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I've written extensively on WW2, mostly because I'm fascinated by the psychology of it, and I can say that the right wing is using the exact same playbook. I'm expecting there to be a false flag attack soon


I watched a fox news reporter say that the reason trump doesnt see Melania anymore is because of joe biden. They've been doing false flags bidens entire presidency.


I was thinking more like an assassination or arson


Like this? https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-falsely-claims-biden-fbi-plan-assassinate-mar/story%3fid=110466084


Just link to [the article](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-falsely-claims-biden-fbi-plan-assassinate-mar/story?id=110466084) instead of the Google AMP link.


lol they should do it since scotus said it was cool to do. Biden would have immunity according to them


They'll only rule presidential immunity if trump wins, that's what's crazy. Why does so much of America hate dems/me?


Because if you willingly identify as a dem then you're a big problem for the average voter, who is independent but held hostage by a two party system. You're a contributing factor to our lack of representation by falling in line with people that will never care about you, but use your life as a bargaining chip. Just because the other guys are worse doesnt mean we dont deserve better.


I'll be damned. I wore the masks. I do what I'm supposed to do. Ill always vote for women's rights. I'll always vote for minorities rights too. "Their both bad." Yeah well one is a monster that wants to turn America into a dictatorship. I think I'll pick the lesser of the two evils here. "It's all apart of the DNC and GOPs plan." No it's not. They would've picked a better candidate. Nobody could've expected Trump.


Classic corporate lib. Missing the point entirely and waxing poetic from you soapbox about how they're the only ones who can save us from themselves.


Please tell me how the "libs" have brought trumps atrocities on ourselves.


This is dumb. They push the hate as part of their Nazi playbook using the Big Lie to create false enemies to hate, and later to eradicate.


Huh? Trump doesn't see his wife anymore because of Biden? Make it make sense.😕


Yes. Because Joe is banging her. Obviously.


If Melania isn't in contact with Trump any more, what does that mean and why? It's a tell, because narcissists don't let their targets escape. Conspiracy Theory😃: Melania is Trump's handler and Elaine Chow is MoscowMitch's handler. LOL!


1st lol your theory is fun and I hope to GOD it isn’t true 😂 2nd true narcissists don’t let their targets escape… unfortunately his target right now is America.


all dems presidency since clinton.


David Pakman has demonstrated that the left disseminates its agenda throughout the country through small, local TV and radio stations, as they are more “trustworthy” than national outlets.


They grassroots false flags all of the time Remember the dozens of MAGA that wrote credentials in sharpie on a note card then pretended to be nurses and doctors to say that covid was a liberal hoax to lock people in their homes? Just one of countless examples from the last few years


Polish radio station coming back in fascism, oops meant fashion. Good lord this is some scary shit. It’s it is clearly and obviously not limited to the US. What the fuck do we do?


Vote in every fucking election--national, state and local. Write or email your representatives often. If you can't donate to a political cause, volunteer in your community. Knock on doors. Hand out flyers. Send postcards. Talk to your neighbors. Tell them true stories about people who have been harmed by right-wing policies. Above all, do not remain silent.


I do. And am registered republican, because where I am, I don’t really have a choice. Fucking weird, but here we are.




The Netherlands just got a radical right government too. Glad it’s already a shitshow. Even before they’re installed.


I agree. Similar to the Reichstag fire? Edit: My implication isn't a claim the fire was a nazi operation, just that a similar crisis could be used in the same way the nazis used the fire.


Jan 06 showed us that they won't even bother with the pretense of a false flag, they will just attack.


My German grandmother was in first grade when WW2 started. She says the Republicans in Florida remind her of the Nazis she grew up with. She's the least political member of my family, but if anyone is qualified to call someone a Nazi, it's a person who grew up in Nazi Germany.


Oh I know! None of this is shocking, just history repeating.


The Republican platform exhibits 12 of the 14 signs of fascism. It’s not even hyperbole.




