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I really wanted children. I could tell my wife didn't. Then she ended up having some problems and had to have surgery, which ended up ensuring she couldn't have children. I think I thought about leaving her for a few minutes. But I had picked her, you know? She ended up divorcing me a few years later. Around the same age as you now. Feel the exact same way about being alone as you do. Bitter sometimes for sure, but I still find pride in myself that I stuck to my commitment. I'm sorry that happened to you. :(


I'm so sorry šŸ˜žšŸ’”


You guys should get together! That would be such a romantic amazing story!


This!!! Meet!


I'm šŸ’€. Not Reddit playing matchmaker. Honestly, the romantic in me really wants to see where this thing goes. Get it OP!


Iā€™m so sorry. I would definitely suggest blocking yourself from all of their social media. I say that as someone who went through a bad breakup with someone I still loved but it just was the wrong fit. I obsessed over him for far too long afterwards and now in hindsight I can see how damaging it was to me. Do all you can to embrace your life for what it is. If you havenā€™t already explored talk therapy I highly recommend you do. Maybe try some new things that are outside of your normal comfort zone. You have value and a place in this world. Iā€™m rooting for you.


I hoped to have children with my wife. We didn't. Later, we couldn't. We took steps to adopt an adult woman who had been her student in high school, whom we had put through college. I came up with it because the girl is of a different race, and I didn't want anybody to be able to contest the will for any reason. It was generally decided my idea was weird instead of clever. My mother scoffed at the idea of having "C\*ink grandchildren", and my father disowned me for even suggesting it. Then my wife died. They my prospective daughter's new husband, a racist in his own right, succeeded in alienating her from me. The adoption never happened. I'm alone now, too. It hurts. I get it. I never turn away an orphan kitten who comes onto my property. I have four now. They would all be dead if I hadn't take them in, they all need me to stay alive. They have become shiny, healthy adult cats, and lead joyful, plenteous lives. That counts for something. Best of luck to you.


Iā€™m sorry things didnā€™t work out for you. You sound like a really good person with a big heart.


Thanks for the kind words. The Beverly Hillbillies is my favorite TV show. No worries if you judge me for that. My favorite line of Jed's is also a watchword. When Jethro tells Jed that he doesn't deserve a nephew like him, Jed responds: "That may be true. But when I see the troubles other folks have, I grin and bear it." I love that Old Mountaineer.


Iā€™m so sorry. Unfortunately, having kids is either a yes or no. I had ovarian cancer when I was 24 so had total hysterectomy. Then I met my husband online when I was 38 and he knew I canā€™t have kids. We got married and he is more than I hoped for. I have stage 4 thyroid cancer now and he is always by my side. Through all treatments, surgery and scans. My point is there could be someone out there, but to find out you have to try to find them. Donā€™t compare him to your ex as it would never work. He isnā€™t this and isnā€™t that. Thatā€™s not a good way to live. I wish you the best and sending hugs as I know what a struggle it is to be lonely.


I hope you recover quickly! šŸ’•


Thank you so much ā¤ļø


Damn that was a sad read.


I have a condition that does not allow me to carry children and I beg you to start looking into yourself and know you are defined by more than just baring a child. I hope peace finds you. You seem like an amazing person with so much love to give


As someone in the same boat, I second this message, it is so easy to let your self worth be shattered, it takes a lot of strength, but I promise you have it within yourself, and you are so, so worthy of love and peace and happiness


Yes i can have a child, and choose to adopt anyway, because i still badly want to be a mother and have a family of my own, but i DONT wanna go through all those health issues and risks that come with pregnancy. Your ability to have a child as a woman doesnt define you, a lot of us willfully choose to ignore that ability because we think other options are safer and more fulfilling. Adopting isnt a secondhand choice that only infertile people will make. I hope she looks into it more


ā¤ļø hope everything works out


I know this doesn't replace having your own children, but would you consider volunteering for places where you can be mentors of young people? There are SO many children and youths that have shitty parents. It only takes the power of one mentor who believes in them that changes their lives. Maybe you can't have children by blood, but you can have children who learn about the good things in life in a different sense. I've read articles about those life changing mentors, so definitely look into it!!


