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I’ll vote for whoever bombs the scammers sending me constant political texts that I can’t opt out of.


Omfg yes I am with you there. Block all of them and still get three a day.


They’re all spoofed to appear as random localized numbers for me, so blocking does nothing. On the bright side I can always tell when I get spam calls because they always show up as calls from a state I no longer live in.


My phone helpfully automatically marks them as spam. And then sends me a notification that it did so, just in case I didn't realize I got some spam.


The spam notifications make me want to throw my phone across the room


In its defense, mine are silent by default, and they can be disabled altogether. (On Android, you can long-press any notification, tap the gear, and you'll be taken to the OS-level setting for notifications from that app. It's up to the app to define all these categories so you can mute the ones you don't like, so this won't help you with the shittiest of apps, but you can completely turn off the spam notifications from Google Messages, for example. Also, some of the better apps split out their marketing notifications, Youtube lets you turn off the "Recommendations" notifications... you can make your phone a *lot* quieter if you want.) I just can't resist the meme potential. They're spamming me to let me know how good they are at blocking spam.


Yep.. the real tip was getting a phone back in 201X or 200X and moving somewhere else. Also I still get local ads on Pandora for the place I signed up from apparently..


Same. Phone number SC. Live in NY. But for some reason, I occasionally get local ads for Utah; a state I've never even flown over, much less visited.


Can we hit the spam call centers too while we’re at it?


With a military budget in the trillions, absolutely!


Silver linings of the end of democracy!


and designed the ads that say "people in (device location) are doing (insert random shit here)" \*changes device location\* "people in (new device location) are doing (insert even more random and shitier shit here)


I've been thinking about the Civil War and how Lincoln was being called a tyrant without a hint of irony by slave owners. Plus free ice cream


I read a biography of John Brown, the parallels between the 1850's and now are pretty easy to see.


Maybe this time we'll actually do some kind of reconstruction instead of just going "yeah so don't do that again, m'kay?"


Step 1: Education standards. You should not be able to legally teach lies to children in history class. That's how so many people think that the Civil War was not about slavery, along with a lot of other issues.


Step Zero: Truth exists as a fact, not an opinion.


Gangs of New York is a documentary


He did suspend habeas corpus. Not saying at all that those sacks of shit were right, but he did some stuff that alarmed some folks in the pursuit of preserving the Union


To be fair to Lincoln: If the civil war was a regular war, it'd be fine to do what he did. The fact that it was a civil war meant that he was going against the constitution and violating the rights of his citizens; citizens that didn't want to be American citizens anymore.


I see absolutely no difference to today.


Can he use the powers to take away the powers?? Seriously. (Edit) I mean to say. Can he use it to take it away from the definition of president so it can no longer be an issue? Maybe even use it to reduced the office of the president to a much more boring position for trump?


Yes.. unfortunately, the powers would still apply for the period before he took them away meaning trump would be untouchable by all charges so far.


Except, hear me out : explosive charges


Yeah, I’m not saying Biden can’t do the thing in the meme, I’m just saying trump would get out of all his legal trouble


"I used the stones to destroy the stones."


Free Ice Cream! Hells yeah, you got my vote


Yeah. I mean, even if it were just something like a DQ vanilla dollar cone, I'd still be in.


Soft serve is underrated


Hard agree


Soft (serve) agree!


Make mine twisted.


Shall I dip it, sir?


Double dip it, I am feeling kinky


Chocolate AND cherry? You're a fucking rebel!


That's what I keep telling my wife...


It's official. The day 45 finally dies? I'm going to DQ and getting a soft serve


Not a bad trade for Spider-Peace!


Keep democracy safe.


American Politics if it was good


Why not? All we are now is the next reality TV show.


I'll be honest, this season of America is leaving me with blue balls so far


A reality show we’d actually watch!


little hard to miss if you live in the show


You’d think that, but it seems like a whole lot of people still aren’t watching.


I'm really thankful the pets were prioritized.


Trump is the only President in living memory who didn't have a single pet.


Ted Cruise doesn't count as one?


People typically don't keep parasites as pets.


The Annoying Orange isn't typically described as people.


I agree but my first thought was 'ofc no one in the Trump family would be empathetic enough to have pets, lol'.


He famously hates dogs, and his late ex-wife even wrote about it in one of her books: > “Donald was not a dog fan,” ex-wife Ivana confirmed in her memoir Raising Trump, recalling his hostility to her poodle, Chappy, who would “bark at him territorially”. > > > Ivana never understood Trump’s hostility to dogs. “How can you not love a dog that acts like he’s won the lottery for life just because he sees you walk through the door?” she wondered. Source: [GQ](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/donald-trump-dogs) He was the only president in 100 years not to have a pet in the White House either. The only other two were Polk and Andrew Johnson. However, Johnson fed white mice he found in his bedroom, which is somewhat endearing in my mind. The article that said McKinley was the last president to not have pets in the White House appears to go against conflicting evidence supporting that he had two kittens, a parrot, and chickens. Source: [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets)


This was the moment when Biden should have made a public announcement where he just stares at the camera/press with a broad smile and says “…finally” and puts on a large fake curly mustache.


