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This is so fucking funny, damn. Really makes you think about the abuse our cells go through


My cells apparently couldn’t take it anymore and revolted.


Shit, I'm... Sorry. Hopefully the revolution is stomped out oppressively and concisely. If all else fails, nuke em.


Yep, I nuked ‘em and replaced them with better cells.


President Truman would be proud.


Unless it's proposed by General MacArthur.


The god damn American way!


I know this is all a euphemism for cancer, but what the hell do you mean by replace


Stem cell transplant


I thought that was only in movies, holy shit thats awesome


Stem cell and bone marrow transplants!!! Everyone should sign up to be a donor!


Some people get bone marrow transplants


Yes, my final form! Perfect cell!


My lower back is like the Afghanistan of Planet Me. Now joined by periodic revolts in the Kneetherlands.


My immune system got so pissed off that it started attacking my skin cells (psoriasis).


Mine started attacking itself (Lupus)


You're dead!?


This sounds like cancer rather than just being dead


Ooh. I was thinking autoimmune disorder but that would be more like an internal civil war I guess. Cancer makes more sense!


Send in the caffeine. If that doesn't do it there's always meth or cocaine.


I'm surprised at mine. Revolt everyday but somehow keep working, but only about a quarter of their full output. I take it slow.


Cells at Work: Code Black


This gives me a good laughed, this made my day.




Everyone knows this meme but how many people have actually watched this show? It's fucking legendary and should be mandatory viewing to every citizen of the world. EDIT: Show is Danger 5


We'll need a distraction... Activate sexy bitch mode Omg! It's Hitler's dog! Hello boys ;) *(gas grenade donates)*


It's funny, but also I will attempt to internalize it and hopefully treat my poor frail body better than I do.


I think I've just been guilted into reconsidering my habits by a *comic*... Well played, sir.


App idea: a diet app that's also a tamagachi that gets sad when you dont eat well Edit: Unburying my links: [Website](http://lastplacecomics.com) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/last_place_comics/) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/lastplacecomics) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/LastPlaceComics/)


that... might actually work so long as you dont lie about the food you're eating


That's where over engineering comes in You're forced to take a picture and you use an AI model go identify the food


"Not hotdog"


Oh that's the best part. The AI model is janky as fuck so it doesn't work half the time.


> "Eating shoelaces is unhealthy, please stop" Bro I'm eating spaghetti


That's what a *shoelace eater* would say.


Octopus. It's a water animal.




No no, AI hasnt crossed the tipping point to differentiate yogurt from butter yet. Technospoon with a scale and built in mini calorimeter. Tomogachi starts begging you to stop after X calories


>AI hasnt crossed the tipping point to differentiate yogurt from butter yet. If it can't tell from the quantities involved, then we have a bigger problem


Perfect, the buzzword we needed to sell this idea. **MACHINE LEARNING**


It actually works in real life anyway ... even if you lie about what you are eating to yourself ... you end up gaining 100 extra pounds and getting diabetes.


Delete this comment, trademark that idea, make that idea, make millions.




Narrator: The Froot Loops did not help.


Narrator: but it was delicious. Especially drinking the milk afterwards.


He eats what you eat so if you eat badly the tamagachi will be sad because he is eating badly too and begs you to give him (yourself) something that's good for your health.


That would actually be great, I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. Gotta take care of my tamagochi


Fun fact: your body IS your tamagochi! (I learned this lesson on a shroom trip, but I haven't been able to spin it into lasting changes for the better yet)


“Your body is your tamagochi” These words make me wanna take care of myself all of a sudden


Or throw myself into a corner and forget about me for years.


Oh my god there’s so much poop


I...I don't feel like it right now though. *... Tomorrow? Yeah, that'll be the day!*


This is my experience also. Trip, find existential wisdom, tell people about it while struggling to practice it myself. Funny ol’ life innit?




As psychoactives get studied more, we're finding that therapy is so essential to tie in with trips because of this problem. It's the problem being coined as "integration," and the problem is largely solved by having professional therapists help you to integrate such insights that you get from trips. Like, many benefits in these trials drop off (yet are still significant, but still) if they miss the therapy part of the equation. It's not inherently necessary--many can integrate the insights on their own. And besides, the benefits are still significant on its own. But the benefits consistently hit near the ceiling when you just add that one extra ingredient of therapy. If nothing else, it works as accountability. At best, it helps draw the insights out so clearly that you can actually latch onto them. Hopefully in the next decade, anyone, at least in some states, can do a trip and get therapy to integrate their experience into their lives for the longterm.