I am sorry. I, 43f, also wanted to have children but didnā€™t. My ex and I tried, but it never happened. My ex and I divorced when I discovered his affair with the office intern. Right after our divorce was final, my ex confessed to me that he got a vasectomy years ago in secret and that is why I could never get pregnant. He was afraid I would leave him if I knew so he lied to me all those years. He even encouraged me to get invasive fertility testing done. I donā€™t know how I would feel if I discovered he was having a baby with another woman.


Oh my heart just broke for you reading this, first the cheating , then finding out about the vasectomy but then finding out he let you go through invasive fertility testing is just beyond comprehension. Do you know what, i think if i found out (after all that he did to you and the lies etc ) he was having a child with some one else , i would be really really worried for that child and possibly even the mother of said child as that piece of shit male has some real disturbing fecking issues. I am so sorry he did all that to you and i can not even imagine where you even begin to heal from such awful betrayal in so many different damaging forms .


I totally understand the meaningless life feelings. It's true that they all get to go home to their families. This sucks


This was heartbreaking to read. I'm so sorry you've gone through this. Let's not even mention the age gap.... But I can understand how you feel. It doesn't necessarily mean that you still love him. But 16 years together is hard to just wipe out. Maybe easier for others. But emotionally driven people have a harder time moving on. But I'm curious, wouldn't being a foster mother to a young child be worth something? There are so many children looking for homes, yet there's so many foster homes that are abusive and cruel. You'd make a lovely mom. Caring and gentle. There's also many toddlers needing foster parents. My friend became a foster mother to a 3 month old baby. By the time she was 4, she was legally adopted by her because the government felt that the parents could never be fit to take care of her. (they aren't. And will never be able to be parents even if they genuinely want to) They're allowed supervised visits and contact when they want to. But if the child doesn't want to, it's not forced. All I'm saying is, there are so many unloved and lonely children out there who'd die to have you as their family. ā¤ļø And btw, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to find love again. You sound absolutely lovely. I mean, obviously you can't date NOW since you yourself if in the way of that. But once you accept that you are who you are and that you're perfect just as you are.... You'll be ready for dating again. (FYI, my mom found true love at the age of 51. It's been 18 years and they're still madly in love. He's caring for her while she's going through cancer right now, and their love is just amazing. You're never too old for falling in love)


Nothing is wrong with the age gap honestly


Bro.... He met her when she was 20. And he was what... 42? Buddy........ Sometimes I wish most people were aware that the frontal lobe isn't finished growing until we're like 25. We are *literally* not finishing growing up until we're 25. Our mentality, our personality, behavior, our ability to contemplate pros and cons when making decisions...... All of that is in the frontal lobe. That ability sure is good to have while meeting a man 2 decades older than you with a lifetime of more experiences than you while making life altering decisions. Just saying. What could he possibly have in common with a 20 year old? Their love for spicy food and long walks on the beach?


Iā€™m so very sorry. My boyfriend and I are childfree by choice, but I understand that life not going how you planned can be so incredibly painful. I promise you that life does not have to be empty without children. I hope lots of healing for you.


You should consider being a foster mother. A lot of kids could use a caring place to stay.


This is sad. You should stop following him and not think of him as your husband or you will never be able to move on.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this and I can truly empathize. The first thing you need to do is block them, otherwise you know youā€™re going to keep going back and torturing yourself. Did he really leave you only because you couldnā€™t have kids? It seems like 16 years is a really long time to just wait around. Was there maybe other stuff going on? I ask because it sounds a little bit like youā€™re clinging to an idealized version of your marriage. You mightā€™ve been compatible in the sense that you were really good roommates, but thatā€™s natural in long-term relationships. It seems like you have very different values. You must have been divorced now for 5, 7 years? Iā€™m just speculating, but maybe the reason your relationship was so easy was because of you. You like commitment and stability. People like that tend to be more open to compromise and sacrifice. I think if you can finally let your ex go and open yourself up to finding someone new, you will find a fulfilling relationship. You just have to give someone enough of a chance to have shared experiences and get into a rhythm with you. The good thing about your hesitance is that you wonā€™t settle for less than you deserve. Btw what helped me move on was practicing radical acceptance over and over again with a good therapist. If therapy isnā€™t helping you, it might mean that your therapist isnā€™t the right fit, or maybe you need to ask them to try a different approach.


