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If you were a guy everyone would call you a pervert and a creep, and with good reason. Congratulations on your pussy pass.


Not a hot guy. Notice Brad Pitt and George Clooney arent caught up in any #metoo moments. Just fatties, old, and ugs. Which one are you?




I think what she’s saying is that #metoo is only for unattractive men. Which is assuming women only fuck good looking men (somewhat true but it’s more of money than looks)


No. You're disgusting. Anyone who takes 15 seconds to look at your history of hateful and agitating comments can see that. Meanwhile, in successful and hot. Feel free to keep talking because I'm sure Reddit is the only meaningful interaction you have in your sad life, but you've been blocked so I won't see it. Game/set/match 🎾 😂😂😂😂




I'm extremely hot and don't care about something [as unimportant as "being cool."](https://youtu.be/u_HH_jher3c). And the only thing sadder than having multiple Reddit accounts is being impotent and pathetic enough to use them to harass someone who blocked you. Reported both accounts to admin. Bye bye, virgin.




No, because his car is in public and "wearing lingerie" is not the same as "having a boner." Good try, though misogynist.




Nah. I think I'll keep giving a thrill the way most exhibitionists do until someone complains. Thanks for the advice, though.


I would hate that to be honest


Hate what to be what?


Hate to answer your door and their tip for doing their job being a middle age women having her mid life crisis while ordering a ~~medium pizza~~ over priced Postmates delivery that she may or may not even eat all by herself.




Aww. Does it make you feel good about your life to troll women on the internet, Keyboard Warrior? I never order pizza, I'm rarely alone, a midlife crisis is typically later in life, and I get plenty of male and female attention. But go ahead and show your jealousy by not being able to resist another feeble attempt at an insult. 😘


First of. Not a keyboard warrior. Ive noticed you like to use that word a lot and call men misogynist. You seem like a women who speaks her mind how she sees fit. Can you listen aswell as you can speak? I am younger than you no doubt. You tried to use that as an insult yourself but it backfired since you insinuated I was younger than 21, which Im not. Lets face the facts. You may never order pizza forgive me for mistakenly using that cliché, you order postmates and uberEats. Let the distinction be made, clear! Okay. You posted this *because* even in your little circle of confessions there is the voice of reason making you aware of your actions and their subjectivity in terms of morality. **"I didn't feel any conflict at all about it until recently when I posted in a NSFW AMA thread and a few people accused me of being a pervert and non-consensually involving people in my fetish, basically equating me to a male flasher. And I can kind of understand that."** I dont need to feel better about my life from talking to you. It seems *you* need to feel better about *your* life after talking to strangers on the Internet who disagree with you fundamentally on your idea of friday night fun. Im not jealous. Certainly not jealous of the women at the end of her youth and prime putting herself on display to the unfortunate prey of her evening for a cheap thrill and a story for the message boards. Hard to be jealous of that Uber delivery guy who was between your legs. So the next time you order yourself up some fun, just remember. If you were a Guy you would be viewed as a degenerate sexual harasser, but hey its okay because youre a women right? Its okay because men do it too. Right? Say whatever you say to yourself that helps you convince yourself that what youre doing is okay because its occasionally succesful.


Dude. Chill. Save it for r/rant OP asked what your first comment made and you insulted her and made a derogatory remark about her age. You are acting like a misogynist, a troll, and a bratty little kid. I assume you'll be over at r/braincel soon whining about women not liking you can pretending it's not your fault.


"OP asked what your first comment made and you insulted her and made a derogatory remark about her age." Back this up. First of that made no sense. She asked what my first comment made? Second of what derogatory comment did I make? Calling her a Spider? For acting like one? Also? You dont need to defend her, shes a big girl she can speak up for herself.




That was a lackluster response. Surely you have something more intelligent to respond with than a subreddit call out..? Im not even trolling. Im just answering her initial question she asked. Is this wrong and immoral? Yes. Despite what you tell yourself. Yes it is.




White knight faggot


Are you implying I'm a white knight and a homosexual? You're not very good at insults, are you? Must be another of those austistic guys from r/braincels.


