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Man, people need to get their zeros in order. Like, everywhere.


The only 0 they have in order is IQ.


And these people want guns?


No these are the people trying to take them away


You are correct. Talking about giving away someone’s personal wealth and canceling student debts. These are dems. If you don’t want debt, don’t take loans.


I know we’re not going to pretend like it’s easy to get scholarships or FAFSA. You know this country is built so that in order to continue your education, you more than likely have to get a loan, right?


Some people work full time while going to school part time. It takes a little longer but you don’t go into debt and you get some life experience at the same time.


Or you can serve your country for 4 years, get paid to do it. Then have your education paid for once you’re out. You make it sound like loans and debt are your only option.


You shouldn’t have to overwork yourself for an education, and you shouldn’t have to join the damn military to get an education. University isn’t just cost of going to school, you have to take into account the textbooks and other additional things you may need. Also, it’s damn near impossible to get a job that pays you the right wages without a university diploma, or some type of trade. And there’s no way someone would graduate in a reasonable amount of time on minimum wage; you can’t expect people to stay in school for that amount of time.


You can get a hospitality job with tips that you will make way more than minimum wage until you can afford your plan. You shouldn’t expect to have things handed to you. Every teacher, faculty, janitor that works there gets paid to work there, and you think you should reap those benefits for free, or on the backs of taxpayers?


Do you think people tip well or tip at all? I’m just responding to your comment about “if you don’t want debt, don’t get loans” you expect people not to get a loan to finish college, and expect them to work a minimum wage job, or join the military. You don’t think people who want to further their education are taxpayers too? And no one said anything about free (even though we should get free education, as other countries do) I was saying to get a loan which you have to pay off anyway, so it’s DEFINITELY not free, lmao; it just gives you more time to be able to pay it off (even though interest tries to make that impossible), instead of overwhelming yourself like you said


Also you can start trade jobs in lower positions and learn a trade while you work, get promotions. I already pay for my life, why as a taxpayer should I chip in for yours?


When you take a loan, you agree and sign a contract to pay it back. That debt belongs to you alone.


And yes, trades are good and helpful, but you’re still expecting people to work and go to school, which is impossible for some people. There’s a reason why student is an occupation.


I love it when Americans say "You can just sign up to become a trained killer to avoid student debt, it's not that complicated".


You can sign up to be a a lot of things. Medical field, administrative, mechanics. I personally was an avionics technician, I worked on all the electrical components in jets. Edit- it’s a vocation too, I could work in the avionics field after getting out and make more than a lot of degrees would get you.


I think google will let you do math like 2 billion /3.5 thousand.


Use wolfram alpha


Maybe in her imaginary world $20 is enough to make a family 'very rich'


Well, it *can* buy many peanuts...


Explain how


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


How much can a peanut cost? $10?


I was already loving the Simpsons references and I lost it with this one. Thank you for the increase in laughter output.


Is that a Simpsons or an Arrested Development joke?


Started Simpsons and finished AD.


You've never actually been to a grocery store have you?


Let’s go crazy Broadway style!


Money buys goods. Peanuts are cheap goods. Many peanuts for 20 bucks


What about peanutcoin


Yes and no. While currently 1 peanut coin buys almost 15.6 more peanuts per coin, you have to remember how truly volatile the coin is. Or have you forgotten the Great Pean depression. At that point the coin was almost worthless. So it's up to you to decide whether or not the peanut coin is worth it.


The great pean depression? Sounds like a massive cock up to me.


You go into a peanut store and say give me as many peanuts that $20 will buy.


Surely it can't be that simple?!


It is, but don't call me Shirley.


What a time to be alive!


It costs peanuts for peanuts.


There are peanut stores?


Where do you think Planters bought Mr. Peanut?


Peanut slavery.


Half a peanut


A pea or a nut?


A nut is $50/hr


What about deez nuts?


You say “give me all the peanuts you have”. Then correct the store clerk because you think he thinks you said “give you lots of peanuts”, when you actually said “give me all the peanuts you have”.




It is indeed.


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Which can be exchanged for money.


That's 20 peanuts.


"You pay $1 a peanut?" -Mimi K.


