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i think we need an older candidate obviously


We should dig up one of the dead ones and just prop his bones up at a podium.


Weekend at Bernies’s…. Oh… wait..


Uh, he's actually way more alive than both of them.


Yeah bernies still got a ton of fire in him lol. In all seriousness they should scrap the geezers and get someone younger in office. Id vote for newsom or buttigieg.


Gimme a Newsome/AOC ticket please.


To do what? Leave the county?


I just threw up in my mouth


I hope you brush your teeth. The acid can destroy your tooth enamel.


Would be better than both current ones combined


You never lied! Bernie is just as old as them and with 1000 % more of everything.


Would still make for a better president than trump


Albert Einsteins dead? We'll get him anyway.


Maybe Biden and trumps parents can run.


They both need to be put out to pasture so they can shake their fists at the clouds and yell random shit like the ancient boomers they are. For the love of Christ, can we get some term limits and age limits? No more than 30 years in elected office, and no older than 65. Period. Across the board. For all elected positions.


Biden not even a boomer he’s the generation before boomers 💀


Yeah, I guess technically they’re both the Silent generation. Biden by 3 years and Trump was born literally the first year of the boomer generation. 1946. So instead of Boomer, please instead use the term “old ass crypt-keeper”.




30 is way too long. 20, pension, and call it a day


I mean…. I agree. But in reality 30 is more achievable and feasible. Here’s my reasoning. They all get into politics with the hope of becoming president. 20 years is too short of a stint for that to be achievable. Some will be able to, but the attrition rate will be too high. Which will lead to greater corruption. 30 years. That’s 4 terms in the house, 2 terms in the senate, and 2 terms as president. Also, if you’re age cutoff is 65, but you can only do 20 years, you’re effectively telling anyone over 45 “this isn’t the career for you”. Which will skew the political pool towards career politicians who got elected just after college. Yuck.


Biden looks so sad and...tired. Trump...is still Trump


I cringed on so many levels. Embarrassment for him. Embarrassment for the US. Disgust that this Trump will likely be in office again.


i almost feel bad for the guy (biden). he’s a dirty politician like the rest of them, but he’s definitely older and has his own issues being used against him. he’s not a perfect president , and nor is he my favorite option, but he’s our only one. i can’t believe that somehow things have gotten worse politically than 2016. i cried on election day in my middle school- the whole school was crying. it was such a solemn day. now it’s even worse… people hating eachother (and not for anything unjust- i’ve never seen such vehemently angry, sexist, racist, fascist people in my life being so open about their disgusting beliefs in a first world , melting pot country) and they feel affirmed in their beliefs- i don’t even think they realize how disgusting their beliefs are- how they sit themselves in the pockets of a fucking politician that wants to fuxk his daughter and is a convicted felon, and turned against their fellow man


What happened to you during trumps term? It was the best 4 years ever, economy and inflation was great, borders are safe. I’m crying daily because of how terrifying it is to live in this country the past 4 years. America is not what it was before Biden.


This is so painful to watch...


Very and kinda embarrassing


Very embarrassing


Not gonna lie. The sole reason I could tolerate the watch was because it wasn’t a shouting match. Also Biden’s make up artist should have been fired


I think both need to be tossed out. We need much younger candidates, this looks like its taking place in a retirement home.


I was just talking about this after the debate. They need to make a cutoff age. Maybe 65? Late 70s and 80s is obviously too fucking old.


For real, I talked to my family about this too. They have a minimum age, why not a maximum age too?


If you are too old to fly a passenger jet, you should be too old to be elected president.


I mean isn't the country just like one big passenger jet? This stance checks out.


Needs to be for all of politics


No life appointments for SCOTUS either! That's fucking nuts..


It’s been thirty straight years of Boomer presidents.