Don't forget the comically miniature tophat


I'm just saying. Biden has the opportunity to do the trolling of a lifetime while his presidential Invincibility Star is still active




No, a mandatory pony. You must have the pony with you at all times.


*Wo ist dein Pferd?*


~~Papers please.~~ Pony please.


*I'm sorry officer, my pony is in my other pants...* *NO NOT THE TAZER!... (sounds of man shitting himself and ponies grumbling)*


I've been wondering if Biden could hijack a Fox News broadcast or something and make everyone sit through a live hour-long speech about the Supreme Court ruling. He could start by saying "People of America, I'm here to inform you that the Supreme Court of the United States has just given me legal permission to have Donald Trump killed in the streets." Then he'd talk about how the ruling works, and the various things he could be doing with it (such as forcing a media organization that doesn't like him to broadcast his uncensored words, because it's an official presidential announcement about an important new law). He'd finish up by going over his plan to have the immunity ruling removed, and explaining that he needs people to vote Democrats into Congress so he can get rid of this terrible ruling. It seems harmless enough, but I also feel that could backfire though. Hmm.


But.. It's just not right to kill. Guantanamo is a better choice. Maybe add a handful of Supremes.


What did Florence Ballard and Mary Wilson ever do to you?


I see you, Vermin, trying to slip your ideas into the Zeitgeist. What next?! Zombie based clean energy?!


And make Nestle pay for it


He won't do *shit*.


Well you see, presidential immunity is only meant for Trump. If Biden uses it all the MAGA cult would go absolutely apeshit calling him a criminal while not questioning their hypocrisy as usual.


It’s legitimately a Schrödinger's cat scenario but with the “intent” of the Supreme Court here. If Biden does something crazy and tests this precedent the Supreme Court will pull way back and be like “no that was not what we said at all how could you have taken our ruling like this?” If trump tests the power on it first it’s going to be “yeah that’s exactly how we intended this to go”


This is why act #1 should be installing a neutral supreme court.


It's not hypocrisy. You're treating them like they're not insurrectionist secessionists.


And cultists. Don't forget by the book, prime example of cultists. Following the cult playbook to a tee. - **Absolute authoritarianism without accountability** - ***Zero tolerance for criticism or questions*** - Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget - ***Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions*** - **A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave** - Abuse of members - Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group - Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough” - ***A belief that the leader is right at all times*** - ***A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation***


we don't care anymore whether they go apeshit. whatever the magas are going to do, they're going to do it whether we make them happy or make them mad. there's no point playing 5D chess with our own conception of what they want. we can just pursue our own strategies for our own ends.


Well obviously the immunity only applies to real presidents and not those who got in through clearly rigged fake elections.


Like trump


Absolutely. There's absolutely no evidence that the current real president (who's definitely not admitting to not being the real president by running for a third term) would ever even want to falsify election results or protest against an outcome that wasn't in his favor.


That's okay, Bidenn could just have them deemed enemy combatants and have them rounded up and stuck in black site prisons. Problem solved, America saved.


'As usual' is the key part here. The MAGA crowd already accuses their enemies of doing the worst to justify their own heinous behavior and attempts to game the system. It doesn't matter *what* Biden does, they already think he's a tyrant. He has no reason not to exercise his power to protect the US from a dictatorship. He has a moral obligation, in fact.


He *won't*, but he *could*


He should have Trump arrested for insurrection. It’s in his official capacity as president!


But that is specifically the thing the SC said can't happen, but since Biden has immunity, he can do it even though he can't do it? Would Biden's immunity override Trump's immunity? This hurts my head.








I vote that in this case, it simply disqualifies them both from being able to run for president. Too prevent the paradox of course!


But what if the next president wants to arrest both Biden and Trump? This decision is going to give immunity to all future presidents.


Really he couldn't; he can't be criminally charged for anything, but he doesn't have the authority to do those things. That's really the big issue with this ruling; it basically only grants protections to people with an absolutely corrupt administration that will follow any order given even if it's obviously illegal.


Honestly, he could; there's already legal precedent for the president assassinating US citizens by drone strike, so he could just declare the Supreme Court and Trump as terrorists and ship them all off to Gitmo or blast them from low orbit or whatever he wanted. The only thing on this comic that I *couldn't* off-the-top-of-my-head come up with a flimsy pretext for that would fall under the president's unilateral authority is subsidizing ice cream.


