this book so great, I don't see how an adaptation could do it justice


I'd also side with Alan Moore that I don't think comics need to aspire to become tv shows or films. They are great as they are, just get more people to read them.


I feel like we kind of got it in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.


James said that We3 was an inspiration for GG3


Which he also apparently planned to make at some point before he got hired by marvel


I knew it!


This makes so much sense now.


Think Morrison even told Gunn that he’d be perfect to adapt the book


I am very sensitive to animal death and left volume 3 not even halfway through. I had taken my mom for mothers day and she wouldnt leave the theater so i just left her to cry in the parking lot


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted dude. I get it. leaving your mom in the theater was the best thing you could do for yourself at the moment and no one should let you feel guilty for it.


Thank you! I appreciate it. Im a sensitive soul lol


I don't know why you're getting downvoted for admitting that you couldn't stand watching onscreen animal abuse.


I think it’s because their comment makes it sound like they abandoned their mother and drove off while she was crying in the parking lot. I’m pretty sure what they meant to say was “I left my mother (in the theatre) and I went and cried in the parking lot.”


That’s correct




It really doesn't. I think it's perfect the way it is.


The implication that something isn't legitimate until you don't have to read it is... I guess insulting? It's certainly incorrect.


As a person who is all for adaptations, I agree with your take 100%. That being said, I don't watch many comic movies or tv shows, but I'm all of everything being adapted. It creates jobs, new fans, increases exposure. Good or bad, I'm always for it. But the idea that something isn't legit until it's taken to a new medium is silly.


This. I think this would make a wonderful, emotional adaptation. I don't think it \*needs\* to be made, but I don't see it as an insult to the medium. The increased exposure would bring new fans. I don't necessarily know how they'd give it the proper treatment in a motion medium, but I'm no writer. I'd just love the idea of being able to talk about this story with my friends or wife who wouldn't normally crack a book to consume it.


I find it incredibly insulting to the medium.


Particularly given how uniquely suited the medium is to impossible visuals and dense text. There really is nothing quite like comic books.


I’m waiting for the live action adaptation of Maus so it can finally get the recognition it deserves!


To give people the benefit of the doubt, I think for some it's about exposure. How many people picked up a book (comic book or otherwise) because they watched a TV show/movie about it? I can say there's a lot of stuff I got into because it appeared on other media first, so I get that angle.




The number of people who watch things is much larger than the number that read comics. If you think a story is good, presumably you want more people to experience it, and if it's adapted to something watchable, more people *will* experience it. Those are the practical facts of the matter, and that's all it means when someone says something "deserves an adaptation." It's not sort of insult to the legitimacy of other mediums. If everybody read comics and movies were a niche hobby by comparison, people would want their favorite movies to get comic adaptations for the same reason: so more people experience the stories that matter to them.


Right. Quitely’s layouts and use of paneling is stellar in this book. It’s something that can only be done in comics. Not that an adaptation would inherently be bad, but it certainly doesn’t *need* to be adapted. It’s doing what it’s doing perfectly already. And it would likely suffer in the transition to screen.


The snapshots of time to represent how the cat perceives time and movement is stellar stuff. Absolutely using the temporal spacing of comics to their greatest effect.


There's already a We3 adaptation, it's called Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3.


Gotg Vol.3 is based on the Donny Cates' run, it's obviously, inclusive the Bowie appears in that comics


No thank you. I mean it would be amazing (if done right) and I would experience some schadenfreude from all those people seeing it for the first time and having their hearts ripped out, but I would definitely not be watching.


Just reread this last month. Goddamn, it’s good. I would watch an adaptation, but I find it hard to imagine it being done well.


No. I’d rather not have more ways to cry.


I think I’m okay. I don’t think that I even want to read it again, let alone watch it. It was a phenomenal series, but it was also heart wrenching. I thought about that book for weeks after.


You should watch plague dogs, similar story, less mechs, more British.


It will be made with that horrible, soulless DC animation that is around now, everyone all looking like cookie-cutter body designs that insert costumes and colours over them. Green Arrow as hulkingly huge as Superman?? Please Animation with a bit of grit would be a nice change: I thought the Ninja Turtle Mutant Mayhem style was at least a radical change from the seemless Pixar/DC/Disney templates that get cycled through. Something akin to the grotty Ralph Bakshi style would really be a kick in the trousers for this story.


What is this and why is this the first I'm hearing of it!?


You’re in for a real treat if you get to read it for the first time. It’s an emotional read, but it is just incredible.


I'll give anything Morrison does a look, even if I don't like it I know it won't be because it was boring or played it safe. Finding out they did animals in robo suits is already a treat


It will break your fucking heart, and that's why you should read it.


I envy your chance to read this for the first time. It's a pretty quick read, if I recall. Like everyone is saying, it's heart-wrenching, but you can kind of see that going in. You'll find yourself thinking about it for weeeeeeeeks.


It would essentially be GOTG 3 + Watership Down + a splash of Grave of the Fireflies That much concentrated sadness might open a black hole.


I'm going to move forward and say what's the real issue here: there's not enough quality adult animation of a style reminiscent of Quitely or Darrow.