Maybe not make me eat healthier but definitely allowed me to unpack and deeply, permanently accept a whole fuck ton of trauma I was holding on to. So that's a win.


Or eats the same food as you and gets fat/diabetic and eventually dies based on your shitting eating habits.


>dies based on your shitting habits. Nasty way to go...


It would start off as an avatar of you that slowly transforms into Big Chungus.


If I knew how to code I would steal the ever living hek out of that idea


I'd just be glad I could use it to be honest


This is a genuinely brilliant idea. You feed your tamagotchi exactly what you eat, give it exactly as much exercise as you give yourself, give it as many hours of sleep as you have. Seeing it be in good or poor health would likely have an impact on people


The Finch app is kinda like that. It gives you points for eating well, sleeping, going outside, drinking water, cleaning, and reaching out to family and friends.


Booooring! I want to kill other tamagochis


This exists, it has a finch, I can't remember the name


*did someone say tamagotchi*


“Whatever you do, don’t make his app.”


Hi Dev here. My profile and YouTube channel is mostly AI/ML and VR, but I’ll definitely make this for you


You should watch the anime, Cells at Work. It uses waifus to make you take care of your body




Cells At Work: “Take Care of your body please, make all these hardworking cells lives easier” Cells at Work Black: “**DO YOU THINK YOUR HEALTH IS A FUCKING JOKE?** LOOK AT ALL THIS POOR RED BLOOD CELL HAVING TO CLAMBER OVER THE MOUNTAIN OF CORPSES OF HIS COMRADES SLAIN IN GAS ATTACKS!”


Comics and graphic novels are some of the most impactful stories you can experience because of their mixture of words and art. Sometimes they can highlight facial expressions and the feeling of a moment even more than a movie could.


Someone read scott McCloud


My poor cells, someone should help them! But not me.


Yeeeeaahh... I legitimately feel bullied into taking my vitamins. Good thing my b12 tastes like bubble gum. /deep shame


This comic should hav a spinoff where the braincell over lords which choose the healthier options are sent of to labour camps where they have relive awkwards moments or procrastinate while high on endorphins Edit: well thx for the upvotes, and to the artist feel free to use the idea, you'd probably figure it out on your own at some point anyways :)


Haha! That's really good!


Lemme guess, summoning salt?


(spacey synth sound indicating correct answer)


Fuck that recent one was so good, wasn’t it?


It was! But to be fair, theyre all pretty consistently good


Summoning Salt's consistency is more stable than my parents' marriage.


You might also like Bismuth's series on the original Mario and SM64 TAS, and the SM64 A-Button Challenge. I've watched them several times over. I'm watching one right now. This comic felt like you were watching me decide to stay up until 5am.


Oh man his Wii Sports Golf speedrun video is so fantastic. Who knew that speedrunning golf was so complex. Definitely the most interesting aspect about it is getting the lowest score doesn’t actually mean best time due to unskippable replays


I still think it's hilarious that taking the batteries out of the Wiimote was somehow a useful speed strat


Oh man! I get to be the one that tells you! Speed strats have included some insane shit. My favorite was using a hotplate to intentionally overheat the console for Dragonquest 3. There are plenty of this type of thing and looking up that particular one should bring you to the door of the rabbit hole.


Lmao that now that sounds awesome. I know a lot of hardware-based strats end up banned, but it's still super cool to see what people figure out.


The JP community engages in it way more than anyone else. It's not as contested over there.




"But moments before midnight, as OP was trying to go to bed, one man uploaded a video that was so good, it would change the speed running community forever. That man's name? SummoningSalt" Blurry Synth music starts playing


Queue a series of clips that mean nothing to me, but in the context of the video I'm like "wow... amazing..."




Fuck man, I don't play the games they run and have zero interest in speed running, but damn if I don't watch every single one of his videos. they are so good.


But then, this happened


My thoughts exactly, I feel personally attacked /s


"And thats where the record stands today"


I am so glad he took off. I have no idea why he was on my recommendations way back when, but damn. I have never cared about speed runs and am not the biggest Nintendo fan but he is such a good commentator I can't help but watch every one of them.


A chilling look at what's happening inside my body. I can't keep getting away with this!


Damn mate are you me?


I've never seen the two of us in the same place at the same time... Suspicious...