He won’t. Trump will.


So if Biden were to hypothetically dronestrike the supreme court, would that means all 9 positions would be vacant and would have to be filled with 9 young liberal democratic judges who would dictate all judicial cases with no accountability for the next 60 years?


Hypothetically? As long as he declared them members of a terrorist organization first.


Yeah, that is exactly what russia and china would do. Finally usa is joining the multipolar world order. /s




Free ice cream to combat global warming lmao


If you just slather it everywhere, surely the Earth would cool down.


I get tired of the political cartoons on this sub, not because they’re political but because they are unfunny and pandering. This, on the other hand, is fucking hilarious. Exactly the kind of political cartoon I want to see. Original, unusual, and genuinely funny. The news ticker is icing on the cake.


It's the "free ice cream" that got me. It's perfect


Had me in the first half lol


Totally agree! Relevant, absurd, not super heavy handed, and most importantly actually funny.


Look at the "fuck your feelings" crowd being snowflakes. It's a comic, sweethearts. It breaks no rules and it is funny. Suck it up, buttercup. moderator reports: It's abusing the report button user reports: 20: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else 2: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: Cite Sources 1: This is spam


“Cite sources”? Um, it’s me. I’m the source, lol 😂


My source is that I made it the fuck up  Jack


Imagine a world, Jack, free of cancel culture - where no one can call me out for my outlandish claims! A world where _I can say the N word!_




Hi the source, I’m dad


Poeple are really reporting this! LOL


Of course they are reporting it. If there is one thing a fascist really hates it's an ouchie on their feefee


good mods


Well, this is officially one of my favorite subreddits


Based mod


People report anything they disagree with


MAGA are reporting anyone anywhere online who even make a joke about this. I just got banned from Twitter for making a joke about how Americans are begging Biden to bomb Republicans.


Whaaaaat??? I thought Elon was all about free speech!!! I guess that's only when it involves a child rapist. He does have an obsession with pedos..


B-but I thought Twitter was the last bastion of free speech. The place where “comedy is now legal”.


Really? That's crazy! Sadly, Twitter moderation is so biased. I previously reported a Twitter account for using a homophobic slur, but the account is still up! I'm flabbergasted!


I for one am not surprised that the cult members remain steadfast and vigilant in their stupidity


ah yes, let me just cite my source on *checks notes* biden nuking mar-a-lago in a comic.


After years of listening to them joke (and also not joke) about shooting protestors, immigrants, and liberal politicians illegally, it's so hard to take what they say about this seriously. Especially when this joke is also objectively not illegal now. Biden could officially order the assassination of insurrectionists.


I’ll lift my tea in a toast to that! goood modding!


Execute order six-three


He better give us a free pony too.


I Scream for Dark Brandon


The presidents of the united states already gave us peaches for free. Ice cream now too?


Millions of peaches?


They came in a can.


Were they put there by a man?




I'm moving to the country.


No pets harmed


Has anyone in the Trump family even touched an animal before


Given the way he treats women, I imagine the kind of contact with animals he has had is less than wholesome.


Plenty of times, after they've been deep-fried


If Biden does this I will totally gift him stuff several months afterwards as a legal appreciation favor [not bribe] for things he did in the past.


underrated comment


It’s a damn shame Biden is part of the high road don’t do anything Dems. While it’s probably best that he is for the most part. Sometimes good people gotta do bad things they don’t wanna.


What multiverse is this from? ...and how does one get there?


Except Joey will not do any of that. Which is the problem and why this becomes a sad meme.


MAGAs don't believe people are joking about this, they believe all of this is the real wishes of the left, to bomb and murder Americans, while accusing the right of it. They're too damn stupid to understand that the left doesn't want the president to have this power, not Biden or Trump.


Missing the panel where SCOTUS decides that Biden doesn’t have Presidential immunity for being a Democrat. 🫠 Seriously, the conservative Supreme Court is a joke when it tries to pretend it’s not playing favorites.


Yeah, this sort of thing gives us some semblance of hope. Unfortunately everyone knows that Democrats care far too much about tradition and decorum to do anything useful with the Supreme Court decision. It's exactly why the Supreme Court was willing to hand down such a decision right now. Democrats will always take the "high road" and let people suffer and die rather than take direct steps to oppose the Republican take over of our institutions.


I’m here for the free ice cream!


I wish he was that cool




Free Ice Cream would go crazy!!


That's one of the most annoying things. The moral party won't use the same tricks the immoral party will / does.


I think everyone would love the last one


True, there’s no reason to be upset at free shit


Is he subsidizing all flavors?


Only vanilla, that villain.


