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Enjoy your stay in prison for being a non-compliant beeyatch.


I hear the DT’s are a bitch. Oh well.


Late night pillow talk with your bunk buddies.


And the food! Everything eaten with a spoon, too. How convenient. Wait til you taste the coffee.


The fringe-right has sadly become the mainstream of the MAGA-GOP. And because they really can't appeal to the intellect of their ignorant supporters - for their operation is bereft of intellectual merit - they must appeal to their supporters' brute animal instincts. Each time Steve Bannon opens his ghoulishly foul pie-hole, the collective intelligence quotient of the MAGA-GOP drops another point.


I didn’t know the IQ scale went negative. Learn something new every day I guess.


Well, it's rather like the Kelvin scale that's used to express temperature. You have absolute zero and that's as low as it goes.


Maybe we’re saying the same thing, but it’s my observation that the big-tent republicans died with President Reagan and Reagan-Republicans died with Trump. Just like Reagan fundamentally changed the party at its core, Trump did, too. There won’t be any centrist, government-minded Republicans until the party goes thru another metamorphosis.


MAGA only makes up 14-15% of voters. The rest are just turning a blind eye


Apparently people turning a blind eye is as good as supporting.


Just how do people who don’t believe in any of our country’s institutions call themselves patriots and actually believe going against the constitution is the right thing to do?


They are mentally unwell.


They are performatively outraged.


Big propaganda networks and a lot of austerity cuts to education and mental health.


Doublethink. I hate everything about my country and would burn it all to the ground / I am the most patriotic of all.


If you ask them they are for the constitution, but all they know is the 2nd Amendment.


It seems we have reached a tipping point when it comes to the corrosive effects of cronyism and the outsied influence of moneyed interests, particularly on the poor in rural areas. On one side, we have poor Republicans who have largely given up on the ability of existing institutions to address their concerns. Feeling betrayed by a system that has prioritized the interests of the wealthy elite, they have grown increasingly inclined to want to burn the whole thing down. This reflects a deep ideological shift and a complete loss of faith in the capacity of the political establishment to enact meaningful change. poor democrats, while also acutely aware of the cronyism and inequality pervading the system, have maintained a degree of hope that good-faith policy efforts can help repair some of the damage. Initiatives like the Biden administration's insulin price cap, while imperfect, represent an attempt to provide tangible relief, even if the underlying structural issues persist. The divergent responses of these two camps underscore the growing political polarization. The poor Republicans seem driven by a desire for radical upheaval, while the poor democrats cling to the belief that the system can be reformed through incremental, technocratic solutions. the problem of cronyism and the prioritization of shareholder value over the wellbeing of workers and communities is not limited to one political party. Both republican and democratic elites have benefited from and in some cases actively perpetuated a system that has enriched the wealthy at the expense of the poor. the rich Republicans i think believe by burning it all down they can come out ahead and they have created that belief in the poor republicans too. they rather burn it down and remain in power than share that power with minorities. the problem concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a small elite class leads to societal collapse. they believe this is how the world works that you are either the master or the slave. they cannot conceptualize a equal society where their is neither and everyone is free of those roles. we have in usa created a society where we sacrifice the workers(the lambs) for the shareholders (the gods). the workers are sacrificing their lives ro the company and the company offers there work as sacrifice to the gods. now the gods demand more and the sacrifices are now in the form of layoffs. who would want to exist in sich a system? where we should be focused more on creating policies that make stable jobs and create stability for families. that make a worker a expert at a particular ability for over 20 plus years in the same job where he crafts the same airplane part everyday. why that is important us that it creates more safety and stability in a society. this is what we should be trying to create. companies now exploit workers rather than improve their skills and knowledge and improve innovation and optimize their ability to create a need for humanity and society. the rise of China's geopolitical influence through its soft power strategy of infrastructure investment and economic integration in the developing world offers a potential countermodel. By focusing on mutually beneficial economic development, China has been able to expand its reach and influence without resorting to the kind of extractive, zero-sum approach that has characterized much of Western political policy ( cia and dictators). what do you think?


