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Joel McHale told me to watch it while I was watching The Soup.


I watched The Soup for years and was so excited when Joel McHale got his own show. I was a superfan. I don’t think I have ever laughed harder than when I saw him at one of his early stand up tours. Little did I know how much I’d like Community even more.


Man, I loved The Soup. I'm surprised I didn't get into Community back then because Joel McHale was great.


This is the way


I think Joel told my Ex to watch it and she told me.


I saw the pilot when it premiered on NBC. I saw the finale when it premiered on Yahoo Screen. Probb


yeah we’ve been streets ahead mad dogging it since the beginning


I'm with these guys. Happy to explainabrag I never missed an episode.


Patton Oswalt tweeted that it was the funniest show currently on television. He was right. I also owe his tweets thanks for my finding RRR which is a top 10 movie for me.


Those paps aren't gonna smear themselves!


i love occasionally finding RRR love online


I heard that Abed was a good representation of an autistic person, which intrigued me.


Same! I started watching about 2 years ago because of this, and my husband and I both have rewatched the entire series on repeat since.


The previews because it was the same day at The Office and 30 Rock lol. But it was good and then it became my favorite show haha


NBC's Thursday nights were the shit for a few glorious seasons: Community, Parks & Rec, The Office, and 30 Rock.


NBC Thursday had been the shit since the 80s. Community was in a prestige time slot for comedy, you basically had to check it out.


That's funny, I just started watching 30 Rock a few days ago.


Exposing my age here, but I was a 14 yo freshman when community was aired originally haha


I just finished 30 rock a few minutes ago and am going to start it over again.


I grew up in Seattle where Joel McHale was on local sketch comedy tv show Almost Live. After loving him in The Soup I was super excited to see him star in a tv show. After watching the Community pilot live I turned to my girlfriend and said “this has potential to be my favorite show.” And I was right


Was a fan of The Soup and McHale. He promoted Community on The Soup so I watched. Loved it from the pilot.


I always read about the special episodes in TV Guide and thought it sounded like fun, but I never caught it live. I randomly watched Remedial Chaos Theory and loved it, started at the beginning and haven’t stopped watching since.


Saw it was coming off of Netflix and it had been in my list for a while so I watched it. I didn’t realize a lot of memes came from there like the chaotic apartment on fire or the squinting Ken Jeong! Hopefully we can get our Hulu back up so I can do a rewatch


It was the kickoff to Thursday nights comedy night done right!!


Yesss. I remember seeing the previews and thinking the show would last two weeks. Then my family watched the pilot and we all went “not bad” and then tuned in every week… next thing I know it’s my fav show 


Drew Gooden Video about community popped up in my recommended. He mentioned watching at least Remedial chaos theory because it was so well written. One of the top comments ts said you shouldn't wat h it out of order so naturally I had to watch the whole thing to get there.


Nice to find a fellow little stinker here


The controversy surrounding Chevy chase


I was a fan of Donald Glover from his Derrick Comedy days on YouTube.


My ex. She first tried to get me into it with the Christmas Glee episode - but since I didn't know the premise of the show or what the characters were normally like, it just kinda confused me. But then we went back to the start, and I caught on.


Welcome to Greendale. :) I started watching it when it first aired. Back then, NBC had a strong lineup of comedies and so I tended to check out their new shows. The Community pilot is very strong and funny.


I don't even remember why we started it. We did find it on Netflix as well, and watched it right until it was taken off. We have the full series set, with commentary too. My husband has a Greendale shirt, and I'm waiting on a pin, lol


I was in my 1st year of community college and the professor asked us to watch the Pilot and write a compare and contrast essay about that community school and the one I was in.


That is AMAZING. And hilarious. Your old prof sounds awesome.


I think I was a total Britta though because authority 'made' me watch it I didnt continue to watch it until it already finished its first season >.<


I was running a regular D&D campaign and one of my players had me watch the D&D episode a few days after it aired. Watched every episode up to that point within the week and every new episode for the rest of the show.


Very cool! We play D&D as well. I watched the D&D episode from season 3 on YouTube, which was awkward since it was broken into chunks. Since I now have the show on DVD I need to watch it for realsies. I really enjoyed season 5's D&D ep. As a player it was strange to see Abed as the DM doing all the rolls, but I read that those changes were a storytelling decision which makes sense so it's cool.