You a troll, dog. "Middle-aged woman having a mid-life crisis." If you're too fucking dumb to not understand that's derogatory and offensive then I hope they don't let you drive a car or operate machinery because you're brain damaged. Shit, just look at the posters agreeing with you and saying similar shit. All of them have a history in sketchy right wing places complaining about women, minorities, gays, etc.


She said. "Personally, I was a "good girl" for most of my adult life and I was mostly unhappy with a dull sex life and dead end relationships. A couple of years ago I started acting more impulsively..." This is a mid life crisis. Not sure how me rewording what she meant is derogatory but you certainly are coming off hot. Immediate insults huh? Brain damaged thats quite the inference. Not really sure where I exhibit right wing tendencies it seems you feel more comfortable grouping me together with individuals with their own individual opinions and politics. Look I am not a troll, I simply have an opinion, dog. You don't need to defend someone who wouldn't give you the time of day. Save your energy or waste it trying to argue for someone you have no right to speak up for. I simply am responding logically to an illogical situation. What she is doing is wrong and just because the law doesnt explicitly state it, morally it is wrong to sexual impose herself onto others for her pleasure and personal benefit.


Don't need her to give me the time of day. I get mad puss, dog. And I'm not really defending anyone. I'm just calling like I see it. If she had posted multiple times "I'm not slutty," then I'd call her out. You posted MULTIPLE times you aren't trolling or being rude, but you are. Nobody comments argumentatively all over someone's post unless they are being a troll. Straight Talk Express: out.


Midlife crisis for a house slut. Fucking trophy wife I tell ya


It seems like your Sex obsessed which is ok I guess. Just keep in mind that if you were a guy you would be in jail.


So that seemed to be the thought when I posted the AMA. But you and I both know that's not true. Flashing? Sure. But dudes answer doors in their underwear all the time. I see guys out getting their male at the end of the driveway in an open robe and boxers.






You're getting thrill, the delivery people are getting a thrill, everyone wins. I disagree that you're sex obsessed. I think you've found an interesting way of getting some validation. We all need it. I'm sure there are some other things at play, but it's harmless fun. Carry on, you're doing God's work. Ingore the ones offended


Look at her post history


Take that stick.out of your ass. We're sexual beings.


There’s a difference between being a sexual being and being a full blown whore.


Here come the incels. Terrified of a woman' sexuality.


Begone white knight


I know, right? But beyond being a regular troll, this guy is a college-aged version who also hates veterans. LOL.


There's a different between being a run of the mill incel (who can't get laid because he's ugly and inept and a misogynist) and being an incel of the impotent variety whose dick doesn't work because he's still in the closet and scared to come out. This guy is in group two. So alone and in need of human connection that he attacks people online hoping for any kind of response at all because he knows nobody cares what he says unless it's inflammatory


It’s actually disturbing how mentally immature you are at 41.


Sure but it’s only sex stuff- no other hobbies. Anyway can we agree to disagree?


Thanks for the kind words!


wow yeah. you're awful


Lol. Yeah right.


The difference is that men (or women) who check the mail or do lawn chores in their skivvies are not hiring or interfering in the job of unsuspecting people. You are. If you were just answering the door to whomever voluntarily chose to knock, it would be considered cheeky fun. Instead you are manipulating people into your roleplay who are just trying to do their crappy job. Some find it amusing, some dont. I personally dont have a strong opinion about it. But I can see where the beef is. ......(thats what she said)


Personally, I think the beef is from mostly men who hate any situation with a woman in control.


Snort, certainly plausible. Just give em a wink, say ooga booga daddy, and wave your scary lady fingers at them until they wander back off to be coddled by their mousy wives. My real curiousity here is what type of pizza, and do you use the "special instructions for driver" box when ordering? Im exciting myself thinking of all the savage punnery to be had there.


Never pizza. Typically Mediterranean or Indian from Uber Eats.


Never pizz-- this dialogue is no longer compatible.


Think kebab.


Sometimes I request them to fold the pizza up like a taco and call me Senorita Sassypants at the door. Maybe ill be bold and try this kebab shit but they better be willing to spell out messages with the sticks or im not tipping.


