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If they had time to record and it's anything that is clearly intended to be a spur of the moment, assume it's a fake. Take a video after the rescue if it's legit, or if it's something like getting pets away from known prolonged issues. Sudden rescues shouldn't be filmed if they really care about the animal. They'd not think "better get out the phone and record this before helping"


Yep! Really the only rescue videos I buy are- 1: If it's a professional who was called and films stuff to spread awareness. They often also have follow ups and adoption info and etc. 2: Shakey cam of a onlooker filming and it's not professional quality stuff, there isn't constant rescues on the page, AND there is a follow up. Pretty much what the last panel said. Same thing for people "hunting" animals like burmese pythons in florida. In most cases it's staged and people will actually buy and release to kill the animal to get "cool footage". It's absolutely horrific. These people have a special place in hell tbh. I'm not a christian anymore and any spirituality I do have is shakey, but dangit I hold on to the belief in some kind of hell just for these people.


Idk I buy a video that like: person already recording, let's say, about their dirt biking. As their dirt biking, they come across animal in distress and help them.


Yeah, there's a _lot_ of people in the world. _Some_ of them are going to be recording when something crazy happens. You see reaction videos that couldn't _possibly_ have been timed: big explosions, asteroids shooting across the sky, dance floors collapsing, etc. There's no reason to believe a person couldn't be recording when they see a puppy in distress. ...But we shouldn't get too excited about it. If those few videos get a lot of attention, somebody will fill that demand. Something like a decade ago, there was a video that made the front page on Reddit: "Guys, look what I found in a dumpster! I need help naming it!" And sure enough it was a cute little puppy. Then the next day, "The same thing happened to me! Look at this lil guy!" And then the next day there were two...then six...a really _suspicious_ number of kittens and puppies and baby foxes and birds being found under cars, in old tires, in abandoned houses, etc etc... And after a week or two, there was a post: "Hi guys, new user, I work at an animal rescue, and we've had this rush of people adopting animals and returning them the next day...a friend of mine said I should check out this Reddit thing? Guys, _please_ stop 'rescuing' animals for a day just for a stupid picture!"


jfc :(


Any yet if you ever call anything out as fake, people on here get so mad.




The "everything on reddit is fake!" people only *really* annoy me when it comes to written story posts. Unless it's an obvious and bad fake, I don't care. Just because we don't know with 100% certainty that a story is factual doesn't mean we can't still get enjoyment out of it, or learn valuable information from discussions around it. I don't care if a bored teenager sitting alone in their room writes a story about how they're cheating on their husband and ignoring their 3 kids. If it's an interesting read with interesting comments it hurts absolutely no one.


Yeah, I'm not going to get so high up on my horse and say that I am always thinking of cases like the one in the comic when I call stuff out, but I tend to avoid calling stuff out unless I think it is promoting something bad. People don't want to hear it though.


Seen one clip quite a few times of people boating around during a flood and saving a dog that was paddling around in the water that they came across. Dunno if they already had the dog with them and just... left it in the water and came back, but it seemed like they were just already filming their flooded city and happened upon a dog in need


Nah that was staged man.


They flooded an entire city for views smh my head


Or that time the dude rescued the kitty and it was a jaguar. I don’t think you can just grab a jaguar kitten from its mom.


lol just today i saw a video about a woman who “rescued” a panther from just 2(?) weeks old, thinking it was a cat. but. 1. it took her a YEAR to figure that out. 2. she was a “wildlife expert” yeah bet my hot ass that she just wanted a panther as a pet


I mean yah, if you don’t play dumb there you get in legal trouble.


From what Ive heard that video was complete bs but not made by her, she said she knew from the beginning it was a panther and did actually rescue it. The person who made that video simply lied about it for views.


Damn... amazing that they "find" a /panther/ cub young enough to pass off as a /2 week old house cat/. Super sus.