I loved Gillian Jacob in Choke and saw she was cast in it. Been watching it on repeat ever since.


The first episode I saw was late at night on tv some years ago when I was visiting my folks...It was Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. So one of the best episodes hooked me ha.


Trudy Campbell is in it


I stated from the pilot when it first aired, and saw every episode as it aired. Have watched it to many times to count since


My dad and brother was watching it, and I had nothing better to do, so I watched some with them. And since then, I never looked back.


my parents, when i was in 6th grade and the show was in season 2. got my taste in TV from them! and i guess it was impactful enough that i wanted to be a sitcom writer for a while, really inspired by Community and 30 Rock


Stumbled upon it on Netflix, needed something new to watch.


Was watching those marvel movies easter egg youtube videos and the Community cast cameo was mentioned so I decided to give it a try. Best random decision ever.


I watched it for the first time when it was put on Netflix 4 years ago. I was sad about Bojack ending and knew Alison Brie was also in Community, so that’s what got me to watch it


A Cracked article (back when it was good) that talked about all the continuing jokes and references


I used to work at a Kmart warehouse and my supervisor Brian used to make fun of me for overflowing trailers by coming to my door and YELLING "POP POP!!!!!" And I was always like.... What the hell does that even mean, Brian?? So... Long story short, thanks Brian.


YouTube recommended me a clip from the show, it was Jeff and Troy conversation about football. Thought it was funny, decided to watch the show.


Listening to Harmontown. I did plan to eventually get around to seeing the show before that, but once you become a fan of Dan Harmon and his gang of friends you kinda *have* to see it.


Started watching it at the very beginning when it first aired because I had been a fan of Joel McHale's from The Soup and seeing him do live stand-up. Still probably my favorite show ever.


I jumped on it immediately as soon as it came out. I read the premise and liked Joel McHale and I thought it sounded really cool. 


I had heard that Chevy Chase was going to be in a sitcom. That was honestly the main draw at first. I grew up with the Vacation movies, Fletch, SNL, Caddyshack, etc so seeing Chevy on a new sitcom was enough to get me to watch. I do remember seeing ads for it and only really knowing "the guy from the soup" other than Chevy and not being overly impressed by the ads for it. But I watched the pilot air and was impressed by the character dynamics and clever writing. So I keep with it. Over the course of that season it won me over into being a huge fan. I watched every season as it aired. Stuck through all of the ups and downs behind the scenes. Even watched it on Yahoo Screen when the 6th season came out.


Buddy of mine had DVD's of season 1 sitting on his TV, asked him what it was and he told me to take it. I fell in love immediately.


Twitter’s buzz in 2011


Reddit. On a thread about good sitcoms.


I came into it in 2013? Probably from Reddit comments to be honest. Binged it got caught up before season five and got to watch the last two seasons as they came out


notches clip on yt


When I started going out with my current partner in 2021 she tried a few American comedies on me. Most were OK but Community was the one that stuck. Tthe pilot reeled me in pretty quickly and that only increased once the show found its footing late in season 1. Since then I've done two rewatches and will undoubtedly do more.


I had seen it pop up on Netflix a few times and it seemed interesting but I kept putting off watching it. Then I randomly came across a YouTube compilation of Troy's funniest moments or something and figured why not. It started with "my friendship with Abed is a giant cookie!" and I was immediately sold.


I loved marvel movies and was exploring Russo brothers other work and stumbled upon this ... then learnt dan harmon wrote it... I was a fan of Rick and morty too... so gave it a try and loved it.


I found it on tv at 2 in the morning a couple years back and would stay up until 1:30 and 2 just so I can catch it. The very first episode that got me immediately was the conspiracy theory episode which is my favorite.


That episode is great. "Don't look at me, they had the proper permits!"


“Guys, you should really check out our Civil Rights Museum!”