What about just a big, thick spit roast?


Youre ordering uber in your slutties right now, arent you!? Im just your mental fluffer I FEEL SO CHEEEEAP and only slightly intrigued. fucking internet. smh.


It's a bit late for a meal. I could use a snack. Maybe a sausage


Hahaha I bet


My boyfriend and I went on vacation recently and he had to leave me in the hallway to get us a new hotel key. He told me he got into the elevator and a middle aged woman asked him to go to her room. He said “no.” She had the nerve to ask him why. He said “I’m not interested plus I’m here with someone.” She said “So??” And when she left the elevator, said “your loss.” That was you, wasn’t it?




Thot af. Next time you are getting flirty with one of the delivery boyz tell them you ordered the pizza with extra meat but you think they must have forgotten. Then gaze down at their pud and say “oh, there is it” Then maybe blowjibber them


I'm not sure half of this is English. Also not sure why people keep saying "pizza." Do I look like I eat a lot of cheese and grease?


Thot=ditsy and slutty Pud=genitals Blowjibber=blowjob You is now a learned gal. Congrats.


"You is now?" Let me guess. You don't get a lot of women, do you? Nothing ditsy about me, boy.


Thot is an acronym for "That hoe over there".


Real classy








Don't worry. There's nothing more impotent and sad then a downvote brigade led by resentful virgins. Makes me laugh.


If you think only resentful male virgins are repulsed by your behavior, why don't you post this to r/twoxchromosomes and see what normal women think? Or are they a bunch of misogynists there too?




The delusion levels are so much that you actually think you are contributing to this discussion. While all you do is WHINE WHINE WHINE BITCH ABOUT OTHERS' PROBLEMS BE A DICK SATISFY YOUR EGO BY BELITTLING OTHERS STILL WAITING FOR A HUG


You don’t know how jokes work do you?


I don't think you know what a joke is, troll




Target neutralized.


Objective: Complete.


Do you find it hard to conceal the fact that you pay to suck cock?






Nope not a lot of women. Im more interested in quality than quantity these days. Me n my lady going on 3 years strong. I’ve retired from banging as many holes as I can.






This one was the funniest






You are the dumbest bitch I’ve seen on Reddit. How the fuck are you in your 40s acting like you’re 22? Nobody wants to see your middle aged tits 😂


LOL. That's why I have 700 followers in under a month and you have...zero. Trolling works better if there's some truth to it. Doing it wrong, kid.




Ahh, sweetie. Again. To be an effective troll you have to have a grain of truth to your commentary. I work at one of the largest universities in Texas, where little QAnon incels like you grovel for my attention every day. I know you get off on this attention so I'm gonna go ahead and block you now. Your impotent rage is pathetic.


If you look at her post history, after receiving all this negative feedback from real people, she immediately went back to the subs she posts nudes and sexual encounter stories in for positive reinforcement and validation from her 700 simps that what's she's doing is morally ok.


Sweetie, I've never posted a nude. If you want to hurt someone's feelings with your comments, you have to be close to be truth. I'm gonna block you now, but I'm sure you'll still comment back because the little upvotes you get from your incel friends is the closest thing to actual human interaction you have in your life, loser. 😂😂😂




Probably should cross post this to r/gonewildfiction


Um. Thanks?


You sound SO desperate for attention. And desperate is what you look like answering the door like that.


Haha. Ok. I get plenty of attention, thanks.


Sure you do, that’s why you post pics of yourself on reddit right? Pathetic...


I dunno about you, but I can't imagine someone who gets lots of attention begging delivery boys to get her rocks off lmao


You're eating a LOT of pizza. Watch that figure of yours.


Never pizza. Always Greek or Indian.


> harmless fun When I was in my late teens I delivered pizza for a while. Nothing like this ever happened to me but I can tell you it's not necessarily harmless. Due to my mother sexually abusing me during my childhood, I have panic attacks in situations like that. Please, do yourself a favor and grow up. The mind of a 15 year old in someone older than 15 is sad and pathetic, not "fun young and sexy" the way you women think it is. Try meditation or yoga, but keep in mind the purpose of these practices isn't to take thousands of selfies for likes on instagram and to show everyone how spiritual you are, but rather to actually develop and mature your mind.