The Florida government is VERY careful about licensing these hunters; there are only a few who are actually vetted and found qualified. There's an understanding that there's a perverse incentive, but it has to be done that said, the python hunters who are licensed usually have the dopest SM content


Lol as if the Florida government is careful about *anything*


One I always loved is when the stray dog found 2 stoners in an abandoned water park. They started filming the stray and noticed he was trying to lead them. It brings them to its dog friend who fell in one of the pools and they save it. Dog looks so happy its friend was saved. It’s pretty god damn wholesome.


Yep. The only ones I watch really are shelter adoption videos, which makes sense to be recording and isn't a life or death situation.


ive seena lot of these "puppy rescue" channels. one was named "wilderness channel 2020". it;s banned now, but their content was just always the same puppy getting strangulated by a boa constrictor in various scenarios it crazy. idk how many times i reported that channel. bastards they also did little chicks, small cats, ducks, pretty much any small animal if you search yt/tiktok for terms like "puppy snake rescue" "kitten snake rescue",, you'll find a lot of these videos. i just found 2 channels, but im not gonna post them because that might boost their algo rating. If ya'll see these channels, REMEMBER TO REPORT THEM.


Fuuuuck I hate humans.


That sounds like a fetish channel. :\


no it was very much an "animal rescue" channel.....well, maybe youre right, that could be someone's fetish. but it was very much marketed as animal rescue, and all the comments were either congratulatory or condemnatory. the videos all had the same formula 1. video starts with the animal in danger, e.g. being constricted by sometype of boa 2. some dude acting alarmed, like he heard a sound of a puppy crying 3. the dude pretends to search, jumping around in tall grass, looking frightened and concerned, scanning side to side, cupping a hand to his ear to listen..... 4. the dude stumbles on the puppy and snake. jumps back and looks surprised, then in a very fake way unwraps the puppy from the snake 5. dude holds the puppy in a tender way. this shit was pulling in 100ks of views, mightve been millions. i dont think they were making the same as US based youtubers, this was somewhere in south east asia, but they were making enough that they were SPAMMING videos out and making copycat chanmels.


When I criticised this shit, people jumped at me with "AmethystSparrow, what you would do if you were hungry?" And this type of shit. Some people are just stupid and disgusting.


and if you happen to know someone that makes that "content" remember to rescue their brains out of their skull with a baseball bat


Theres a channel thats pretty legit of people catching seals that have plastic/ropes stuck on/in their body. It’s a wildlife rescue group. They remove it and release the animal. Worth checking out imo!


Channel is Ocean Conservation Namibia


In that particular case, videos are a way to push us to donate, to save more animals, which is great


The videos of divers cutting nets off whales / turtles seem pretty legit, can't feasibly fake that.


I could see if the person rescuing is already like half way through the rescue and someone else was filming them But like if I see a puppy drowning in a river my thought isn’t going to be “bro record this” I’m probably tossing my stuff in my pockets out to who I’m with and going in to save them.


Exactly. Between working landscaping, growing up in the country, and spending a not insignificant amount of time homeless in the woods, I've rescued a lot of animals, from assholes dumping a trash bag full of puppies in a lake in the woods, to wildlife caught in sod netting. Not once have I ever seen an animal in distress and though "Oh shit, I better record this."


Exactly. Your only thought is trying to help that poor creature as immediately as possible. People are fucking garbage.


I've rescued a lot of animals and gone through a lot of really fuck situations with them, and I have almost never, never thought, "I should really be recording this." Occasionally, because we want to start a rescue, the thought crosses my mind, because that's the world we live in, but it's just so unnatural. Like we found a dog who'd been hit by a car, and there's no world where I want to remember the blood pouring from his nose or the multiple seizures or any of that pain he suffered. But I did get a few good shots when he was getting "better". Because, ya know, I'm not a complete psychopath, I guess.


And the best way to engage with any bad content, if we aim to collectively reduce animal endangerment: Don't. Don't share it. Don't comment on it. Don't like it. Don't rewatch it. Al of those engagement metrics tell algorithms that this content should be promoted to more viewers. Of course, the downside of this is that the absence of skeptical voices presents an illusion of truth to some people. There's a parallel problem with our news culture. Bad actors thrive on any press at all: people criticizing them and people defending them. Ignore them, and they feel like they dominate the conversation. Engage with them and feed the beast. It really sucks.


