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Eh don't worry, when I was a kid, I said I wouldn't do hard drugs. As an adult I redrew that line to no meth and heroin. All the other drugs turned out to be a lot of fun in moderation.


Just say MAYBE to drugs.




Quite possibly




Just say YES to some drugs


Say šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø to drugs


Ainā€™t that the truth


Right, just because a governing body labels an item as a "drug" does not automatically make it some horrible substance and a plague on humanity. All medicine are drugs, and street drugs such as MDMA and blow are fun when used in moderation and responsibly.


yea but itā€™s like insanely hard for the average dim witted human to do blow recreationally without developing some sort of problemā€¦


Thatā€™s not true. Iā€™ve been skiing but I donā€™t go every winter.


Same boat, and OP inspired the same line of thought from me


See kids don't buy drugs ! Become famous and they just give them to you


So real


Just DARE to try some things, not all of them.


Pillsac testicle! Havent heard from you in forever!


It doesn't surprise me when you say you're not good with women based on how you talk about them. Who describes sex as "ass" and "pussy". Maybe a little more respect will attract women to you. Just a thought.


Yeah but Iā€™m good with them now though and buying ass is buying assĀ 


Just because they aren't turning you away in abject disgust does not mean you aren't repulsing them on an internal level


lol bro I have a girl right now and she loves me


Does she know how you speak about other women, that you go to sex workers and strip clubs and all that?


I don't go to sex workers. that happened when I was 23 did you not read.


I can say a lot of things and that doesn't make them true so....


You literally just said you're going to be scared you're going to fuck a sex worker lol.


It's telling that you believe her.


Youā€™re having sex with people who donā€™t want to have sex with you so much that they need money to do it.


Good luck with that.


I can see why you remained a virgin, and inexperienced for so long. Your confidence is arrogance, the way you speak now, shows what type of person you are now, regardless of who you were in the past. You still come across as a pompous ass. But hey, just calling it as I see it, same as you apparently.


Would you prefer he say he paid to fuc* a wh*re? I mean that is about as literal as it gets.


"I paid to have sex with a woman" would be acceptable.


Ok...just being honest. It's not like it's offensive. It's the literal word for prostitutes. Don't blame me, blame Webster.


He didnā€™t say she was a bad thing he called her a whore. A whore is a woman who charges people money to have sex. Iā€™m confused on the problem here.


I don't like your language tbh


Thou hast never entertained the thought of procuring ass?


Proceeding henceforth in pursuit of positively ā€˜poppin postier!


See that's the thing. Men want to make it normal to hire a prostitute but when you call it like it is, it's a problem.


It's not about hiring a sex worker, it's about you dehumanizing them and calling them pussy and ass


They have already dehumanised themselves by putting themselves in that position. Men see them as pieces of meat, nothing more. I'm sorry


The only dehumanising of sex workers is done by males like you. You paid for sex, can't fit that fact into your self-image, so you belittle them and their profession because _you_ may feel like shit, but "at least I'm not the piece of meat selling it." Go ahead, show your post and comments to your girlfriend, and report back to us on how that goes.


ā€œMen see them as pieces of meat..ā€ girl !! Youā€™re pushing for them to keep doing this when you refer to women as nothing more than ass or pussy, you call it ā€œdisgustingā€ or ā€œdegenerativeā€ yet have taken part in it and seem to still like it, you went to the club and you literally said you enjoyed it and obviously are thinking about paying for it. You push the narrative, youā€™re apart of it, and when people call you out for it you divert blame from yourself. Respect women and sex workers


Maybe if men like you stopped paying for sex, they wouldn't be doing that. It's still mostly on men. And dehumanizing anyone is just shitty.


Women pay for sex too? Maybe if they didn't, male gigolo wouldn't exist. I agree dehumanizing is shitty. Yet you are doing it.


Definitely if no one paid for sex there would be no need for sex work. Although I found nothing wrong with it as long as the people do this job out of their own will


That goes without saying. Have you given that same energy when women say they need some dick?


you sound 13. this convo isn't for you


XD Said dude who pays for sex while claiming he doesn't condone this line of work xD


Lol this is why you're single, loverboy


You donā€™t ā€œbuy pussyā€ that is slang. You pay a woman to perform sexual acts with you. The choice of words expresses respect or disrespect. Normalization of sex work goes hand in hand with respecting the person who does the job. They need a positive work environment and safety. Also you just rent the pussy.


>Also you just rent the pussy. He hired a hoo-ha


Bro. Prostitution is degeneracy sorry to break it to you. Nothing respectful about it


Men like you fuel it. The degeneracy comes not from the women themselves, but by the objects they are reduced to by the men that abuse them.


Then why do you take part?


I did it once and it's because I wasn't getting laid at the time. Afterwards I knew prostitution is bad because I felt disgusted.