We need a mandatory retirement from political offices at 65. Not because they’re too old to do the job, but because by 65, you no longer represent the current population and political tones. 35 is a respectable age to hold some of the highest offices in our country and that would still give great politicians the chance for a 30 year career. Politicians and their spouses and children should also be barred from investing and generating profit while they have a direct effect on policy, etc. with an entire bureau of the government just to monitor the financial transactions of politicians and their family/friends to keep everything on the level. These positions should offer a comfortable salary that allows them to focus on the work at hand, but not become millionaires.


I've always thought it would be great if people elected to public office had to rely 100% on the available benefits/social safety nets of their geographic area. Meaning they have to live in public housing, use food stamps, use the bottom of the barrel insurance, use whatever cash pittance they qualify for and take public transportation. If they feel like all of those things are inadequate or downright terrible, well, there's some god damn motivation to fix them!


agreed except public transportation, the country is too big outside of cities


That makes sense. I suppose having elected officials get fired because they can't get to work would be TOO real of a simulation 😂


National level politicians are spending a lot of time in cities though. They should have to use it when it's an available option.


I'd even be ok with some of them becoming millionaires if it was legitimate and done thru work and salary. But investments and even worse, donations from lobbyists, which is essentially bribes should be banned.


An orgy in a nursing home would have been better.


Just make sure you don’t turn on the Turbo Bass…


“I think we should get applesauce on Thursdays!” “I think we should be allowed to stay up past 8:30!”


I liked Biden 10, 15 years ago. But this man is a shadow of what he once was. Can some other people please have a shot at running for president?


They tried, but the DNC slapped their hands.


The DNC made this mess.bI feel so bad for Biden. The image of his face was haunting.


Maybe the way he is speaking but his results don’t lie.


This is a complete embarrassment to the USA


For sure. This is supposed to be the absolute best people the United States can come up with to run the country. A reflection of the state and standards of the country.


except it's not a representation of the best it's the ones picked by the crooked two party system. we need to return to a system where popular vote of the masses doesn't decide federal level representation. that would get more people focused on state and local level, that's where most of the things that actually effect your daily live happen. we need to water down the importance of the office of president to what it was originally, the boss of the executive branch. then it really does not matter who is president and we have more direct say in who represents us at a state level.


Biden came across like a braindead crypt keeper. It was almost embarrassing to watch and doesn't bode well for November...


For the past few months I've been taking a long break from politics, but it's hard to ignore this shit. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican but wtf. I swear we live in a fake democracy


We do. Every 4 years we get to choose between 2 candidates picked by billionaires who fund their campaigns and who own the media so they control whoever gets publicity.


Not even that. We just vote for electors, who actually vote for the President.


South Park has a lot of great social commentary, but one of my favorite episodes is their take on voting when the kids have to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Pretty spot on.


Yeah i liked that episode. One of the classics. This is kinda worse than that though. They're not just douche vs turd, they're intentionally put in that position because they're corrupt and willing to do favors for their wealthy friends at the expense of their voters/the average person.


Now add to all of that a dash of dementia and you've got yourself a presidential candidate! Smdh


One is a douche full of acid and the other is a turd sandwich covered in mold.


Oligarchy with extra steps. Not quite as nepotistic as some of the more extreme examples in the world, but it's a government run, indirectly, through lobbying and donations, for the rich, by the rich.


That’s every capitalist bourgeois “democracy” for you.


Biggest lie of the last fifty years is to make us all believe that capitalism and democracy are synonymous.


Amen to that. Capitalism is democracy… for the rich, for moneybags. Not for the people. I hope a lot more people start realizing that a lot quicker.


I'm honestly embarrassed for the great USA.


The state of American politics is 100% laughable to the rest of the world. All your candidates are fucking _ancient_. I really don’t get how politicians achieve celebrity status there either. Lunatics like trump should not be in charge of nuclear weapons man.


I am a registered democrat but I’m so angry at the democrats for not finding another presidential candidate. With what is at stake they should have spent every second of the last four years doing everything and anything to make sure trump doesn’t win again, even if that means giving Biden 1 term.


