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I can't hear Kiss From a Rose without mentally inserting the Jesus Loves Marijuana verse.


I can’t hear Linger without thinking “Britta’s marrying Jeffery Winger”


The Cranberries, I love some of their tunes! I broke down when “Linger” was used. Thank God they didn’t do “Dreams” because I think it would’ve ruined one of my favorite 90s songs! HOLY CRAP O’RIORDAN’S A ZOMBIE! RIP.


Abed’s hired an Irish singer


I heard it playing over speakers at walmart and had no idea it was a parody until that moment! So I only know it as that. Same with a lot of songs weird al covered because I listened to so much of him when little!


And that is what makes this show special - it bridges the gap between generations. I am sure there’s a ton of material they used that I don’t get because I’m too old, and I see so many people not understanding other jokes because they’re too young. Just like the study group, it’s a mix of people who appreciate different things because of their ages.


Literally happened to me a few days ago when it came on in a brewery.






It's Gay Dean Gay Dean for me.


And drinking human blood! COACH BEARD FOR THE WIN!


Oh, that's nice!


My 8 year old son saw someone had "weed" as their username in a video game, and he said "Dad, isn't that marijuana?". When I told him it was, he said "Oh okay" and the started singing "Jesus loves marijuana and drinking human blood" I've had the show on in the background enough now that he's starting to know it line for line as much as I do lol


And drinking human blood oh!


We're going to sit here and talk about Dave and Ben Folds, but just completely ignore Canadian celebrated alt rock legends BNL?


Oh they're BNL now? That's how fundamental they are?




They are so essential that we need a nickname for the Barenaked Ladies


BNL is triple platinum, are you?




I just thought it played better than Dave for the general audience


What is the controversy around Brick?


Nothing that even remotely matters, or mattered that much back then- >>>In his iTunes Originals interviews, Folds addresses his fanbase's disapproval: "When you have a hit song, much of your fanbase and people that listen to your music... their opinion is gonna be loud and clear that they feel that you've abandoned the fanbase; you've written something that's not for them, it's for everybody else, you've 'sold out', all kinds of things like that... That was the overwhelming vibe... 'What is that crap?'... because we'd been playing silly, up-tempo... we were the piano band that rocks... We couldn't even fit the song into a show."[5]


I've been a Ben Folds/Five fan since the very beginning and this is the first time I've ever seen a reference to fans being upset about "Brick". Wild.


Ya I got into them with rockin the suburbs and had never heard of it, so I looked it up. Assumed it would be about abortion but this is what came up. I’m sure it was a minority of rabid originalist fans


Cool, cool, cool. That’s why I asked. Same as u/capnwacky I’ve been a fan since Philosophy and Underground were getting airplay as singles, through to seeing Ben live at the end of last year, and this is the first I’ve heard of this. But yes, sounds like a minority that were pissed at BFF getting an MTV hit.


Holy shit other Ben folds fans, I grew up on the man. Literally listened to him since age two, bonded with my first grade teacher over his music. But being 22 no one knows who he is, which hurts, because he's so talented.


I never would have known about it if an ex-girlfriend hadn’t gotten in a tiff about listening to it. I have no issue. Men are allowed to have feelings last I checked


Ben Folds is one of my favorite artists, and I was so excited to see him for 10 seconds in Community! If you get the chance to see him live, do so! I was also a big Dave fan back in high school/early college, but fell out of it. Not that I think the music's bad, I just sort of grew away from it. But also, [watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMqA0R7zR7A), as it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in relation to Dave Matthews.


Fred Jones, Pt. 2 and Still Fighting It make me cry. Not the Same is a song I can identify with but I didn’t become a religious fanatic I just started to understand things.


Those are probably my three favorites as well, and Fred Jones, Pt. 2 is, in my opinion, a strong contender for the saddest song ever written. The simple wordplay of "he's forgotten, but not yet gone" gets me every time. It's so damn good!


It brings tears and it’s about forced retirement! Painting on canvas is sad in that tune. From a guy who was too young to have been retired. The father-son theme in “Still Fighting It” sounds much more personal, but Fred Jones touches your heart in a way nothing else does. I’ve got to head to Robert Sledge’s party. Talk later


The music video for Still Fighting It is crazy simple and crazy powerful as well


This is how I feel about the music video for “Runaway Train” by Soul Asylum. It just showed photos of missing children like old milk cartons and current junk mail. Felt like a public service.