Iā€™m so sorry love, I wish you all the happiness in the world


Just reading this give me heartache. I cannot imagine how it feels for you. Please block him. Please love yourself and let the dream go. It is not meant to be. Find a new purpose. Find a new dream. Having children is not the only wonders in life. Losing love is not the end to a wonderful life. You are worthy of a beautiful life, stranger. I am rooting for you.


Live your life with what you have, itā€™s fine to not have kids. If you really wanted them you would have adopted.


She said itā€™s to expensive, which it is !


I'm guessing adoption wasn't an option? So many little kids need good parents.


OP seems to either live somewhere where all adoption is expensive OR she only checked private adoption sites. Adopting through the government is typically free


I definitely recommend therapy, thatā€™s a lot of pain youā€™re dealing with and you deserve to be happy. Idk if itā€™s something youā€™d be interested in but I suggest looking into jobs with kids who need support and guidance, potentially even fostering. Thereā€™s a lot of kids out there who want a family just as much as you do, it would be hard but you might find the family you desire in unconventional ways. My foster parents are my family now, I moved out 13 years ago and we are still in contact, they are the best grandparents to my daughter.


Iā€™m so sorry, OP. Life can really serve up some serious disappointment and pain to those that do not deserve it. While I may not have your particular story, I certainly understand that profound disappointment. Personally, I think that the only way forward is *through* the pain and disappointment. A radical acceptance of our lot in life. Sometimes, with a full acceptance that requires no change, whatsoever, something unusual, unexpected and beautiful happens. Iā€™ve been there sometimes and not on others. Acceptance is my path. Best wishes to you. Know that others here have a heart full of love for you.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve had to go through with that. And like someone else suggested, probably a good idea to stay off social media or at least donā€™t look at their posts. And by the way, itā€™s gross that he hooked up with a 20 yr old. Maybe he just wanted someone who would have kids for him. She was basically young enough to be *his* kid. You deserve a man who loves you. In my line of work (social worker/therapist), Iā€™ve seen a lot of adults that do have kids but are still alone. Or their kids treat them like crap. So Itā€™s not guaranteed that kids will be there for you, much less be there when youā€™re old and you can still die alone. Keep volunteering, find things that give you a sense of purpose.


It is a sad situation but you cant be mad at it. He has 1 life on here and he knew he wanted kids and he tried until he knew for sure. You cant stop people going after what they want. It is totaly understandable that he went with someone that could give him kids. You will find someone else, especially at your age, most men dojt want kids or have already had them. Just enjoy your life and freedom and try to find someone who will appreciate you


Iā€™m sorry you are feeling such profound sadness. Iā€™d go one of two routes if I was in your situation, they are vastly different. 1. Travel, experience, do all the things you canā€™t with kids. Date younger dudes if you want, spread them wings and find your next adventure. 2. Become a Buddhist monk. Enlightenment is a rare thing in this world. Told you they were different! In any case, I feel compassion for your grief, but I do believe joy is something that can be cultivated. Be well.


Why not adopt?


I'm so sorry. I wish he had considered putting you all using a surrogate with her egg and his sperm. This is sad. I'm sorry ā˜¹ļø


Sounds like he did you a solid, he sounds like a douche. Iā€™m 36 and I canā€™t have children either because of cancer. I choose to not date anyone because I donā€™t even want to deal with having some soft and emotionally immature man possibly taking care of me if I get sick again. Sounds like he wouldā€™ve left you eventually if you got sick because he clearly didnā€™t love you enough to stay.