I don't watch any such videos for that reason. (this was a cartoon, so) Doesn't matter if they look legit. Unfortunately it does happen anyways, even without media altogether, such as Munchausen syndrome by proxy, it can also happen with animals.. Suffering gets attention and sympathy and some people will always exploit this.


And remember it's not only rescues from emergency situations that are faked, there are plenty that fake recovery from an illness. There's so much of it that I honestly think it's better to not watch **any** videos of animals that are sick or in danger, it's not like our views are necessary to save the animal in legitimate cases, all we're doing is creating a market for the fake videos.


Yes and no. Ocean Conservation Namibia for example does legit stuff and the money from the videos helps them get new better kit for doing what they do.


>If they had time to record and it's anything that is clearly intended to be a spur of the moment, assume it's a fake. Also, with turtle saving videos, they very often use freshwater turtles rather than salt water turtles to show that they remove barnacles (they previously glued on) ....


My take as well. If they film the "finding", I'm going to assume it's staged.


Agree. Like this video with a Rabbit in a pool. https://youtu.be/GYFZvTI_LGM?si=GORSwvNKdweKA8Ox The recorder could have reacted quick, dropped his phone and help, but no 🤢 The viewers and commenters are too blind to realize this. 😞


yes once i found a kitten on the freeway on my way to work. I pulled over and ran after it but it wasn't until i was like half a mile away that i considered "damn i could pull my phone out to record." BUT my next thought was i needed both hands for the rescue and i had left my purse in my car (luckily i had my keys in my leggings' pocket). turns out i did in fact need both hands as the kitten almost jumped into oncoming traffic because he was terrified of me. i managed to catch him in time before he jumped over the median. I didn't record anything until we were safe at my work's parking lot (i was late as all hell that day lol). that was in 2020 and kitten has grown up into a healthy fatass.


At first I was so relieved that it wasn't "my owners purposefully left me out in the cold" and I thought the dog had died of hypothermia *after* the rescue because the owners thought it was okay .....and then I walked right into the next panel I have seen these comics before and I know they're often based off of real news stories but I still keep falling for the twist goddamn


Welcome to Jenny Jinya comics 🌈 you WILL cry, no exceptions


I dunno. I got angry instead. Fucking sociopaths man.


Yeah. This is definitely one that didn’t make me cry. Anger though? Gave me that in spades. Excellent comic.




I feel you dude. I would say terrible things that would get me banned from subs or reddit in general when it comes to animal abuse sometimes.


Forget what I would say. If I ran across fuckers like that, I would go absolutely apeshit. There is not a word to describe how angry I would be. This kind of shit is the reason I prefer animals to people. Props to Jinya for making me feel visceral rage.


Then you really don’t wanna read what I read that time to make me type something to get me banned from a sub lol.


Yeah please no. My partner can't afford the bail money.


Yes yes it does. Your reaction is normal


Humans suck so hard I'm fucking glad we're going extinct. Better that than bring our miserable nature to the stars, grow our numbers to the trillions, and repeat our crimes ten thousand fold.


Honestly, if anything is going to radicalize me into an eco terrorist, it's these comics.


This is I think the first Jinya that made me outright angry. I was bracing for the tragic sad twist and got surprise anger instead.


The only good thing about nazi germany was that people that were cruel to animals would get a death sentence


And the uniforms. Which is why I always say, the worst people still have something to offer so I’m against the death penalty. Especially for drug trafficking.


Does being increasingly angry count?




As a black cat owner (unfortunately now deceased, RIP 😔), the one about black cats absolutely fucked me up.


I read the one about black cats a few years ago and it fucked me up for days, I refuse to read any more


Their work is so incredible, it punches me right in the gut everytime


Cried, went to bed, woke up and cried again.


Everytime i see the art i know i will shed some tears.


