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Huh. Today I learned that the French President's marriage is like a real life version of the Adam Sandler movie "That's my Boy"


Except Brigitte Macron never put a foot in prison and has been the "First Lady" of France for 7 years now...


Yea but the age of consent is only 15 in France right? So what she did is creepy af but not technically illegal?


So, if I remember correctly, it is not illegal as long as he is old enough to consent, but in case of abuse it is an aggravating circumstance.


You could certainly be correct. I'm not gona claim to be an expert on French statutory rape laws lol


I mean unless you are a practicing French attorney, it would be very creepy if you were.


When the president has been in a relationship with a teacher from his high school since his teens, people start to wonder about consent laws, so I think people know a lot more than before. In the UK everyone should know because they teach you in school.


As far as I remember an actual age of consent was only passed pretty recently.


So, Idk if you looked it up before you asked this question, but to clarify for anyone wondering - it's not like Emmanuel was 15 and she was 20. He was 15 and she was 40. Not that 15 and 20 year olds should date either, but I'm just trying to say this is not a very young adult and a teen, this is a second-going-on third decade adult, an adult by anyone and everyone's definition, and a teen.


Oh I'm not defending the morality of it. Unfortunately morality and the law are often not the same


What do you say to your therapist when you are older than your stepdad and he is the leader of your country?


15 being the age of consent was established in 2021. "Sex between adults and minors under 15 was already illegal, but was up until now only prosecuted as rape if there was proof of coercion through “violence, constraint, threat or surprise.” When there was no proof of coercion, it was prosecuted as another, lighter offense called atteinte sexuelle sur mineur or “sexual act on a minor,” punishable by up to seven years in prison." https://www.politico.eu/article/france-sets-age-of-consent-at-15/ Mid-century French philosophers were quite infamous for their positive views on pedophilia and their efforts to decriminalize it. "French law recognises in 12- and 13-year-olds a capacity for discernment that it can judge and punish," said a second petition signed by Sartre and De Beauvoir, along with fellow intellectuals Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida; a leading child psychologist, Françoise Dolto; and writers Philippe Sollers, Alain Robbe-Grillet and Louis Aragon. "But it rejects such a capacity when the child's emotional and sexual life is concerned. It should acknowledge the right of children and adolescents to have relations with whomever they choose." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/feb/24/jonhenley#:~:text=The%20petitions%20were%20issued%20after,Kouchner%20and%20Mr%20Lang%2C%20said https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petitions_against_age_of_consent_laws It's quite possible that Madame Macron was supporter of these ideas and effectively groomed a then 15-14 year old Macron despite his parents efforts. "His parents sent him to Paris due to their alarm at the bond he had formed with Brigitte Auzière, a married teacher with three children at Jésuites de la Providence, who later became his wife" https://web.archive.org/web/20210227163246/https://www.economist.com/europe/2017/05/06/what-emmanuel-macrons-home-town-says-about-him


It IS ILLEGAL for an adult to use a child (so a person under the age of 18) for sex. The age of conset being around 15 is for people around those age, not your teacher to suck your dick. Fucking disgusting.


They didn't get into a relationship before he was in college though, I think?


We don't know, even though I dislike Micron, there's a chance that what we hear might be "propaganda" to diminish his legitimacy. Still, when an adult goes to a child/teenager and do inappropriate things to them, they will always fall under the law I cited to a pedophilia defender. The age of consent is mostly there for teenagers, not for adults who want to abuse teenagers.


I'm not arguing the morality of it. Unfortunately morality and the law are often not the same


I'm always wondering why that's so important to people. The dude is the fucking president of the state. If he was not fine with that situation he would have had all the time and power in the world to fix it. But he chooses to stay with her even given all the shit they're taking for it. So clearly, it's a choice they both want. So maybe, maybe, stop fucking attacking them on that point and go over the other 2000 issues of his presidency??


I agree. it's intellectually lazy and what's worse, this constant harping on the subject as a way of legitimate political discussion is really poisoning politics as well as trivialising the actual horror that is child abuse. According to the Right, everyone who is LGBTQ or supports them is a "pedo". According to the Left, everyone who says that is probably a pedo themselves. It's just pedo pedo pedo all day long. Fucking weird. Can we maybe treat that subject with the seriousness and impartiality it deserves? And refrain from using it as emotionally manipulative ad hominem attacks in place of actual well-argued criticism?


