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!UpdateMe 3 months


Me too I can't wait to see how this turns out! !UpdateMe 3 months


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!update me 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months 


!updateMe 3 months


“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” You play a dangerous game sir. Although I do understand your reasons, this road is perilous.


Who is that quote from?


Nietzsche. I’m not that intelligent or elegant in my words.


I think I would handle that differently. I would talk her into having a pretty lavish wedding, having her pay for it and then not show up for it. Cuz face it you won't get shit, most state have inheritance laws where spouses are not entitled to it. But at least you get to spend a chunk of it.


Oh mate we are having a very lavish party. I'll also have fun spending our money prior to our divorce. I'm in the UK and once the assets bought in our name post marriage they are then ours.


Joint marital assets, I believe you are correct.


Yup doesn't matter who paid for the assets and where that money cane from as long as its paid after our wedding. That's why I've slowed down buying our home. Slowed down in making investments etc.


In Scotland or England? Scottish court might take a pragmatic view of the little time you’ve been married.


This is where the cheating comes into play to assist OP. Hopefully she cheats while married as well and OP can prove it. He should probably delete this and keep everything to himself if he's smart.


I will delete the account in a bit.


And godspeed lad




Come back and give an update in a year. I wanna know how this plays out.


Create an account called u/Fake_S so we know its you 😉 also, honeymoon must be planned right? Or already is???


How do we find updates in 6 months?


I'd rather not say but cheating will be the issue.


He's right. That's how it is here. Take her for every penny 💰💰💰💰 Sorry she's a bitch 😖


Only things I’d suggest are: Tell people no wedding gifts Shag her last day of honeymoon then tell her that was the last time, Ala wolf of wall street. Good luck! (And sorry you picked a cunt one)


Wear a condom


I’d still check with a lawyer and find out what the laws are regarding this. Idk how many assets you actually think you can talk her into buying. Like would there be a reason you’d need multiple houses and cars and diamonds and shit?


We'd be buying houses for our investment portfolio. I won't be buying flash cars or diamonds. As in no depreciative assets. 3 lawyers in agreement.


My man, take her to the cleaners and keep on being the beautiful fucking bastard that you are!!!!!


I'll do my best to make it look like her wealth was put through a car wash.


Wait awhile. Don’t get married, but a bunch of stuff and then divorce a year later. You’re young and I’m sure you’ll want to but don’t cheat no matter how tempted. Wait at least two years so it doesn’t look suspicious. Then “find out” about the cheating. Everyone will be on your side too. If you do it too soon it might seem suspicious and you don’t want that. I would normally never think this is acceptable. But for her to be promising you a life together and be cheating on you while doing so is on her. You do not deserve half of the money her family earned but you deserve some compensation for the bullshit and time wasted.


Mate, one thing you could do is to invite us… your fellow Redditors! 😂😂😂


Haha ill livestream it


As a woman who has been cheated on, I can wholeheartedly say, you sir are a fucking genius! I wish the best of luck in life x


Yo send some $$$ my way once youre done xD


Yep I was reading the other day about the lottery - if you solely buy a ticket all the money is yours, not your wife’s - she would only have claim over half the assets bought with lottery money such as houses etc. so technically you could win £100m and leave it all in the bank and she couldn’t touch it in the event of a divorce .


This is not always true. ESPECIALLY when bought with an inheritance. Just might want to check. You're being a huge fucking asshole though. I can kinda see why she cheated on you if this is your attitude with things.


If it's in a trust, you are fucked. Can you find out if it's in a trust?


I know it's not.


Ya man. If you can swing anything, you would be good.  Did you think about how you would approach it? Ie. On what grounds you are going to divorce her?  Too soon, it could be put in for annulment. In that case you don't get anything.  Is there any precedence?


You’re preemptively admitting to fraud.