Well to be fair my head is usually nowhere near as I am either lol


Imagine if this was how you met your second personality you didn't know you had...


Holeeee sheeet


Right? I even just started to watch SummoningSalt YT videos about Mario Kart speed runs…


“I can’t keep getting away with this” sent me. Lol


I was a completely normal person before I turned 35. Average eating habits, moderate exercise from my dancing job and no kids so I got good sleep. Then I turned 35 and it all went to shit. For the first 7 months, my doc was absolutely convinced that I had type 2 diabetes and gave me all kinds of pills and booked me appointments with specialists who changed my diet all topsy-turvy …except an endocrinologist. I guess they assumed that since I “didn’t need insulin” I didn’t need to see the specialist that prescribed it. When I finally DID get around to seeing one she took one look at 5’2” me who had lost 15 lbs even though I was so hungry I ate everything around me that wasn’t nailed down that was low-carb. So many bags of pork rinds, cheese bits, and, I shit you not, I ate bacon bits like a snack food right out of the 1/2lb bag. She gived me the peptide test and then was, like, “oh honey, here’s why the pills don’t work, they never would and you are just getting worse! You are actually a type ***1***diabetic!! Here, take this insulin and see how you do” and within an hour I started to feel something that I could recognize as normal-adjacent. I had to quit soda completely and also fancy coffee drinks, ice cream concoctions and junk food snack cakes but when I do get to eat something sweet it tastes so much better and death by keto acidosis isn’t fun so portion control is pretty easy. I get to wear a cool bracelet and never get a full night’s sleep anymore because the Bluetooth constant meter is beeping at me with the intensity of five klaxons to tell me I’m dying and need to eat whether I feel full or not. So yeah, what yo selves everbuddy becuz your body will be like “peace out, had a good time, I will now self destruct in a spectacular fashion.”


Seven months?! Jesus


Are you in me or am I in you? Or are we just two ships in the night, waving at each other?


Please, we need fruit! “You’ll take your Mountain Dew Code Red and like it!”


Hey, it has cherry, close enough.




cherry flavored chemicals, close enough.


What is a cherry but cherry-flavored chemicals?


Maraschino cherries have red dye + Code red also has red dye = Code red has cherry. It's simple math. Source: I'm a gold medalist in mental gymnastics.


“It’s got electrolytes! It’s what you guys crave!”


This donut has purple stuff inside. Purple is a fruit.


Tomato is a fruit!


Spoken like a true brain


Put it in a fruit salad


Braincell: I will now be locked in my glaze over chamber. Sustain yourselves and you may yet be vindicated by the fire of a sugary breakfast.


These comics remind me that I wish I could have a meter of nutrients i have too much of and need more of lol


Apps like myfitnesspal and others can give you a breakdown of your micro nutrient intake. You can also get blood work done to see what your vitamin/mineral levels are at.


So I just put my blood in the app?


Yep! You can just prick your finger and bleed right into the charging port!


Sounds more like discharging port


I think my co-worker does that for sugar.


Assuming you don’t have any health issues, just eat healthy shit - i.e., tons of veggies and some fruit. It’s mostly that simple.


Yeah I'm not too concerned about my intake, but sometimes I'm like "I haven't had any greens aside from sandwich lettuce in a few days.. I wonder if I need to munch on some" But I'm not like, addicted to soda/grease/fried stuff. Just feels like homemade turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch isnt giving me everything lol


This actually made me care… about my body…


Me too but I highly doubt it will have an effect on my actions.


I will put a single olive on the pizza tonight. The cells better be grateful


Imma go eat some yogurt. It has bits of fruit in it.


But only for a few seconds until you scroll to the next thing.


I saw [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntbNRUycbD4) a little while back and it kinda reminded me of your style. Figured you might get a kick out of it if you haven't seen it already. Been meaning to mention it.


Dang, that's way prettier than my stuff! Appreciate the comparison tho!


lol this is *not* where I expected to see a Gizz music video


Cells at Work! is a great anime Cells at Work! Black is almost as dark as Berserk


Yea this has code black vibes. That anime was traumatizing.


Cells at Work! Code Black was brutal, but it def is not Berserk brutal.


Osmosis Jones is the better anime


Respectfully disagree, but to each their own


Pizza has a ton of nutrients. Ungrateful cells


Yeah, stop whining or I eat Twinkies for dinner again!


Beer has calories so is technically food that can be eaten for dinner


Really does. It's just the carbs are way way overboard


And the cheese has vitamin D, too!


