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So drink mercury, then hang upside down for a few hours and then reorient and everything should pass through as expected?


But you gotta time it just right or it goes right through your brain o_O


I think he'll be fine in that case


Lemme test rq


It's been an hour, so we can safely assume that they have died.



Bro beat the almighty mercury


its been 2 months, any long lasting side effects?




you can respond so it cant be that bad




Found myself blinking one eye at a time after watching this.




Sounds like a symptom of mercury poisoning.


Mercury is not a poison, because it starts with a letter "M" and not "P" for poison, right??


Hes advocating for population control Doing the lord's work


It actually starts with an H


Yes, it's a moison not a poison.


This is not some random guy he has literally millions of followers actual followers not online followers.


Not for long........."Mercury shots for the house!"


But who will carry the trays of shots? It's too heavy.


Tom Brady & Gisele are few of the prominent ones among his millions of devout followers


Herbert Lom


Old, classic reference.


O good there's others out here who's brains feel pain from things like this <3


“Partial knowledge is more triumphant than complete knowledge; it takes things to be simpler than they are, and so makes its theory more popular and convincing.” — Friedrich Nietzsche


That’s all of social media these days. The search for true knowledge ends at oversimplifying things so everyone listens to your analogies and metaphors that have nothing to do with the subject matter itself. But make it entertaining and digestible at the same time. TikTok wisdom


What text is this from?


human all too human


Friedrich Nietzsche


This man has never heard of Selenium.


For testing his website?




Unfortunately, no :/


Isn't that the active ingredient in head & shoulders shampoo? I learned that in a documentary called Evolution.


The science in that documentary was impeccable. Made me the smrt man i are today


As a science teacher, I try to sneak in a showing of that movie each year at the end of the year after final exams are over. It could get me in trouble, but IDGAF after 20 years.


Is the name of that documentary just called Evolution? I googled that and found several things lol. I’d love to see it!


I think they mean the action/comedy movie Evolution, where the main symbol on the movie case is a smiley emoji with 3 eyes. I could be wrong, but its a damn good movie tho


Wayne. I think we've established that 'kaka kaka' and 'tookie tookie' don't work.


*"You are so beautiful, to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEE!"*




Shoo fly!


Elemental mercury can be handled just fine. Even ingested it'll likely be fine. The troublemaker is organomercury. If someone could show themselves eating dimethyl mercury and survive I would convert to whatever religion they were selling


If you breathe in too much vapor while trying to ingest it you might die. Otherwise you should be fine


So my friend gave her grown son a bunch of stuff that used to belong to her grandfather (the son's great grandfather) who was a dentist in his day, which was back in the 1950s. Back then they used mercury for fillings, so the goods that the son inherited included a bunch of something that looked like ordinary solder. The son began to tinker with it, and did some soldering with it while sitting at the kitchen table with his pregnant wife sitting in the living room nearby. She hollered at him to 'take that god-awful smoky crap outside' but it was winter and cold outside, so he just opened a few windows for ventilation and continued on. When she suddenly felt ill, they rushed to the hospital where she mentioned that she got sick right after inhaling all that weird-smelling smoke while her husband was soldering. Well, turns out he was soldering in the kitchen with mercury and they were all inhaling mercury fumes. Because she was near full term, she had an emergency C-section in order to prevent the baby from getting contaminated. The husband tested so high for mercury poisoning that even after a full course of chelation, he's still under regular observation as a case study because doctors rarely see humans with that high of a mercury count and they want to follow him for the rest of his life "to see what happens." Don't mess around with mercury, man.


There are some plants around the country that burn sewage sludge so the ash takes up less room in landfills. They have to have mercury cleaning equipment on their exhaust gases. Over time the amount of mercury they deal with goes down. My dentist friend thinks that it is from dentists replacing amalgam fillings and disposing them down the drain into the sewage plant. I think a small amount is leached from people who have amalgam fillings and it is pooped out to the sewage plant. Since they no longer use amalgam fillings, eventually all the people with these fillings will die and they won't need to the mercury cleaning equipment on the sewage sludge burners.


I imagine a good portion of it is from Bio-acumulation from eating contaminated foods. Fish seems to be a big one from what I have heard. One person may not ha e a dangerous level of mercury in their system. But 1000 or 10,000 people put together might.