Having children or not is a legitimate deal breaker.


It is early in the marriage, not after 16 fucking years. My god.


Adopting isnt always expensive. Private adoption is. But adopting through the government is typically FREE. Look into it! Also look into fostering if you can ā¤ļø your need to be a mama can save some babyā€™s life honey! Use that passion!


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. You sound like an absolutely lovely person. The world is hard and seems to deprive of of certain things that we so desperately have wanted. That being said you sound amazing and 45 is basically middle age. Youā€™ve most likely only lived half your life. So many things can happen in the next half. Also not for nothing I guarantee you your ex is not doing as good as social media portrays. Heā€™s clearly with the girl for a child and quite frankly thereā€™s not much he will have in common with her. I promise you he is not doing as well as it seems.


He didnā€™t love you as much. Why pine over him?


Iā€™m so sorry but I feel like something or someone INCREDIBLE is ahead and this is not all for nothing. Hang in there , you are worth it. Also maybe try another therapist that you really vibe with unless you have that and itā€™s just a no go.


Hello. Your life is not meaningless. Children do not ā€˜makeā€™ a family. Your ex sounds extremely selfish. I am a mid-30s woman who struggled with infertility then had a hysterectomy and never had children. Prior to the hysterectomy I came to peace with never having babies, and being happy with a child free life. The infertility struggle is terrible. It was a few of the worst years of my life. There was so much crying on my end. The disappointment was crushing. That marriage ended in divorce for unrelated reasons. Now Iā€™ve since re-married. My husband has always been someone who wanted a child free life, and even had a vasectomy in his 20s. I knew there would not be any pressure to try for a baby. He has been the best. He took care of me after the hysterectomy. He loves me for me. We are our own little family of two. If this lifestyle sounds appealing, you can find it. I am certain of that. It might not be what you had wanted when you were younger, but it is still good. Even without a partner, you are still worthy and valuable. I know this because I was worthy and valuable after my divorce, knowing that children would never be in my future. You are allowed to hurt. But donā€™t make it part of who you are. Grieve. Go to therapy if you can. Life gets better. Iā€™m rooting for you.


I am mid 30s and wanted kids. Then, after trying for years, we found my husband couldn't. It was very hard for him to confront the issue, and then one day he tearfully said he feared I'd leave him. I thought about it briefly but decided a life without him wasn't worth living. My husband is the man I feel God made for me. Ur husband was not the man for you. If he were living without children would've been something he could fathom. So, no regrets. U did nothing wrong. Ur body didn't betray you. U are wonderfully made and loved by God exactly the way you are. Ur grief now is because u looked back into a rear view mirror. Lesson learned. Don't. Move forward and keep moving forward. Better days are to come.


I hate to be that guy but you canā€™t really blame him. He wants his own kids and youā€™re not able to provide that for him. I would say the thing to him if he couldnā€™t have kids and you wanted kids and you left him because he couldnā€™t get you pregnant. A kid is really important and you canā€™t just stop wanting kids because your partner is not able to get pregnant.


I'm so sorry. Your ex sounds really scummy and honestly it sounds like you dodged a bullet. If he really loved you like he should, he'd have seen you as more than a womb and either stayed childless or worked with you to find other options like adoption. I am so so sorry you can't reach your dream of having biological kids, but know that you are so valuable as an individual with or without children. You are making a positive impact on the world by taking care of animals, and that means something! You never know what the future might hold, you could meet the love of your life and adopt with them, or maybe they'll have kids who you can be a loving step mom to. Do you have any nieces or nephews or children of friendd? Being a positive influence in their life will be valuable and feel good for you too. Hang in there!


Unfortunately you can't compromise on kids. Even tough it's heartbreaking you can't get mad at someone to want kids and getting out of a relationship for that.


In sickness and in health? What happened to that? Plus, moving on with a 23 year old is gross.


