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I remember a kid in my high school asking "Why do you get those bumps in your mouth when you eat peanut butter?". Had to tell him that wasn't normal and he probably has an allergy.


When I was in high-school, this kid had a slightly (but still noticeable) pink tint to his laptop screen everyone in class was bringing over their laptop to compare. Eventually, we pulled up some online color blindness tests and he couldn't decipher them.


My friend found out he was color blind while playing Among Us. [I still keep this pic](https://i.gyazo.com/13ec9ba26ce54ca2de21b76376af01ef.png) to fuck with him every now and then




like...obviously different




Its kind of like a blue/green colour...Something similar to what the sea looks like but a lighter colour. Although I'm not sure what colours you can or cant see.




So do they both look white to you or both look teal




Instantaneous, extremely obvious difference. Like Mailman is a very vibrant blue, very clearly not white


This is so funny. My brother is colorblind and couldn’t tell M&Ms and other colors apart as a kid so we clocked it pretty early it’s crazy how folks go through life unaware!


I'm genuinely confused that anyone can make it to their teens without this being identified. No one noticed that you don't know your colors throughout *all of damn elementary school*?


My husband was 30 before he realized other people could picture things in their mind. It’s kind of amazing what you’ll assume is typical if never told otherwise.


No one can see that you can't picture stuff in your mind. Every single teacher would have noticed if a kid colored the sun green and the grass blue.


There are different types of color blindness, and also different severities. If a guy gets different shades of blue mixed up sometimes that’s not going to draw the same kind of attention as if he colors the sun green.






I think cyan is often considered a kind of blue by people. Sure it might "technically" be between blue and green, but culturally it's more of a greenish blue than the other way around. Kind of like lime is generally considered green.


Cyan erasure


As different as the empty sky is from a cloud


If those colours were shapes one would be a banana and the other would be a penis


To be honest, they are quite different, but as colors go, they're not *as* different as they could be. Like, it's a very washed-out bright blue. It is noticeably different, but it's not the most different you could get - if your computer monitor was kinda shitty or you were using it on the phone in brighter sunlight, it wouldn't be completely impossible to believe that it might be hard to tell them apart, especially compared to a red or yellow, or dark blue, etc.


This is like the third or fourth story I’ve heard about someone finding out they’re color blind from among us since it came out lol, amazing


I’m still laughing


Oh no. I had to stare for so long to figure out what colours those were.


I have some bad news for you...


Then you likely have protanopia, going by the colours used. Colour blindness is much more common than people think FYI. About 1 in 12 men is colour blind, compared to 1 in 200 women, due to some of the responsible genes being on the X chromosome.


My friend found out he was color blind when we kept asking why he was mixing his green and blue poker chips.


My friend found out he was colorblind when he was young but it was always funny in middle school and whatnot in art class when he would make the sky or ocean purple instead of blue and he wouldn't know til you pointed it out


Haha. I did a data visualisation project on a research internship once. I was on data analysis and another kid, more comp sci oriented than me, was building the front end plots. I remember a group meeting with him once where we were all like, yeah ok, this kinda pie chart looking thing is great but why did you go for a half dozen almost identical colours for half the variables, instead of colours we can actually tell apart?  Turns out he was colour blind and to him those colours were very different to one another. Go figure. We kept him on the visualisation part but he had to use a palette someone else made, lol.




This actually isn't the first time I've heard of this, but in a slightly different context. I birdwatch a lot and so does my partner. He's got a friend who's insanely good at picking out birds in trees despite not really birdwatching much - turns out the dude is colourblind and for some reason that means the bird's camouflage ain't doing shit. I think colourblind people can sometimes differentiate between "similar" (to non colourblind people) shades really well, even if colours that are totally different to non colourblind people look basically the same to them.


When I was taking my driving exam I was so nervous that I said the bottom light was blue instead of green and they asked me if I knew how to tell which light was active if I was colorblind and I said, "I'm not colorblind, I'm just stupid." Still passed!