Dunno why, but comments that automatically assume everyone is in the US bother me a trifle.




yeah and if pops was as wealthy as OP makes it sound, im sure there are gonna be advisors along the way, put in place to benefit her. whether it's prenuptials with clauses. the headache of dealing with trying to secure the bag this way will prolly not even be worth it. i would definitely do the standing her up thing. make a video announcement and play it when she walks in


I just can't see wasting years of my life like OP wants to.


exactly, i mean talk about a SLOOOOOOWWWWWW burn


oooo shit i didn’t even think of that. i’m sure OP knows her family well enough to know if there are financial advisors and what they’d do though since he did say they’ve been together 5 years. either way, hope he succeeds cheating is fucked


Yup. There would have to be some serious time put into that marriage like 10-years.


Navigating through this maze of matrimonial deception is a fine art – and it seems you're poised with the right palette. While the idea of a lavish wedding might seem like sweet retribution, consider the long game over a short scamper. Skip the pettiness, and instead of plotting her downfall, invest in a savvy legal counsel to ensure you exit this debacle with your integrity—and perhaps a fairer piece of the pie—intact. Remember, a sharp exit strategy beats a reckless revenge plot; you never know when the courts might side with a cunning fox over a scorned spouse. Keep it classy and you'll outshine the drama with your dignity as your trophy.


Thanks. I'm acting fully devoted to her. I'll be distraught not scorned haha.


I think you’ll do fine but remember that like beauty, scorned vs distraught is in the eye of the beholder.


Don’t forget to collect evidence of her cheating on you.


Hi chatgpt


I tried that earlier with a different post to see what advice it gave - so cheesy. I asked “how could I convey this without hurting my husbands feelings” And it was all “honey, I’ve got something on my mind, can I talk to you about it ….”. It was hilarious


Well said!


Not sure you’re going to end up with anything, champ. If they can prove you knew about it before marrying her, it might affect your chances IANAL, but it’s common sense.


This post is evidence


You won't even get 20% you absolute knob. If anything you're going to lose money on lawyers fees, not to mention all the time lost. Good luck, you're going to need it! (Or just grow up, break up, and move on with your life.)


Seriously, the first sensible comment in this thread


People who are like “Just get a divorce” have no idea how expensive they can be. Mine cost several thousand dollars I didn’t have, and it was completely amicable with no complications, like children.


Karma comes for everyone eventually


It definitely does.


get ready for it (incase)


I hope you can buy yourself a very nice watch, some electronics, nice clothes, etc..


Id like that for me too. 🤣🤣


Cars! 2024/2025 luxurious cars. Some real estate, residential and commercial in hot spots. I’m sorry this happened to you, but good luck.


OP, ik we don’t know each other but I’d like an invite to this wedding 😂


Haha ill livestream it haha.


Livestream dumping her! I'd buy a ticket to see it! 😂


Don't forget about a crazy expensive honeymoon trip


Haha tbh she did that all by herself. She's terrible with money.


Is the friend coming to the wedding? When you drop her, make sure your friend group knows what a piece of trash they both are


Yeah he's one of my best men. He's been a long time "friend" and would be odd if he wasn't one.


Oh, you can make him look like a fool down the road. You should even mess with him at the wedding. Like “I know you’ll never betray me” and crap like that to make his head spin


Haha evil lol but love it.


You should get up and toast both your bride and your best man by saying, "I am truly a blessed man who is surrounded by love. I'm marrying the love of my life, "karen" is everything a person could ask for in a spouse. She is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She is kind, honest, and loving. My best man, what can I say? "Kevin" is my childhood friend, and I'd trust him with my life. I couldn't imagine getting married without Kevin as my best mate." Then, when you announce the divorce and why, those two will be branded with a scarlet A. Everyone at the wedding will remember your speech and turn against those two cheaters.


Bro, you've been taking notes from soap Operas, this is maniacal lol


He could also add a line about how blessed he is that his love and his best friend get along so well...really twist the knife.


Don’t forget the part about how loyal she is, too!


this is genius lmao I love it


Fuck man.. I am so sorry. I wish you the fucking best!!!


Don’t have kids with her. If she gets pregnant do a paternity test


I won't. I'm a safe boy. But thanks for the warning.