>But 1000 or 10,000 people put together might. This is sludge from city wide plants so it is millions of gallons/day of raw sewage processed down to the sludge. So hundreds of thousands population. 7,000 gallon trucks are constantly going in there to dump the sludge. But yeah when I was working with them, they were not sure the exact source of he mercury.


You need to use paragraphs, my dude. Trying to read this is painful af.


There you go


So much better, cheers mate!


good ending


ok the stipulation is it must be a very cold room you ingest it. I recommend just above - 38.83 C


My mobile client put in a line break between your "—" and your "38.83C", and I briefly thought your instructions on how to safely ingest mercury were insane.


I'm the least insane person that eats mercury you'll ever meet!!


Mercury accumulates, it’s why you shouldn’t eat tuna constantly


You mean methylmercury which is bioaccumulative and produced from elemental mercury by microorganisms.


thank you for saying this


thank you for thanking them. it means a lot to them.


Man I'm glad I stumbled on this thread. For real, great TIL


> it’s why you shouldn’t eat tuna constantly I’m now trying to picture someone eating **anything** constantly.


Yeah, it's ridiculous that nowadays people think breaking a mercury thermometer calls for a full hazmat response. I cleaned up a small mercury spill [once;](http://www.dansdata.com/danletters160.htm#2) that's annoying, but not dangerous. Which is not to say that mercury vapor, which the liquid metal *constantly* emits, is *harmless*; you don't want chronic exposure to it. But as toxic heavy metals go, cadmium is much scarier than metallic mercury. (The constant vapor emission means that if you've cleaned up *most* of a mercury spill, but there are still minuscule twinkly dots of the stuff here and there, you can just open all the windows, leave, and let it evaporate. Won't take long.) (Oh, and people did actually historically eat, or drink I guess I should say, mercury. It was used as a treatment for syphilis. Opinions differ on whether it kind of worked, at least a little bit, or did more harm than good.)


Totally untrue!! Elemental mercury, vapor and skin exposure is dangerous. Ask hatters and old time dentists. Like me. To say one form is MORE dangerous is justified, but doesn't make the other 2 forms NOT dangerous.


I think it’s a classic case of an occupational exposure vs an occasional one. If you work with elemental mercury for every day of your life, your exposure is massive. If you held some in your hand one time when your thermometer broke, you’re basically fine. Your dose was almost nothing.


Definitely true. Frequency, time of exposure, always factors. International standards of risk rates mercury more dangerous than lead. Just for perspective.


Yeah and the type of exposure is important too. Holding both lead or mercury in your hand is actually pretty benign, as we don’t suck up metal through our skin, it’s one of the main functions of the skin. Otherwise I could get an iron supplement from my wristwatch!


Surprised to find this down here. Crazy how Reddit works. Il guessing people imagine the YouTube video of people handling mercury and think it's all safe and overblown. Gold miners, dentists and whatnot, please rise up. 😓


Not totally untrue at all. Like anything, there is a caveat. Yes the vapor is toxic but the dermal absorption is very poor. Hatters heated inorganic mercury which decomposed into mercury vapor as they worked in (im guessing) a very poorly ventilated room. Water can be handled and drank but inhaling it will kill you faster than mercury vapor so is water more dangerous than mercury? No, so the argument is about precautions and understanding.


Work with it as much as I have and your lack of respect for the material will cost you.


When you work with Mercury a lot you have to be more careful as it accumulates over time. Playing with it or cleaning it up a few times in a ventilated area will be safe


If you think I don't respect the chemistry of mercury then you should get your poopie eyes checked Mr poopie butt. My intention was to point out a misconception with mercury which is that it can be handled safely in certain situations. I even used water as an example of how something that is safe in a certain context can be simultaneously dangerous in another. You have fear not respect.


Dude, you are dangerous and too ignorant of the world to not recognize it. Edit: that is Doctor Poopie Butt to you.


This is the kind of response I expect from someone with a PhD in silliness


>Water can be handled and drank but inhaling it will kill you faster than mercury vapor You mean drowning right? Like inhaling liquid water?


I was going to give you shit about "asking hatters", then I realized I actually have a hatter in my family.


I've seen this circulating lately but its not necessarily the case. Water soluble mercury is much *worse* and accutely toxic, but plain old inorganic mercury still is toxic and should be avoided/handled with proper ppe.