Teenagers don't drive for Uber Eats. Rarely get someone under 30. My mind is fine...I've got three degrees and a 6 figure salary as the head of information services for a law school. But thanks for r/mansplaining that.


Nobody wants to see your fat old ass no matter how many gender studies degrees you have, sweetie. Not even your cats. And that's the truth, no matter how much you try to womansplain it away. Btw I bet you're in massive debt lol. Grow up.


Awww. Is the troll triggered? [My ass is nice and tight](https://imgur.com/a/oPMoUA8), EVERYBODY wants to see and touch it, I don't have pets, and I half a half million dollar home completely paid off. But keep talking...I know the internet is the only place where actual humans talks to you.


And yet you're still mentally 15. How sad. You've probably abused children, it's an immature mind which compels people to do that.


Which restaurant do u usually order? Asking for a friend


Uber Eats and Postmates.


Noted. What about plumbers? Do u call plumbers too?


Haha. Haven't yet. I've seduced a handy man in the past, but I was dressed normally.


Cool. I’ll apply for a teacher and astronaut as well, just in case u need them


Do what?


Personally, it's exactly my favorite kind of porn, I'm always looking for those kinds of amateur, real (not produced) videos where a woman films herself ordering delivery, or getting a repairman in to fix something, and seducing the guy that comes along. ​ That being said, I do understand the point people are making that guys who do the same thing are likely to be jailed, especially if the delivery- or repair-person is female. *You* may keep the naughty bits covered until the guy makes a pass, but a lot of those women don't, and if a guy tried answering the door the way they do, "accidentally" letting his towel drop (if he wore a towel at all), or not doing up his bathrobe, anything that exposed his junk to the woman, he'd likely be in a lot of trouble.


He might. Might not. Got a friend who is a realtor and like once a year she goes to a house to prep for a showing and either the owner is there naked or a couple is fucking. Nobody goes to jail. Outside our house, sure.


That's a different scenario, though, unless the owner was made aware she'd be showing to prep the house and could walk in on them without knocking on the front door first, which would mean the owner(s) did it deliberately to expose themselves to your friend.


They do it deliberately. Owners are always aware of a showing and she always yells "hello" after unlocking the door and walking in...


Have you come across any female deliverers?


Plenty, but I keep it modest around them.




Because women don't get a thrill out of a stranger in lingerie. Most men do.


Power to you, I guess. Personally don't see a problem if you don't do anything else unless they initiate it and are not nude. It is your home after all. But yes, as others have said you'd probably be arrested if you were a male


Arrested? Zero chance of that. Only if they were nude or had a boner. And even then it's unlikely. Men do this shit all the time.


Stop being a whore and get a job you entitled fuck


Got a job well over 6 figures. But I can tell from the amount of time you spend with the impotent white virgin forums that you don't. Feel free to keep responding since this is probably the only human contact you get, but you're blocked, Troll.


I’m not a troll lmao nor am I white. You’re just a pervert


Haha! This is great! I’m sure they have to deal with a lot in that line of work, but glad to hear it’s doing something for you and it actually led to something happening.


Nobody has ever seemed offended, for the record. And I cover up if I get notification on the app that it's a female driver.


See? This right here is the double standard of excuse. If you flipped the situation like you had presented yourself. If you were a male flasher who got off on flashing himself with very scantily clothed undergarments that outlined the figure of his member in order to show Girls who were forced into the sitution non consensually by an outside variable, if you were a Man who did this and then you were alerted that another Man was delivering your food and then clothed yourself further. Anyone would consider that man a pervert who preys on the unfortunate working class citizens who have to deliver a service and are subjected to your perversion and your sexual exploitation. You ask if its morally wrong. You answered yourself. "And I cover up if I get notification on the app that it's a female driver." You know its wrong. You are taking advantage of a double standard were your gender is less perceived as immoral for seducing young men who are providing a service far different from the one you expect they provide for your selfish gain. If you were a man doing this to much younger women you would be vilified for your fetishizing ways. Youre a grown women preying on much younger guys using a fantasy to lure them in. That is the reality of your actions.