A true vanillain


*chocolate chocolate chip


Chocolate chocolate chip


Liberals are gonna spend the next 6 months memeing about how biden is gonna do all the stuff he promised but couldn't do before meanwhile he does nothing and loses the election anyway. Love to see America repeat the mistakes of 30's Germany


Hence why I’m getting a passport. I’m already florida’s (among many other states’) political target and the supreme court is set to hear a trans-healthcare related case. To say I’m terrified is an understatement. Last time it started with book burnings at “Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft” (where the famous book burning images came from), and sadly guess we’re repeating it with all these book/healthcare bans =[


I think as his parting gift before getting kicked off the Democratic ticket, he needs to arrest trump and the traitorous supreme kangaroo court judges, and throw them into a hole in some prison ship in the middle of the ocean and sink it. add a few of those magnut congresspeople and representatives. His speech could be "THAT is how you drain the swamp". and then he drops the mic and walks off with an ice cream cone.


Worst best part is, it's probably only now hitting the justices that they could have opened the decrees for this to happen for real, course it would be comforting to not have to worry about red headgear ever again


2 days ago I told my dad that bidens going to make ice cream free . Thanks for the validation


It’s going to be really fun if Biden wins the election and Trump sues about some asinine fake election scandal, probably around mail in voting, and the scotus rules mail in voting is unconstitutional thus giving the election to Trump.


Wait they want presidential immunity knowing how insanely corrupt this country is just for one guy?


I mean Biden might as well use the immunity because MAGA gimps really like untouchable presidents who shouldn't be held accountable.


I'd never need porn again if that first one happened. I'd just watch it on loop forever.


I have a question. Would it be an “official act” to save us from a treasonous anti-American fascist? I would say it is one of the most important official acts a president could do.


SCOTUS ruled that anything where the President is talking to other officials is an official act, so calling the military to send out a hit is official. They obviously wouldn't rule that way, bc they're corrupt crooks, which why they would also be on the hit list.


He could try, but he won’t, also another implication of the ruling is that the Supreme Court is that the court can decide what is and isn’t an official act and would likely rule whatever a Republican president who appointed half of them does is official and whatever a Democrat does is not (though panel 4 addresses this)


how could an execution by the head of the executive branch not be an official act?


Just as long he does it “officially,” right?


I fucking wish. Democrats are playing fair by rules that no longer exist


I mean, he can do it since he’s doing it as the president. That was what the judge said right? As long as you do it in an official capacity you got immunity…


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This being his plan is the only good thing that can explain why he’s still running tbh


Except you forget the military can disregard an unlawful order.


To paraphrase Nixon, if the president orders it it's not illegal




I fuck with free ice cream hard!


you know what I've heard crazier headlines


The most surprising thing about this is the dairy industry and the green industry are in bed together. /s


this made me lol


Man, I fucking hope so 🤣🤣🤣


best timeline


I want that muthafuckin' celebratory cone.


I'm pumped about free ice cream


"No pets harmed" lmao!!! That was my only concern, whew!


didnt notice the festive fence decorations for the longest time. Live to dream I guess.


watch him do absolutely nothing while he could


In Russia, Putin also granted himself two immunities in 2020.


I’ll vote for anyone who promises free ice cream


I guess what I find so concerning, and call me ignorant here, it’s what exactly is the limitation of this? Taking out a political rival? Ordering that a majority vote not be accepted? I mean, did they really offer any sort of parameter to this?


Damn Dark Brandon is awesome.


I love that it says no pets harmed lol


49-51% of Americans think this is a great start. That's close enough


I mean, i bet they think immunity is a one-way thing. If the scrotus gets it, the potus does too.


Everyone talking about trolling this or owning that, while completely disregarding the incredibly frightening fact that this will be abused further by future Presidents.


No shit. Nobody's *happy* about this ruling except for fascists. OP is just fantasizing about the fascists getting a taste of their own medicine.


I overheard some MAGAs on the train today say “well Biden’s still president, so he can do whatever he wants before Trump gets his chance”… they don’t understand that a POTUS who truly believes in democracy would not abuse this ruling and act like a tyrant. They’re so twisted by their radicalization that they don’t even understand how this anti-democratic. I’ve said this a million times in the last 2 days: We are fucked. We are 1-3 presidential terms away from living in a Gilead/Nazi Germany hybrid state. Maybe less depending on how this election goes… God help the ethnic minorities, women and LGBTQ+ of our country. This is going to be a very dark moment of US history…


Ianal but i don't think the president can make judiciary changes or allocate funds beyond what congress approves. He is in charge of the military so blowing up trump would be a official act...


1) Tell Congress you want money 2) Congress votes it doesn't pass 3) Executive order is written declaring Congressmen who don't pass Presidential budgetary requests are traitors 4) Rendition those congresspersons to Guantanamo 5) Hold a new vote, vote passes with 100% yes votes


Sounds pretty legal too me.