No. Not everything needs an adaptation


Great book! I’ve read it at least a half dozen times over a few years.


Just watch The Plague Dogs.


This is what I came here to say. It's actually remarkable how similar the two stories are for how little *Plague Dogs* comes up. *Watership Down* was massive in the UK. Not sure about *Plague Dogs,* but you'd think it would have more recognition for being Richard Adams' other big novel. It even has a movie from the same studio and same director as *Watership Down.*


The film adaptation of the Plague Dogs is interesting because the ending is more emotionally brutal than that of the book, which Adams’ editors kinda forced on him IIRC. The movie is more in line with the author’s original vision than his own book was allowed to be.


It's also interesting that they completely remove Digby Driver who is one of the main drivers of the story and most dynamic character but it doesnt suffer.


No, it doesn't.


I mean, so much of it is Morrison and Quietly doing this that can only be done in comics with panelling (e.g. the security cam loops, Tinker jumping through panels faster than human perception, Bandit's scattered focus/bullet time vision. If anything, this comic really proves that not every comic *has* to be adapted into film. This story already found it's perfect medium the first time.


The absolute best thing about We3 is the insane panelling that Morrison and Quitely dreamed up; an adaptation would automatically lose that.


are you telling me there's an unwatchable adaptation already?




Heartbreaking series....


This is an incredible story, and I am glad I read it when I did, but I don’t think I’ll ever read it again and I’d never watch a tv show or anything similar of it. It’s in the same pile as Grave of the Fireflies, the Road, Bakurano, and a dozen other things that I love out of admiration for how they’re made, but they’re one and done for me.


Grant Morrison claimed that they got the inspiration for this while speculating if early iterations of the Weapon Plus program had focused on animals. While they never made that canon themselves, a fairly recent comic confirmed that Weapon II did focus on animals, with Brute Force being one of its products. So they could easily incorporate that into a modern adaptation.


I would've guessed it's inspired by Tezuka's manga W3, about three talking animals fighting against a wicked government.


As much as I loved this story, can’t help but think that Grant “borrowed” several elements from Dean Koontz’ “Watchers” novel.


No thank you. I don't have the strength to watch this.


Animals aren't the best actors and a lot of times are put through all sorts of shit for it, full cgi would either be too expensive or look trash and something conventionally animated has a limited market appeal, it could be done well but by no means "needs" to be, it's a short weird(I'll be it awesome) Grant Morrison book, i love his stuff but his style usually goes through a lot of editorial hoops before its adapted and what's insufficient about the comic? He has other better books or with more mass appeal, why no Invisibles, Multiversity, Klaus or Joe the Barbarian?


GotG broke me. I don't think I could handle this on.


Make it an anime


I've seen this comic in that DC book that recollects every major comic printed by DC


Counterpoint, no it doesn't, because I still haven't recovered from the absolute fucking hole it ripped in my soul from when I read it over a decade ago.


If done right it could be great....I honestly don't know who could do it properly


I think someone was writing a screenplay at some point but I may have made that up




It was being worked on for a while with the director of Kung Fu Panda, I believe and is why we got the expanded edition but nothing came of it


I liked when Morrison said this was Weapon 3 of Marvel's Weapon Plus program, until Marvel retconned it so Weapon 3 was the Skinless Man.


... Thats like hachiko with blood and guns are You insane 


I need a reprint or something cause every comic store I go to doesn’t have any of the issues and the trade I think is OOP


Nah! I'm unzipped, don't make me remember!!!


It destroys me to see it on the page, no way I want to see it in hi-def CGI


No. It worked perfectly as a comic, with panel work that specifically aids the storytelling and cannot be replicated in film. Not all comics need to be adapted into other media.


Absolutely not. My heart can't go through that again.


Nope. I’ve got enough to cry about already, thanks.


Yeah, I’m gonna hard disagree. I cried super hard at this book and honestly it’s probably not something that would be treated with care.


Fucking made me cry Plus agree that a cybercat assassin is the scariest


No. Stop this infantile obsession with adapting comic books to screen.


Wow nobody has to agree with me on this but some of you are being jerks about it. Lighten up.


Sorry, I didn't mean to come across like that.


All good my dude, i think it was just the word infantile that got under my skin.


This cover is perfect. Still waiting for the day I come across this comic in the wild.


They are doing a hardcover re-release in September. You can pre-order it now on Amazon at least in Canada but I can't speak for any other markets. $34CAD


Why does everything need to become a TV show or a movie?


No it doesn’t, unless you want a lesser version of it to exist


Naw. I’d rather not be clinically depressed for months again.


Stop fetishizing movie adaptations.


No. My heart couldn't take it.


I found this book way too sad to love. It's very good but have no desire to read it again.


*WWF & PETA wants to know your location*


I would like for this thing to be adapted as a 3D animated movie with nothing changed, Grant Morrison as a producer/supervisor along with the crew that made Toy Story 3 but transplanted to Dreamworks.


"nothing changed" how on earth do you suppose they would replicate the very specific and intricate panel work that moved the narrative and the readers attention? This comic is more than just its plot.