I mean they've been married a real long time. I'm not saying it's not creepy, but clearly at this point it's working for them, and there's no real proof they were together when he was underage if I recall correctly.


Hehe...Yeah. At least you are not living in Hungary. 14 years under the same orange colored russophil dipshit who ruining the economy (that is only barely alive thanks to the EU money and supports). Hehehe.


And the current popular opposition candidate if Fidesz 2 electric boogaloo :(


Why people still vote for orban when he's clearly a bad choice. I mean you're not in Russia where you have no choice so why you do that?


All major media belong to Orban or his friends. So the population is constantly bombarded with news praising Orban and denigrating his enemies. Speaking times are terribly unbalanced during elections, which allows Orban to have hours and hours of appearances while the opposition has to fight to have a few appearances (and even then, appearances where they can speak.. .).


What about internet? What about the scandals. I mean usually when a party is in charge that party lose vote. Why this doesn't happen there too?


Unfair election laws. With roughly 2million people voting on him, he gets roughly 40-45% of votes and it means he gets 2/3 majority in the Parliment while the opposition was "Salami tactics-ed"


🇫🇷 🤝 🇺🇲 🤝🇬🇧 🤝 🇮🇳 🤝 🇮🇹 🤝 🇩🇪 Absolutely insane election circuses


















Yup, sounds about right.


At least you guys have elections 🇷🇺


Yeah, was trying to figure out where that guy was from who didn't have circus elections.


On the plus side at least you aren't like here in the UK where we voted to come out of the EU by a Russian Stooge who is now hoping to become Prime Minister next month, or the Conservatives who are all full of rich, out of touch clowns who hate poor, old and disabled people with the current non elected PM claiming he "was so poor growing up his family never had Sky TV" (yet his family Pharmacy has the dish attached and he went to rich schools) and "people relate to me as I like eating Haribo" (I really wish I was making this up and it came from the Pro Tory Telegraph who literally suck his balls). Or at least we aren't in America where you have a multiple convicted rapist shit filled diaper wearing felon who has a cult of millions running for President again with them claiming he is the new Jesus. Stop the world, I want to get off.


Well we have actual Nazis here in Germany again. And they are popular. They are so fascist not even the European far right want to „play“ with them.


So, we have Nazi's again in Germany and Nazi loving again in America. Did someone switch the simulation to be playing Wolfenstein: The New Order instead of Star Trek timeline?


I would be infinitely happy to be onboard of the Enterprise right now. Give me a red shirt, I don't care if I die first. At least I'll die happy


I too would happily accept death if it meant that i get to make airplane sounds on board of anything that flies in space


Statistically the yellow shirts throughout the series had the most incidents so we are all fine lol


.. says the non-engineer. *sigh* *starts playing with the transpoterbeam-polarity-inverting button*


History doesn't repeat, but it sure fucking rhymes.


Why can't we get the fun history parts though


'cause you ain't born rich. I mean that sardonically. My condolences to you. There are plenty of people having fun in history right now. You and I are not among them.


No, it's just the 20's again


Well, to be fair, if we were in the Star Trek timeline we'd be looking at Sanctuary Cities, the Bell Riots, a possible second American civil war, and WWIII on the horizon.


Ooh we got you there! Saw on the news here in the UK a while back that Florida and Texas fly and bus all their "undesirables" to what they call "Sanctuary Cities" like San Francisco, etc. As we are in the Mirror universe though the Bell Riots in 2024 which happened around September-November ish will be the Trump Riots with the rise up of his Cultists to enshrine him as "The Second Coming https://preview.redd.it/qf370vwpbv6d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=754b51cacf5729f4caca1ac252839a59dca154fa Then according to the revised timeline I believe the Nuclear WWIII was due around 2026.... Apparently those Hurricanes had it coming!


So if we're lucky we'll live long enough to see Humanity kill some Vulcans and steal their ship? Hot damn!