YES!!!! Thank you! I am so upset by their failures. They could have run a different candidate! I feel like they just didn’t even care


They should’ve done everything they could to make sure Trump didn’t RUN again. They had an opening in early 2021 to prosecute or at least make him ineligible somehow. The goal should have been to make sure he never got anywhere near the White House again. AG Garland failed the assignment and Biden let it happen.


100%. SO many cascading failures it’s freaking nauseating. They stuck to antiquated traditions and delusional thinking instead of actually using these four years to turn shit around. I don’t want to associate with either party anymore, seriously. I can’t eat anymore bullshit.


Someone suggests that Democrats should have picked a good candidate out of the 100 Million or so eligible adults. And your response is about Trump - that we should *"prosecute or at least make him ineligible somehow"*??? What a twisted perspective of the justice system **and** democracy.


I agree 100% People don't understand due process when it comes to someone they view as an enemy.


So you want him banned from running so people can't vote for him? If people want to vote for Trump, he shouldn't be banned from getting anywhere near the White House.


Bidens their puppet!!! They love him, he’ll do anything they say


they both are going insane but in different ways. we're fucked


I can't lie, I will never vote for trump.... but Biden is clearly unfit. This is bad.


I just take comfort that Biden has the people in place and the same people will be pulling the strings no matter which democrat is in office. It just feels like the most important thing is keeping trump out of office right now…and hoping that if he loses twice, the republicans will finally label him the loser he is and abandon him. Sadly, I think we’re going have to deal with Trump shit for YEARS though. After he’s out of the picture, his damned family will all take their shot at it.


100% agree with you. I worry this debate is gonna have such a poor affect on Biden votes that Trump is gonna win again, which is just going to be awful.


I just hate that with where I live, deep in maga country, my vote is absolutely worthless in this county. In the 2020 election Trump swept the whole county by a ridiculous amount. 62% of the votes for my county alone and the turnout was huge. In 2016, against Clinton, he had over 63% of the county. It’s rebel flags and red hats everywhere. They were never wearing masks, starting arguments with anyone that they thought even looked democrat, and spouting hateful shit on social media and anywhere people would listen. A bunch of them died of Covid though, so maybe things will be different this go around.


> I just hate that with where I live, deep in maga country, my vote is absolutely worthless in this county. Not like my vote in San Francisco matters either ha. I could vote for anyone, but it’s going blue. Just remember, the Presidential vote is probably the vote that least affects you (that may not be true this election if Project 2025 actually pans out). State and local races are much more important for your day-to-day life, so still fill out that ballot.


Project 2025 is a big fuckin problem tho. If they accomplish even half of the shit they want to, it's GG to American democracy—such as it is.


You should rewatch the debate it’s really not that bad


It really was. It was hard listening to Joe. Trump said a lot of nonsense, but said it loud and clear. Presentation is important for the general public and Biden faltered bad.


So right! If you want to give it a rewatch. [this is my tip .](https://www.youtube.com/live/AtDmT-FMKe8?si=UOYa-a5ZTyZHUOur)


Biden kept making the same facial expressions that my old senile pug made. It was amusing but also super sad. He looks tired and defeated.


How is this a confession? It's an evident fact.


I don't understand the point of this debate. People who will vote for trump will vote for trump and people who will vote for Biden will vote for Biden. This isn't going to change anybody's minds.


Lots of undecided that like neither candidate but wanted to see one shine tonight. Was really hoping Biden would do good and I could give him my vote but it was embarrassing.


The bits a saw trump didn’t answer a single question. He would just rant about things totally off the topic of the question he was asked.


I couldn’t watch. Biden is not mentally fit and hasn’t been for a while. Why did the democrats run him as our only candidate? WHYYY?!??! He is actually unfit to be president and Trump is a felon. Like wtf is going on in my country.


I genuinely feel bad for Biden… poor guy should be retired and spending his final years with his family


Yeah it's terrible. I turned it off. Because it is so awful. It is embarrassing.