See the Super Patriot. Hear how he loves his country. Hear him preach how he hates “Liberals”… And “Moderates”…and “Intellectuals”… And “Activists”…and “Pacifists”… And “Minority Groups”…and “Aliens”… And “Unions”…and “Teenagers”… And the “Very Rich”…and the “Very Poor”… And “People with Foreign-Sounding Names”. Now you know what a Super Patriot is. He’s someone who loves his country While hating 93% of the people who live in it. -Mad Magazine 1969




You gonna lead the charge Steve? Hopefully they can stop every 20 feet when you get the spins…. Yea like this marshmallow would put himself in front of *any* threat of violence. Bloviating shit talking asshole…


Maybe he can organize the MAGA team in the prison he's about to live in.


In prison, Bannon would quickly become the latest boy toy.


Do you see what he looks like? No one wants to touch him!


he worked on targeting in a different way with cambridge analytica, this time probably some AI company + data brokers but more about who to purge and in what order [https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/30/politics/bannon-cambridge-analytica/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/30/politics/bannon-cambridge-analytica/index.html)


Steve knows his audience.


Hey, Steve. Fuck off.


On the one hand, these fuckers are a breath away from power. That's unthinkable. On the other, this whole Me Generation tantrum just smacks of desperation. Also, they are clipping the "Again" part from MAGA by fighting to end our democracy and found a spray tan dynasty. They will not succeed. We need 100 million voters to slam the door on their smelly fingers.


Uh, okay, then show me the evidence. Or, just show me *some* evidence. Like, even a single shred would work. But *something.* Anything.


What happened to republicans?


we had a black president so they want to end the country


a black man was once elected president


Nationalism/tribalism done rotted their minds.


Can't wait until Bannon goes to jail. It'll be his first shower he's had in months...


He was already in prison, And got pardoned. All of their freedom banks on trump winning and mass pardoning every gop criminal.


Dude looks like his breath could wither a vase full of flowers on contact


How very Christian of them for cheering violent rhetoric.


Biggest. Pussy. Ever.


This bloated pus boil is scared shitless of withdrawal symptoms, drunken louse that he is.


He can make toilet wine just like the other inmates


Terrorism. Plain and simple


and yet the incredibly naive journalist that work at national public radio and PBS are going to continue to insist that this is all normal.


Sad but true. These fascists aren't couching their language anymore, but the media is still pretending that they aren't bloodthirsty fascists.


When have they done that? I listen to NPR daily and must have missed them normalizing this.


I know, right?! The fuck is this nonsense take? Tell me you don’t listen without telling me you don’t listen. Public media is one of the few honest options we have left.


Tik Tok bitch. Your 4 months incarceration start in 2 weeks. Then your fraud trial in NY starts. Enjoy your freedom for now.


This is horrifying


What a gigantic chickenshit. It's only 4 months in jail tough boy. Suck it up.


Someone called him a human herpe and that’s so accurate.


They *will* kill Biden. Biden needs to win this year or we die.


The MAGAs will be trying to murder Biden regardless of the outcome of the election.


This bloated pus boil is scared shirtless of withdrawal symptoms, drunken louse that he is.


Isn't that guy supposed to be in jail?


If you wanna be disappointed in America further. Go to the comments section of the YouTube video. I wonder how many Russian bots are on there?


Again, these folks are SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS! People need to STOP underestimating the threat. These aren’t basement dwellers… These folks are cops, military (yes including those with ⭐️ on their uniforms). Don’t underestimate this. If trump wins this crap will happen. And for black/brown people, LGBTQIA people and non-Christians…we’re gonna die, a lot of us, quickly. These white supremacist plan to “finish the job” this time i.e. genocide us all out if America.


Jesus Christ, calm down. Leave the Chicken Little shit to MAGA. They were gonna lock up Hillary and hang a vice President too, if I recall.


Nah I won’t calm down! As a black person (who isn’t a self loathing black conservative), I KNOW THE HISTORY (and very recent at that…as well as ongoing) of America. So for us, IT IS literal life and death for us. These white supremacist are dead serious about “finishing the job,” “not losing this time,” i.e. establishing the confederacy and making it a “white only nation,” as far as who resides in it.