Curious. The pdf within the article correctly names 14 characteristics, yet the article itself cites 12. Missing are “Supremacy of the Military” and “Fraudulent Elections.” Hits the nail on the head with that last one. The 14 I am referring to as outlined by Political Scientist Lawrence Britt circa 2003. https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html


It’s 14 of 14 from what I’m seeing. Which 2 do you think aren’t being put in practice?


The GQP doesn’t have complete control over the entire spectrum of media. Despite their best efforts to control the conversational narrative! And as of right now they don’t have complete supremacy of the military. Domestic issues are being ignored in favor of a bloated military budget. And we do glamorize our service men and women - albeit where the line is between “glamorize” and “honor” is blurry in America. I’ll concede this Sign may already be true for them. Call it 13 of 14 then.


The governor from Virginia tired to find CRT in public schools but I not heard if he found it.


He never did.


It’s almost like a… what do they call it…? Oh yeah “witch hunt”


Wasn't CRT confirmed to be a hoax by the same guy who came up with the rumor about it?


Yes! Yet no legal repercussions for them nor Ron Desantis who spreads misinformation while on the job and as acting governor! He needs to be fired and not allowed in any gov position. He’s ruined many lives!


"Confirmed", yes, absolutely. Yet despite overwhelming evidence, Republicans still believe it to be a vast conspiracy by the woke deep state.


I’m British and I still have no fucking idea what CRT is. I just assume they are projecting their CBT kinks into everyone.


What does this mean? Critical Race Theory is not a hoax


It's an advanced topic taught in *college* - not in public elementary schools.




They probably mean Chris Rufo’s tweet about using CRT as a wedge. Midway down the page you’ll find it. https://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/news/khiara-m-bridges-hidden-agenda-gop-attacks-critical-race-theory


I still can hardly fathom how we went from pretty minor missteps (can’t spell potato, getting overly hyped on stage, etc.) being considered as disqualifying to be President and instantly ending a campaign, to there is absolutely no bottom. I mean, this fascist era began with “you can grab ‘em by the p*sssy” and we’re now at the “convicted of 34 felony counts stage” and these nutters are still all in. Someone needs to unplug Neo to reset the Matrix - it’s fucking broken!


I think normal people have been "too normal" ; we need to be rude . . Tell your (neighbor , brother , etc) that Trump "loves" murderous dictators - his words . "Kim Jong Un sent me a beautiful letter . We fell in love." .. Be rude . Ask that person if they "love" Kim Jong Un ? Reinterate "Trump does" "He said it ." ... Put them on the spot . ...


Yes. Gloves off with these traitors.


It started before that. GOP has always been fash but MAGA came out of the tea party


Which started as racist blowback against a black president.


Yes. White people lost their minds because of that


Well, not all of us. I lost mine *much* earlier.


Yes, mine was obliterated in the 80s from all the "Jesus and John Wayne" narrative brainwashing.


How does one recover? I lost mine in the army during the gwb years


It started when Obama won. It broke their racist brains. And they never once considered that they might have been the problem.


And telling children that must accept Jesus is not indoctrination, right DeFascist?


A naked bloody man on a cross. That’s the kind of imagery they’re okay showing kids and telling them lgbt people and people who aren’t in their cult are going to hell is okay to them. But teaching them to respect one another and not to bully others and teaching lgbt/poc history in general is “indoctrination”. Remove tax exempt status from all religious organizations and any that discriminate against others and you’ll see how quick they change their business, which is what religion is. A business for lowlifes that want to “belong” to something and get together to echo chamber each other. Which is okay but shouldn’t be tax exempt or forced onto others! Especially in our gov and bills being passed! Bills should only be passed based on science and facts! Not a made up entity!


It's not even the most disturbing imagery in the bible. The Old Testament is just nuts, give it a read sometime. Not to mention very early in the NT Christ himself tells a foreign woman he only came to help the Jews when a she begs him to heal her daughter; she says something about even dogs getting *crumbs from the table* and he relents. He makes her beg.


Try out my favorite to throw at Jeezites: Numbers 31 - (17) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. (18) But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.


I hate how they always name their ACTs in such a shady way so the uninformed public would vote on it by name alone but the ACT is completely opposite of what people think.