I'm voting blue, and can also say neither one of these guys look good right now


This is the problem. No one should be voting for either of them. Washington warned us about this more than 2 centuries ago. We didn’t listen, it seems we haven’t learned. Both parties are corrupt and bought and paid for by the highest bidder. We need reform that starts with both parties being ousted from power. we need several more parties in play with none having a clear majority.


That's an impossible ask. You can't force people to split into smaller groups, and people will always group up when it gives their "side" a better chance of winning. The entire reason we do not have any significant representation from other parties is entirely because no one will vote for them because they can't win. If you got rid of everyone today and mandated that ten new parties be made, those parties would have made alliances and consolidated before the next election.


It works in several other countries, Germany, Italy and Canada to name a few. Having several would help break this polarization we have now. I would expect on certain issues for multiple parties to work together since you would have some overlapping ideologies. It is only impossible until we, the people collectively decide that it’s not and do something about it. When the 2 parties start losing in droves to independent candidates and minor parties it will force change. But that won’t happen as long as we all sit here saying I am voting blue/red no matter how bad the candidate sucks.


You’re voting not only for Biden, you’re voting for his team. You’re voting for the continuation of democracy, or the end of it. Trump has not said one truth, he’s lied about every single thing.


He admitted that putin fantasized about invading Ukraine.




How. How is she worse. You can’t just spout some garbage unsubstantiated claim and expect it to hold water. Explain your reasoning.




Saying that trump is the end of democracy is pretty ignorant. One man can't dismantle the entire government. Especially when half of the country hates him. Regardless, democracy is already dead. We'll never get a president that is good for the country. The only candidates we'll ever get to vote on are the ones big business decide we should vote on. Also, I don't like the idea that the president is the most important figure to vote on in the country. Yeah he has a lot of power as a single person, but congress and senate are also important seats of power and their elections matter quite a bit as well.


Biden’s too fucking old. The dark Biden moments were pretty fucking awesome. Talking about golf of all things after Biden told him he’d agree to play golf if he carried his own bag. Trumps entire debate was immigration and Biden bad. With nothing backing it up. If the debate was fact checked the debate would be an old guy talking about policy while the other guy says he’s bad. Holy shit. He ended it with. “You’re a whiner, something snapped in you last time you lost.”


One candidate is literally a convicted felon who attempted to overthrow the government.... Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote www.vote.org Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


I don’t know why anybody is surprised, Biden didn’t become this incoherent overnight. Plenty of people spoke out about it back in 2020 when he first ran and had a hard time forming a sentence even then. “Oh he just has a stutter” we were told or “well at least he’s on Trump”. It’s bizarre that tonight finally people are acknowledging what others have been saying the last four years.


No winner. Loser is the American people.




I'm still waiting to see if either one can answer what they are going to do about daycare costs. Apparently they'd rather argue then give us info so we can make an informed decision. The whole debate was just sad. Our government is just sad


Elder abuse. They should be ashamed


If I were Biden I would just be like “A convicted felon is trying to tell you how to deport people. A convicted felon is trying to tell you if you can get an abortion. A convicted felon is trying to planning to manage the entire country’s money…” etc- Hit him back HARD!


Yes!!!! 🙌


Don’t forget rapist. And liar.


He was never convicted of rape. He was found liable of sexual harassment basically. Rape requires a criminal conviction. The E Jean Carroll case was a civil suit.


He was tried in court and found liable and made to pay millions of dollars for raping her. Splitting hairs? About rape?


No I'm "splitting hairs" about the fact that there's a massive difference between a criminal case and criminal conviction versus a civil case and civil liability. The fact you don't understand the difference shows how little knowledge you have in the way our judicial system works.


Wether you’re convicted of rape by a criminal court or a civil court doesn’t change what you’ve done. It only determines your punishment. Why are you defending a rapist?


There’s just something hilarious about a leftist crying “it’s the law”. 


