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Just gonna drop these here in case op or anyone else here would like to help remove their tax exempt status. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/charities-churches-and-politics https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-news/fs-08-13.pdf


Liberty Valley Church 9851 Olde Eight Road Northfield, Ohio 44067 [330-554-7606](tel:1-330-554-7606)


Per the US flag code an upside down flag signals great distress and or danger. Everyone should call 911 for them.


Cult members.


These guys are literally devil worshippers


Don’t slander Satanists by comparing these shit bags to them. Women are equal to men in the satanic temple. No means no in the satanic temple. Empathy towards living creatures is encouraged in the satanic temple. Humans are fallible in the satanic temple. Humans must also not twist science to conform to the individual's beliefs. Direct quote from the 7th tenet: "The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word." Be like Satanists. They have a better grip on society/reality. They also PAY TAXES!!


But Satanists don't worship the devil.


Goddamn it, Inco! That's the quiet part. Shush!


> They also PAY TAXES!! The IRS approved the Satanic Temple as a text-exempt church [in 2019](https://apnews.com/general-news-6addf2f0ecb646919cb1cfcfdacfc6c1).


>text-exempt But how will they write!


Oh boy. I need my coffee!




Such an icky comment. I think most Satanist will agree with me when I say this BUT SURE AS HELL DONT WANT HIS OR THEIR SORRY ASSES ANYWHERE NEAR OUR AWESOME HIDEY HOLE!


Yeah, but the devil doesn't tell us how to vote


Fuck these hypocrites. They are in league with a convicted rapist felon.


Flag desecration is so Republican.


If the IRS can take down Capone they can take down the Churches. It's high time they pay their dues.


Ever since Scientology took down a bunch of IRS agents, the IRS has been gun shy.


The fact that Scientology still exists after that very documented attempt to coerce and subvert a public institution is tantamount to cowardice. The Fed should have been out for blood after they had the simple gall to attempt what they did.


Sure. But they are cowards.


1313 & 1312


I'm out of the loop on this. What's going on?


It's kind of a long story, but essentially the IRS wanted Scientology to pay back taxes. Scientology became very litigious and went after the IRS, including suing several IRS agents personally, and pretty much destroying their lives. Most of this happened in the eighties. It's been awhile, so I'm not sure I'm remembering everything 100%, but that's the gist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_status_of_Scientology_in_the_United_States


They also had spies infiltrate every law enforcement agency. They were discovered, but who knows if it was all of them.


Looks like an institution that needs to be paying taxes.


I have good “intuition” should I be paying taxes too🤪




Happens to all of us !


From the IRS website >Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one "which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public ... We may be disgusted by it, but how is displaying this flag in violation of the law?


Flying a Don't Tread on Me and upside down US Flag are obvious known political statements by a specific campaign. Unless you're being willfully ignorant.


This act is not in violation of the law I cited, and you know that, just as you know they will suffer no consequences for it. Be pissed all you want, waste your time calling the IRS all you want, but nothing will happen until they are partaking in **campaign activity**, which this is not. Political? Likely, but the “country in distress” argument is pretty easy to defend. So they’re appealing to god for help. But they are not actively endorsing a candidate with this display, clearly.


If they're using overt messages like that, they are almost guaranteed to be involved in a specific campaign. As far as calling the IRS, it works. Check with the Church of Scientology. Country in distress. Give me a break. The only thing in distress is the Christian religion, and it's obviously rotting from within. They've forgotten all of Jesus Christ's teachings and are paying a price in membership for it. Jesus specifically would have found this display abhorrent.


Without Question. Jesus never spoke out against marginalized lifestyles, only against corruption and hurting each other. We can't know where he'd have been on abortion (I suspect pro-choice but "please don't do it" due to Jewish tradition on the topic at the time), but we **can** know he wouldn't have been anti-lgbtq in any way.


Scientology lost its status over practitioners profiting from the commercial entity that it was/is. Is this church doing that? Was the CoS flying this flag? No? Because that’s all that is shown here. This action alone is not in violation of the law. Instead of checking with the CoS, check local and national headlines for this church. You won’t see them lose their status for this, if this is all it is.


That's like if a Church's slogan being "88" pretending it's not Naziism. They are actively endorsing the candidate, and you can be sure the priest/pastor is telling people (perhaps in roundabout ways) to vote for Trump. My mother-in-law's Catholic Church did similar. The priest would stand up on the pulpit and say "As your priest, I will not tell you which of the two presidential candidates to vote for, but I will remind you as a Catholic that you cannot vote for the one who is pro-choice. That only leaves you only one option". Yet again, nobody is going to seriously or effectively take down the Catholic Church's tax exemption, but they are actively endorsing candidates


Right now, there's a trend to fly the upside-down flag because of the Trump conviction. This picture is 100% a church campaigning for Trump. BUT, there's also enough room for doubt nobody is going to go after them for it.


It’s not a Trump campaign flag. Trump isn’t using it in his campaign. You’re correct; no one *of import* is going after them for it.


> It’s not a Trump campaign flag. Trump isn’t using it in his campaign This seems like "fingers deep in ears" when they're doing it in soliditarity with the Trump Campaign and White Nationalists. Would you say the same if they had a big message "14-88" and nothing else, too (context, 14-88 or 1488 or 8814 is Nazi messaging)? Exactly how "this is clearly campaigning but it doesn't use the word" are you willing to bend?


Doesn’t matter how far I bend. This flag alone is not going to be considered campaigning to the IRS, period. Enough plausible deniability with what flying a flag in that manner actually means.


I know it's not. But you're saying it's NOT campaigning. Very big difference between what IS and what the IRS will see. The IRS won't even fight the flounding Church of Scientology. Their modus operendi is to maximize profit, which means they won't come after anyone who can bite them back.