Let me try a more respectful approach. Focus on what you can do to keep yourself and yours safe. Awareness of what’s happening in the halls of power is important but it’s easy to dwell on what we can’t control which just keeps the fight or flight train rolling. As a white guy in a small town in a disgustingly red state my experience and vulnerability to these degenerates is likely much lower than the groups they hate, I’m not qualified to speak on the experiences of others, a fact that’s easily forgotten in the mundane sameness of rural life. These tools are cowards so they won’t mess with anyone who doesn’t look like easy meat. Carrying yourself with strength and honor (even if you don’t feel those things) can avert a lot of bullshit. Be well and be safe.


What’s so ironic about anything he says is that we all know what a huge pussy he is and he’s so terrified to go do three or four months in jail, and a minimum security prison. What a Putz! This is their leader.


You'd think that someone headed for a prison stay would have a little more awareness.


I stopped watching at "Best president since Abraham Lincoln." This dude has a parasitic worm eating at his brain and it has Putin's name all over it. This is how the holocaust happened, propagandists spewing lie after lie until they rile up enough morons to start a war. This dude is an enemy of the United States. This guy right here, is a traitor, a puppet who supports a wanna be dictator. If you buy into this you are mentally ill and need help, seriously. This is the face of civil war. This is not patriotism, this is fascism. Every last one of you magacult conservatives that support this are guilty of treason against this country. Snap out of it, we will not back down. You're a virus.


Enjoy your stay at #$ck me in the ass prison on July 1. His BS is destroying democracy and hopefully the legal system will continue to haunt this traitor.


at this point all the doj has to do is film all these conferences and most of the participants will implicate themselves in crimes.


The only thing he inspires is violence.


ho-lee shit.... these people are completely insane.


Didn’t this leaking liver character report to prison today?


I feel like he's doing this because he feels he's got nothing left to lose as his ass faces jail so he's just going all out. Alex Jones gave a similar speech too and he's also losing everything although not as much as he should. He's been looking for loopholes to not have to pay up for what he did.


Are the maga nerds complaining about this like how they’re complaint about jack black?


The Turning Point crowd are just low life and LOSERS !


Anybody else still astounded that bannon embezzled millions from a private maga wall fund, got busted for it and then trump pardoned him?


They aren't dancing around what their intentions are and there's not much push back from legitimate news organizations....I found it quite disturbing when at the Trump rallies he stated as fact that women were having babies and having doctors execute them...pretty much nothing from the news groups.


You know, just like Jesus would have wanted.


Rot in prison Steve


That’s what there left with being blunt objects cause there not going to smart there way to success in anyway.


What a nasty man


Can we disband and bar the Con party from holding political office... now? Or do we have to wait for the gas chambers?


This is American conservatism. GOP = Nazi. The country’s chief enemies are within.


Part of me would LOVE to be in his cell. " What was that you said about violence again?"


Murder. He is publicly advocating for terrorism and mass murder. Let’s stop sugarcoating this shit.


It’s like they take every Democrat campaign speech and just change the names and throw in some violent retribution. Every awful thing they’ve done is projected onto the Democrats and their idiot followers believe them. Like Melania’s stolen Michele speech on meth.


Shouldn't he be in jail?


That’s today’s republicans for ya! Tell them they’re a bunch of extremists and they’ll tell you that you’re a cross dressing transsexual pedophile! I just hope the National Guard is ready for the onslaught once they lose in November.


This feels like I'm looking at a real Nazi rally here. The fact Bannon is still running around free shows just how absurd the idea of "Biden's Justice Department is running amok" truly is. A justice department with any real teeth or authority would have this criminal traitorous pig locked up.


Such cynical mfers. He doesn't believe or mean any of this shit. But he's willing to sacrifice others to achieve his own lust for power and money. Same goes for shitler and all these maga bandwagoneers.


I miss the days where traitors like this were rounded up and executed. This blatant twisting of reality and weaponization of ignorance should be illegal. We're going to pay the price for their ignorance.