It's a byproduct of capitalism and the Germans were just ahead of the curve unfortunately


The problem is this time, they are wearing suits and ties, so people who aren’t really good at politics can’t recognize them anymore as nazis


You forget, WWIII happens in star trek, and one dumb inventor and (very crazy) survivalist accidentally gets the attention of the Vulcans while trying to find a habitable place sans humanity. So I'd say we are still on for Star Trek. That is not a good thing.


Especially concerning are the many votes they got from the young (<18) voters. If they got their votes from the boomers it wouldn't be so bad because they will die out in the next ~20 years, but the kids - once indoctrinated - will give them their 15-20% for decades to come.


That doesn't surprise me. More and more younger people believe the holocaust wasn't real. It's staggering to me. But it seems the further we get from history, the more people either forget about it, or deny its existence.


Well if younger people treat TikTok as a valid information source, that's kinda expected... Not that news media are this shining beacon of truthiness, of course... Maybe the non-far-right or non-populist parties still have to understand how campaigning on TikTok or Instagram reels work... Short, stupid and catchy videos with a very limited (and thus inexact) exploration of the topic (even though everything is very complex nowadays) are what works the most according to me.


Problem is that hate and fear will always trigger the algorithm far better than facts the left uses. Controversy will get to the top. Information remain at the bottom.


Eh I don't like ultra centrist Kier but hes polling consistently and overwhelming to win in July Rishi Boobsnack and milkshake man getting in are incredibly unlikely.


Yeah, to be honest the UK is actually doing better politically than a ton of other countries and looks set for a course correction next month. Which, considering politics in the UK is still a godawful fucking mess, is damning with incredibly faint praise and more a condemnation of the state of those other countries.


Really hoping someone would throw a hot cup of tea over Russian stooge though, the first one this year was apparently a stunt as they woman was a known "friend" or influencer of his. Likewise not happy with Kier either but hopefully decimating or wiping out the Tory scum will be worth it. You can bet though they and their media mouthpieces like the Daily Fail, Telegraph etc will have headlines like they have no idea why the public turned on them or it must be some conspiracy!


Currently polling for a pretty huge Labour majority for sure


If Farrage running for PM? I thought he was running for MP of a town he hates.


Yes and no. British politicians don’t run for PM in general elections. Political parties have an internal election to choose a leader, then the parties run for dominance of the House of Commons (the party with the most MPs elected becomes the ruling party) and, if successful, the party leader becomes PM. Farage is the leader of the Reform Party. The Reform Party is running several candidates in the general election and if it were to dominate the commons (extremely unlikely, but technically possible), he would become PM.


We truly are living in the worst timeline




Yeah... Can we come back to the empire? I promise most of us will behave. At least the original 13 colonies pls


No Empire any more, we just have a commonwealth of nations so any who we let go still can be friendly with us like Canada, New Zealand, Australia etc. We may insist you adopt universal healthcare though and tax the rich more.


Bruh, I didn't know that France and Brazil (my country) were so similar. Our politics are both really shity right now (Also sorry for the bad english)


It's even worse than in the comic, the president of the main right wing party wants to join hands with the Nazis, but nobody else wants that, so he's alone but the party rule prevents the others from demoting him, so he still technically rules. My country is a real shitshow at the moment, at least we still have popcorn.


Your english is very good ! you only forgot a "t" at "shitty"


r/suddenlycaralho e tá uma merda mesmo, tem previsão de mudar alguma coisa pra melhorar ainda aí ?


So fascism is on the rise across the world. Highly developed countries are willingly electing facists, and they seem to like it. Why is this happening everywhere all at once? My crackpot theory: There was a huge push in the 90s for a globalized economy. On the surface, this sounded like a great idea. An interconnected world, where profits would benefit all. Except that didn't happen. What happened instead was the international corporations became massively wealthy, to the point where some are more powerful than some countries. Inequality rose sharply, and times have been getting rougher and rougher since the late 00s. People are upset, because they are hurting and powerless. In the past, this is when revolutions would begin. But these days, the powerful are smarter and have better communication tools at their disposal. They've spread propaganda to divide us across race, religion, politics. All the inequality we're facing, we've been told that's the fault of the leftists, the people with darker skin, the migrants, the people outside the cishet paradigm. And a significant portion of us ended up believing it. So rather than rising up against those who are in power and causing our pain, a bunch of us direct their anger at easy targets and marginalized communities. Then the fascist politicians step in - I understand your pain, and I will alleviate it by going after the people you've been taught to hate. And enough of us buy that lie to put those fascists into power.


