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Without shameless hypocrisy they’d have to admit what shitty people they are


Politics come easy when the facts don't matter, you're not constrained by the need to be logically consistent and you pick positions that justify your hatred of others. Oh yeah, and you live in an echo chamber where all of the "news" provided is so stilted that it has to be termed "for entertainment purposes only" or it's from people trying to hawk you vitamins.


Is the “despite claiming it was about freedom, we now are banning everyone from wearing masks” party.


Conservative people tend to be emotional and this causes inconsistences in everything. Name a topic, provide evidence then sit back and watch them apply feelings over facts. Fear being the most prevalent.


I'm a conservative, and willing to have a civil discussion. What's the topic?


Is Climate Change hastened by man made pollution? Is Joe Biden a Socialist?


Yes. No.


I'll discuss the biden one if you want. But I don't think bidens policies are very socialist. Atleast from the Marxist view which is what I feel I have a better grasp of.


So I contend, Castro was a socialist, Biden is your standard conservative American capitalist. American political discourse seems to skew very right, which I suppose is why anything left of Fox news seems to be labeled Communist. But from my perspective Bernie and AOC are the closest to socialists America has. Trudeau in Canada is a classic liberal, good with the gays and corruption. Trump is a classic Fascist....


Biden is a capitalist. Just as much as trump is. Anyone who believes production and the marketplace should be occupied by private organizations and operate for profit instead of being dictated by government is capitalist. I wouldn't say biden is conservative, at least fiscally speaking, because he doesnt seem to be putting emphasis on reducing government spending. Bernie and AOC are definitely the most socialist. I almost mentioned AOC in my earlier response but didn't want to start anything lol. Especially because there's so many ai videos confusing things she's actually said. But her talks on equity and redistribution ring somewhat socialist. Trump is a nationalist conservative with some questionable isolationism views. I would actually say no one in american politics really comes close to fascism. Fascism is such a wierd mix of capitalism that is heavily regulated by government, with removal of private property, and centralized authoritarian that usually relies on military force. Trump is a nationalist and sounds authoritarian. But his policies have actually deregulated government agencies, he also leans more towards decentralization and he clearly supports private ownership. For trump to go full fascist he would have to embrace government control and actually reverse policies he started in 2016. He would then need to use the government to take control of corporations. Also, the fed would have to be completely dismantled I would think. Overall, trump and most every politician is too much of a capitalist to truly become fascist. There cannot be a free market and corporations can't be profit driven.


I guess it's easy to call the guy who tried to overturn an election and complimented dictators, a fascist. He does seem to want to dismantle government agencies that were mean to him but likes it when his court appointees strip away rights rights from half your country. He also doesn't mind asking elected government officials to throw him 10 000 votes in an election or use the Police to punish protesters. He is certainly vicious and cruel, his bombing and drone Strikes put Obama to shame, and his constant dehumanizing rhetoric about immigrant's and his opponents is right out of the authoritarian hand book. Though to be fair, he did threaten to hold back aid to the Ukraine, unless they gave them dirt on Biden. That was very thoughtful to that other not fascist guy Putin. Maybe he doesn't fit the text book definition, I mean Stalin was a fascist by a different name. How about Authoritarian nightmare? lol


There's a lot to unpack there but I'll cut to the one section that I do feel strongly about. You said he stripped rights from the country. If I'm not mistaken you are referring to abortion. I do not agree that abortion is a right. Abortion is a medical practice that may be afforded to some individuals but to call it a right would be a dangerous practice. A right implies it can and should be done for any reason at the pure discretion of the mother. While it should always be permitted for medical reasons at anytime (and currently is in all 50 states) I think we can both agree that aborting a healthy fetus from a healthy mother after the second trimester should not be a permittable medical practice.


It ought to be 100% a right, at least up until 20 weeks. I have to admit that in this I can't budge. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/18/human-rights-crisis-abortion-united-states-after-dobbs](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/18/human-rights-crisis-abortion-united-states-after-dobbs)


Pretty obvious that humans effect the environment although not in the massive way so democrats would want us to believe. I know why you asked it but I think you could get more specific. Technically cutting down and burning trees is man made pollution. To answer no to your question would be silly. If you asked, will global warming destroy the world within three generations? My answer would be no, there's not enough evidence for me to believe that statement.


The fact I'm getting downvoted for offering to have civil conversation shows the problem here...


I can’t see why either of you would be down voted. A pretty civil, interesting conversation. imo.


What they want is an idiocracy. Contradictions don't matter in an idiocracy. You just do whatever you want, moving from one stupid thing to the next, and there's no ideological connection to the previous stupid thing. It's easy to look at this and see hypocrisy, because to normal people, that's exactly what it is. To me though? This looks like the idiocracy they crave, working as intended.


You cannot apply logic and reason to illogical and unreasonable... our frame of reference doesn't work.


The abortion party 🥳  sounds hilarious


Worst. Party. EVER.


They are all self absorbed children


They are just the comically evil party and this point its hard to act like they arnt doing that on purpose and revel in it.


The CRUELTY **IS** the point.


Exactly. It's not more nuanced than that. Cruelty and control.


But are they really reveling ? I’m seeing a ‘coming apart party’. A phrase I used to use to denote a *person* freaking out. They haven’t succeeded in one single endeavor, other than being tedious and annoying. The media is making money, not helping anyone but themselves at this point. But this family, this party ? All I’m seeing is a whole lot of losing. Congress is a complete wreck. They’re having shitshow investigations, wasting taxpayer dollars. The judiciary is looking tattered by partisanship. And we have what ? Five more (long) months.


I quit trying to understand or try to reason with them a couple of years ago. Waste of time. But they are amusing.


The time of reasoned argument and discourse is so far in the rear view mirror that it's essentially disappeared. Maybe it never existed. The final nail occurred when people rallied around a fat orange man who descended an escalator in 2015.


So it’s not just me who sees the hypocrisy? Nice


So much for the party of law and order. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Excuse me, who's weaponizing the justice system?


The 45th. We’re defending it now. And what a mess it is.




Nobody is being indoctrinated so there was never a need for a bill. It's fear mongering and you bought in hooknline and sinker.




They making you wear a dress? They making you gay? Or are they just saying mayne don't beat the shit out of people who are different. You're right. I can't tell you what is happening. But I can tell you what isn't happening. Some type of gay indoctrination. I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable around gay people. Buy nobody is indoctrination you to be gay.












Hillary had multiple people killed and it’s well documented? But she is still walking free after the Orange tub of shit literally ran on “lock her up?” So what you’re saying is that Republicans can’t get shit done except cry like little bitches and attack minorities because Republicans are sad sack little bitches.


Actual psychosis being pushed as "the truth."


lol at every idiotic, Russian propaganda talking point you parroted.