A colorblind friend was driving a few of us in Canada and started freaking out at the first sideways stoplight.


I thought everyone got gassy after consuming dairy products.


this is so true. when i found out not everyone went red from strawberries i had to break it to my whole family we were allergic.


Damn, and here I thought coming out was hard.


We're Allergic? I thought we were American?


Pardon me? Coming out? Like outside?


It’s Reddit, so probably


I mean it's pretty clear IMHO


Going outside on a clear day? Do you want us to burn?




Dad? Dad? I know this might be shock, but I wanted to let you know that we're gay.


"Everyone always assumes I'm gay. My son, AND my husband think I'm gay!"


Something something still fruity. Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈


Your whole family??? Must have been devastating.


At that point I'm already too invested. I used to be allergic to eggs and my friends mom thought I was lying because I didn't like them and the allergy eventually went completely away after a while of being forced to eat them lol. Luckily I didn't have more than an itchy throat while salivating like a madman


My cousin was allergic to something in Louisiana hot sauce, but she loved it so much she’d pour it in a bowl and eat it with a spoon.. She’d be sitting there breaking out into hives and turning red while shoveling hot sauce into her mouth


That's insane, my only experience with hives was horrific. Not only did each welt itch like a mofo, when they finally went down each place I'd had a hive felt like I'd been punched full-strength by a very tiny Mike Tyson fist.


She was nuts


I don't know man, based on your description she sounds hot.


Similar to me. I mistook a small snack of pistachios for peanuts and ate a mouthful at work. Mouth got all itchy with rashes. Told my parents I must be allergic to pistachios. They were always under the impression I was just a picky eater growing up.


"yeah his throat is red and swollen and covered in a rash. Little fucker just loves attention, feed him more pistachios" I'm dying


He was too


I think it more like… “it’s not that bad. You’re only imagining things.” But no, my parents never checked my mouth. Even though the reaction was always the same each and every time. “it’s not bad as you think.” _As if I can choose what I am allergic to…_ Interestingly enough, when I eat salted peanuts, I feel my mouth getting ready to itch when I taste the salt but then as soon as I taste the peanuts, my mouth calms down and doesn’t itch… unless the peanuts have trace amounts of pistachios? Usually the label does say “processed in a facility that processes tree nuts”…


That's exactly how my parents were with my seasonal allergies as a kid. Made me mow the lawn 2-3 times a week for years despite me constantly showing them the hives covering my body, eyes that would barely open, and unable to breathe through my nose. Went and got tested as an adult. My reaction to the test was so bad the doctor asked for pictures to put on his website.


Potential Latex allergy... Kiwi Fruit, Cantaloupe, and Bananas nay all trigger an itchy mouth and throat, at least in my case.


Wait until the avocado latex allergy hits


Just like when I googled "why is honey a sore throat remedy when swallowing it makes your throat sore" Yeah, turns out it's not supposed to do that.


That could depend on what flowers the bees used to make the honey. Are you allergic to clover?


Not allergic to anything as far as I know. (Besides honey or honey from certain flowers, apparently)


I always love the bananas, strawberries, etc. should not be 'spicy' realization from people who are slightly allergic.


Me realizing I might be slightly allergic to pineapple, but it's my favorite fruit 😳


Pineapple might be the exception because of that enzyme and high acidity.


Lol, this exact misconception is what kept me from realizing i was allergic to pineapples for years. Thought it was the bromelain, was actually Oral Allergy Syndrome. Turns out bromelain doesnt make your mouth actively sting like an acid just from eating a few bites :/


This comic is almost word for word how I found out I was allergic to kiwifruit. I was with a couple friends and we were eating a mixed fruit platter, I was nibbling on a bit of kiwifruit and mentioned I love the taste but didn't like how it makes your mouth itch. After a bit of confusion on both sides, the realization set in.


That's how the communists get to you.


Found out about my tree nut allergy like this. **Significantly** less fun.