White collar crime costs tax payers far more than blue collar crime. But Republicans seem to laugh at white collar crime, as if it's not real crime. So which side is worse when it comes to following the law, really? It's not even a small difference. One estimate says blue collar street crime costs us about $16 billion annually while white collar crime costs us $300 billion: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/05/democrats-doj-white-collar-crime/#:~:text=The%20size%20and%20scope%20of%20corporate%20crime%20are%20massive%2C%20with,is%20a%20meager%20%2416%20billion.


Biden is in no sense of the word a leftist. Democrats in the USA are barely even centrists in terms of global politics.


Don't think he remembered trump was a felon until toward the end.


This. His cultists may not care that he’s a convicted felon, but most independent voters will. Keep reminding them who Trump is.


Brand new account to just do a political shitpost? Lol


Joe has not been ok for years, Michelle Obama is easy the dems best option rn in terms of getting votes.


Reports from credible, connected journalists have always said she hated being in the spotlight as First Lady. So she does not want the job. Among the best choices would be Gretchen Whitmer (Governor of Michigan), Jay Inslee (Governor of Washington), Josh Shapiro (Governor of Pennsylvania), Gavin Newsom (Governor of California), Tim Walz (Governor of Minnesota), and there are several others.


Please not Jay Inslee. He would destroy the US..look at Seattle, have we not learned anything?


Washington is a hugely prosperous state -- on some measures the best-run state in the nation -- and Seattle is the most important economic factor in that. Whatever problems you see with Seattle, doesn't mean those problems are so bad that he would be a bad candidate. Every potential candidate comes from a place with some problems. You're more aware of his problems because you're probably from Washington. But you are lacking the perspective to see if he would be a good national candidate. You are imagining some better, perfect candidate who doesn't exist.


She doesn't want the job and won't run.


Is it considered elder abuse when the abuser is also an elderly person?


I don’t know if this is a serious question but my dad was 59 and my mom was a few years older. I will spare you the details (she was not a good person) anyway she was charged with elder abuse.


I'm praying somehow both pass of natural causes before the election at this point


Yeah, that wasn't a good look for Biden. My girlfriend HATES Trump. Absolutely loathes him. After watching the debates tonight she's opted to sit this election out.


Please tell her about Project 2025. If she needs a reason to vote for Biden, that's the reason. It's 900 plus pages, but there are gobs of videos on YouTube talking and how bad it will be if the next president is a republican.


Trump is using fear-filled rhetoric and spewing one lie after another. And I have friends who are gleefully eating his crock pot filled with shit. It's sickening.


# I can't believe this is all America has to offer as a choice of leaders


In CZE we had this sort of cyrhosis necrosis ridden guy for president that spent Last year of his 2nd term on wheelchair And in hospital being mostly unfit but ressisted deposing. Thank fk He is gone. Now we have younger ex general excommie friend As president. I dont agree with some of his views, but He can represent. I dont envy Americans the choice they have now. Its like the Simpsons Episode where candidates are replaced by Kang And Kodos. Or better, South Parks episodes with Douche And Turd Sandwich vote are more And more spot on.


One really has to wonder at the state of the Anglosphere. I quite agree that the ‘debate’ revealed how embarrassing and shameful a charade the uniparty is trying to pretend is some kind of real choice - in the US but we have the same problem in the UK. For someone like me who has pined for a revolution I believe is decades overdue, it’s so revealing: the system itself is so stagnant, so sclerotic and anti-life, that THESE are the choices it thinks we deserve - at a time when we need decisive and lucid leadership MORE THAN EVER. So excuse me if I stay in perma-turbo-doomer mode because apparently we want things to get even worse than this before we actually rise up and unite.


The thing that really pisses me off about it is that its not like no one in the DNC or the media didn't know that Biden was not all there. Its not like last night was a shock for them. Instead of taking the time to field another candidate during the primary season they let Biden keep going and now they're stuck with him. I can't help but wonder if the entire point of the debate was to make it irrefutable that Biden is not able to do the job. The fact that I saw multiple talking heads on multiple networks all saying that they had talked to Democrat insiders and the insiders were all freaking out points this being intentional. The narrative is too consistent. I think they did this so they can kick Biden out with the 25th amendment, however then we're stuck with Harris and she's even more unpopular than Biden is.