She might get pregnant anyway… :)


As long as its not mine, even better.


If you are married to her when she gives birth, the child is PRESUMED to be yours. The burden is on you to prove you are not the father, and even if you can, you may still be stuck with child support. Tread carefully.


Don’t blame you


Thanks mate. 🤣🤣


Cheaters are scum, and justify their scummery with either poor impulse control or a distinct lack of morals. That being said, what you’re describing should (and might) be illegal.


Ok, but you realize karma works both ways and is a wheel not a road with a final destination. Just be prepared for that.


Don't forget, she is the one with way more money, and she can hire the most cut-throat lawyer to deal with the divorce, and you may get nothing out of it but a divorce and a probably having to pay for the lawyers at the end of the day.


It’d be kinda funny if she left you for your friend before the wedding… I don’t see this plan working out as you expect & what a waste of your time…


Sounds like a plot from a great 90’s nighttime soap!


Hahha maybe that's where I got my cunning. EastEnders.


I’ve heard of it but never seen it, I’m in the US, it’s very Melrose Place lol


Haha. I haven't even watched a full episode of EastEnders but my ma loved it when we were growing up Never heard of Melrose Park but all soaps are the same probably haha.


Oh it’s delightful, lots of cheating, double crossing, and scandal. Heather Locklear at her finest, highly recommend


Haha might check it out.


I’d slide a couple thousand here and there in cash and also get concrete proof she’s cheating and keep it for yourself


Have proof alright. And yes on the first part but I take out less.


Im sorry for the situation you’re in but at least you’re gonna get some good revenge


When life hands you lemons make lemonade.


And then squeeze every last tiny little drop you can get from those lemons. You are inspirational and I would give a body part to have 1% of your poker face and ability to compartmentalise to an impressive extreme. Him being a best man as well. You deserve everything you can get from the witch, and I’d bet your mate is banging her cos he fancies some watches and holidays. I hope she’s left sad and alone and significantly less appealing as a less wealthy divorced after three months after cheating with the best man woman.


If it comes out you knew going into the marriage that can be used against you.


Yup but no way to know.


There are always way to find out


There's no point dragging yourself down to her level. I always try to make sure I don't bend or change my morals just for the sake of being the bringer of justice.


I’m rooting for ya! Get that bag


Thanks for the encouragement 💰


You need to keep the 'marriage' going for at least 6 months. You also ought to have a 'I just found out and I'm utterly heartbroken and betrayed' plan. She'll start getting sloppier about the cheating. Best of luck, rooting for you


Can I come to the wedding? Sounds epic.


Haha if you can afford to fly


God. Update us on her face when she realises. Have a massive stag. Get with a few girls. Get her to book the honeymoon in your name and then take the tickets and go with a buddy. Tell her she is a skank, and she is welcome to your buddy.


Haha. You're awful.. ill be with her for a few months before divorce for obvious reasons but I won't cheat because it'll hurt the divorce if it came out. Im hoping for us to jointly buy some property. It will help the settling.


Fuck it after the divorce fuck her mum 🤣


Aha but she's dead.




Probably wouldn't dig her up?


Her dad maybe?


I love this! 😁


I love it too.


Get that Mercedes EQS 450 on order!


Haha. I don't want to go too flashy. I'll do a lot of work on the finances for investable assets rather than depreciative ones. Nice gifts for family members etc. But I don't want to come across as a money grabbing afterwards.


!remindme 4 months


Be married for a while before you “find out about the cheating” that way you guaranteed at least something I think a good lawyer could maybe argue that the marriage should just be annulled and you could get nothing or next to nothing since you went into the marriage with the intention of ending it


You’ll probably have to be married to her for at least a couple years, if you do it within the first year the judge is more likely to annul the marriage and you won’t get anything especially since the cheating is happening before you guys get married unless you guys live in a common law area where if you’ve live with each other for long enough even breaking up can be treated like a divvied and you’ll be entitled to half


Are you sure you want to do that? B/c you’re gonna have to stay married for a good bit of time in order to get much of anything. And being stuck in a marriage w/cheater can be damaging to your mental health.