You’re correct except you seem to miss the part where the fascists are the ones running the propaganda machines dividing us up… Fascism is usually people’s last choice… Most people will only vote for fascists if they truly believe all the other choices are worse… And that’s what they count on… They base their politics on portraying their opponents as more evil than them. And creating an imaginary enemy and connecting their opponents as supporters of that imaginary enemy helps them. Also since they make imaginary enemies primarily from people they genuinely hate it helps their concerns… Also most fascists are relentless…, they have no problem waiting in the outskirts of society, slowly creeping into the mainstream thoughts and slowly associating their “fight against the system” with their “fight against minorities” in the eyes of their potential voters… France is actually one of the good examples of these ideas… Macron was elected as a newcomer because people were disillusioned with the old parties… But since it turns out he wasn’t that much better and there’s no other alternative, people now vote for Le Pen, because there aren’t any other alternatives which weren’t already tried and tested… Now the real test of the people will be how will they deal with fascists in the government after they elect them. I believe the French with their rioting culture will be able to keep them in check. I’m more worried of other European nations…


"Most people will only vote for X if they truly believe all the other choices are worse" This is true for literally everything.


No, what happened at least in my opinion is that everyone who lived through WW2 and other such disasters are all now dead or dying. Before this, we had two generations fighting tooth and nail to prevent the evils of fascism from ever being allowed to rear it ugly head, but now that they’re all dead, no one’s left to shout about the danger. We’re either doomed to repeat out mistake and have to learn through another war, or we have to get out affairs in order and vote the fascists out before it’s too late.




It's also cringy but they are hilarious. Found some: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebV4YmG/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebVmjKJ/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebVxoHA/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebV9S4R/


In any case, if the left does not occupy this ground they leave it to the RN which has already used it well.


Ty! This is gold Lol!


This one hurts, and it's happening everywhere.


Yup. I don't want to explain the current state of Dutch politics here, mostly because it's equally embarrassing.


My condolences, I’ve heard that Wilders is an absolute bellend.


It's not that bad, but still a shit show because the left is equally as shit as the right, it's just a bunch of childeren calling each other out than actually fixing something.


You forgot the siege that was placed around the headquarters of the Republican party and the president of the party who was locked inside because his party wanted to dismiss him because he wants to form an alliance with the RN. There is a password war to control the party's social media accounts. There is also Reconquest (the far-right++) which exploded because some of its members wanted an Alliance with the RN and others wanted to go alone. Knowing that the niece of the leader of the RN was in this party and left it to support her aunt after leaving it a few years ago!


Yeah, I focused the comic on people voting for dumb reasons because talking about all the drama happening lately would have been impossible


If true that 30% Nazi vote is disturbing.


The "Rassemblement National" party was founded by 2 people : an ex Waffen-SS and Jean-Marie Le Pen, whose claims to glory include owning a Hitler Youths knife with his name inscribed on it and bragging about his war crimes during Algeria's independence war. It got just about 35% of the votes in the elections for the European parliament last sunday. Help. Me.


Only 50% of people voted at that election, so you can divide that score by two if that helps.


30% of less than 50% of voters. So 15-20% of general voters at best. Only talking about the europeans elections here, but let's not increase those numbers for nothing. I am in no way a fan of those parties, but the misinformation is huge on those topics, and only by a correct understanding of the law and the institutionnal environment we can vote and fight properly


There were 51% of voters in the European elections in France.


How did you determine that it’s 30% of less than 50% what is the 50% you’re referring to


Only 50% of the people old enough to vote went to vote, so in reality only like 17% of the 18+ population did vote for the RN


See but here’s the thing the people who vote are all that matters if 90% of a population doesn’t vote only 10% does and 6% of that end up being Nazis then guess what? the Nazis win. So 30% of the ones who did vote is still disturbing.


Yes? I didn't say otherwise?