A few things: 1: Not saying that either candidate is a great option, however, Biden has Kamala Harris, so if he were to decide to retire if re-elected she’d take over. 2: historically, presidential incumbents have not done well with their first debate during a re-election. I definitely recall Obama flubbing his first debate during the 2012 election campaign but recouping himself afterwards and went on to win his second term 3: Y’ALL ARE FORGETTING 2016. So many people are echoing complaints about the democratic candidate like they did in 2016 and we all know how that turned out. 4: Do not forget, writing in a 3rd party candidate etc is just like voting for trump, and unless you really want to be sent back to the 1600’s or worse, just think about how much worse it can get under another Trump term. 5: The economy is the way it is because of the shitty tax cuts and laws Trump and the Republicans enacted when Trump took office in 2017, to fully turn the economy around, it would take another Biden term along with democrats taking over both house and senate. People, yes we can panic and bemoan the situation in front of us (lord knows I did) but do not forget the plot, don’t forget the 2016 Election, and lastly, don’t forget how much it cost to move to another country


Trump has been lying nonstop so far and it’s only 30 mins in. So far it’s migration is bad, and Biden is bad. This shit is terrible. Oh god Biden just called Trump out on his shit and now Trump is rolling in it.


Anyone else would be able to walk over trump in this debate, that's the most painful thing.


I'm not even American and was so embarrassed for Biden. And Harris trying to convince everyone he did a good job.... Admit he should run and find another option ...


Biden is old. Trump is old and evil. It is a binary choice




Do you honestly think that Trump wouldn’t have? We’re talking about a man who instated a Muslim travel ban during his term.


funding a genocide too and the other guy wants to genocide even harder. Both of them suck


Trump is such an embarrassment but then you look at our ‘best’ option and it’s startling as well.


At least Biden is welcome all over the world whereas Trump is only welcome in one country America lol


Of course Biden is welcome in every country. Quid pro quo for his own open border policy. It’s the least Venezuela could do for Joe.


Putin is going to send you to the front lines because you’re doing such a bad job.


 Biden is a joke all over the war.


Yeah but Trump is a total arse hole all over the world


Found your bias.


Russian bot?






trump just straight up lies and didn’t answer any question


Trump IS fun to watch in debates. He is, however, not that effective and enacting and passing strong policy or legislation. Joe isn't great, Trump is entertaining but ineffective, vote to end the fed lol


The whole point is picking the person that will *preside* over the body that *governs,* not who's entertaining.


They are both so awful, how embarrassing that these are the parties choices.


The thing that angers me the most is that Joe couldn’t be satisfied with being a one term president and step aside for the next generation. Both of these men are too old to run an ice cream stand, but here they are running for president. I am sure there are some aids in Joe’s administration that hyped him up as being the only one that could beat Trump, but he should have retired after this term. He could then spent this time as a lame duck and just pushed through his agenda that could be pushed with executive orders and allies in congress.


Both of them kinda looked jaded and tired.


the one who should be in jail vs. the one who should be in a nursing home


I'll never vote for Trump. I wish we had another option.


Biden was bout as sharp as a marble, and worried he’ll lose the rest of them soon.