Check out Magic. It's brutally sad.


Gracie is the one that makes me sob every time. When I was pregnant with my daughter I used to change it to her name (Katie) when I would sing along. She'll be 20 in a few weeks. "You fell asleep in my arms watching tv; I won't move you an inch even though arm's asleep. One day you're gonna wanna go; I hope we taught you everything you need to know, Gracie girl." Ugh. Kills me. Separately but similar, my friends joked that I named her after the song Kate because we loved the album Forever and Ever Amen. Lol


Did that come from someone’s random prompt? That wasn’t like written material? You’re right that’s the funniest DMB thing ever seen and I understand everything he’s saying! The David Foster Wallace thing even killed me. “I was just so happy for them to have that moment, even though I knew they were both wrong” 🤣😂


In the full special, he mentions having several notes that he's written down as things come to mind, so no, it wasn't on the spot. But still, great material. Marc Maron is easily my favorite comedian, now that Norm MacDonald is gone. If you enjoyed that, I highly recommend watching his specials. I know he has at least two on Netflix, maybe more.


I will! Feeling bad for fans for liking an indefensible thing just got me laughing.


Starburns described exactly how I hear DMB. I have never understood them.


Ever since he did that, I can appreciate this completely despite having been a fan in the 90s. Edit: “he” is Starburns.


Now THIS man knows his music!


Stop encouraging white people! Addicts. 🤣


Folds had a great cameo in *You're The Worst*. He kept thinking the meaning to *Brick* was some deep secret people would be excited to learn about, but every time he told people they would never guess, they instantly knew already and he got super dejected.


I’ll have to check that out. I remember he also had a cameo in that show where the girls all get stranded on the island. Not Lost, a *different* show about people being stranded on an island with weird bunkers after a plane crash. Can’t remember the name of it, but there’s one character who is obsessed with Folds and has hallucinations where he’s playing piano in the middle of the goddamn ocean. 😂


Yellowjackets? Edit: it's The Wilds


That was it! The Wilds. It was a very just okay show, but Folds’ cameo was gold.


Rocking the suburbs and songs for Silverman are all time greats. Ben folds is absolutely incredible.


Maybe they can get the rights to Annie Waits for a cleverly-placed moment in the movie.


I’d love that.


I never don’t chuckle at the end of the song “Fired” because that word is just there, kind of out of nowhere 😂


It’s a solid track.


I just realized how hard he is on himself in the song Rocking the Suburbs. He says he has no talent and producers with computers are what make his songs sound good!Explicitly. It’s funny, don’t get me wrong


Ben folds is one of my favorite musicians. I’ve seen him live 5 times and I’m seeing him again in august. What is the controversy around “brick”??


If memory serves, he was big on smashing or throwing shit at his piano. At least that night.


DMB came on the radio at work, and instantly smiled because it reminded me of Community 😂


I would have to really fight myself not to just pop up and go into the whole buried treasure dance


I already posted another comment with some Ben Folds songs I love. But more generally here, both Ben Folds and Dave Matthews Band 100% make me think of being in college. I was in a gaming store the first time I heard "Brick". I still remember it. And DMB brings some very specific memories as well. Ah, the mid to late 90s. Gotta love it.


I did love how they incorporated Ants Marching into the show.


Ben Folds is my absolute favorite artist


The only thing I like about DMB is the way starburns sings it and hickey threatening starburns for playing it later.


Ben folds wrote the ass crackers bandit song iirc


I was alive in the 90's and had two ears connected to a heart, but I still heard 'Hee-haw-haw' back then, too.


my experience with dmb is that my dad had a dmb shirt that he wore a lot but i couldn’t name a single dmb song as a kid so purely based off that association they’re the first example that comes to mind for the term dad rock for me. a year and a half ago i found an under the table and dreaming cd at goodwill for $2 so i said fuck it and bought it. it was decent but ants marching is quite literally the only song i can remember


They’re DMB? We need a shorthand for the Dave Matthews Band? That’s how FUNDAMENTAL they are?