Why the cinnamon toast fuck would you post something so obviously wrong? Directly from the safety data sheet for elemental mercury: Skin: May be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. May cause skin sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becomes evident upon re-exposure to this material. Causes skin irritation and possible burns. May cause skin rash (in milder cases), and cold and clammy skin with cyanosis or pale color. Ingestion: May cause severe and permanent damage to the digestive tract. May cause perforation of the digestive tract. May cause effects similar to those for inhalation exposure. May cause systemic effects.


SDS are written by lawyers and have good intensions but are not always accurate. The word "*may"* is used a lot in the language of the SDS you are quoting. It may be absorbed in harmful amounts, sure, of course. And dermal contact daily would obviously be a problem and im sure you'll have worse problems if you drink a gallon of elemental mercury too, of course. The SDS for DI water has 0's for the NFPA ratings but also says to rinse your eyes with water if you get the DI water in them. Similar for accidental skin contact or swallowing. So its sometimes about covering bases for SDS's than being completely accurate. For mercury though, this was the point I was making. There are plenty of articles that discuss how elemental mercury has poor bioavailability and dermal absorption. Again, im not advocating its not an occupational hazard or needs care when handling. It is not something for people to just start playing with, that is not my argument, but rather understand that it needs respect and not outright *cinnamon toast* fucking fear and misinformation.


...he is actually correct. You are not going to absorb appreciable amounts of elemental mercury only if its vapor. (Yes, if you work decades with it you will be fucked, but we are obviously not talking about that). ​ Idiot ingesting it once is very much survivable. Eating it for dinner every day isnt. ​ And regardless the real issue with mercury is organic mercury compounds - those are what REALLY fuck up your day in minuscule amounts, and which will be absorbed easily through any surface.




Fun fact: ingesting liquid mercury used to be prescribed for relieving constipation. Nothing gets in its way.


As in, a big gulp of elemental mercury? I read on wikipedia calomel was used, aka mercury chloride. The stuff was used as a purgative. Over dosage leads to quite the horror show.


I don't know what YOU mean by this but I am imaginging someone chrome plating their toilet bowl with an OD of mercury purge.


Cody's lab flushed 240 lbs of mercury down a toilet (not connected to the sewer) https://youtu.be/GvVaaZ21C44


Love him!


A dead person doesn't have constipation though


One interesting thing about mercury is, if you drink it in its elemental form, most of it will pass right through you. It gets much more dangerous after it sits in the environment for a while, because it becomes it undergoes reactions that make it more readily absorbable.


wait.. so is the guy in the video right?! is this post about the captioner being confidently incorrect?!! ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)


It is a poison. It does not drop through your stomach because of its weight like the dude said. But it would take a lot of elemental mercury to really fuck your shit up.


Have a play doh mercury burrito kiddos! 🤣 🌯


I wonder how this guy has educated followers


Because he sounds like an enlightened gentleman


He lives in India where if you speak good English people perceive you as an intellectual


He doesn't. Educated, that is.


He has many many educated followers. Living where I do, you realise that the smartest people academically (you can't call them uneducated for sure) can believe in things you just don't expect them to believe. So many highly educated people fall for stupid shit.


You're right. It's just mind-boggling. It somewhat makes me lose faith in humanity.




He's worth listening to if you want to learn yoga, but then you have to learn to ignore his bs too.


Ramdev is better than this guy if you are interested in yoga. Sadhguru infuriates me so goddamn much. Just put "quantum" in front of every bullshit he spouts.


Ramdev supremacy. Following that dude's yoga, my uncle reversed his diabetes from extreme to fully controlled


yeah, kinda retarted. But I do like his stance on men's rights in India.


Honestly I was recommended some of his videos for yoga and to help with anxiety. I was never really big on teachers who have a certain pomp to their teachings. This is the first time I've ever heard him say shit like this on an actual real, scientific topic. I'm fucking bewildered.


He has many other takes that are scientifically valid (mainly because they discuss ideas like philosophy or spirituality). Additionally, he started a movement called Save Soil, which draws attention to the rapidly deteriorating quality of the world's soil, which leads to increased reliance on fertilizer and extensive genetic modifications. I absolutely agree that this particular point he's sharing is scientifically incorrect, and even downright dangerous (if people decide to just go drink mercury because he says it's ok). However, I think it's unfair to make a broad claim about the entirety of his content from this one video.


>He has many other takes that are scientifically valid No they are not. Science isn't related to spirituality. It answers physical questions. Spirituality and philosophy are it's own thing you should use your inner voice and reasoning for it. Not listen to multi-millionaire grifter dhongis. This guy spouts crap.