There was better ways of withdrawing from afghanistan, like getting all the volunteers and aid people out first. Getting the military equipment out so that it wouldnt just go to the taliban. Getting more assistance for the green card holders in afghanistan out. But instead it was just a mad rush. Trump wasnt even told how many troops were in afghanistan so what could he have done? In fact the generals that lied to Trump, under constitutional law, should have been charged for lying to the president about something so important. Biden is increasing the following tariffs for chinese goods; Steel and aluminium is going up from 0 to 7.5% up to 25% in 2024 semiconductors are increasing from 25% to 50% by 2025 Electric vehicles will increase from 25% to 100% in 2024 on top of another 2.5% tariff Batteries and battery components are increasing from 7.5% to 25% in 2024 Tariffs for critical minerals will be increasing from 0% to 25% in 2024 Natural graphite and permanent magnets tarriff will increase from 0% to 25% in 2024 Solar cells tariff will increase from 25% to 50% in 2024 Ship-to-Shore cranes - new tariff of 25% will be added in 2024 medical products - new tariff of 50% will be imposed in 2024 PPE - tariff will be increased from 7.5% to 25% in 2024 Trumps tariffs were an average 8%. Biden has at least tripled the tariffs.


>it's like watching Trump debate Except it isn't, because he's just saying completely random shit. He doesn't even attempt to address the topic more than 90% of the time. That's not debate. It's like watching Trump *rant* using a lot of obvious falsehoods while a caricature of Biden is also there (poorly) attempting to respond to the topic questions.


I'm not a Democrat or Republican, but I think Biden should have stepped aside and met Gavin Newsom rip Trump to shreds. We're on the verge of getting screwed as a country again, a la Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Old people trying to hold on to power screwing us all over.


Only people stupider than Trump are his supporters.


What’s worse is they showed Biden at his after party and he was all energy and humor. Where was this energy an hour ago?


On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. H.L. Mencken


Neither are good


This debate should not have been a better love story than Twilight ☹️


I kept thinking Biden looked surprised like he was hearing how screwed up the world is for the first time.


The Democrats are so stupid for allowing him to run again. They are pretty much handing the Presidency to Trump again.


The Medicare gaff broke my heart. Not because it was him, it was because I saw an old man who should be retired, sitting on his porch hugging his great-grandkids. Also not sure Trump won anything seeing he was debating a vegetable...


If Biden wins he will be 90 or 91 at the end of his term, CRAZY. There needs to be a "young" candidate like 50 or 60 (which isn't even young enough imo but its probably the lowest possible).


Two clowns 🤡. Youse all better get your shit together. Fucking embarrassing. Bye Bye American Pie.


It was essentially both of them repeating the same shit over and over again. Pointless watch and a waste of my time. They remind me of children


I like how these bots virtue-signal as if we're supposed to take them seriously. This is like the 10th post I've seen similar to this.


It's just you friendly neighborhood KGB agent, what are you talking about?


The weird thing to me is after the debate Biden sounded fine.


Michelle Obama should run. Fuck it. Barack would be a badass First Gentleman. I miss the Obama family in the White House.


In the words of Tim and Eric, I hate these old men!


These two old men don’t know anything bout the current period cause both men are old as heck ! We are doomed


As a non-American, I would rather have the US run by an old slow man who tells the truth and listens to his advisors, than an almst as old man who lies, fires advisors if they disagree and actually boasts of having to be tested for dementia. We live in interesting times.


Biden starting to hit hard, nice.


We watching the same thing? He’s hitting like I do in my dreams.


“I’ll play you if you carry your own golf bag!” Biden getting tough, hitting back hard


A vote for Biden at this point is a vote for Harris, which is better in my opinion


Anyone but trump.


After watching this, anyone who voted for Biden should be arrested for elder abuse.


And yet he's still better than Trump. If Biden is so bad, why do Republicans have such a hard time picking someone who's competent? And if Trump did such a good job, why does he have to lie about everything he says? Shouldn't he be able to tell the truth about his record if he did such a great job?


Trump 2024! I'll take affordable gas, food, and my tax $ back in my pocket over WW3, quid pro qo/treason, and rationing food because of inflation.


Lordy, please don't let Trump get in.


I didn’t watch. I hope it has historically low ratings


Just *once* I would like to hear someone come back to Trump's "I know it, *you* know it" thing with "don't you dare tell me what I think or what I know". No one ever says anything to this tricky and sort of powerful move Trump does.