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It was really messed up if her, but very much the kind of thing that someone who would befriend a lesbian just so they could tell everyone they’re friends with a lesbian would do.


That episode is so weird to me. Doesn’t everyone (or nearly most anyway) in college have gay friends? My college years were earlier than this. Late nineties and honestly wouldn’t have imagined there’s even anything novel in having gay friends. When I was in early high school I WAS pretty wowed that I started knowing gay people, but college? I mean, these aren’t like slack-jawed yochels. How was Britta so activist without being regularly exposed to lgbtq people enough to not feel like it was novel?


I mean, it is pretty on brand for Britta to think this would somehow get her points.


Greendale did seem more like a high school as the series went on, especially with the introduction of lockers and all the dances the Dean would put on.


Community college pretty much is an extension of high school in so many ways. Even more so for the non-traditional students


In the context of reality, yes it was very inappropriate to out someone. Could easily just chang the subject or say it makes you personally uncomfortable. As for a sitcom, if you want socially well behaved people alway making sense, you might enjoy Frankie’s vision of season 7 in the series finale Additionally, I’m sorry you can’t enjoy the episode. To me it’s worth it for the script and performances of the rest of the theater scenes. Plus “My emotions, my emotions!” Pure gold


\>Could easily just chang the subject< ​ I see what you did there. ​ And I cannot figure out the quote thing. :-/


In the episode OP is referencing ([Critical Wine Tasting](https://community-sitcom.fandom.com/wiki/Competitive_Wine_Tasting)) Troy says ‘My emotions, my emotions!’ In front of his theater class while being overcome by said (imaginary) emotions.


Sorry for the confusion! I recognize the "my emotions, my emotions". Makes me laugh every time. It was the ability to use the > symbol to quote someone else's post that I couldn't figure out.


>And I cannot figure out the quote thing. :-/ If that’s what you mean, you just had an extra < at the end. Remove that and it should work.


>Testing 123 Weird that it finally worked on the third try! Thank you for your help!


"" there ya go


I love Professor Garrity so much. "The pain of not having enough pain is still pain, young man. That may sound like an easy resolution, but... we're not writers. We're actors. Story doesn't matter here. All that matters is our time..._in the spotlight._ "


Nah it's not just you. There's having compassion for someone and there's treating them like "victim" is their entire personality. She was way out of line.


That episode makes me feel uncomfortable. I tend to skip it


Well Britta means well but as Abed sang "Britta Bot programmed badly, wires with fraying ends. Functioning mad and sadly, no faith in herself, or friends"


>>Cornhole. Cornhole. Cornhole. What an incredible delivery from Pierce. And that means you also miss some peak greatness from Prof Sean Garrity as well- >> The pain of not having enough pain is still pain, young man. That may sound like an easy resolution, but... we're not writers. We're actors. Story doesn't matter here. All that matters is our time…in the spotlight. That was brilliant. How can you skip that?! Also, Troy wasn’t so much ‘molested’ as much as he ‘made it up’. He wasn’t even molested, so what in the actual fuck are you people talking about?! *Record scratch app*


Yeah i love Garrity but I hate Troy for using that to get points and I hate Britta for outing his secret. Only, since Britta was actually molested I understand her better. Troy lied about something heinous. I only watch it for Garrity.




“That woman is a hurricane” “Yeah” “Hurricanes are bad Troy” “I KNOW”


Yup. Not great. But also he made up being molested. So…not great.


Yeah both were in the wrong but she had no right to our him like that


And Britta was actually molested. She wasn't just pitying Troy she was trying to... connect with him? I dunno. She Britta'd it. But Troy knowingly lied just because he was popular. That irks me.


I don’t think you guys are getting it. Yes… yyeesss he should have been outed!!  He was lying about it for superficial reasons.  Britta was trying to be a truth warrior.. lovingly insufferable 🥰


Britta didn't know he was lying, though.


Sure, it was an insensitive move, but not at all as messed up as lying about being molested in the first place. She was jumping to the defense of a friend among a group of trusted friends. Give Britta a pass on this one.


She was out of line, and that was the point. It was another instance of liberal white saviour Britta championing other people's suffering to make herself feel virtuous. Brittas absolutely one of my favourite characters, I love how she's written


He didn’t suffer though…


Yeah, she didn't know that. No one but Troy knew that. That's what a lie is


Also “out of line” is what PRISON GUARDS SAy! Britta for the win!! 


We are remembering it differently then.  It was a funny and cute ep setting the stage for future relationship (nobody liked it im no sociopath 😂) But it’s comedy.. its pushes boundaries it was still enjoyable 


Oh, sorry, I think I didn't come across clearly. I'm not criticizing the show, I'm praising it. The show has wonderfully written characters, and in my opinion, the core of it is their flaws. What I said about Britta isn't a criticism of the writing or even Britta as a character. It's an analysis on why the character acted the way that they did. I absolutely love when characters are flawed, it makes them feel more real. Of course, the subject matter itself is pretty exaggerated and the situation is absurd, but I don't think that takes away from the characters behavior in any way.


Imo the writers took a very risky approach in this episode just to set up Pierce's cornhole joke. Troy pretending to have been sexually assaulted was not only unfunny but also seemed out of character for him.