1984 *doublethink" ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink .. .


Who are we at war with, Winston?


We have always been at war with East Asia.


He’s evil! Belongs in prison. That’s what Hitler did! Look into him! And you’ll see exactly what Desantis says and does the Nazis did too.


Funny how they *always* leave science out of the school subjects...


Since the opposite of being 'woke' is being bigoted and (willfully) ignorant, I'll take 'woke' every damned time.


“Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a “religion” by the federal government.” Says the man claiming he isn’t forcing us to be Christians.


Hey asshole try doing something real and correct your stupidity: DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds. But you go after the all important Stop the Woke Act which I’m sure people in Florida are really really really worried about sitting in 5 feet of water. Floridians you deserve better.


Woke is a fucking acronym now?


We Oldies Kvetch Eternally?


Welcome to Florida, please set your clock back to 1950


No, people had rights (if limited) in 1950. Honey, you're thinking of Nazi-era Germany.


Ron just needs a little mustache to complete the look.


Politicians who lie should be held criminally accountable, similar to committing perjury. CRT has never been taught in any public school in the United States. There were courses developed at *private* universities for doctoral students. Make it a law. Lock him up.


Florida is where god went to die


Funnily enough, Ron, lots of people consider YOU evil with your treatment of others. And you’re also weird and socially awkward as fuck. That’s why you failed in your Presidential bid.


God CRT was so five years ago. Reading that reminded me it probably wasn't even that long ago. It's absurd how much has happened in so little amount of time. Do conservatives even remember this day to day?


The stop MORALS act. Woke used to be called morals.


Heil Desantler!


I had the misfortune of seeing Ron in person when he came to my college, his speech was constantly ranting about New York and California schools. All whilst my classmate was ready to bust a nut to get a pic with him


Everything Republiqans do is indoctrination. Education is toxic to modern American conservatism.


Yeah, OK. Let's have a look at those "more resources for mothers and families", Fuckhead. I'm very interested in that part.


I hear Matt Gaetz could be the next FL Governor. It just keeps getting better. What's wrong with FL voters?


They turned “woke” into an acronym now? Woke just means “awake” how deep do these cow fuckers have to make it?


at least I know who to avoid when I hear that term. Nobody I know uses it except the racist or ignorant. You’re literally signaling that you’re uneducated, have a really insufferable or disgusting personality or a racist. I’ve never met someone who complains about “wokeness” who turned out to be a decent person. They’re so angry that they might suffer consequences for their shitty actions. It’s called accountability folks!


Ron loves bum sex


educate your children not indoctrinate. yes, use those words against his far right agenda


He’s become irrelevant and will get voted out. This is desperation. 


No he won't, Florida is being overran with fascist fuck heads while people who are being hurt by all of these horrible fucking bills are having to leave for their own safety. I want out, someone please kill me.


Stay strong we fight them together


He’s not up for reelection, but his wife might want to run for governor position. It’s gross.


She’s probably worse than he is. 


He want you to sleep


Obey Consume Sleep ... .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live .


Heil Ronny!


Racist bastard. I think he has a Napoleonic Complex.


They are worse than Nazis. The irony is that IF they did have any understanding and interest in 1930s Germany history, they maybe have been better able to


OF course when they say they want schools only teaching math reading and writing they want to set VERY strict conditions on that too, because they don't want anyone realizing that certain things don't add up, reading the "wrong" things or writing they "wrong" things,.


Why is Great Replacement Theory correct but Critical Race Theory incorrect?


DeFascist has such deep hatred towards people of color it’s mind blowing.


Suddenly it makes sense why they don't like Catholicism. The whole Confessional Seal makes it hard to know who's a thought criminal and who isn't. I believe in some regions you can even confess heinous crimes to a priest in confession and whatever you say in that booth stays between you, the priest, and God.


Smartest guy in every room. Maybe next order the tide to stay out. Genius


Oh, and it’s coming from Ron Desantis, how shocking.


Has the water receded already?


What the heck is CRT?