By the definition of the law that the IRS will use if they look at this church (which is what brought us to this aside), it’s not campaigning. That’s the only point. Doesn’t matter what you or I or anyone who wastes their time reporting it think or know.


Tax the church


Anyone have a contact at the IRS?


All ya gotta do is fill out a form on the irs website. I linked in my comment earlier. If enough ppl do it they get to it faster.


Thanks! I appreciate it!!


Gadsden flag and flag of Israel for good measure. Nice. Can't make out the black one, is that a Punisher flag or just POW/MIA?


It’s the POW/MIA flag, I’d recognize it anywhere, especially when traitors try and virtue signal by flying it when they support Trump who famously attacked a POW for being captured.


Tax the shit out of them.


Tax the churches.


Tax the businesses owned by the churches


Same people who ruined Colin Kaepernick's career. OK with a country club draft dodger who spits all over veterans siccing a lynch mob on the VPOTUS for disregarding an unlawful order out of vainglorious pique for losing a GOD DAMN ELECTION FAIR AND FUCKING SQUARE!


I was gonna say. These are the same folks who hated people who kneeled in protest because it disrespected the flag… fucking hypocrites


This is the ‘church’ that tried to intimidate my family at our home.


The group vets against the vaccine covid mandates? Wonder if they protest when getting previous vaccines?


Beyond time to tax the churches. They are shields for all kinds of actual taxable activities.


Same horrible people who showed up on Casey Weinstein’s front sidewalk to scare his kids. Very godly folk.


It's time for people get their heads around the concept that simply calling something a "church" does not convey moral standing. Too many are laced with child molesters, embezzlers, and MAGAs.


They should immediately lose their tax exempt status.


Tax these hypocritical motherfuckers to hell and back.


I see what you did there 🔥


Revoke their tax exemption. Do it now.


I don't think they ever do that, unfortunately. (Looked it up. It has only happened once to Branch Ministries for telling people to not vote for Clinton in '92.)


The fact that a religious exemption exists at all is insane. "I have an imaginary friend, so I shouldn’t have to pay taxes."


Tax the churches.




In a civil war everything is a target. The Bible passage “A man that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.” Sounds like good advice along with a few other passages.


Tax ‘em!


So is this church saying they are against empire finally? This might be the first church against empire! Amazing job! /s That’s not what they’re saying is it? They’re saying they’re in support of the empire which is definitely the opposite of Jesus’ teachings. They’re lost. Always have been.


I wonder what the church's connection to Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein is? The new pizza parlor?


Tax the shit out of it


I don’t know why all these religious people are so worked up. Relax, God’s in control, right? Doesn’t god have a plan? Isn’t all of this God’s will? Didn’t he say “vengeance is mine”? Let’s not forget this is the same god that was so mad at a pharaoh he killed every first born son in Egypt. MAGAs don’t need to do a single thing, god will handle it. After all, the blood of Jesus protected you from a worldwide plague, surely he can smite Evil Joe Biden and the Demoncrats? You just need faith, not action. If they’re praying for a different outcome but things are only getting worse, maybe god doesn’t like Donald Trump. Or isn’t listening. Or isn’t on their side. Or doesn’t care. Or doesn’t like what they’re doing in his name. Or doesn’t exist.


But taking a knee was disrespectful……


The Church of Trump


So the MAGAs got all up in arms when people kneeled at football games to protest very real police brutality. They were called traitors, unAmerican, etc. But it’s fine for them to fly the US flag upside down bc their fascist leader was convicted of crimes by a jury of his peers? Oh ok. It’s disgusting.


Kind of defeats the point if the ones on the actual poles are the correct way up 😆


These jesus fuckers are trying to take over


Tax them


What you mean god is not helping you?


Tax those fuckers.


These are the same ppl that had a melt down about a football player kneeling for the flag.


Dear Ohio, The thing that makes America great is the separation of church and state. Work on that more and get back to us. Thanks, -Fellow Americans


This is 100% enough for them to get shut down by the IRS. Report it.




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That yellow one is a Don't Tread On Me flag, isn't it?


Yes. And I'm surprised they don't have a Trump flag.


Time for pictures of Upside-Down Jesus. With the green vomit emoji


Pay taxes!!


Long ago in an administration far, far away... *The Flag Desecration Amendment* "While the proposed amendment is frequently referred to colloquially in terms of expression of political views through "flag burning", the language would permit the prohibition of all forms of flag desecration, which may take forms other than burning, such as using the flag for clothing or napkins ." "The most recent legislative attempt to propose a flag desecration amendment to come to a vote in both the House and Senate in the same congressional session failed in the Senate by one vote on June 27, 2006. Senator Steve Daines (Republican-MT) introduced a joint resolution to make an unconstitutional ban on flag burning on June 14, 2019, and received support from the **Trump** administration, but the resolution was unsuccessful. Daines reintroduced the resolution on June 14, 2021." Source: [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_Desecration_Amendment)


There is no devil or God


I love that no one is coming to save them.


Why are the flying two flags right-side up and displaying one upside down, they hedging their bets or something?!


Churches that enter the political arena, political sermons, political fundraisers etc, can lose their tax exempt status.


IF there was an agency with the courage to take these preacher to court. Tax them all.


This is DISRESPECTFUL both to the flag and the rule of law. NOT OK


Upside down US flag is a distress signal, right? Be a shame if someone called in an active shooter on Sunday.


Right wingers are so awesome. I wished I could live in the fantasy world they live in. It would be so much cooler than my life.


They tend to gather in groups at these places. Just saying.






hope they get their tax exempt status revoked


Tax these cunts :)