Who's your peanut guy? I think you need a new peanut guy


20 bucks is 20 bucks


Not at today’s prices


Oh look at Mr Fancy Pants over here with twenty whole dollars


Well according to capitalists, that's enough money to pull a family out of poverty for years!


We’ll wealth should be measured in the number of doughnuts one can purchase


So, about a baker's dozen of doughnuts?


It’s undeniably enough to make 20 families very rich though! And it probably did!


Its the same math as bezos giving 1 billion to every person in the world. That leaves him with 180 billion - 7 billion = 173 billion left.


Just so I know if I’m dumb: 2.62 Billion is the same as 2620 million? So divided among 100 million families is the same as 2620 / 100? So $26.20


Yes, 2.62 billion is the same as 2620 millions and $ 26.20 per family is also correct.


Didn’t a billion once mean a million million?


It does, where the long numbers system is used (not in the US) We use it in Argentina, for instance. So, here a billion is a million millions, a trillion is a million billions and so on. It's not "British" vs. "American" numbers, but it's still a good comparison. Lol!!


In UK or something… stoopid Limeys


Oi watchit Yank!


Correct her math is 2620 million / 100 million = 26.2 million. They do the numbers but forget the words cancel each other as well.


It's just that the way we usually work with words is by ignoring them. For example, 30 sheep divided by 2 is: take away the sheep, do 30 / 2 = 15, put the sheep back in, 15 sheep. So people go: $2,620 million, take away the million and the $, 2620/130 = 20.15, put the million and $ back in, $20.15 million. [This isn't the first time it happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egeUxIEQnM), and it sure won't be the last.


Congratulations! You are smarter than an average anti-capitalist Twitter user!


Yeah bro $21 for each family is so rich


Before taxes too




I rounded up because im generous :)


Fair enough.


When have capitalists ever been known for their generosity?


When it is performative, like rounding up a dollar, once.


I mean, if you have enough of anything to give something to *every family in America* you probably have too much of it.


It depends on who’s number you use for the Households. 100 million gives u 26 dollars, 130 million gives you 20.


This is a pretty common mistake to make. Matt Parker from Stand-up Maths made a pretty good guess how it happens https://youtu.be/6egeUxIEQnM


‘The math I am familiar with’ just shows a major lack of understanding of what math is


Well in the US 1 billion is 1 thousand millions, but in the UK 1 billion is 1 million millions. So 2.62 billion would be 2,620,000 million, which is roughly $20,000 per household.


That's just not true, no one in the uk accepts 1 billion as 1 million millions




Your link says one thousand millions is "now the meaning in all English dialects." So what was incorrect?


One might even say *confidently incorrect*.


Expect the link says that UK officially changed to the 1 thousand million meaning in 1974….


That's just the way the ministers use it; a billion is still a million million and a thousand million is called a milliard (although even this depends on where you are and who you're with).


Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit i see


That’s not how words, or Europe, works


$20 is $20 My family is now rich.


I love the “which is enough to make all 130 million households very rich” Ma’am even if you were doing the math right, a single $100,000 payment will not make you rich in the US, most places you can’t even buy a decent house for that and some places that’s not even enough for a down payment


I’d consider 100k to be a life changing amount of money, but certainly not “rich”.


That could buy me almost 1/15th of the median house in my city.


Where did you get 100,000 from?


“...he could have given every American family $100,000...”


He could give every family like $20


Did you even read my comment? >> Ma’am even if you were doing the math right


If she did the math right, it would be like 20 bucks


I know that and it has already been made clear by countless other comments in this post- that’s not what my comment is about.




Holy fuck. Give up now lmao. They’re not disputing that the actual figure is $20. They’re saying _even_ if the actual figure was $100k the point in the tweets doesn’t stand.


They’re a troll, no way any person on this planet is that stupid


The actual figure is not $20. But it’s very close


Jesus Christ you're dense haha


Certainly I have a higher density than a $20 bill, I can tell you that much


I don't why people hate on this troll I thought it was fire


The original tweet and that reply are obvious satire of the news hosts that made this same mathematical error on a network broadcast. It was all over Twitter when it happened. This is a great callback.


I dunno, 20 dollars is 20 dollars


So did she ever do the math because she doesn’t have an answer for how much each person would get? Did she just take the numbers and only do surface level reasoning?


Where the fuck is my $20?!