Well you have a disgusting personality from the sounds of it so it's good you at least feel disgusted with yourself


I really hate when people do this.. yes the guy is using unsavory language about prostitution but you make a big jump here to be pretty sharply insulting. He seems to be here expressing inner conflict which is a step towards self improvement. He expressed also that paying for sex (which is indeed a much better way to put it than ā€œbuying pussyā€) doesnā€™t feel good to him, which seems like a very human thing. Youā€™re eager to call this guy disgusting. Do you do ever disgusting things? Or are you better than everyone else? Iā€™m so sick of people being hateful. You do nothing to better the world by calling someone disgusting. You actually make it worse.


You donā€™t have to be perfect to call out terrible behavior. I can confidently chide misogyny and gross objectification of women. No one accidentally treats women like a bag of meat for conquest. That speaks to how they view other people.


Fax. People see a tiny glimpse into someones life on a reddit CONFESSIONS subreddit and decide to make assumptions about the entire way that person lives their life.


Pot calling the kettle black


I give you credit, I found one thing I agree with: you are disgusting. Ironically doesnā€™t have anything to do with paying sex workers though.


Even Jesus respected prostitutes, dawg.


Not really. It's the oldest profession, and if you don't think you engage in a form of prostitution you're joking yourself. You sell your time and body just in a different way. You didn't have their life or life choices.. just shows that deep down, you hold resentment for women and consider them lesser for it. You should do a little introspection, my friend.


Oldest profession? more like the oldest form of exploitation. my brother its actually sad women have to resort to selling their bodies


How are you saying itā€™s sad if you bought it?


Because when I bought I was bad with women and couldn't get laid enough. Now that I'm getting laid I realised that buying ass is stupid and has a negative effect on women


Also, saying ā€œbuying assā€ negatively affects women. Just a tip for any future convos you have regarding this.


people buy cars. people buy houses. people buy food.......people buy ass/pussy because it's for sale


Bro, you realize you are the one exploiting these women right now, do you not?


I bought ass one time and don't want to do it again. Hence my disgust.


Keep going. There's so much more about you to be disgusted with.


I don't even know if you pro prostitutes or what. You just wanna hate


They need a market, first, OP. It you.


And that's the sad part. I don't want to be a participant in that market


And yet you are


Not anymore...damn little lady let me breath


Also, labor for survival is exploitation whether you're selling your body or your time flipping burgers. If you need money to eat you're being exploited.


It is. No one's questioning that. But also what's sad is your use of the term "buying pussy".. you're helping create a stereotype and pushing it by using terminology like that. It exists, it's not going away, don't make it worse than it is.




Do you like my frasing or the suggestion to respect hookers? I live in Germany. Prostitution is legal here. I approve that, even though i donā€™t solicit their services. Its a tough job.


Yeah I hear they have to deal with a lot of dick heads in that line of work


That frasing was quite something, dude. I have no opinion on the legality of it or otherwise, respect could be given either way. But I also don't think we should shy away from what it actually is.... Which is prostitution. Renting pussy was kinda funny though.


ā€œOh no, people get mad when I dehumanize the women I pay to fuck me!ā€


Where is this place . Just need to know for ...... Science


Yes so I canā€¦ avoid it and know to never go near


"I did it one time when I was 23" yeah when your brain was fully developed, probably had a job, and an adult in every right yet you decided to pay for a prostitute, totally a fluke. you are already on the slippery slope. you didn't hear about the place and think it was a bar/pub, you instinctively knew something was different and were curious. just like you were at 23, just as you are now. you're in denial, I don't see this as a confession. if anything, you just want validation to feel justified that others are also hypocritical as you are. never seen someone look down on people selling sex while paying for it at the same time without hating themselves


What!!!?? That's absurd that a place like this exists!! Where is it located and the name please. I have to make sure I avoid this cyst pool at all cost!


Ew dude why do you keep saying buy pussy. Phrase it better


...rent pussy?




Puber Eats




Rent a lady of the night, mayhaps


That leaves too much ambiguity for the purpose of accounting though. Like if you get fuel for your car, your expenses reflect a fuel purchase. To rent a lady of the night, your expenses won't reflect accurately without investigation. For all we know you could rent her to play Uno, which is ironic really because usually you'd do that because you don't wanna play Uno.


But that's what it is though. Let's call a spade a spade. A prostitute would directly tell you that she sells her pussy.


You can say pay for sex. ā€œBuy pussyā€ is extremely derogatory.


For a guy whose name is "nodadstop" you suddenly have a problem with "buying pussy"? come on bro


Dude Iā€™m just giving you my two cents. That phrasing is certainly more derogatory than saying pay for sex. Good luck with your future nofap and prostitution quests.


Bro youā€™re getting downvoted but I agree with you. OP even calls it disgusting then describes it in the most disgusting way. Def a reason this guy has to resort to prostitutes.


Yeah Iā€™m out here getting roasted for some reason lol but it is what it is. The way OP is referencing to everything is nasty and he just doesnā€™t understand why itā€™s not great


Yeah a lot of red flags in his word choice. Gross all around.


