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Fun fact: the last civil war widow (wife of a union soldier) died in 2020. We can get pretty far back, but not far enough.


And that was a pretty interesting circumstance. 17 y.o Helen Viola Jackson was volunteered by her father to help care for a 93 y.o James Bolin. It was the Great Depression and he had no other way to repay her other than by marrying her so she would receive his military pension. He passed away 3 years into the marriage, she never moved in with him, and she didn't apply to receive the pension after ~~her~~ his daughters threatened to ruin her life of she did. She never married or had kids, but she was a prominent member of her community and was honoured with inclusion in the Missouri Wall of Fame.


I assume you meant HIS daughters.


Yes, thanks!


What was her name?


Helen Viola Jackson. [There is a Wikipedia for everything.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War_widows_who_survived_into_the_21st_century?wprov=sfla1)


huh, thanks


I mean, that's kind of cheating when they got married like 70 years after the Civil War and she was only like 17 at the time


They're technically correct... The best kind of correct!


never said she was alive during it


And they conflate “North America” with “United States” I’m pretty sure North America has some history…


Nah, the nearly thousand-year-old Montezuma Castle wasn't anything until it was in Arizona. Same with L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, a viking site from 1000AD


this is something people in my country just love to do. I guess it has to do with coming out from under the iron curtain, but they buy into this "America has no history", but worse than that. 1. "There are no patriots in America, most of their people believe themselves to be descendants of the brits, so they'd just run to the UK were someone to invade their country, for example." 2. Because it's a point of pride, and a false one at that, they refuse to believe the US has wonderful geography. Great freshwater lakes, ridiculously fertile plains. You say they are #1 producers of crude oil, and there are a number of things they think they know which disprove you. - Russia has a lot of natural resources, to say the US is number 1 is to denigrate Russia - if the US has so much oil, why do they invade every country that has some? 3. Also clean fresh air, and a clean environment, they think they have it and developed countries don't, havung no idea just how many national parks the US has. The amount of parochialism we still see in our global age is something so uncanny really. I'd kind of be willing to excuse my parents, as they grew up in rural Kyrgyzstan under the Soviet regime, how much can you honestly expect, but freaking 25 year olds still manage to utter similar nonsense. Whenever a question of education arises people jump on an opportunity to dismiss it, saying something about it not being as important for businessmen and lawyers like them, but then they end up having opinions on *everything* after one article they read or one YouTuber they trust. And they then act accordingly. All the stupid things I heard about dieting/biology, oh my god, God save us all🙏😂


Did your parents get displaced to Kyrgyzstan? The receptionist at my dentist told me her family got moved from Russia to Kyrgyzstan by the government. What's funny is in America its the exact same as you described but reversed. We think all of eastern Europe is a frozen wasteland. People genuinely were surprised how much Russian energy matters to the global economy. Everyone spouts about nonsense they saw on the internet one time and no amount of information convinces them otherwise.


>Did your parents get displaced to Kyrgyzstan? No, we are from Kyrgyzstan, native Kyrgyz people. >The receptionist at my dentist told me her family got moved from Russia to Kyrgyzstan by the government. Statistically more likely that you get displaced to Kazakhstan, but yeah, used to happen >We think all of eastern Europe is a frozen wasteland. Lol, you reminded me of something. I used to study in China with this American guy Clayton. We knew each other for 1.5 years. Something tangentially related to geography came up and he forgot where I was from, stumbled for a second, and said "Czechoslovakia". I look Asian. And he seemed to know I was from Central Asia. How can it possibly be something that ends with "Slavia" lol? And to top it all off, the country doesn't even exist. I'd even understand Pakistan. You know, it ends with stan too, is more recognized etc. >People genuinely were surprised how much Russian energy matters to the global economy. The fully general counterargument I'd receive back when I bothered enough to argue with these people was that I have been brainwashed by one-sided Western propaganda. It's funny, though I never had an idealized view of the US, even if I were to, Reddit would snipe that shit out of me in two minutes. They assume people sit here praising capitalism, selling their humanity for money and gay sex, plotting the demise of Russia cause we jealous and Russia rich, all the while pigging out on McDonald's (the level irony btw: every man in my family has a very visible beer belly but me. But yes, those American pigs lol). So yeah, though I've never been in the West, I've been on Internet enough to see ignorance anywhere. I used to be less generous to people who'd criticize the West to such a degree that it leaves them morally confused, like, how is that better? But I then realized that people have wounds as much as I do. To take religion as a stark example. People here are very visceral in their reaction to Christianity. So much so that even ignorance, as long as it is ignorance against Christianity, is welcome. And then I realized how many people must have come from families that'd melt their brains with religious stupidity, hence such a reaction. As I said, I am the only non-sectarian person I know of who read the Koran, and I had to power through the damn book as everything about it annoyed the living hell out of me. And when I start hearing obviously wrong remarks about peaceful equal beautiful all-loving saints I cannot help but get confrontational. We are always hurt more about the stupidity that is in proximity to us, and we tend to extend generosity to the stupidity off-shores (again, because we have other wounds, these being related to hating others for their creed and ethnicity). We can only hope that the day when people who value truth will have enough maturity to discuss openly problems anywhere in the world, without feelings hurt, whataboutisms activated etc. However unlikely, it is surely much more likely than the extinction of idiots.