*20 dollars split between all the members of your households


Do the cats get a share?


$2.62B divided by 130M is twenty bones and change, for anyone wondering. She wasn't even in left field. She was on the other side of the goddamn country.


Maybe if you win the lottery with it?


dang $20 what would i ever do with all that cheddar?


I’d buy about 2lbs of chicken breasts


regarding the canceling debt part, I doubt that elon musk is a trillionaire


By far my favorite common math mistake is when people treat "million" and "billion" like they're units. It pops up so often for some reason.


I mean they kinda are like units. It’s all relative.


Yeah I worded that poorly. I meant that people disregard them like they're dividing distances or something, resulting in things like people thinking Obamacare has enough in the budget to give everyone a million dollars.


I mean if they treat them as units they’d still get the correct answer because units would cancel. They just don’t know basic maths and that’s a sufficient explanation for this.


They are units?


Outside of the failures to do the most basic mathematics: 1) why the hell is it Elons responsibility to gove everyone his money? 2) if every family in the US has tens or hundreds of millions of dollars then groceries are going to start costing hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. How are people so ignorant and self entitled at the same time?


>why the hell is it Elons responsibility to gove everyone his money? It just seems like it would be a nice thing to do for Elon to spend his money in a way that helps people, instead of in a way that keeps people poor. See the millions he spends on anti-union activities just to keep more profits for himself.


>*It just seems like it would be a nice thing to do for Elon to spend his money in a way that helps people,* In Elon's mind, getting humans to Mars and making electric cars IS helping people. Do you disagree?


I do. He's not doing it out of his love of humanity, that's for daaaaaamn sure.


Have you ever listened to him talk about it?


There are no ethical or moral billionaires.


Irrelevant, but I'll take that as an implicit admission that you haven't and are just following your crowd. Anyways, have fun on your conspiracy subreddits...


I think I see where you're going. A good villain always thinks they're doing the right thing.


Yes. It didn't change my view of why he's doing what he's doing lmao What now?


>In Elon's mind, getting humans to Mars and making electric cars IS helping people. But Elon isn't doing that. Elon is enriching himself by gatekeeping other people's intellectual achievements. The only thing Elon ever patented was a way to make his competitors' electric cars worse (it was a special plastic nub that would make it so that Tesla charging stations could not charge non-Tesla cars). Every component of every SpaceX project was developed by publjcly funded research; Elon privatized that research so no one else could use it and we would have to pay his obscene profit margins to access it. Elon is a dick.


1) he should'nt, but if the math were right it would certainly be a thought provoking idea. 2) that is not in any way hoe prices work bruv. Prices would inflate, sure, but not in a way that would even hurt the average person compared to their relative gain.


no. poors need to exist so I can still afford burger meat at the supermarket. /s


Because Elon is such an incredibly great guy


Not trying to defend him or anything I couldn’t care less about Elon himself, just so weird how everyone jumps to he could have done this for me instead of doing what he wants with his money.


its the same whenever there's some article about space missions or scientific work, everyone just goes to "why are we spending time and money on this when there's people starving in africa", as if all our resources should go toward solving a single problem, and as if people don't have freedom to choose what to do with their own lives...


Logic & reasoning apparently get downvotes on Reddit.


1) he should'nt, but if the math were right it would certainly be a thought provoking idea. 2) that is not in any way how prices work bruv. Prices would inflate, sure, but not in a way that would even hurt the average person compared to their relative gain.


That is only true if the US produced 100% of the goods in the world. Since they do not, the standard of living of most Americans would increase dramatically if they were all given a million bucks that came from some rich guy (so fewer inflation concerns)


TL:DR - government funded oligarch wasted a lot of money on his personal enrichment when that money could've alleviated a lot of crippling financial stressors.


I am not gay but 20 dollars is 20 dollars


Actually this looks like we're seeing confusion between the American billion and the British billion. American: 1 Billion = 1 *Thousand* Million, or 1,000,000,000 British: 1 Billion = 1 *Million* Million, or 1,000,000,000,000 (*an American Trillion*). This makes a *Huge* difference in how you calculate his wealth. His net worth of ~200 Billion ^(*American*) only comes to 0.2 Billion ^(*British*). If we were measuring his worth in British Billions he'd have ~200 *Trillion* ^(*American*), which would mean giving $100,000 to every American family would be firmly within his capabilities, costing ~13 Trillion ^(*American*). I don't know what the student debt is currently sitting at, but if it's less that ~180 Trillion ^(*American*) then he's be able to do that too. Of course this is all a moot point since his worth is measured in American Billions, not British Billions, but that's probably where the confusion is coming from.