I disagree, this one makes me happy. https://old.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/w43gr2/swap_oc/?ref=share&ref_source=link


https://youtube.com/shorts/oy_Nu--pu-Y?si=rhn2KVVqIojgmnCN check out this channel who reads the comics, deaths voice actors is perfect, gave a video as an example instead of the channel link lol


Sounds like a HL NPC to me. Not my thing, but good on em for spreading the comics around to people that would otherwise not read them. More people should know how abused and mistreated so many animals are on a daily basis... sometimes for the stupidest of reasons.


ah don’t worry. the creator actually made a comic about owners leaving their dogs outside in the cold a little while ago. i swear, every comic they’ve made is pretty much burned into my mind just because of how sad and true they are.


Somebody should check on the artist, it must tax the soul to be so up to date on these horrible stories


I used to love restoration videos, but it’s plagued by the same shit now. People throw valuable antiques and relics into water, dirt, whatever and then pretend they are rescuing it. I’m sure there are some people restoring actual found treasures, but they are undermined by the vast majority of shit fraudsters. At least no life was harmed. This animal rescue stuff is just infuriating. It had never occurred to me until now because I’m just way too naive I suppose.


I think these channels are pretty easy to notice though. They all have that weird ALL BROWN stuff covering everything.


It’s usually a lot of paint, and a bit of intentional rusting. If it was all actual damage and rust, the pieces would be impossible to save.


> If it was all actual damage and rust, the pieces would be impossible to save. Here's the clever part: you can actually film the "after" part _before_ the "before" part. This works really well with anything metallic. First take something in OK shape and film yourself putting some finishing touches and polishing it up nice. Then you bash it around a bit and dunk it in a bath of salt and gunk. A week later you can take it out and film yourself inspecting the damage and removing the major grime. Through the magic of video editing, you rearrange events so it looks like it started off in really bad shape and you restored it to its former glory.


> If it was all actual damage and rust, the pieces would be impossible to save. At least with consoles, Odd Thinkering often has to actually replace some of the pieces like the capacitors.


Not naive, sociopaths are wired completely differently from most other people. To them those disposable actions aren’t “bad” but instead “smart” because they don’t think like you and me.




Because surviving on meat was once an absolute necessity, whereas torturing an animal for internet fame is a new invention. Oversimplifying intentionally because you don't like meat eaters is obnoxious.


I just watch the ones where they restore old tools, plenty of rusty tools laying about so no need to fake it


Yeah there are a bunch of really good ones. You can even pick between ones that will buy parts VS machine replacements VS retain original even if imperfect for value. Hard to fake decades of rust pitting on a 50+ year old cast part.


Reminds me of that terrible video of someone finding a gameboy in the mud and “repairing” it by rinsing the fuck out of it with water


Our algorithms demand content. Consume to keep the bad thoughts away.


This guy is great about that. He's brilliant honestly. https://youtube.com/@Backyard.Ballistics?si=eJ3_I0couc-Yhczy


Wow, I have absolutely no interest in guns but just watched all 23 minutes of the MAB 38/42 video. What I liked about him was all the history lessons. I also like all the honest retrospection about what he could have done better or where he failed. Like, that pin he couldn’t remove on the barrel defeated him and he drilled it out and had to buy a replacement. He knew he could have been better, but honestly he’s just not that patient and he’s probably trying to work on that.


I remember this guy from his video about how to spot a fake restoration which YouTube decided to randomly suggest it for me even though I don't really watch restoration videos. This one https://youtu.be/tLBcugd8VQU?si=zpG5F_oC3fN81Z1f


Cinnamon. Like we can’t tell it’s fucking cinnamon


Fuck. Man.




This gif hurts my soul every time


Fry goes back in time to save him if it makes you feel better. It used to destroy me until I learned about that. Still a ridiculously sad premise though..


Just speed the video up and play the King of the Hill theme over it All better!


🎶If it takes forever...🎶




I won't stand for Balto slander! The true villain was his owner


POW! Right in the feels.


Oh NOOOOO.....I was already having sads about the fake rescue dog. This gets me every time


Yeah but this was ret con cause it was so sad.


Don’t being Seymour into this! 😭


I... Wasn't prepared for this...