If you read the second paragraph I state that I get women now no hassle. Problem is that there's the temptation to buy ass as well


Sure you do... (Press x to doubt)


youā€™ve given him about 20 cents already and every one of them was covered in shit bro just move on lmao


I don't think I've heard the phrase "whore house" since 1875. But here we are, I guess.


Just be careful dawg. Itā€™s an easy place to get sucked in and spend lots of money, especially if youā€™ve been drinking, are lonely, and/or if you come across a really charismatic, sociable girl. I speak from experience. First time I went I went with a couple buddies and didnā€™t spend any money myself. But from then on, at the end of nights where I was drinking and out at the bars, if I was feeling particular emotional/lonely (which drinking amplifies for me), Iā€™d walk over and spend some time at the strip club to not only avoid going home, but for some companionship. Iā€™m embarrassed to say how much money Iā€™ve spent at strip clubs. Itā€™s easy to get hooked. Iā€™ve since cut it off and realized that ā€œin moderationā€ for me isnā€™t a reasonable thing. Itā€™s gotta be cut off completely for me. Not everyone will be as susceptible as I am. Iā€™m just giving you a warning just in case, as itā€™s real easy to fall down that rabbit hole and develop a problem.


Don't be scared- "whores" have their jobs for a reason. And don't trust the hetero-patriarchy bullshit that says those women are bad. As a super introverted fem person, talking to strippers socialized me and encouraged my confidence and my own ability to understand and use my sexuality to my own advantage. I love sex workers and think there are a lot of men who need what they offer- it can be healing and empowering for you instead of shameful!!! Love me a good whore, I'm telling y'all...


Hong Kong


Give us the location so we can avoid it.


Always say yes to drugs because drugs are expensive!


Where is this place?


Just want to see how far the hypocrisy hole goes? Let me ask how one is supposed to procure sex. If they are not only virgins but also not good speaking to women? It's kinda hard to do. I'd have a better chance of finding Jimmy Hoffa. I'll ask again: Would it be less dehumanizing if he said I paid to have sex with a wh*re? I mean, it's the literal definition. It's also dehumanizing to shame others. Could OP use better terms? Yes. That doesn't make you any better by making a judgement. I'm not attacking or putting you down. Just saying if you want someone else to do better. Lead by example.


Thereā€™s a bar just down the road from me that also happens to be a strip club. Itā€™s actually a pretty cool place, kind of like a roadhouse sort of vibe. Actually made friends with one of the girls there before ever visiting her, just talking about music and other random stuff. Cheap drinks too, and one of the only bars around that open late most nights near me. Itā€™s not a whore house though.


Nah bro dont pay for it. Put that money into yourself. Confidence shines to women and is good for your own well being too. If you are confident in yourself it's really hard to go out and not get women, trust me.


Yeah but Iā€™m at the stage where Iā€™m getting women now. Itā€™s just the temptation to buy as wellĀ 


Good man! Stay away from that though. The money you spend doing that, go get a cute girl a drink at a bar or something instead. Bad route to go down paying for it


You right thanks man


I'm done responding and explaining myself. Prostitution=bad. I did it once and will never do it again. Stay blessed


This is my advice to men who reach there's 20s still a virgin; 1. Don't CONCENTRATE on getting laid, concentrate on upgrading your life. At the same time take opportunities to get laid and increase confidence in women 2. Don't be afraid to lose your virginity to a prostitute because usually what happens is women you lose your virginity you latch on to whoever takes it. I'd you lose it to a prostitute it's nothing personal, and you get more experience with women, so that when you have sex for real, you won't be totally ignorant. Get a prostitute and tell her to be real. Tell her to let you know what feels good and what doesn't. Let her give you a run down on the female anatomy. I'd recommend doing this 3 or 3 time just to get accustomed to talking and having sex with women. I'd also recommend building a kind of "friendship" with this prostitute so it doesn't feel fake or likes he just acting. You wanting to be amore genuine connection, just without the relationship. I've never done this, but I wish I did, because I ficking glued myself to the first girlfriend who took my virginity and it was just a fucking DUMPSTER FIRE. Don't be simp. Get experience first. Most importantly work on yourself. Women come and go, but you're married to yourself for life - cory smith. Don't feel bad OP you did what you had to do. You've gotta long life ahead of you ans hopefully a good career. You'll sleep with lats more women and hopefully find a good one along the way. šŸ‘


Bro I believe in Jesus I need a wife. Thanks thoughĀ 


Don't get married ar least until 30


You believe in the sky genies and fairy tales. Grow up


Your point is: you don't want to be like 95% of all other men?


95% of men directly pay for sex? That seems a bit too high. Besides I grew up Christian.


Christ is calling you to repentance. You donā€™t need to degrade yourself (or those women) by paying for sex. You can be free from it all. He loves you, and so do I. Iā€™m praying for you, my friend. Donā€™t give up.


You pray for him and I'm cursing him net zero


iā€™ll do you one better and curse both of em


Hell is realĀ 


Tell me if you see any hot succubi on the way through purgatory my guy


Relax bro


You right brother thanksĀ 


Love you dude.