Right what I meant by that was his ideas on spirituality are unrelated to science, hence they aren't scientifically invalid since they aren't scientific at all. As for using your inner voice, that is certainly one way to explore spirituality and philosophy. However, not everyone has the time, focus, or knowledge to undertake that path. Sadhguru offers his point of view on spirituality, which you can choose to follow. Could you provide some more information as to why you call him a grifter?


Because he likes to insert "quantum" and "wave" and "positive energy" in everything. He doesn't know physics at all but acts like he does and spreads misinformation. He is multi-millionaire, sadhus are supposed to be vairaagi, to own nothing. He literally spouts random things and then acts like he knows things. For example, if anyone in a vulnerable position decides to take this video seriously and eat mercury amalgam, fall ill or die, the blame should be on Sadhguru.


When that many people are following your teachings, you can't just make a totally false and dangerous claim like that. Whether it's one mistake or 1000 mistakes, that shows me that he doesn't really care about his followers or cannot be bothered to educate himself on the subject.


> However, I think it's unfair to make a broad claim about the entirety of his content from this one video. I think when someone rambles on unscientific, even counter-scientific, nonsense for almost 2 minutes straight from a position of authority it is safe to say they have destroyed their credibility. The soil problem you mention is well known for decades (or more).


That's all the reason it's a lot of more dangerous because people tend to believe in him.


And he has followers sitting around following blindly. Unfortunately, it all sells


>following blindly Drinking mercury will do that to you.


he's a millionaire, has his own cult following. It's sad, coz I used to follow him as well. Some of the things he said really resonated with me but after watching a lot of his preachings I came to realise that he's spreading a lot of misinformation. He makes absurd claims, probably money corrupted him 😅


What I don't understand is how people fall for the trap and become part of the cult? I get that he could be helpful to some people to become more spiritual and give up on material possesions or whatever. I'm sure he says useful things from time to time. But, the fact that people fully commit to this guy and don't question ANYTHING he says is ridiculous to me. I don't get what's the point of life if you need this fucking Guru to tell you what to do, what not to do and how to live your life. To be spiritual is to discover yourself, question life, question others and so much more. Being spiritual is not about getting a handbook on life by old person with a beard.


It’s because he’s charismatic, and honestly his book inner engineering is great if you want to examine inward, I know he’s not the only one for that, just saying I got a lot personally from it- but it’s just a shame he has to pepper in this type of pseudoscience BS, because it’s harmful.




You sound like you have some amazing insights into spirituality, can I join your cult?


I’d like to see more. Surely we should get to see him eat the stuff?


“Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?”


My liege!


This guy sounds like a MAGA discussing COVID.


I just wish religious people would stick to spiritual matters and the ephemeral and leave science out of it. They’re two different things and they serve completely opposite purposes.


But then how could they sell their bullshit healing products to people?


Is this dude selling mercury? Or why is he saying these things anyway?


This isn't a religious guy. He is more like a "I have my own take on religion", and his denomination/cult isn't recognised by other religious denominations. Kinda like a micro-Mormon version of Hinduism


While you are 100% right on the sentiment. There is nothing 'science' about what certain elements do to your body. Sure, we can observe and follow a scientific method to conculde what it does. But that does not mean those things happen due to 'science'. Religion also tries to explain the world and how one should act in it. It is outdated (and most of it is wrong), but saying religion should stay out of these matters is not how Religion works.


Why was I never taught about elements *dripping through the pipes* in pre-med or chem‽ I'm also still trying to understand how something which "*IS NOT* poison" can kill you *without* being poison. Anyone? Bueller??7


Bears aren't poison pretty sure they can kill me /s


I've spent the better part of four years now intensely, as in devoutly, exploring various Indian (Hindu, Advaita Vedanta, Yogic) spiritual texts, practitioners, teachers, gitas, etc etc, as well as a range of similar information from Christian, Buddhist, and Sufi traditions, as well as several lesser known paths and philosophies, and this is the only reference I've heard so far to mercury being used in spiritual practice. I don't think I've even come across mercury being ingested in Alchemy, and those dudes were right in to chemical processes as pertaining to spiritual development. In fact the only other place I've even remotely heard of mercury being a part of any spiritual technique or practice is in the field of Woo, and even then it's obscure. Or in outdated scientific practice. So I'm not saying I know it all, there's a lot I haven't read, but I feel like if this had any serious traditional merit I would've stumbled on it by now. If anyone knows of a serious reference I might have overlooked I'd love to have it made known. This is not the only rubbish this guy spouts, btw. Far from it. Plus there's serious speculation he murdered his wife.