So you’re telling me the British have other things wrong besides putting Us on random words?


>besides putting Us on random words? I don't know what that part means, but if anyone made this confusing it's the Americans, since the British system is older, and the numbers were named using the British system. Bi = 2, Billion = Million^2 Tri = 3, Trillion = Million^3 Quad = 4, Quadrillion = Million^4 Having said that, there are more than 2 systems used in the world, but in the English speaking world these are the main (*only?*) systems of numbering. The Chinese and I think Germans and Indians (*and probably others*) have their own systems.


So a British trillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000? Also he meant U's, like color vs colour and whatnot. Took me a second to realize what he was talking about, thinking maybe there was a royal Us :P


>So a British trillion is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000? Yup. >Also he meant U's, like color vs colour and whatnot. Oh good catch. Yeah I totally didn't get that, but now that I've seen it it seems obvious =P


> Of course this is all a moot point since his worth is measured in American Billions No, it's a moot point because she literally says, in the Tweet: > 1 billion/1 million = 1000 Also most British today (and the rest of the world) use 1000 million for a billion.


That isn't what is going on here since she define a billion as 1000 million in the tweet.


how tf did she get that far, and then not bother to calculate that 2620/130 is literally 20 bucks each...


$20 bucks? You SOB, I’m in.


$26 is very rich


r/confidentlyinccorect user understand satire challenge (IMPOSSIBLE EDITION)


20 bucks?! I'm retiring tomorrow.


Assume every word is right, then that means even the very rich can't pay student debt.


Fun fact: The old British billion was equal to a million million (1,000,000,000,000) while American billion is a thousand million (1,000,000,000).


Everyone gets $10


Also there aren’t 100 million families in the US. Not by a longshot


They’re getting confused between long scale and short scale. I know. It’s annoying that different number scales even exist.


Yes $20.15 US totally makes you rich... if you are in Russia maybe.


$7.96/per person is the correct math for anyone wondering. The equation is 2,620,000,000 / 329,500,000 for anyone wondering.


gimme my $20


I mean by that logic any money you spend at any point could've gone to something. Like sure, the hypothetical $100 dollars you've hypothetically spent could've bought like 50 4 piece mcdonalds chicken nugget meals for homeless people, but you as a person are allowed to enjoy your money even if it's not entirely the most charitable spending of it.


"Very rich" = $20


All this is great until everybody gets a ton of money and a bottle of Pepsi is suddenly $1,000.


I mean if your definition of very rich is $20 she’s right


Hers your 20$, don’t spend it in one go Maybe it is very rich from her POV


I'm guessing she did not accumulate any student debt while becoming familiar with that math.


Why are people so bad with math when it comes to this kind of thing? Do they just want to believe that it could really be so simple?


This is why scientific notation is convenient for working with very large numbers. Division and multiplication are reduced to simple addition and subtraction of exponents. 1.00x10^(9) / 1.00x10^(6) = 1.00x10^(3) In that example, all you had to do was 9 - 6 = 3. Very easy. 2.62x10^(9) / 1.30x10^(8) = 2.02x10^(1) So that was a little bit more complex, but not much. You have to divide 2.62 by 1.30, and then also subtract exponents. You would find that 2.62 billion dollars yields about $20.20 per household. If you ever wonder why scientific notation was used in science class, that is why: Science often has to deal with extremely large or extremely small numbers. Scientific notation makes it easier to work with them and reduces errors that are off by several orders of magnitude (like you see above).


In her profile pick she looks so smart


What kind of math did she learn? Either some magic math or 20 dollars make you rich over there in the states.


Ah yes, $20.15 per household will fix everyone's problems


I could buy a 12 pack of craft beer


beer solves all problems


I'm glad I'm bad math. So geniuses like this can save the world, lol


[https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=2.62+billion+%2F+130+million](https://imgur.com/5tR2ePb) Work smarter, not harder...