Yeah the 20 years gap is weird but it has nothing to do with kids. Let's say they get to stay together, do you want to force him to give up his dream of having a familly or force them to adopt ? Maybe they only want biological kids ?


Scummy for wanting a child? This is not one of the things you can reasonably compromise on. Its a deal breaker. And no adoption is not an alternative for the majority of people.


It wouldn't be scummy if they simply disagreed about what they wanted, but the fact that she wanted kids too and just wasn't physically able is heartbreaking and he doubled her pain by leaving her for it, then tripled her pain by moving on with a 23 year old. Marriages are supposed to be a partnership, not something where you ditch the person you agreed to spend your life with when they are ailing.


Traditionally marriages were meant as the fundament of the family, which include children. Dissolving marriages for the lack of offspring was always common. I will tell you the scummy version of what happend to OP because that happened to somebody I know: My godmother always wanted children alas she didnt get pregnant. She and her husband got tested and it turned out she was infertile. So they tried to adopt a child and they were even successfull. But a few month after that he told her that he had an affair and got a young woman pregnant and also that will leave her for his mistress. Needless to say as soon as his child was born his wasnt involved in the life of the adopted child anymore. Because he also found out that an adopted child wasnt an alternative for him. Now this is how you shouldnt do it. But it is not always somebodys fault when a marriage fails, sometimes its just life. And him marrying a 23 year old was not a slight against his ex wife. I feel for her, its a sad situation but that doesnt make him a bad guy.


They do, though - her not being able to have biological children is a sad fact, and it's a deal breaker for him. Once they're divorced, it's no longer his fault who he chooses anymore.


Listen, what you're going through is absolutely horrible and I'd never try to dismiss your pain. But... You don't want to be with someone who would leave you because you couldn't have kids. Simple as. He is a horrible horrible person and I bet he'll leave that 25 year old too if she even slightly inconveniences him... No one is owed a child, and you marry someone because you want to spend your life with that person, not because they can provide you with a mini version of yourself. I'm sad for his future child, someone so selfish shouldn't be procreating, whatever genes are responsible for lack of empathy should die with their host... He should have been the infertile one and he showed his true colours. You'll find someone who deserves you


I am so sorry that you had to go through this. As a 36f that has been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for 5+years, this is my worst nightmare. Not just never being a mom, but losing my loving husband because of it. And then seeing him fulfill this dream with another woman. I would definitely lose my mind and probably go on a destructive rampage. You are doing better than I would. Maybe you can find other things to get happiness. Travel has helped us come to terms with the possibility of staying childless. Eitherway I wish you the best.


That's sad but honestly no one is in the wrong. He is doing the right thing by going for his life goals.




Hugs. I hope, if you want, you find a new love. I don't know if I would be confident bringing a son into this world. Generation Alpha has a hard road ahead. I'm not sure if you want to be a mother, but if so, I hope you find your way. As to your ex husband, I hope you stop following him on all social media. He was from your past. He has his own challenges ahead. What I wish for you: lots of dancing (if you like dancing), lots of music (if you like music), lots of beautiful walks (if you like walks). And lots of love with a lovely, wonderful and sweet man (if you want this). Please do what you can, to start this new phrase of your life.


I love that you know this. All the best to your life.


Any reason you didn't try a surrogate?


The pain is there regardless whether you want it or not and one day you will be strong and ready to move on. 16 years is a lifetime and the way he decided to just discard you because you couldnā€™t bear children isnā€™t fair. Please be gentle to yourself and give yourself time to grieve I know several years have passed but this is not easy to overcome. In time you will find what is right for you regardless whether itā€™s making new friends , fostering, adopting a pet, volunteering, or finding your true soulmate. I truly wish you find happiness ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Well if its any consolation the baby is more likely to have problems because your ex is so old


Not true at allā€¦. šŸ¤£


/u/EwwDvid: science is not true at allā€¦ šŸ¤£


That sucks , bur hey I'm sure there some duded out there reayd to hit it .


Who the fuck says that


He groomed and conditioned her to bear his children. God saved you from a monster of a human.