I had been looking for a comfort watch for a long while. After what I’m guessing would be over the 20th The Office rewatch, I wanted a new show to binge and rewatch. Tried many but none gave me that feeling that the show could be rewatched until I found community, albeit a bit too late. I found it in dec 23, and while season 1 was okay, I wasn’t sure if it would be compelling enough. But as I gradually finished the series I fell in love with it. Managed to get one rewatch in before it left Netflix a couple days ago. I’m sad because there’s no Hulu in my country. But I’m going to get it as soon as it launches here, just for community. Also I hear it has some nice shows like bobs burgers and American dad so it would be worth it.


I was in community college at the time it was first airing and the accuracy was STUNNING! Plus the show is hilarious


Back in 2013 I randomly selected community from an alphabetical list on some streaming website.  I was searching around the word 'communism' lol. Unbelievable that it went on to become one of my favorite shows. 


I just binged it all from February- March 2024. Had already heard great things but the cast mostly sold me..had it ok my Netflix queue forever too! So glad I did. First 3 seasons are comedy Gold IMO!!


i saw the "you can excuse racism?" clip and it was all over from there lamo


Some friends of mine recommended it to me I think when season 2 was airing, and so I started it from the beginning and was hooked. Those same friends also convinced me to go back to Parks & Rec after I had watched the first couple episodes and didn’t really like it.


Yeah, season 1 of Parks & Rec is rough. It finds its voice at the start of season 2 and really gels after Rob Lowe and Adam Scott join the show. I LOVE Parks & Rec. If you ever feel like giving it another shot I'd start there.


That’s exactly what they told me to do, and it got me into it. I didn’t go back and watch the rest of season 1 until much later.


Several years ago, not as far back as when it first started but sometime before season 5 and the Yahoo buy(I’m not real clear on that timeline but I know I spent a WHILE thinking Jeff’s graduation was the last episode ever.), I saw it randomly on Hulu and gave it a try and just never stopped rewatching it.


I had two friends who were trying to convince me what the better comedy show was, Arrested Development or Community. I hadn't seen either, so I couldn't say either way. I decided to watch both, but Community won for me. I was hooked after episode 2. Plus, I've been a decades-long Chevy Chase fan.


I worked backwards from Harmontown, then R&M, then Community


It was always on my list to watch, and one day I was looking for something new to watch, and picked Community. I was (am) going through a major rough patch and Community has saved me


I watched the soup with Joel mchale and he mentioned it on there so I watched it from the first episode and was hooked!


I used to watch *The Soup,* and Joel McHale used to talk about *Community*, but I never watched it. Then, a friend showed me the episode *Accounting for Lawyers* a day after it aired, and I was instantly hooked. Ended up watching season 2 as it aired, and later getting the DVDs of season 1 to catch up. And from that day, I didn't miss a single episode, and always watched them as they aired.


It being one of my friends' top shows to write fanfic about for years to the point where I got curious.


A random scrolling of Netflix, a bored evening, and food getting cold. Had to pick something, so I was like, why not. This show quickly became my comfort show. When Netflix removed it, I got Stan (in Australia) to watch it. Love this show!!!! And really surprised I stumbled upon this so late.


My husband watched it without me, but he started towards the time the later seasons were airing. Epidemiology had me howling. I started watching last year but only finished it this Sunday since it was leaving Netflix. I had to binge a little. I definitely don't think I was ready for it as it was airing.


My friends decided to show me an episode with no context, which ended up being Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. I was hooked.


I watched it when it premiered with my family. I was only 13 when it first aired! We taped and watched every episode as it came out, up until around season 4. Then our interest dwindled and I didn’t finish the whole thing (by myself) until about 4-5 years ago. And since then I’ve done several rewatches


Watched from Day 1 bc of Chevy chase.


It was on TV


Pandemic and Netflix. Someone mentioned that it was the best show for people who love TV and movies years ago. I always wanted to check it out but didn't have access.


I watched it when it came out. I was a freshman in college at the time so it was perfect. I had watched a lot of Derrick Comedy and watched the Soup so it seemed worth a shot and it became my absolute favorite show. That's what got me into Childish Gambino too.


I remember seeing it when it was on air. I was immediately hooked, and I thought it was really funny/different. but then nbc changed the time slot, and I wasn't free to watch it at the new time. then I rediscovered the show on Netflix years later. community is honestly amazing television. I'd go as far as to say that it's must watch TV (along with Blackadder, peak top gear, and a select few other shows).