Had basically this exact conversation the other day with my French coworker. It's nice to know that Canada isn't the only country that keeps reelecting a total clown and doing nothing while our conservative party pushes hard to the right.


As an American I’m glad I’m not suffering alone and terrified for the state of the world.


It’s somewhat comforting knowing that the USA isn’t the only nation that’s having assbackwards politics going on. It sucks yes, but comforting knowing that the suffering isn’t alone


It’s kinda not comforting at all for me- I want us to be a pariah state if this is what’s going on


We're at a point where electing circus clowns would be a better option


Australia has been doing that for years. We don't have *as* bad a Nazi problem as other countries it seems (not as mainstream at least but still a lot of fascism) but our country is an Americuck state owned by fossil fuel companies, our best journalists are youtubers and our shit lite party will be replaced by the shit party in the next election because they weren't genies that solved the 14 years of problems that the shit party caused


To be honest, i think most countries are the same. People are idiots, social media made sure of that and now politics are nothing but a big popularity contest. No one cares about the actual actions of politicians.


Last week have been hilarious honestly. There was more betrayal and twist in a week than in a whole season of Game of Thrones. Every time I watched the news, there was something going on


Fr, I wrote this comic 3 days ago and it already feels outdated by like a month


Ugly-cry upvote from a french leftist...


On est ensemble ✊


Macron doing a video with TiboInShape to get votes for his new 7 year mandate will be legendary


Im happy the UK is Leaning Left this Election


I'm happy for you, wish you the best !


Thanks after 14 years of conservative rule we need a fucking break.


the world is fucked isn’t it


There is still hope. We have to fight for it.


“My country is run by fucking clowns” “Which one?” “Yes”


Literally Idiocracy. Just turns into a popularity contest instead of voting based on policies.


Currently that’s just Europe politics everywhere. Here in Germany we have some pretty similar shit, only that all politics don’t know how the internet works, except for the Nazi parties


Have you considered raising Napoleon from the dead


It’s almost like….all of our political leaders are out for themselves for the sake of personal gain on the backs of anyone who isn’t in the top 1%. I don’t fucking care what cause they carry a banner for. None of them actual mean it unless there’s money in their pocket for it.


It's depressing honestly. The french leftist parties miraculously managed to unite three days ago only to start bickering yesterday just because some people weren't selected to sit at the Assemblée. It's so childish and irresponsible.


As some from the U.S, I feel you. I live in California and we had a senator (our biggest “spokesperson” for the state) literally work until they died in their 90s even though it was pretty obvious they were beyond the mental capacity to hold such a position. Then our own democratic party supported a republican (who they knew would never win given how our state leans) just because they didn’t wanted to support a popular newbie, Katie Porter. It’s disheartening and infuriating. It feels like the majority across the world is all fighting the same fight. We just don’t have enough money to make a difference.


I'm a huge fan of Katie Porter. Hope she gets more of the power she deserves.


I’m from the district originally voted her in before the gerrymandering moved her to the HB area. I’m really proud of what we did because our last rep, Mimi Walters was a POS to the people that lived here.


70% of Americans nod sadly in agreement. 30% say "Sounds good to me" or "Why vote? Both our candidates are the same." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


making people think “all candidates are the same” is the fascist strategy to make them elected (if all politicians are the same, people might think about electing the ones that weren’t in power before). this is the sentiment the anti-fascist public needs to fight against…


My dad recently told me that he hates Biden. But that Trump scares him.


As someone french, anyone with a tab about immigrants in their campaign is a red flag for me, and almost none of the right wing voters seem to know what they want or what they're gonna get from voting for right wingers


There's quite some people who have a wrong view of what certain people do, and thus vote for those who say they will fix everything. Populist parties really are good for nothing.


Love from Israel. Honestly everything is so fucked up here I'm not gonna get started.


Was just about to mention us in a different comment, where we have been living in a political shitshow clown fiesta for the last 15 years And it's not gonna end aaaaaany time soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Okay rather than trying to argue that my country’s political situation is worse, we can probably just all agree that global politics is fucked.


Don't forget Ciotti. President of the right-wing "Les Républicains" party, who wanted to form an alliance with the RN (the lazy Nazis). His party wanted to sack him, so he locked himself in his office until party members came to force him out.