As someone allergic to pine nuts, I genuinely thought pesto made everyone's throat itchy for the longest time.


...Ohhhh.... shit


Pesto can be made with pistachios or almonds as well in case you arent allergic to those. Give it a shot in the food processor !


As far as I can tell, I'm only allergic to pine nuts, and no other tree nuts. Trader Joe's has a great walnut pesto that I eat all the time!


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/unqHGj1l1Ts?t=9)






Less balloon-y, but basically, yeah


I found out I'm allergic to bananas because my face poofed up and my eyes wouldn't open. I've never been ushered out of a waiting room and directly to a doctor so quickly. I don't miss bananas, but I do miss banana bread and plantains in all their delicious forms. Mostly the plantains.


My uncle found out that he became allergic to peanuts at like 50 years old. On an airplane! Luckily someone had an epi pen.


“I picked a bad day to start eating peanuts…”


Same, growing up my tree nut allergy was just making my mouth and throat itch but one day I had cookies that were cross contaminated with walnuts and all of a sudden I was breaking out in hives


Heard someone realize that when they were talking about Potatoes “You know how you get all flushed, sweaty, and get hives if you eat too many fries or like a baked potato?”


there was a funny famous Tumblr post about this from a few years back. the "potato sweats"


“Potato sweats” made me snort. I’ll have to look that up. Never used Tumblr, so I am pretty ignorant to that era/corner of the net.


I recommend checking /r/curatedtumblr as a good peek into that corner


You just earned yourself a tip of my ballcap.


How does one tip their… oh you said *cap!*


Oh thank goodness i wasn't the only one. I was like damn, homie is *very* appreciative


This post reminded me of another post where the op was asking why people liked spicy bananas so much and all their friends were confused.




Wait a min….i have this with bananas…..hmmmm


Same here, only way in the back of my throat. I can handle a small amount for flavoring a milkshake, but that's about it. Then it started happening with carrots, and occasionally with peas. And people wonder why I don't bother trying to eat healthy.




Allergic to cats too huh?


All of us find out the hard way. 


I appreciate he doesn't wear any pants. Donald ducking through life.


So I had this realization as well when I was like 20. I thought it was normal that bananas from the peel make your mouth and throat itchy. It was super mild so I never minded but stopped me from loving bananas. Found out its oral allergy syndrome. Essentially raw/fresh fruits can trick your brain into thinking it is pollen, or like bananas trap pollen inside them, so the itchiness is a reaction to thinking you're eating pollen. Which is why it's super mild because you aren't eating pollen straight up but your body's like "well we don't like pollen, react!" but you aren't allergic to the actual fruit at all. Cooking them can remove the reaction entirely so that's why it's hard to think much of it. It also seems to be better or worse depending on the season since it might be more or less pollen in general


Yeah I developed this with honeydew melon and it took ages for me to realise what was going on :( very hard to cook melon unfortunately!


I'm only allergic to bananas in the fall. Apparently this is relatively common for people with ragweed allergies. Something in bananas is similar enough to ragweed that it will set off my allergies, but only if my immune system is primed by being exposed to real ragweed.


Me: That mellon is weird, why is it spicy? My friend: Uh, there is nothing spicy about that mellon...


Oh gods…..are mangoes not supposed to be spicy? Edit: TIL that I am indeed allergic to mangoes. I have extremely volatile pollen allergies but nobody ever told me to watch out for mangoes and I guess I never voiced out loud that they’re spicy like biting a hot pepper and hurt my mouth to anyone either! Thanks to everyone who responded and broke the news to me, I appreciate you all and no more mangoes for me 🖤


Sorry to have to break it to you....


Uh, no. they are just sweet.


Please tell me pineapples are supposed to be tingly


Technically pineapples have a chemical in them that is essentially a meat tenderizer (bromelain) which can cause tingling in the mouth.


Oh thank god


Depends on the amount of pineapple consumed and how fast though. If even a small amount gets that reactions then it's bad news.