My first thought was some YouTube docs I’ve seen of mercury poisoning in mining areas. I have no idea who this is and what demographics make up his followers, but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s “lobbyist” speech. If his demographic includes mining towns getting fucked by pollution that is.


I have listened to this guy in the past with some major scepticism. Not convinced by a some things he says. This mercury thing is possibly some build up to create a analogy of some abstract idea. He will likely say something like- Anger should also flow through you in a similar way, without posining you. Anger is hence useful if you can manage it.. or someting like that. I dont think he dvelves into lobbyist speech. He has his own following.


Ok I am interested in this now. I have zero knowledge of Indian texts, but ChatGpt does give many references to mercury being described in Indian texts of Ayurveda. I wonder if you can look into those and see. I want to objectively prove this guy wrong (or right, improbably) at all levels. Not that he needs to rely on ancient texts for his teachings. But still.


Huh. I was half-expecting him to have conflated cinna*mon* and cinna*bar* (HgS).


Cinnabon you mean?


No, but now I want some :(.


Religious pieces of shit. The cancer of the earth.


This guy isn't religious. He's a "guru" cult leader who feigns religiousity and is friends with Klaus Schwaub.


Fruit Loops look different but they all taste the same.


Stealing this


This is a self-proclaimed religious guy, more like a cultist. He isn't recognised by Hindu institutions.


So still a religious nutcase. Thanks for expanding.


Hey now, please be careful to not conflate a cult leader with all Hindus. My partner is Hindu since birth and can’t stand this guy.


It's all cults. Always has been.


Very extremist view. I hope you're aware of the implications of what you're saying.


That's a really strong claim, especially considering this person isn't a religious figure. Perhaps a spiritual one, certainly not a religious figure though. Further, this single video is possibly one of the worst samples of his content. The vast majority of it is scientifically valid, demonstrating he has a decent surface-level understanding of most scientific fields, and/or based in philosophy or spirituality, which requires no scientific background or evidence. I definitely agree that this particular claim of his is scientifically invalid, and downright dangerous (imagine if people just started drinking mercury because of this!) His biggest message (or at least what I've taken away from it, in my limited exposure to a broad sample of his content) is to be a good person and live life consciously (and/or conscientiously). I'm guessing this particular video is taken out of context, and he was probably discussing something else, using this as a (poor) example. Maybe something like "we often think things are bad for the wrong reasons" or something, I don't know.


>The vast majority of it is scientifically valid, demonstrating he has a decent surface-level understanding of most scientific fields, No it is not. He completely misunderstand nearly all of chemistry, how molecules work and specially the double slit experiment. He adds "quantum" and "positive energy" in front of everything. I am not against religion or spirituality but this particular guy (name is Sadhguru, no need to hide these grifters) needs to retire.


Behold, the fruitcakes !


Minamata Bay says hello.


He's a wife killer


I am going to go out on a limb and guess this fool hasn't been to Minamata.


Let him chug a gallon and we see how that goes


Trust the SCIENCE!


I work in an optical lab. We use Alloy117 to block lenses. This looks like cadmium lead alloy to me.


Kinda wish there was laugh reacts lol 😂


I mean I'm kinda glad they're poisoning themselves you know? We don't need this kind of shit in our world tbh.


Yo I'm indian but im not a idiot send me there I'll "talk" to him.


All of his first monologue makes more sense if you assume he is talking about planet Mercury.


Isn't he just sort of cult leader?


This guy is the biggest grifter ever. Even if you believe in ayurvedic medicine, it has its own principles and training. This guy has no training at all in any ayurvedic treatments. He is a con artist through and thorough.


Common Sadhguru L


This is a distorted video. While it's true in Ayurveda and Siddha medicine the mercury is used at the elemental level. But thats a different topic. Not much research has gone into it. So simply ridiculing a process which is working for so many because there is not scientific explanation right now simply shows how people have become narrow minded in their thinking. This reminds me of a recent research which was conducted on intermediate fasting. Earlier the very same internet/textbook scientists were mocking people who were fasting which was working for many. But still people followed it by calling it as Vrat, or Ekadasi etc., but then someone spent some million dollars and came up with research giving benefits of fasting.