And I'll do it all again, don't tempt me.


Ooooh! It reminded me of this: “Pizza still counts as a vegetable in U.S. public school cafeterias. The U.S. Agriculture Department originally wanted to require a half cup of tomato paste for a pizza slice to qualify as a vegetable. But on Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives backed off from the stricter requirement.” https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1089258 Fact stranger than fiction


It’s worse than that. Serving ketchup counts as a vegetable, despite it being a condiment.


Doesn't USA put sugar in their ketchup or some shit?


Do you know of a ketchup recipe that doesn't include some sweetener? I'm not saying ketchup should count as a vegetable, but every version of it I'm aware of includes tomatoes, vinegar, and sugar in some form.


it's OK, they also have categorized sugar as a fruit


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Everybody knows that tomatos are botanical fruits. So are string beans, peppers, zucchinis, pea pods, etc. A vegetable is a culinary term, not a botanical one. "Vegetable" has no botanical meaning. Culinary vegetables can be roots, plant stems, seeds, and botanical fruits. A tomato is a culinary vegetable and a botanical fruit. It is both. It's not incorrect to refer to a tomato as a vegetable.


Tomatoes are botanically fruits (berries). Culinarily used as a vegetable ingredient.


... B-but the Brain cannot be wrong... It rules by divine right!


I need to make a sweet tomato pie now.


I'm making a tomato smoothie right now! Yummy!


They're legally vegetables too


Well now I just want to try the illegal ones.


Vegetable is a vague culinary term with no firm scientific definition.


How's the saying go? Intelligence is knowing tomato's are a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


I feel personally attacked.


I've never been read so entirely and accurately.


Lol, love how the neuron is presented so well as a high-priestess and the dendrites frame her head like a crown.


Alright fine, guess I'll give my body some vegetables tonight...


Yoo that's it I'm following you, after Flavor Town and this I don't want to miss anything you make because you just don't miss man. Love your work and wish you the best day possible


Hey, thanks! I definitely do have some notable misses that just leave people extremely confused but I try to minimize em.


Cells at Work: Code Black is a thing, just in case anyone was curious


I really feel that. Have my award


As bad as it may be, my brain is still better at making decisions than other parts of my anatomy. That said, cellular democracy would be an interesting but I imagine very short-lived experiment.


HaaahhHaHAha!!! (looks around at empty pizza boxes and blinds drawn) ha ha ha . . .


This gives me cells at work vibes


Code Black to be specific, with how the person here is treating (or mistreating) their body


Every game of Mario Kart is a speedrun, if you think about it.


Bra as someone who works 3rd shift I feel you on the vitamin D.


On some real shit, those Mario kart speed run documentaries that people put up on YouTube deserve Emmy’s or something


Summoning salt ftw


“Please! Our masses are dying and my son is severely Ill! We need to touch grass and take showers!” “We are going to play league of legends for 24 hours again!”


>We don't even *like* Mario Kart No cell of mine will speak such heresy!


Last place doesn’t miss, lol


Sorry to be that guy, but... *tomato is a fruit*


I love how the alarm goes REEEE, that's a great detail. One thing I wonder about: in the panel where the cell with her baby is pushed off, a blue orb is on the baby. What is that supposed to be?


That is screen light. Yeah, I didn't know how to represent that


Very funny Good work


Botanically speaking, tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables.




Woah too real. I woke up at 9pm, am eating pizza, and watching YouTube...


My optic nerves have it the worst. Enjoy eating sand for breakfast lunch and dinner.


That last panel hurt me inside for some reason


How can they deny that cell mother vitamin D for her child? This is terrible.


Cells: "Oh my god... are we... going outside? YES, GOD, YES!" Stomach, coughing disgustingly: "Oh yeah, sorry, that was me. We're going to Taco Bell, had a craving." Cells: "But WHYYYY? It's CLEARLY killing us!" Stomach, bleeding somehow: "🎶Beeeeeeean burrito, want me a beeeeeeean burritooooooo 🎶" *coughs*


Cells at work! BLACK


I sometimes like to imagine the brain as this all powerful dictator that rules with an iron fist, with the immune system the judge, jury and executioner.


I was not consulted about having this comic made about me and my LIFE!


It's rare that an actually good and funny comic like this one makes it to the front page nicely done. (: Not sure if this one has vote manipulation from bots like the bad and unfunny comics do but at least this one is funny.