I wish the grim reaper was taking the people in the last frame


It will, eventually


This is just monstruous and despicable, making these fake rescue videos. I just had to give my cat a huuuge hug right now. How can people be so heartless?!


It’s a shame but we treat animals as disposable and for our pleasure. Whether it’s cruel people making these fake saving videos or the billions of animals we factory farm for bacon, cheese, ice cream, or other unnecessary animal products. I guess all we can do as individuals is try and not harm these animals and call out those that do.


Yesterday there was a video of a baby dolphin that was tangled in fishing wire. Barely tangled, it could be removed with just two light pulls. But the weird thing is that dolphins need air to breath, so they just have been there at a very convenient time given the vastness of the ocean. Then after easily removing the fishing wire, he kisses it and takes a long ass time before putting it back in the water. I don't know how many times people need to hear this, but please look sceptically at these videos.


My heart is broken. I wish the title had a warning or something. Now I am going to be shaking for an hour.


I knew who the artist was and I still walked straight into it…..


There's always a worse story of people abusing animals to surprise us


Is all of their content kinda depressing / raising awareness of stuff?


Pretty much. It’s fucking heartbreaking and yet also incredibly soul-lifting to see the portrayals and stories they come up with. I’ve cried reading so many of them but there’s a power they have that’s resonated with me that keeps me coming back to them.


Yeah, there's great stuff but alot of it is soul crushing There was a funny one with death and life switching jobs for a day but generally these stories aren't happy ones


Not all of it. Most of it, yes. But there's truly wholesome stuff like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/w43gr2/swap_oc/


Thank you for the comic!


I'm just numb to these now. On a related note, does anyone else kinda feel that the pet/dog subreddits have had a noticeable increase in dead dog content since the mod purge? Can't tell if it's cuz of the purge or because I'm using the stupid reddit app now instead of rif.


her work resonates deeply in me, I come in knowing that Im going to leave in pieces


while i appreciate the psa, your fifth panel wasn’t death going john wick. that’s on you, sir


I mean, he’s death. He’s got time


John Wick wishes, right? To be fair I haven't seen the last one, I suppose it's possible he transcends his humanity and becomes death incarnate.


Nah that's in the fifth one.


Yeah. Death always gets you in the end.


Death doesn't need to go John Wick on them. He's not a collector of souls or bodies, he's merely the guardian for you once you're gone. How he treats you when taking you on your final walk on this plane is entirely determined by how you were when you were alive. The dog is given comfort, care, and kind words. The men who killed the dog...they're going to get nothing but the cold void stare and nothing to accompany them as they realize it's all over and no one is there to talk them through it.




They're illustrating Death in the Pratchett tradition. Not as a callous harvester of souls, but as a patient, inevitable end, that maybe cares a little too much about his job. It gets him into trouble sometimes, but he never outright breaks the rules, maybe bends them slightly. In the Pratchett afterlife, All suffering will end, and you will be left with yourself and your memories, stripped of all illusions. Any Heaven or Hell will be of your own making. For more on this, I'd recommend Small Gods. It's early Pratchett, but it's Pratchett after he'd found his footing.


A really important PSA, thank you so much for making this. I remember my father in law was really into videos like this. And they were *so* incredibly stage, often starting off with the person recording themselves walking around and just per chance coming across an animal in distress. And it was incredibly obvious they were the ones who put that animal in distress to begin with. I had to carefully coach him through *why* these videos were obviously staged and exploiting the animals in question.


There is a style to those videos. They're usually filmed in a country with non-existent or very lax animal protection laws in poor neighborhoods. I've had a channel recommended by youtube where it was obvious to me that the rescued puppies got recycled for videos- there were about 2 or 3 litters at various stages repeatedly being rescued from life/death situations. Being dug up from a flooded burrow, fed after being starved, rescued from traps. The location is always some nondescript brown jungle or backyard littered with junk. There is basically a list of scenarios all those channels follow because it attracts views and likes from naive people. Quite often they also send children to do "the rescuing". It's also always animals who aren't skittish- so either used to human contact or drugged. Naturally I reported that channel, and blocked it afterwards because it was being kept recommended- along with other channels of similar kind. It probably got recommended because I followed a legit veterinary and cat rescue channel. From the get-go the presentation of the legit rescues and the abusive channels was vastly different. The worst of it is that they had a video with kittens in a glue trap, and one of them was deceased "before they could rescue them". Maybe I should check whether youtube actually blocked them. On the other hand, it might be better to spare myself. Edit: Actually checked, the youtube account of that channel has been terminated.