I mean, despite the cringe TikToks, better the left than the far right by a huge margin.


In sweden our politicians are straight up just taking drugs… also some party (not gonna name who ya silly goose😉) celebrating that while they may have not raised their percentages **and actually went lower than last election** they atleast are still above the 4% spar. So not as bad tbh, although i am not incredibly invested in our politics (Sverige demokraterna kinda suck though and IIRC they went down in percentages although still are a pretty major party)


Welp, You French are not alone we Italians have to deal with this sh*t for 2 years. Good luck! P.S. also the people besides being depolicized are also old which makes it more unnerving for us young.


Yeah, good luck out there. How's it going in Italy ?French who vote RN keep saying "we never tried the far-right" and I really want to shut them up.


Damn, I feel bad for the french people now, and I thought we had it bad in my country 💀


This makes me feel better about my country’s politics. It’s not the only circus.


Me after realising once again that we are controlled by morons who know we are even bigger morons: https://preview.redd.it/nie3olxzov6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f557d06fff030bd8ca8c540397a863ef71517b


Aaah Macron… why did you dissolve the assembly, idiot?!!


Depending on the results, it can either be the worst or the best move of his career


I fucking hope!


At least you didn't have ACTUAL FASCISTS in GOVERNMENT (yes, I'm Italian).


I think that's what a lot of countries are going through right now. The younger people are just voting on stuff based on how "cool" the person is rather than any actual political reason. Idiocracy here we come. ![gif](giphy|l3vRaak6fltTSi6xW)


Idiocracy would be a better outcome than what's going on now. There's less opportunistic malice in that movie's politics.


In Argentina we're governed by an economist that could no land a job in a bank and got himself a career in talk shows in tv, shouting gisgusting things and making fun of feminists. He never got any durable relationship except with his sister. She never got elected but Milei reformed a law that forbids to employ familiars in ejecutive positions and now she reigns in the government with him. She lives at the presidential house with him and accompany him in his trips abroad.


Ah yes… AFUERA ! Wait why is my country falling apart now that I defunded everything ??


Welcome to 50% of Europe


Mood kinship established with France from America


Korean (not the North) Politics are shitty as well, at one side we have absolute idiots on everything, and the other is kinda similar


Hey, I’m wondering are French? Because if so, my condolences. I’ve been following the European Parliament elections and woo boy, has it been a sh*tshow. Luckily, the fascists didn’t win too big in certain places, but big enough to where it’s a concern. I hope things get better. Also, Macron isn’t that bad, a lot of his policies are only going to kick in later in the future, so it seems like right now he’s incompetent.


In the us it’s a choice between lib shit cunt who supports genocide or an openly fascist cunt who is supporting white supremacy and religious bigots that want me dead who supports the same genocide and it’s like, cool, I’ll vote for the one who keeps the purges in other continents I guess


You forgot to tell that one has dementia and the other is chronically insane


I just wanted bernie sanders!


Portuguese: First time? ***stuck with the same corruption since the 80's at least***


Idk if you've seen how much people changed their mind when the most viewed YouTuber in France said to vote against the far right party. People have week convictions this is why they vote right wing


Remember when Macron used presidential powers from the old pseudo dictatorship days, so he could force through raising the retirement age? And when he made a publically elected citizens climate council, and then disbanded it when they started to sugguest "doing something" about climate change? ... I do... And I'm fucking Danish.


After reading the comments I have found out one scary thing: Russia has influenced every election in every country.


American here... That's actually a small step up from our politics


I never cared for politics, but hearing what's happening in my country rn (I'm french too), I can't help but worry. What the hell are we doing? Why are we making immigration and stuff to be a problem when we could, oh, I don't know, focus on our dying planet?! I swear, we still have time to stop climate change so we don't live in the apocalypse, but we won't. We won't, because nobody in charge cares. We're doomed by their stupidity.


Follow me on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8PtKz_IIjl/?img_index=1) and [Twitter](https://x.com/FlederedCreate/status/1802036002162200857) for more terribly drawn backgrounds


Hey man, if it helps at all I think macron is doing an ok job. France used to be second fiddle to Germany, but now seems to actually have some backbone.


