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this picture makes it look like his arm detached itself to stab him in the head lmao


Looks like his power is sending parts of his body in the 4th dimension.


Even his arm hates him




Flashpoint Wonder Woman was no joke either.


Well Wally KO’d her with a kick to her head. I don’t think she is that powerful.


Wally survived in the movie? I thought he was killed early in the comics


I was taking about the pre-rebirth event, Speed Force comic.


Tbf Wonder Woman is just Achilles with boob's, so her being good or bad in these What If Scenarios is soley based on if she's ever told "Being selfish bad." Injustice WW still takes the cake for worst WW.


Wonder Woman is the most compassionate and kind hero in the DC Universe.


Yea when she's brought into realizing/appreciating the modern world. Half of these what if Scenarios have her revert back to a Ancient Greek Morality mindset. Even in the cannon she still lambates certain situations/events/behaviors like an old man saying "Back in my day..."


I don't hate her. Flashpoint Aquaman on the otherhand, was extremely hateable.


Why are you giving Flashpoint Wonder Woman slack? When she was just as culpable as Aquaman.


Because hot big conquerer lady can step on me.


Kinda real


Ypu can do both. You can DESPISE her AND find her hot.


No you can't. Therefore, we don't despise her.


Facts. I'd let her.


I wouldn’t say she was AS culpable. She didn’t cheat, her culture likely has no concept of monogamous marriage being from a single gendered collective splintered from a polygamous culture. (Remember this wonder woman never left the island nor was she exposed to the modern world). Then she gets attacked and defends herself. At that point, the worst thing you can likely charge her with is taunting the Atlanteans by wearing Mera’s crown. She still an ass for how she behaves during the war. But aquaman, is entirely to blame for starting the war. He goes to war to cover his affair, frames her with assassination and starts a war that tears the entire world apart because he is ashamed of revealing his affair. Not to mention he is such a sore loser that he sets up a world killing weapon to detonate in case he starts losing. She may be bad but he is much much worse asshole.


>When she was just as culpable as Aquaman. Didn't she murder a 10/11 year old Billy Batson in this movie?


Culpable means guilty, I commented on how Wonder Woman is a murderer.


>Culpable means guilty I'm aware, I was just adding on that she murdered Shazam after she forced him to turn back into a literal child... so as shitty as Flashpoint Aquaman at the very least.


she didnt cheat with aquaman, aquaman cheated on her, then she defended herself when she was being attacked. what was she supposed to do


Not murder Mera? It wasn't that hard.


Murder is premeditated, this was self defense. Plus mera should know that a fight with a warrior queen isn't just gonna end with some bruises


That's true.


There isn't a WW comic that say "don't kill if you can subdue" or something like that? I pretty sure she could just tie her up with her lasso if she wanted insted of killing her, she defeat her villains without killing them all the time in main continuity after all.


You are totally right that WW COULD have subdued her. Main continuity WW almost certainly would have, even if she didnt know Mera. I will say that WW is frequently written as very willing to kill her enemies. She isnt like Batman or Superman with their moral barriers against killing. In terms of the story it's part of growing up in a society of warriors. In that regard, this portrayal didn't seem inconsistent as long as we keep in mind that a certain type of "What If" story is being told.


At least she wasn't a dirty cheater who dishonored his wife and cried and whined about it the entire movie/comic. Aquamid.


Sounds like you're aquamad


I want to Aquamop the toilet with his face 🤷


She killed Amber Heard


I’m guessing you were simply looking somewhere else when she stabbed Billy, a child, with absolutely no remorse? 😅


No, I was watching.


Doesn't look like




I'm just speaking the truth.


Your opinion is not "the truth".