Finished watching Parks and Rec in January and needed something to fill the void. Started Community after it being recommended by several peers who comedic taste I respect and immediately forgot I was missing the Park and Rec characters.Took me from Jan to the last day on Netflix.


I used to be a big Rick and Morty fan and heard about Community through the fandom or something and watched the pilot and loved it but I never got round to watching the rest until like a month ago.


Modern Warfare. Aired on TV (around 2015-16ish) while having lunch and got hooked right in.


Honestly, the theme song. I started watching last year (and binged it pretty quickly). It got my initial interest through recommendations in several of my frequent movie/tv podcasts. Then I randomly got the theme song recommended in shuffle on Spotify and it totally hooked me. I thought, if the song is such a banger, how good the show has to be.


I had just finished marathoning the 8 seasons of Brooklynn 99 on Netflix (it was before André's death, since then I haven't even been able to touch any episode of the series). As a good fan of comedy series, I wanted to watch something new, and not rewatch B99 or The Office again, I also didn't want to rewatch some of my childhood series that were on open television (Flesh Prince, Everbody Hates Chris, Full House, etc.). I looked for some comedy series in the catalogue, watched a few, but nothing I liked. Then I went through Community (I knew the series because of Advanced D&D, I had watched it once separately) and I started watching it fervently. The rest is the rest.


"Youd like this show if you like himym" "Ayt"


I saw an ad on NBC during another show I was watching and then started watching it during the first season. I have gotten a few friends watching it now and blame me for the obsession.


I have seen clips & popular memes of this show but never get to see the show. It was during quarantine and one of my favorite actor is a part of the show (Ken Jeong) I have decided to give a tried on Netflix (rip) after watched almost half the first season, I instantly fall in love with this show. It has become my all time favorite tv shows. Whenever I’m having a bad/shitty time, this shows helps me to make my day a little better.


Alison brie crush on Mad Men


I thought Mr. Chow from the Hangover was really funny so when I heard he was playing in a sitcom I wanted to watch it.


When it premiered on NBC. Haven’t stopped watching since then.


I watched during its original run because I like Joel McHale.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^fullmetalsprockets: *I watched during its* *Original run because* *I like Joel McHale.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I was in college when it first aired. One of those nights where all the roommates were just hanging out in our shithole rented house and we somehow stumbled upon it. We were mildly amused, then the scene of Pierce and Jeff’s Spanish presentation came on and we laughed our asses off. We started watching every week after that.


The first episode was free on itunes when it came out. I liked it, then when everyone was around Jeff motioning that he was sad Abed reacted "what's going on am I deaf?!" I lost it. It was such a simple comment but one that only Abed would make I knew I'd love the show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUsRs2KX8OA


My mom tries out new tv shows like crazy. If she likes the first couple of episodes she either tells me to watch it or we start watching together. Because of her I started Community. Loved it instantly. She’s introduced me to a lot of shows. One of the many reasons why she’s so amazing


They literally called it “Must See TV”…we had no choice


I watched since the original airing. I attended community college in late 90s and had a group of friends that were all trying to get into medical field (med school, PA school, nursing school, 2 for pharmacy school). We took similar classes (chem, bio & organic) for a few semesters. When I saw the commercials for the show, it hit close to home!


My sister told me I should. Watched the first half of season 1 with my family and was hooked


I first heard about it bc I enjoyed Rick and Morty. Besides also being made by Dan Harmon, both shows have referenced eachother. Abed was also talked about when confirming Rick was autistic. I could tell the two were connected and I thought it would be worth a shot to check out. I showed my mom and sibling it a few months ago and it was a nice way to bond.


After finishing Parks & Rec, googled for other shows to fill that void and came across loads of Reddit threads of people asking the same thing. Community was usually the top recommendation.


I transitioned over from being a Scrubs fan after seeing [this ](https://www.cracked.com/quick-fixes/9-reasons-community-scrubs-are-same-show)Cracked article.


I randomly caught the My Dinner With Andre episode and was hooked. I was so hooked I even ended up watching the entirety of Cougar Town, too.


In 2010 someone shared a clip of the Spanish rap to a forum I used to frequent as a teenager. Immediately had to watch more