This is true of argon gas instead of mercury - argon is completely chemically inert and won't react with anything inside of you but due to it's density will sit in your lungs preventing proper inhalation of oxygen


This guy. The fake osho


Isn’t Osho the fake … someone-else?


the knowledge doesnt go down the drain because hes stupid, its because of its sheer weight.


I like to make shit up and let people listen to me too. Key difference is everybody knows it’s all made up


How the fuck does weight bore holes through your hands? By that logic we should be able to lift weights because they total weight would sheer through our hands


Heard something similar about consuming distilled water


Well of course it will fall through the stomach due to its weight. It's a freaking planet.


First thing I noticed when googling mercury was "birth defects". Sure enough: *Babies exposed to mercury in the womb can have brain damage and hearing and vision problems. How can you be exposed to mercury? Mercury has several forms: It can be a colorless, odorless, poisonous vapor in the air.* Sigh.


I bet that "solidified mercury" is what someone poops out after dying from mercury poisoning


This is what happens when you invest mercury, you think like that dude


He just says that to defend how poisonous it is in India


Yogi is mad as a hatter.


If mercury is too heavy (presumably you actually mean "dense"), then why can people eat gold you fucking muppet?


So it's safe to drink mercury in space? No gravity, no harm!


natural selection


How much you wanna bet he lives by de-nial?


This really hurts my brain.


From tinfoil hat to tinfoil turds


In this thread I've read the word 'Mercury' so many times that it's ceased to have any meaning and just looks odd. ​ It's [Semantic Satiation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation#), apparently.


Firstly, In ayurveda and siddha, mercury is one of the material used. Even Tulasi has a very very small amount of mercury this is why, in our villages it was said never chew tulasi else mother tulasi will curse. This was a way to say so that enamel must not be in contact with the tulasi leaves. Now, If you want to say Ayurveda and Siddha are pseudoscience. Then you need another treatment. Secondly, this video is a part not whole. Even Einstein can projected fool via small clip. Propaganda busted.


Is Homeopathy the treatment I require for saying Ayurveda is pseudoscience?


That is the biggest mistake GOI did, they made Ayurveda, Siddha sit with Homeopathy. See, ayurveda and siddha both follows the Indian school of logic and pratayksha which are of 6 types. It is scientific in Indian system of logic and inferences…etc. It is documented. You can find it. But homeopathy is actually a placebo and in most cases a change in lifestyle...etc Now, what is the problem with ayurveda, siddha, it is not improving, has become stagnant, fake people have came into the picture which treats badly, and you listen heavy metals are used ...etc. It is like a 12th pass person gives allopathic medicine, anyway it will lead to chaos. If a person who has done lifetime of research and work in those fields, then only they work, because their nature of study is such. You know that most skills in India were through master-disciple thing which started from very early age. Now, it's all bogus. And a bogus will gives bad result. Hence, it is not the problem of Ayurveda, it is the problem of practitioner


Y'all always blame the 'fake people' for ruining Ayurveda but where are all the real practitioners then? Who gets to decide if they are real or not? The basic principles of Ayurveda are nothing but pseudoscience. So much money is being poured into Ayush by the Indian government but they're still not able to produce any solid evidence for their claims. I'm sure there are useful elements in some of these Ayurvedic medicines since they have been used for thousands of years. But there's no place for it in a modern society that follows evidence based medicine. If you want the world to appreciate Ayurveda, let it go through the vigorous testing and research process modern medicine has to go through.




Well he's kinda in the right direction.... i guess


I bet they have big chunks of Gallium because Gallium Melts at body temperature and looks like solid Mercury.


Despite this being very wrong. His voice is kinda soothing.


Mercury 🤝 base jumping Killing people because it looks cool


I can't count how many flockers died of mercury vapor poisoning. Seriously, those guys were all nasty flockers! Also, early photographers developing photos.


The fuck is specific gravity? This guy thinks a kilo of steel is heavier than a kilo of feathers.


This dude is a fraud cult leaderr, and it's amazing how many people post video clip of him as wisdom. Mercury is absolutely poisonous, it's nerve poison. Its absoluetly dangerous, You don't even need to injest it poison you through skin contact.


Don’t take advice from doctors that are wearing an off the shoulder top to a professional setting 🙄


Idiots come in all flavors, I always say.