One does not simply eat only a small amount of pineapple


They also have tiny little needles in their tissue called raphides for extra spiciness. It pokes holes in your mouth so the bromelain can do its thing


I'm starting to think this fruit is evil.


Why is it eating us back?? What in the evolution is that nonsense for


Well logically, if eating the fruit is painful or annoying, animals will eat other things more, which means more pineapples survive. But LOGIC HAS NO PLACE HERE.


Deliciously evil


If your sensitive it tenderise your gums to the point that tooth loss is much likelier to occur after the consumption of pineapple ;)


Excuse me what now


Maybe? I don't eat much myself but I have heard that pineapples have enzymes that try to digest you while you're eating them which is why your mouth and throat hurt after eating a lot of raw pineapple.


That's normal, the pineapple is just returning the favor and eating you a little bit (pineapple enzymes breaking bits of you down).


... this one honestly depends on ripeness and how much you eat. Certain ripeness is more acidic. But all pineapple? Sorry mate.


God DAMNIT why would I be cursed this way


You may have a bromelain allergy


> Please tell me pineapples are supposed to be tingly Over-rippened pineapples, and\or possibly going bad, can cause this to occur. It is simply because there is more of the bromelain enzyme. It's not the acidic nature of the fruit causing this, like others have posted, but an enzyme. More info here: https://www.self.com/story/why-pineapple-burns-your-tongue


Oh boy. I’m sorry


My condolences sir...


Wait, so I am allergic to hot sauce?


Ignoreing the joke. XD Nope. That's Capsaicin. It burns everyone. Interestingly enough, you actually don't build a body tolerance to Capsaicin it burns everyone equally. Your brain just learns to accept the burn. So yeah? You do build a tolerance, but it is all mental. Body wise, it burns the same. Your brain just gets used to the burn and learns to take your focus off the pain faster and faster depending on how much spicy food you eat daily. So, mentally, it feels like it does not burn as much, but it is. This is coming from someone who can snack on Habanero Peppers like they are sweet peppers. NOW you can be allergic to Capsaicin just like anything else. If you are allergic to Capsaicin, it can kill you. I still feel the reason the "One Chip Challenge" was re-called by the FDA is because the High School kid did not know he was allergic to Capsaicin and well ... the One Chip Challenge is jam-packed full of Capsaicin. If you're not allergic, you're fine. It burns it hurts. From mouth all the way to your butthole when you shit it out. Good old fire burning butthole. But you'll be fine in 24 hours max. Does it feel like you are dying from pain? Yes. But you're fine. That's the point of spicy chasers or Heatonist, I like to call it. We chase the hottest of the hot baby. We eat for that pain. XD


my wife is almost insensitive to capsaicin. Grew up in San Diego or just has weird genes, idk. she can munch on habaneros and just says "yeah they're good, i can fell a tingle". When we order asian food she has to say "asian spicy" and they argue with her that she won't like it.


This was the exact dialogue between my parents and I when I discovered my avocado allergy


I had an opposite problem. I had an allergy test done when I was a kid that said I was severely allergic to cats. So my entire life I avoided cats. My wife is a huge cat lover and kept suggesting I do an allergy shot treatment so she could finally have a cat. We went to several shelters so I could interact with cats outside the home and didn’t even have a scratchy throat after spending prolonged time with them. We ended up adopting two cats and never had any allergy issues in the 3 years we’ve had them. Not sure what exactly happened, but it worked out for the best.


Sometimes people grow out of an allergy


Sometimes parents lie about that kind of thing too, try asking mom lol


Why? Shed just lie about it?


If she doesn't like/want cats it's easier to tell your little kid they are allergic. It isn't nice but it happens


If you're going to lie to your kids, lie about yourself being allergic... not them.


Too reasonable a request for some parents.


Sometimes they grow into one, I didn't have any issues now I have issues.. I miss cats.