We all felt for it once, that heartwarming piano music in the background, the little animal in need of help, and the voices saying they're doing everything they can to heal it, never again.


I didn't know this was a thing that people did. Damn.


There's a video that circulated Reddit a while back of some dude "cleaning" barnacles off a turtle's back. It turns out the bastards were gluing them on the turtles. The amount of pain they gave that turtle...


And knowing turtle can feel anything on its shell, imagine those glued barnacles giving it annoying feeling


It's not annoying, it's agony, it hurts them so much




Jenny coming at us once again with reality. Honestly thank you for all your life and death comics ❤️ they really do make an impact on people in a good way


Okay I'm angry now.


Fuck those pieces of shit


Social media was a mistake.


I hate humanity.


Love seeing death as a compassionate force/entity. Will never cease to be an interesting take


Read discworld. And if you want a story centered around death, especially "reaper man" and "hogfather" are awesome.


And Mort.


I really liked how it was portrayed in Sandman.


I loved Death in Sandman, both the comics and the show. When she took the baby? SOBBED 😭


Check out Jenny jinya, the artist of this comic. They've made me cry more than once and all of their art is beautiful


This one didn’t make me sad. It made me angry.


The Youtuber Nick Crowley has made a few good in depth videos about this very subject, in case anyones interested


Thanks u reminded me to go watch dark somnium


I stumbled on such a video of a fake rescue in what looked like an poor asian countryside, and it had millions of views with a lot of comments of people praising the person (there were also comments that saw through the lies and were trying to expose the creator). The guy filmed how he "found" a sick puppy and later pretented to give it "veterinary care" in some makeshift "medical facility" (I can't even call it that as it was obvious it was just some room in his house in which he installed a table with some "medical" stuff thrown around). At some point, he pretended to give the poor pup a shot, and you could see there was absolutely nothing in the syringe. Even with no medical or veterinary knowledge, I could see that the way he gave the shot made no sense. At the end, he showed a "follow up" of the "rescued" pup, but it was a completely different dog. The worst part was watching as that original sick/hurt puppy was suffering, and how barely responsive it was while the guy did nothing to actually help it. I felt so utterly powerless/helpless and so angry and devastated. I'm certain that pup did not make it (rest in peace, little one). These people are just plain evil and have no regard for animal life.


If it makes you feel any better I rescued my dog in China to absolutely no fanfare. He was a puppy that some kids bought and tried to hide from their parents. They weren't mean to him, just ignorant of how to care for him. They kept him in a closet and fed him rice and dog dental sticks. He had a really bad mite infection in his ears, but was otherwise okay. Their parents found him and made them get rid of him. They were going to dump him on the streets of Shanghai, but my wife said she would take him instead. He's been with us for 9 years since then and is just living his best life; eating lots of strawberries, going to his favorite park regularly and crowding me out of my spot in bed every night. So, there's at least one lil guy who got saved.


Trading life for money This is how low we've went The problem is, Anything can be (And will be) faked, People hot glue garbage on turtle shells and film themselves removing it piece by piece, Making the poor turtle feel each pain, Both the hot glue and the removal People would only show "Kindness" if there's a camera rolling, Mr Beast is not a person i would believe to be a good person


People have been trading life for money since the invention of money. Before that even. Some humans are inherently broken and death is too kind of a fate for them.


I mean, look at the Colosseum. Most horrific part of humanity tbh. Trading life for money and a crowd of onlookers cheering at abused animals and humans going to their death for an often staged winner.