I'm bi. I just don't assume most women are so it's a courtesy because there is almost no chance they like it. Men mostly do. You apparently don't use Uber Eats or Postmates. They are very rarely "much younger" and typically 35-50. And, sure, a man would be a perv if he opened the door with a hard on. My nipples aren't hard. There isn't a wet spot on my crotch. A man isn't breaking the law and neither am I--and plenty of men are running around my neighborhood in nothing but tiny shorts or getting their mail or rolling the trash or in their boxers or a robe and briefs. And I'm posting in NSFW Reddit about my sexual history. Every one of us posting and everyone of you reading are definitely pervs. I'm ok with that.


‘Men mostly like it.’ Fuck you. That’s like a rapist saying ‘well she started getting wet at the end so she enjoyed it.’


That's the dumbest thing I've seen today. Go back to whatever right wing thread you belong to, SJW.




What a waste of cum. Your dad should've masturbated instead of fucking your ugly ass mom.


And your mother shouldn’t have fucked her brother but here we are.


Wow it took us so long to come up with this? Hahaha kid go back to sleep.


If youre okay with that then be okay with being immoral. Youre logic and attempts to down play your actions mean nothing to me. What youre doing is wrong and part of you knows that. A larger part of you just doesnt care. A complete part of me doesnt either. Ive spoken my mind on you and my low opinion of your idea of fun, I dont need your explanations or life story.


Whatever, kid. Go back to counting down the seconds until you are a legal drinker!


I wish I could. I cant count backwards in time but if to you calling me 21 is an insult. I sure applaud your 2 decades of experience on top of mine to come up with that damaging response. You truly dont act your age which is a shame because a mature women doesnt take advantage of much younger guys yet here you are trying to use my age against me as if being 20 years your younger was a bad thing. I might only be 21 but atleast i know not to prey on those who are working because that would be an invasive and a perverted way to have fun at the expense of others. Glad your conflictions stop with pathetic justification as to why what youre doing is within the law thus within your right to do to another undeserving person. I hope the next time you try your little act of rebellion on an unsuspecting worker you can see the shame reflecting from who ever is misfortunate enough to have to boost your ego for the night.


Yeah. Last guy seems real ashamed when he had his face between my thighs. LOL.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Even a black widow needs her rest after preying on those less fortunate.


The only praying going in is the boys on their knees wanting to come back for more.


So um, if I stop by with DiGiorno? Don't let haters bring you down, I used to deliver food. I would have died for this to happen


I'm usually more in the market for Mediterranean or Curry.


I'll deliver anything you want


Oh will you? You're not part of the downvote brigade put to get me?!?




Never pizza. Always delivery apps with vetted drivers.


I wouldn't worry to much about what people on the internet think about you activities. They've all got opinions and assholes. Both produce the same content.


Ha. Nice. I don't worry about these trolls who slid out of the sewers of the incel subs.


Hot! And fun! Good for you.


Haha. Thanks. It is GOOD for me.


Thinking of a side hustle delivering pizza...what would be a good city to do this endeavor?


Haha. I use Uber Eats or Postmates.


Hehehe. This is hot. I know it's not really completely morally right but... if it wasn't on the line it wouldn't be so fun, right? Just be careful cause some people might get a bit too excited and maybe hurt you, so be on guard. Stay safe and have fun.


Thanks. I do feel like losing these services means people pass a background check.


Even so, just cause someone passes a background check doesn't mean they're super trust worthy. Just keep a cricket bat behind the door or something just in case. Otherwise I think what you're doing is kind of cool and not too intrusive. Though you might get someone fired if they spend too long making the delivery (if you get what I mean) ;)


Delivery app drivers are independent contractors. They take the gigs they want and clock out anytime!


love it!




youre in ure own home! ure law. 99% people will appreciate it :)




It is good naughty fun