You just gave your fiances lawyer a great piece of evidence to not give you assets


Youre justifying being a piece of shit because you were mistreated. Thats really not the best way to walk about life


You know.. this might be the first cheating story didn’t make me sad af. Stay strong and get yours brother 😤


Haha thanks mate.


You better run this by a lawyer first.


I have ran it past three divorce lawyers and looked online. They've all agreed.


Okay. You've done your research.


lolol I’m curious about how those conversations went down. were they spoken in strictly hypothetical terms? did the layers fully understand (I’m sure they did, I just want to know their respective reactions)? way to do it for the plot! this will surely be an interesting year for you 🐛🦋


Maybe she’ll see that she doesn’t love or respect you and end the relationship before the wedding and your plans have failed


Hopefully not.


I hope you got some solace posting this and from the comments. I have opinions about this that differ a bit from the comments , but that’s not important. If I were you I’d take this down now. Even if they don’t know it’s you, if either of them or someone they knew saw this post and they catch wind, they’d probably take precautions. It’s not worth it, even for the support, to post this.


You’d have to have a long game at least 4 years of marriage otherwise you ain’t getting shit.


Pass the popcorn…. OP, I am along for this ride!! Look forward to the update.


Money and nice things are meaningless without people you care about.


If she’s got that much cash, why not use some of it to get some other scrat to screw your best man, and get evidence……that way at least when you do divorce her, she won’t want him either. 😂


Buy a house, get s joint savings account, buy a vacation house, buy toys... etc. If she makes you sign a prenup. Make sure there's an infidelity clause where the person would get 75% of marital assets. And then frame it as, "This is to show you and assure you that I love you and would never cheat on you."


If she’s already cheating, ain’t no way she’s putting an infidelity clause in it!


Why is she marrying you and not her lover?


If you don’t go on and move on lol. If dad was really wealthy, there’ll be advisors along the way making sure you get not one red cent lol. Also, be prepared to take your dose from karma’s rearing ugly head because it’ll be coming for you next lol.


Unless she hits you with the prenup power up. I hear it's in the water level....


This does not sound like it will be healthy for you long term. Don't underestimate how stressful this could all get and if she's really that rich she will be able to hire someone to deal with it easily. My advice would be to start healing asap Life is short!


If you’re in the U.S., you likely are NOT entitled to anything she inherits. It’s protected in the event of divorce just as you wouldn’t have a legal say in how it’s used even while married.


he’s very much not in the us


Are 100000% sure she cheated and is still cheating? Are you sure she doesn’t know you know and then will make you sign a prenup?


Wedding in about 3 weeks. If she tells me to sign a prenup I'll just embarrassed her on our wedding. And yup I've seen texts and seen them.


I am guessing op is a very nice guy that is why the friend and the fiance are so confident about the cheating. They are both horrible! Yuck to them! This is a life lesson she won’t forget and she will also have to share her wealth😅😂with divorce lol. I do not think she will make you sign a prenup Update us op! She might also make a post in a sub after you leave her lol


A "very nice guy" wouldnt have an evil plan like this... lol


Delete the post and all the comments. You don’t wanna mess this up by someone finding this. Make sure you delete and emails that you may get from making this account too. Remember a lot of shows and creators make content off of Reddit posts, do it before they have chance to do that


I’d just leave, take what’s yours and half of what you’ve bought together and just leave. The amount of energy you’ll invest in this charade would be getter spent relocating and getting yourself set up elsewhere and then having some therapy to deal with the very obvious and not unexpected heartbreak of her actions. I’m really sorry that this has happened to you, prioritise your own self care and self worth by just leaving.


!UpdateMe 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months


She went low, you went lower lol


I’m sorry to hear about your situations  Two wrongs don’t make a right Please keep from having kids. Use protection even if she says she on the pill or whatever Just keep that in min. Also, if she forces a no protection situation, be wary of her being pregnant from the other person Please don’t make a kid be a suffering child die to your plan


Get yours fuck that cheating bitch!