Yes it is


Notice how the losers keep downvoting you too 😭😭😭




For those not familiar with the Flashpoint timeline, one of its major subplots involves Atlantis and Themyscira discovering each other (to disastrous results). The two nations make contact, establish a dialogue, and even get so far as formalizing diplomacy... and then their rulers - Arthur and Diana - decide to have an affair with each other. Queen Mera catches wind of her husband's infidelity and attacks Diana in a fit of jealous rage. Diana winds up being quicker on the draw, however, and kills Mera in self defense. The incident immediately causes relations between Atlantis and Themyscira to sour. Arthur is wrecked by the death of his wife and becomes paranoid of Diana. What if she was lying about the circumstances of her confrontation with Mera? What if she killed Mera as a way to get (even) closer to him; to interject herself into Atlantean politics as his official consort, or even his new queen? What if she didn't actually love him? What if she was just trying to put herself in a position to where she'd stand in line to inherit the throne of Atlantis and then kill him; usurping his dynasty and conquering his empire? On top of having a high-ranking Atlantean official try to kill her, Diana - being a proud, self-respecting Amazon - was incensed (and a little heartbroken) by Arthur's distrust in her. She may have developed her own suspicions of him as well. What if he wasn't really all that broken up about Mera's death? What if he was just using that as a pretext to slander her in front of her people; to polarize them on the question of whether or not she had done something wrong; to diminish - or even strip her of - her leadership status and divide Themyscira, leaving it primed for takeover? The Amazons were outraged by the attempted assassination of their queen. The Atlanteans were outraged by the killing of theirs. The sovereigns were in the middle of history's messiest breakup. Diplomacy broke down. Dialogue stopped. Somebody threw the first punch; drew the first blade; fired the first shot. The subsequent war turned the seas into an innavigable cauldron, turned the whole of Europe into a bombed-out hellscape, and it all ended with >!Arthur being a sore loser; turning Captain Atom - who the US Government had foolishly sent into the fray in an attempt to stop the fighting - into a doomsday weapon and nuking an entire continent!<.


>!You kinda forgot the entire part where Diana sinks Themyschyra ,her only home,just in a pity move to kill the Atlantean army that came for retribution(I mean wtf they know how to swim) ,then the amazoness literally invade Great Britain and go full nazi on the local population, with labor camps and all!<


that kinda got away from them


wtf? to defeat the army of the mythical sunk island city I'm going to...sink my island?


To be fair, the affair plot is in the Flashpoint Paradox film and makes both Diana and Arthur look far worse. In the comic they are getting married and a conspiracy by Orm, Penthesilea and Artemis leads to the death of Hippolyta, when attempting to assassinate Diana on the wedding day. This leads to war as well as the conspirators sabotaging any chance for peace negotiations, with the Amazon's & Atlanteans continually escalating the war conquering the UK and flooding a bunch of western Europe.


Yeah I don’t agree with OP, the premise was pretty sick and done much better imo than the marvel version of Wakanda vs Atlantis


I never said the premise was bad. I just said that Flashpoint Aquaman is a hateable douche, which he absolutely is.


Hard disagree, look at how insanely jacked he is, I lift so I can one day have his physique and assault a small Greek island


Don't forget the roids.


He's a terrorist and a whiny murderer. I wouldn't really aspire to be like him.


At what point did I mention his personality you egg Bro has that Johnny Bravo physique, absolute peak


Op's post is about the characters personality. You misinterpreted as being about negative on the Flashpoint story. You "Yeah I don’t agree with OP, the premise was pretty sick" Op "This guy is one of the most pathetic pieces of garbage "


None of that matters because OP refuses to appreciate Arthur’s Greek god physique


Wonder Woman should still cave his face in.


Good luck, his jawline could cut through diamonds


I mean only a skank would do what WW did so she deserves a California smile along with AM 😀


I don’t…really see what any of that has to do with Barry’s mom living or dying.


The simple answer is just that Barry's very bad at time travel. When Thawn time travels, he moves seamlessly through the timesteam. When Barry time travels, he's like a bullet through a windshield. "Bullet through a windshield" is the exact analogy they use to explain it. This causes branching cracks basically fucking up everything the closer it is to him. Which makes it so ridiculous that Barry went through that arc with Rebirth later where he was like "Time Travel is evil and nobody should be allowed to do it" because it's literally the explicit text of Flashpoint that it was a skill issue on his part.