Incredibly. And she didn’t know it wasn’t true when she outed him.


Seemed pretty on brand for Britta. She's perpetually offended on behalf of other people, so of course she would hyperfixate on Troy's issue and overreact when somebody made a comment that sounds vaguely like a sexual innuendo. Britta was a perfect portrayal of a very real certain type of person.


That whole plot line was ugly. Not cool, and Abed knew it. Britta outing it was insane and way out of character for her.


I don’t think it’s out of character. People who fix other people so they don’t have to fix themselves love to have their efforts and attachment to the issue be put on display


But no one who claims to be a sensitive or supportive person blurts out at a dinner party that someone else at the table was molested. Britta would never do this, until she did.


They don't call it "Brittaing it" for no reason


That’s my point, she “claims” to be sensitive. She’s not actually as sensitive or capable of being a psychiatrist as she would like to be. It’s shown and talked about multiple times in the show


She's sensitive but a total spazz. Britta was molested herself. Like Abed said she tries to fix others to feel less broken. She's afraid to talk about her own thing. Although she did try therapy if u can call Duncan a therapist. And she dressed as a T Rex. So she is trying to fix herself. I think since they're all part of Dan Harmon Britta represents the social blunders of autism. Abed is supposed to be autistic but they all are pretty whacky and Britta is the impulsive not thinking one. I'm autistic adhd and I was told a secret (about something that happened to a friend's relative, not molestation thankfully) as a kid and I dunno wtf happened but I blurted it out in front of the class and then I remembered it was supposed to be a secret! I felt so bad. It was something, let's call it a bodily malfunction that I didn't know was possible. I literally acted before thinking growing up. I would run into things because I didn't think through my movements before I decided to go somewhere. I would say things with no filter. It took me such mistakes to learn to slow down and think first. Britta is an adult but maybe she represents Dan's social failings growing up. That's why they use her name to mean make "small but understandable mistakes". If Troy represents Dan in the episode (I know it's fiction) that is far more sinister. Since Troy was manipulative and intentionally picked such an awful lie. But he also did it under pressure and eventually told the truth. It's still a really uncomfortable episode. Except for the wine tasting. I thought that was funny.


She \*is\* sensitive, and helpful, and that comes across many times. Of course she overreaches as a wannabe therapist (not psychiatrist), but blurting that out that Troy was molested is far beyond her normal "britta-ing."


Anyone can "claim" to be sensitive or supportive, even if they arent. Britta definitely would do something like this.


For her and Troy. Troys usually just playfully dumb. That was a thought out lie that he knew wouldn’t end well


Very inapprops... But I cant help bursting out laughing when he says "my uncle put his finger in my no no" just the way Donald Glover does the delivery of that line.


Even funnier that he interrupts Vickie when she’s expressing how she never gets a word in


Yes people are not getting the joke


Who? You mean the hat with the shirt?




I wonder if this has any tie-in with her own experience of being sexually assaulted.


I think part of her story is that her parents didn't believe her when she told them as a child so I can see why she feels the need to show how much she believes him. That said knowing about it doesn't allow her to tell others. She should know that.


Oh that's a good point. She wanted to be for Troy what she didn't get but she doesn't understand that Troy isn't her and she can't expect him to be her catharsis.


I was thinking the same. Why would she put someone like that


Because she acts before thinking. She's socially myopic and very impulsive.


Probably because when she was assaulted she was desperate for someone to believe her and stand by her and she was forced to suffer in silence while others would laugh at certain sexual jokes so when she sees their friend group laughing about that, she feels like what they're doing is making Troy uncomfortable and she relates hard to it. I'm guessing she was trying to be the ally she wished she had


Another solid reason Britta would not have made a good therapist


When she matures she will.


She will. Once it has been... E A R N E D


Therapy bros!


She probably shouldn't have done it, but I don't think she was out of line either. He told it to everyone in the class. And, unless he asked everyone not to say anything, then that info is out.


Had it ever been said that she was really bad at keeping secrets?


It was but you’d think someone like britta would know better than to out someone like that


I agree, but it would be really hard for her to keep a secret like that. Dont tell someone who is bad at keeping secrets, a secret, and then expect them to keep it.


I think my thing is that she blurted it out just bc Pierce kept saying corn hole


It was wrong of her i agree completely


Cornhole. *Cornhole*. **Cornhole**


As Abed says in the finale, your favorite show might not always be good.  And this episode is one of them.  I mean, Troy has a history of doing this he doesn't want to do just to fit in (playing football) but him making up a story about his uncle molesting him is pretty extreme.   It's okay though.  Can't expect everyone episode of a show with 100(ish?) Episodes to always have high quality.  


Definitely. She says it like it's her trauma to scream about, which always irked me. Her behavior the entire episode was questionable, especially considering that she kissed him immediately after finding out and then stopped right after he was no longer "damaged" enough. She's also 9 years older than him, which is 1) creepy when you consider he's like 19-20 at that point and 2) not even the worst age gap in Community. Moral questionability aside, it's meant to be viewed in the context of Britta being a satirization of the guilt-ridden white liberal archetype, but I get what you're saying. They jump a pretty big shark by having sexual assault as a joke set-up. The bit is so edgy that ...


This is so buzzkill its so Britta 


I became more Britta than Britta at her Brittaest