Bon ben, on est bien, on a plus qu'a attendre pour voir quoi gagne au législatives entre merdella et les tiktokeur gauchos


What fantasy land does op live in?




This is how I felt in Britain for the last five years....


You guys helped make modern democracy! Makes me feel slightly less angry about my country.


Ah the french. Allies from the very beginning, with us Americans. Makes sense that we would also both suffer this political pitfall.


Honestly, hearing about all the fucked up politics everyone has makes me feel that we in india don't have it nearly as bad. Yeah, we almost got a dictator but atleast we don't have complete idiots running the country.


Your art style reminds me of an old Irish animation YouTube channel that put out an animation about the zombie apocalypse?


I have zero idea of what you're talking about. :[


The whole world is ran by clowns, just go full anarchy


Wait who's the second Hitler? 0_0 I mean if you put all authoritarians as Hitler you'd have to expand it to like Hitler 4. ru has one, China has one, NK has one, 5 if your pick for Hitler was none of the one's I mentioned. Maybe even more(I mean there's Orban who's flirting with ru, I think that's pretty suspicious and who knows what he'd actually do if EU became more far right and he had an easier time being his shitty self, there's also Belarus dictator, so make it Hitler 7)but still.


It's a private joke, Hitler 2 already appeared here : https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/R1IPGvs2kh


Uh, is this a bot thing, a bad translation thing, or a bad translation-bot thing? “… he made a featuring with two YouTubers” “… for the our Congress equivalent”


Hey, here in Germany we probably have the best government of the last few decades (not perfect, far from perfect, for starters Olaf Scholz could be replaced by an empty desk chair and it would improve the chancellors charisma, the most viable big air quotes "left leaning" party in the country needs to grow serious balls when handling their core ideals and Christian Lindner ********* ******* ***** *** *** two times *** ***** ******** rusty hoe *********** ****** with a garden hose), but because not everything is perfect after 3.5 years, half of all left leaning people are about ready to give up, and a third of all youth voters (as well as the biggest portion of east germans) are convinced that, actually, the Nazis are the solution to all of our problems. Oh, and the conservatives who definitely don't want to collaborate with the AfD are copying more and more of their talking points and will definitely collaborate with the AfD - I'm giving it 2 or 3 election cycles, at most. I guess the silver lining here is that Nazis and other Nazis are prone to internal disagreement so their EU wide cooperation will fall apart eventually? Idk, man, shit's fucked, get your revolution planning in while you still can, I guess.


Hang on, 3? Did I miss Hitler II: Elektrisches Boogaloo?


Yup, he appeared in this comic : https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/R1IPGvs2kh


The last panel hits home.


Nation of sheep Ruled by wolves Owned by pigs


Reducing the votes by only promotion with social media is crazy, people who watch the 2 YouTubers or see the tik tok video are not even 18 years old


France is run by mimes not clowns


I live in the Netherlands and would actually love it if people voted for the fascists because of funny ticktocks. Because currently they are voting for the fascist because they want the fascists 😬😬


Oof. Hope it gets better for you.


at least you dont live in Turkey, we live in a circus ffs


Wait who’s the guy who got 30% of the votes and is a cod player?


Jordan Bardella


Meanwhile in germany, actual fucking Nazis got like 15% of the votes. Fuck AfD


Wow when you say it like that it puts American politics to shame


That’s a „lul“ from me.


Atleast you guys have the leisure to worry about that 😭. We are living in fear of being killed by terrorists over here. 🇧🇫❤


My knowledge of the Burkina Faso's politics is fairly limited. Wishing you all the best


I remember how smug Europeans were back in like 2015-2022 watching America go through some of its historically stupidest politics, and acting like they were all too smart for it to ever happen to them. Still, I hate to see it. We're all in this shit sandwich together now, and political misinformation is a massive global issue.


I remember it too, and the realization of how bad we actually were hit me like a truck.


Now do Slovakia


this is how i feel about living in the uk.


Bruh if France is depoliticised than who is politicised? Ur standard is utopic


They’re all clowns, we’ve been in the Circus since well before Alulim was rumored to exist. The show’s just gotten a lot more out in the open about it.