People can gain or lose allergies as they age is which wild. I’m forever sad non of my kid allergies have gone away and instead I’ve picked up more


The real crux of it is there’s no way to really tell if you phased out of an allergy unless you have periodic exposure or having an expensive allergen test. You then just look silly putting yourself in your allergens way just to test if it’s gotten better and end up having a reaction.


Yeah, I’m working on acquiring those really rare allergies, you know? Collectors stuff. I’ve already got “cedar bark” and basically every mold and weed variety, so I’m getting there.


I used to be horribly allergic to cats as a kid. Then in my early 20s I developed an autoimmune disease, and I guess my body decided that it was too busy for other bs allergies while it was attacking my body, so now I have 2 cats with no issues.


Damn, it was the total opposite for me. When I was a kid, I hung around cats and I was totally fine. Never had any allergic reactions, and we even had a stray cat that would enter our house sometimes. Years later, we get our own cat, and I'm the only one in my family getting shit like runny eyes and sneezing constantly. I haven't gotten tested yet though.


I remember reading about someone who got prickling sensations in his mouth whenever he ate cheese, but he thought it was supposed to do that because it was described as “sharp”


Yeah my mouth goes tingly whenever I eat a mozzarella stick. Guess histamine allergies are a thing?


If you ever get a really bad sunburn and it suddenly becomes crazy itchy and putting aloe (or any kind of cream/lotion) on it makes it IMMEDIATELY WORSE - wipe the aloe/cream off immediately and take an anti-histamine. It's caused by being allergic to the histamines your body creates while healing the sunburn. You'll thank me someday. > Hell's Itch is an inciting dermatologic reaction that can occur after sun exposure and is often characterized by symptoms such as intense pain, itching, paresthesia, and suicidal ideation. For the record, the suicidal ideation is because it's really that bad. You want to die in order to stop the sensation.


First time I ate japanese strawberries (I guess they have different pollen or something): oh hey, eating these doesn't hurt at alll! .... Am I allergic to strawberries?


Possibly grown in a way where they're somewhat isolated? I remember them being the most absolutely perfect looking strawberries. Great shine, big, juicy looking. Also the most bland af strawberries I've ever eaten...


I was eating an amazing bowl of cherries, and called my mom to rub it in her face. Me: "These are amazing, the most delicious cherries I've ever had! It's just too bad they make my tongue tingle for hours and my lips get puffy." Mom: "Dear, our whole family is allergic to cherries."


You finished the bowl anyway, right?


I found out I'm lactose intolerant and tried explaining it to my dad. Dad: "Oh, I'm not allergic to dairy, I just have trouble digesting it" Me : "That's what lactose intolerance means..." In high school I would eat a big bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast, and then wonder why I was so gassy in the morning. 🤦‍♂️


This happened to my husband. He asked if I, someone who knows I’m lactose intolerant, also get an upset stomach after eating Dairy Queen. I had to break the poor guy’s heart and told him it is indeed not normal to feel like you’re going to poop your pants after 3 spoonfuls of a blizzard. The stages of grief this man went through, finally landing on acceptance after having a lactaid with one, is for sure his villain origin story.


It sucks, but we're lucky that a cheap pill let's us eat pizza and cheeseburgers! My girlfriend on the other hand has a milk protein allergy (casein), there's no pill for that.


Technically, it is normal. Lactase persistence is the mutation.


Lactose intolerance isn't an allergy, it's a [digestibility deficiecy](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lactose-intolerance/symptoms-causes/syc-20374232#:~:text=People%20with%20lactose%20intolerance%20are,its%20symptoms%20can%20be%20uncomfortable.) You won't die from bathing in milk, but you'll want to die if you drink it.


Sorry I wasn't clear, I was pointing out to my dad that lactose intolerance is the second part of what he said, trouble digesting dairy.


Oh buddy I have a banana allergy, and the enzyme that causes the allergy is unfortunately in avocado as well. So no guacamole 🥑 😭


This is me. So many allergies because of this. Latex, too.