This is the first time Barry's ever caused something like that and he's time traveled plenty. Even since Flashpoint Barry and Wally have yet to cause a temporal shockwave. For some reason undoing the timeline manipulation caused by Thawne created Flashpoint. Of course Thawne doesn't care about changes to the timeline given his then status as a paradox. He was never emotionally invested in the past in contrast to Barry who messed with the timelines of his friends by accident.


Geoffs attempt at the butterfly effect Still omega stupid tho


Time Ripples


it should happen after that event anyway right? although im sure they did some dumbass handwave about how changing the past causes unpredictable reactions


sounds like they wanted to co-op that sweet sweet Atlantean/Wakanda conflict in Marvel


Em dashes and semicolons in a reddit comment??? If you don't have an English or Creative Writing degree, I will be shocked.


Only seeing the movie, your explanation makes more sense than what is shown in the movie. They left out a lot of details. The way you tell it has more drama than what we got.


That's only the movie. The comic it turns out they got manipulated into conflict by their "allies."


And that's why you don't even bother with monarchies.


Both him and Wonder Woman are trash. And the government for keeping Superman captive. Aquaman and Wonder woman destroyed the world over an affair.


Introducing **The Shitty Justice League!** Starring: **Injustice Superman** and **Injustice Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)!** **All-Star Batman!** **Flashpoint Wonder Woman** and **Flashpoint Aquaman!** **Ezra Miller Flash!** **And more!**


why is all star batman bad? (have yet to read anything about this one)


He sets people on fire then bones Black Canary on their still smouldering corpses.




Actually it was quite well lit, because of the fire.


Nahhhh 😭


That sounds metal


It's the God Damn Batman one.


I absolutely hate the way all male heroes look in this movie.


The art style pissed me off more than anything


This makes some great story choices that elevate Flashpoint into a tolerable story, but holy God the design is atrocious. This was the start of a pretty swift and steep decline in the DC animated films


Flashpoint Aquaman looks like an AEW or WWE jobber just by looking at that animation style.


Love this movie so much though.


Careful , he might hit you with his neck.


Took me a minute to realize the arm is actually detached


Aquaman is TDK!!!


Just for the sake of playing devil’s advocate: I didn’t think he was pathetic in the graphic novel. He seemed rather badass, actually, since he wasn’t holding back. After all, he shared half the blame for all the destruction wrought on the planet, thanks to the war between his Atlantean army and the Amazons. I don’t mean “badass” as in awesome, more like malevolent with no moral compunctions or regard for life.


He was a whiny bum, and deserved all the smoke Wonder Woman slapped on him.


I noticed Green Lantern gets his ass kicked alot. It's pretty disappointing.


I don't even remember why he sucked. Being forgettable is worse than being terrible.


The world went to hell because Barry saved his mom. What kind dumb logic was that.


Can't change a canon event bro lol


Man, that animation style sucks


Well he cheated his wife, started WW3 and caused the end of the world by turning Captain Atom into a doomsday weapon...


Exactly. A wimp and a loser.


The worst was Wonder Woman, the child k¡II€r.


Wrong. Aquaman was worse. A whiny little Hitler wannabe.


They were both horrible people


I love both this Aquaman and Wonder Woman fight so much


I only like it when Wonder Woman beats his ass into the dirt.


Who won?


Flashpoint Wonder Woman (The GOAT)


Pathetic, you sure want her to step on you don't you?


Nothing pathetic about it. She's the GOAT, and Aquaman's a bum.


Bruh, He lost his bone.


I quite liked Flashpoint but it’s forever ruined my Aquaman / Wonder Woman dream ship.


Not as bad as homelander though


That fucked up ass haircut was enough for me to want him dead.