I believe we are moving towards your dream. I mean just a few decades ago you and I would have been separated by the cold War. Now we can chat directly about anything we want in real time. That level of connectedness must lead to more understanding. I think that's why the trolls and war mongers are pushing their misinformation so hard. Truth must win out. My dad says the truth is like oil on water. It always rises to the top.


Yeah, it's becoming easier to spread deleterious lies, but debunking them has never been easier too. Optimist in me also likes to believe we will at some point become proficient enough in Internet, and lies will become unsustainable


>There are no patriots in America, most of their people believe themselves to be descendants of the brits, so they'd just run to the UK were someone to invade their country Whaaaat the silly fuck, half of Americans couldn't point to the UK on a map, and some of the remainder could but would act like they couldn't out of national pride.


They aren't wrong, Russia has more natural resources than America. One thing America is really #1 in is climate diversity, has every imaginable climate type except for tropical savannah.


Do you not know anyone who is that old? My grandma just turned 1795, or maybe it was just 95, I’ll have to check.


As someone not from USA this intrigues me. My partner is Brazilian and always reminds me that “she is American also because she is South American” So what do we call people from USA when differentiating themselves from the rest of the continent?? I vote ‘USAlien’


Nah to save on memory the Aztecs didn't spawn in until Cortez got there.


Sad native American history enters the chat.


“Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet “– Abraham Lincoln


Fax - Tsar Nicolas the 2nd


Man, it's not like there were people living there until Father Washington birth the mighty American people.


They should have put US has no history, to be only 250 years old lol


It's literally older than *most* countries on Earth as a result of overthrows, border disputes, renamings, and mergers. Just because we weren't "the US" before 1776 doesn't mean that there's no history. Hell, even the colonization is about 200 years older than the name. It would be like me saying Italy has no history because it has only "existed" since 1946.


Lol look at you, desperately trying to cling to culture preexisting America's discovery. USAs culture is: - not competing with the rest of the world in sports - school shootings - an obnoxious amount of bumper stickers on cars - tacky flags on everything Lmao


The correct answer is, the united states is only 3 people ago


The start of the us of a was the start of human history in North America. Definitely. Well known fact.


*Image Transcription: Youtube comment* --- **User 1** North America has no history that's why. There are people still alive who met people older than the United States. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


It was my understanding there would be no maths


> oldest living person alive Department of redundancy department


Gosh, did Turtle Island spring up out the ocean in the last 100 years? Who knew.


I got into an argument with some Europeans on tik tok about this a few days ago lol. I was outnumbered so my argument was considered “wrong”.


Giving that about 75% of those spawned in the banana republic of the u.s. doesn't know its history too, most of them would be repeating that as a fact. ​ Also, yes, the b.n. of the u.s. is bad, as in, the bad guys, since 1776.




If a person who were to live 120 years were born in 1775, and right before they died in 1895, they met a newborn child who were to live 127 years, then it is possible… although nearly impossible for such a thing to happen, but I’m sure medication in the future will allow for this.


what was american civil war about?


The oldest person alive when the current world's oldest person was born was born in 1790. Not before the founding of the USA but pretty close. Doesn't mean this person isn't an idiot though