Spicy bananas! Don't assume your experience of the world is universal. We tend to assume what we're experiencing is normal, and that everyone else is doing the things we dislike even though they feel the same. Truth is, most people don't do uncomfortalbe things, and if you find yourself not understanding why seemingly everyone would do a thing you find uncomfortable, it is probably because you are different in some way.


This is like the time I found out that not everyone sees light like stabby beams and that I had an astigmatism


I realized in my thirties that not everyone has visual snow. I didn't even know it's a thing till I saw an article about it.


That completely fucked with my head, I grew up thinking that everyone sees lights outside after dark with rays of light coming off of then as if everything becomes a star or sun shape (you know, how they're drawn with lines of light coming off them). Nope, astigmatism. Didn't know till I was in my early 30s. Edit - In the image below, the left side is showing night lights with an astigmatism. Right side, no astigmatism. https://www.visionworks.com/file/general/non-glare-coating-article-comp.jpg


I was studying in Germany in undergrad and I was talking to some of the other American students about how much better the snack foods were there than in the US. I mentioned I bought these chocolate banana protein bars and I could tell they had real banana in them because, unlike artificial banana flavoring, they made my mouth dry and tingle just like how real bananas do! Everyone looked at me like I was nuts and that’s how I learned. The feeling isn’t unpleasant to me and I love the flavor so I still wat bananas fairly often.


For me it's tinnitus. I thought everyone hear a high eeeeeee when it's silent.


> everyone hear a high eeeeeee when it's silent. Wait. They don't?


No they don't :(. So just don't try to think about how silence sounds man I wish I knew what silence sounds like


> I wish I knew what silence sounds like apparently to us it sounds like eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Don't worry. There's a good chance your son will be allergic to them later in life too. Banana allergies are bananas after all.


This is how I found out I had an allergy to apples. Someone asked me if I wanted one and I said “no I don’t feel like having that weird apple mouth/throat feeling” and they said “what?” Edit: I should add I was in my 30s when I learned this.


My wife talked about how spicy our spaghetti sauce was... when I forgot to put in any spices at all... oops. We realized she has an allergy to Tomatos (night shade plants). She still eats them... but we limit it more. I can't eat Samosa... something in them make me cry from the pain. No clue what it is... I can eat most other india food.


When I learned that some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap..... "Well cilantro already tastes kinda soapy so they're not too far off." "...... FUCK"


I recently learned I gained a shellfish allergy like my sister. For most of life until this point, I could have fried prawn or stuff like that without issue. And now the tingly feeling is here. Although apparently mines not as excessive as my sister's, since she can't even taste the shellfish she eats while I still faintly can.


HAHAHAH I was in organic chem in college when we were talking about bringing in food samples to test pH and I loudly declared Bananas must be as acidic as pineapple since they both cause mouth sores. Everyone just sat in silence before the professor told me to make an appointment with my doctor for allergy testing, lol


I have this with red onions, apparently they're supposed to taste sweet? but for me it tastes bitter and almost wasabi-spicy


JESUS MAN YOU MADE ME GOOGLE IT. They’re supposed to taste like that. Fuck.


Well yeah... That's why people eat them raw. You were eating raw "wasabi"!?


Nah google describes the flavour as a mild “spice”, do they taste sweet to you?


Raw red onion definitely is supposed to taste strong almost spicy. You had me double checking myself though, had to google it. If cooked red onions taste like that then it's a you thing.


Kid me: "Don't you get like, reeeeally thirsty when you have chocolate?" Evolved into... Older me: "Doesn't your throat get really scratchy and your tongue burns if you have chocolate?" No one understood my pain lol. Figure I'm just allergic.


This is almost exactly how I found out I was allergic to celery. “Yeah, I love the stuff but it’s weird that it makes your mouth tingle and your tongue go numb”. The sheer amount of weird looks I got from that statement I still remember in painful clarity.