She probably has already realized that you are a golddigger and that's why she is cheating on you.


You might not like this answer, but it partially sounds like you are afraid of confrontation, breaking apart a five year relationship and long engagement, right before the wedding, because of the invites, money, family, etc. This idea to get money sounds like a logical way to carry on, to make the most of not confronting this - but is it really the best choice? If it’s unethical for her to cheat, it’s unethical and shady to be marrying for the money and scheming against her. You’re not only fooling her, but also her family who had nothing to do with her actions. In terms of dating after that, it doesn’t look good to be married for a few months and have history like that. If it’s not for you, just call the wedding off and tell guests “it’s been postponed.” The idea to get money from her honestly just makes you sound worse than her.


!UpdateMe 4 months


!UpdateMe 3 Months


Your family raised you right !




just move on revenge is wrong


If it's an inheritance and before u were married u won't get any of it. Make sure u buy houses, cars, big ticket items so u get half of those!


Exactly the inheritance has to be used after we are married to buy assets. That's we've held out on buying a home until after we are married. We have been looking at houses recently. She wants to blow a huge amount on one. I'm not going to say no. I've also spoke to her about investing in rental property. Rental prices are at an all time high (although houses are too, but I didnt mention that). I'm not going to say her wealth but let's say she has 10m. If we use 2m of that after we get married I'd be entitled to a percentage of that.


You need legal advice on how to manage it. Does 3mths like you suggested enough to get that slice of the pie. Is their bad faith if discovery shows you knew about affair prior to marriage. And I wouldn’t be wasteful with the cash. You want to use it to maximize what is left and what you can get. It’s gotta super difficult period. Also if she sleeping around, make sure you wrap the dong up - don’t want a life long gift from the marriage. You also do not want a kid born by accident. As it would be a toxic as fuck situation


Sorry mate I mistyped 3 months. Just meant months. It will take a bit of time to buy assets post marriage. But time together becomes less important (although not completely unimportant). I don't want to waste years. Give me 20% of a few million and I'll be good. I'm a very safe boy haha don't worry.


Your friend in the U.S. needs to get out of a bad situation and you have to fly them over to stay for a bit, right? 😬😅


I'm pretty sure this happens a lot, just with the gender reversed


You’re not entitled to inheritances when you divorce🤦🏾‍♀️


Literally who said I was?


This man is my secret personal hero!


Haha SuperDivorcer


As someone who lost my dad a few years ago (he left part of his inheritance to me), that money is not just money. If he was financially supporting her while he was alive, that money is now an extension of him and his love/protection/support/whatever else money symbolizes. Not blaming her infidelity on a dead dad (I have no idea what the situation is)-she should be held accountable- but grieving a parent is a really complicated experience that has the potential to incapacitate a person in the first few years, and fundamentally change them for the rest of their years. As much as her cheating on you is horrible and painful (I am so sorry to hear that you’ve been betrayed in this cruel way), your plan also sounds cruel and unwise. 


It's definitely cruel. I agree.


Honestly... fair. Cheaters deserve the worst.


Happy cake day buddy. They do!


You are savage. That's why I like you. Talk her into building a property empire, or buying a bunch of businesses, then when she stops buying shit, divorce her. Don't tell her why until after the divorce. That would be proper savage.


That's the plan. It's why I've slowed down buying a home. I want it bought afterwards. We are looking at property investments too. I have a good track record around investments.


I bet you don't get anything but the wedding. Two wrongs don't make it right.


I'll bet you otherwise. Get yourself an adviser and you'll be surprised what can happen.


You are a fool, and not a good person. I expect that your plan will fail, thankfully.


Pretty sure inheritance is separate property, I doubt you’re going to get anything.


Not in England. Once probate is done and all inheritance is put into her name then its not separate if we then use those funds during our marriage


Will you update us down the line?


!UpdateMe 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months


Let's go!!¡!!!!!!!


!remindme 3 months


!UpdateMe 3 months

