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I am wired in a good way, and can sleep. The next day I am tired and freezing.


Many compound Tirz prescriptions add B12 in them. I was having that same issue with insomnia and such and asked my dr and he said they automatically add B12 in it. I had no idea. I would find out if I were you. You may be more sensitive to B12 than other folks. Good luck


It's 100% tirzepatide only, I've double checked with the doctor.


I did not experience insomnia until I titrated up from 3.75 to 5 mgs. I take highest dose of Lunesta for insomnia & it did not help for 2 nights - it’s as if the CT over-rides it. I take shot Friday’s in PM, so I slept fine Friday night, but no sleep Sat or Sun. By Monday, I was fine though. I use Emerge/Hallandale & they do not automatically add B-12. I would have to request that it be added.


That’s interesting. More people feel a little tired after than wired. But nothing surprises me at this point as far as how the medication reacts to everyone differently.


Was gonna add if not B12, maybe B3 as it can keep me up too. Not as long as that, or I just wake up a few times night of. I hope it gets better for you though!


One of my side effects, most of which have been mild, is worse trouble getting to sleep than normal. I was already a bad sleeper. I've taken half an Advil PM almost every night since I've gotten on Tirz. It feels like it's given me significantly MORE energy and I don't take a b12 shot with it.


I remember after my first shot I literally was up for 22 hours! I think it’s because my compound has a lot of vitamin B in it. It has gotten better with every shot I’ve taken though.


I have had this side effect also… especially when I first started taking it… it has gotten better over the months but I definitely still feel very energetic and peppy the first couple days after my shot.


I take my shot every Sunday at 8/9am and every Sunday in late afternoon I get terrible anxiety. It’s only on shot day.