For me it was shellfish. At least it was tingly mouth and scratchy throat, not hives and asphyxiation.


Realized I was allergic to jackfruit when my family told me their throats didn't puff up when they had it Such a random allergy lol


The same tingling sensation with kiwi.. I thought it was normal since the fruit is acidic. But turns out others don't feel it. Also strange enough.. even I don't feel when I have the fruit sometimes.. but other times it's pure nightmare, it flared up my tongue.. my throat.. and makes it hard to swallow something.


Lactose intolerance dominates most of East asian population, but the condition itself was not well known in the late 80s when I was growing up in Korea. Everyone just treated milk like a miracle constipation cure. We just all thought it gave you the rumblies naturally. When literally everyone you know react the same way, it doesn't even occur to you that it could be abnormal...cause, well, it's normal. I moved to North America, saw my friends chugging milk for BREAKFAST and I remember thinking 'dude we have to go to SCHOOL, we don't have the time now for you to be sitting on the toilet for an hour??' But of course he was fine. And my eyes were opened.


Reminds me of the post of someone talking about how they love pb&j sandwiches because the sweetness of the jelly compliments the spiciness of the peanut butter. They were very quickly told that peanut butter isn’t supposed to be spicy.


"so do you want one or not?"


My dad would scream at me that I was being difficult. But melons and bananas made my mouth itch and I hated it


...am I allergic to apples? 🫠


Apples are supposed to be sweet, some varieties are sweet and sour, no apples are spicy / hurt / tingle.


Man, my ex did this exact thing. XD Ex: man, I love bananas, but they’re so spicy! I can never finish one in one sitting. Me: they’re *what* now???


after uni i had cats, my eyes used to be a little bit watery, and my nose a bit runny cats lived full lives, and went to cat heaven years later i am unpacking stuff and get out the cat blanket, put it on the bed in my cats' old spot for sentimentality next morning, eyes watery, nose runny ah. i am slightly allergic to cats. still miss them, though


Having had an astigmatism my whole life, it was a bit of a reality shock when I realized seeing lines coming out of streetlights at night was not the default or because of my glasses. It's because I have an astigmatism.


please tell me pineapple does feel tingly


Kinda? There is a lot of acid in the fruit so


It's not so much the acid in pineapple but the enzyme bromelain which dissolves protein... And your mouth.


My mouth is buzzing like it's electrified after I eat pineapple. But I love it so much :D


I was home with my brother several years ago (pre-pandemic) sitting in a room adjacent to the kitchen. He started cooking some popcorn in one of those stovetop popcorn makers and forgot about it for about an hour, at which point our parents got home to find he had nearly burnt the house down. The whole house reeked of burnt popcorn for weeks, but I couldn't tell. Turns out I just can't smell.


This is actually how I found out I'm allergic to ***something*** in scented hand lotions. My hands dry out very easily, so winter isn't a fun time. Wife asked why I didn't put lotion on and I said "I don't like the way it makes my hands burn and get bright red." She didn't believe me until I put some on and, low and behold, my hands got bright red and burned. She immediately went full mom mode "Um, that means you're allergic to something." Switched to unscented lotion and I've been fine ever since.


A lady at my work once told me when she eats pineapple she gets an itch in her throat and she has a mild allergy to it. I told her that's silly that's just what eating pineapple does to you. It was maybe two years later that I realized we both have a pineapple allergy.


I only recently learned that I was allergic to avocados because I told my girlfriend that I don't like how they make my mouth numb with that little spice feeling. 42 years, and I just thought they did that and everyone was okay with it.


Change out banana for apple - and this is me at about 25. Funny thing, I had an aversion to apples as a kid and didn't know why. Then, I moved to Japan and got addicted to this one fabulous brand of apple juice. I started drinking it, and then I just got really, really, sick. Throwing up and the runs. Doctor told me to stay hydrated - so I drank more apple juice. I'm ashamed to say it took us two weeks of absolute sickness to realize it was the apple juice. I blame the language barrier.