Not even money. Clout. There is nothing more worthless than clout.




I don't believe in hell, but it should exist for these people.


Sad that Man's quest for vanity has no boundaries




Oh no, I know this art. I'm gonna cry aren't I


Last panel should have been Death dragging those guys to hell


I agree with you




Death was the real rescuer


I gotta agree that the situation this comic is depicting is F’ed up, but I would like to take a moment to appreciate the absolute Chad behavior of death in this comic ripping his own cloak to warm the pupper… can we get more chad death comics?


The OP of this comic is also the artist. The reaper is actually called the Loving Reaper. Here is her page. But have a couple of boxes of tissue ready. https://jenny-jinya.com/#


Gotta sleep now, but after work tomorrow I shall ready all the tissues


okay i just finished reading all of their comics. i hate you, thank you so much. they were terribly great. i’m going to go cry now




Nope, nu-uh, not reading past page five. You can't make me!


Every time I see your comics I know I’m going to cry, but I can never stop myself from finishing them. You have a real gift you bastard.


Fuck the people that do this... I thought the guy was trying to rescue him but failed.. but no, he's doing it for Internet likes, fuck these people, gladly replace them fuckers for the doggo's life Idk what's worse.. the fact he may have failed to save him or the fact he's using the puppy to get Internet views.. least one is done out of love, I guess


Reminds me of that pig saves baby goat [video](https://youtu.be/g7WjrvG1GMk?si=xNxWwS_i8KnBSke5) And the [behind the scenes](https://youtu.be/noTz20TB714?si=Z-myILxb7yxOGMiN)


I remember seeing a woman who claimed to find abandoned animals all the time, but they were never just in a bush they were always like duct taped or wrapped in a bin bag, and a lot were literally just outside her front door where she claimed people knew she took in animals so they'd dump them there, but like....why were you filming leaving the house if you didn't know a duct taped gecko was out there? why would people bring their pets to you when they can't look after them but instead of handing them over they torture them first? She got called out pretty quick


This breaks my heart


This is appalling. It's so sad that upon reading this I don't even second guess. Of course shit like this is happening... Why wouldn't it.


Its sad until you read the 2 pages from the start again glad someone is looking after him


I don’t know what to make of this! We have four pugs, two are real rescue. The ages are 18 years to 5 months. WTF.


Mfr I both love and hate these, my feels are feeling rn for sure




Thank you for bringing attention to this


Hang on...the dog died, but the comments claim that it was saved. But yeah, fuck anyone who does this kind of shit.


Some people need a pat on the head. With a feking shovel


Thanks! Now I'm both sad AND angry!


I hate humanity! These pieces of shit need to doxxed!!


Oh. I’m suddenly SEETHING with rage.


I knew the artist, i knew it wouldn't be good, swiped to the next page anyway. Fuck me, man. Fuck.


That was a risky click at work - only nearly cried for this one.


hopefully not based on a real story


Very few things make me upset. This was one of them.


Sometimes I hate humans.


Reading this just made me seething angry despite already knowing about the fake animal rescue channels. I shouted FU at my monitor.


Problem is, Reddit is stuffed to the gills with internet detectives who already declare that any video posted is a badly acted piece of karma farming rage bait.


Not saying I would hurt anybody I saw torturing an animal but they would never go home again


Goddamn it JennyJinya. Everytime you break my heart, and everytime I come crawling back to you for more abuse. Seriously though, these cartoons are some of the most emotional work out there


God these always pull my heart in just the right way to make me cry. Fuck the people making fake rescue videos. They should all be criminally charged


This makes me ashamed for what we have let ourselves become.


Wow. I feel a visceral hatred for my own species right now.


Good guy Death really do be saving a ton of beings from their painful existence.


Random Person: Hey Death, you normally seem pretty chill, so why hang out with War/Famine/Pestilence to bring about the apocalypse? Death: You have not seen the shit I've seen, and sometimes I feel everything would be better off without humans. I don't think it bears us enough ill will to start our demise, but if the order came down, I don't think he'd question it in the slightest.


Enough to make a grown man cry.