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What that person said there is illegal FYI. Not sure what platform that is and if it's anonymous or not. If it's not, I'd report them to the law in a heartbeat.


It's Instagram. Instagram is an American company so you would report it to the fbi and they would get a subpoena for his info. This is a reportable crime no matter his location either way


Instagram doesn't do shit to these people. I've reported violent idiots like this and they just say it doesn't violate the guidelines and freedom of speech blah blah blah. Go ahead and try though.


That’s not protected speech. That’s a terroristic threat. OP u/basskev, take dude’s advice and report this to the FBI.


> That’s a terroristic threat. It evokes terror, but it's a death threat. That's still very bad. Terrorism has the purpose of instilling terror in a group, for idealogical purpose of some kind. It's not terrorising an individual, despite the similar root words.


The criminal charge for death threats, at least in the state I’m in, is terroristic threats. For the precise reason you stated - they are death threats, which ~~invoke~~ evoke terror. Edited to add a word and correct a word.


he literally said “total f death” that is some political sloganeering




This guy has said more publicly, I believe there was another post that featured him.


They want to kill as many in their lifetime as possible, 'total... Death'


And he clearly threatened the children as well.


This isn’t meant to terrorize queer folks broadly, or OP’s whole family?


If his whole family, which is at least 4 people constitutes a group, and his ideological motivation is hating gay people, then it does kinda qualify.


Lol what. He’s literally targeting him based on sexual orientation.


Terroristic threat is the specific name of an offense. It doesn't have a direct relationship with the broader view of terrorism. It's literally just the name of a crime. I can't speak for every state, but I was a cop in TX. I've charged folks with Terroristic Threat before. The criteria for it includes threats of death or serious violence. Like if someone texted you saying they're coming to shoot you or something.


He did say to report it to the FBI not to IG.


Right, but we are not talking about reporting it to instagram. You need to go straight to the FBI with this shit. It's pretty ironic if you ask me this guy preaches all that hate on the internet. FBI shows up and throws him in prison, and now he's the one having sex with men. Haha


Hardly any platform does anything AT ALL about murderous fuckbags just like this one. The just ban us for punching these fucks right back in their bitch faces. Here we are.


The fucking fbi will


I hope so.


He is Canadian BTW, I don't know if that changes things


It’s on Instagram. I saw this account on a different post the other day. I guess his account is Canadian so the FBI can’t do much. However Canadian equivalent probably can.


Also that I person is super repressed gay or this is bullshit.


Thinking about it, he might have been violated by men in his youth, and this is his way of lashing out. Not excusing his behavior, of course, dude is deranged and needs help or needs to be incarcerated to protect the public.


You guessing helps not at all.


You know how they say “lone wolf” attacks. Exhibit A. These fucks get to troll online and quietly plan their action to initiate a “insert reason here”-war. Feel free to report to the FBI or another law enforcement group (although they probably are “lAw eNForCemEnT”)


That was an awesome amount of fuckin words to let us know that he's got child porn on his computer, he's definitely a registered sex offender, and if he ever got anyone to fuck him, it was at knife point! He probably has more than 3 restraint orders against him and most likely punched his Nana in the fuckin face when he was 7. He probably diddled his siblings, has a 6th grade education even though he spent 11 years in elementary school, he definitely has a problem with anyone who is sane. He's the fuckin prototype on how I see all you sister fuck Magats. You're all him, and he's all you! Good job sister fuck states, when are you going to elect him to the fuckin Senate? He's the embodiment of all you idiots fuckin vote for, and I judge you by his actions. All you fuckin magats have at least 4 things in common, for what I listed. He's your neighbor. He's your family member, and he is pounding his sister right now! You can downvote me, and I am still fuckin waiting for you imbeciles to get the fuckin message that he is what you idiots fuckin want!


I'm sorry if it made you that guy. I totally meant the fuckin magat that posted that shit. Not you at all. My apologies for the misunderstanding. Cheers, and I hope you don't get too many downvotes because of my error.


No problem. Most of us understood. "You" is just a habit, can be replaced by "they/they're."


Yes, I just felt bad when I hit post, and polymath might have said WTF did I do. Cheers


"You kid fucker!" "Your kids aren't attractive and should die." A red flag among a red flag store.


“This flag is particularly red, compared to the others.”


Yup, he's definitely going to be on the no-fly list in about a week. Several people had already reported him. They are so fuckin proud of their ignorance, they can't help but to tattle on them selves.


Again I apologize.


Had a friend in high school who turned out like this. Safe to say I stopped associating with him well before that stage because the path to this was filled with plenty of questionable shit I wouldn’t remain friends with someone over. He messaged me during the 2020 election season and said “people like you are the type to get that *n-word* lady and old pedo elected,” because I was convincing conservative friends to vote third party. Realized people like him were nothing but scum and deserved nothing but misery over the course of their life so I didn’t even bother to try and talk him out of it. Seething racists, homophobes, misogynists, etc. don’t deserve to be happy.


If you look at a pic of Alex jones from 2015 and one from now, you can see how badly he has aged. He's in his 50s, but it looks like he's mid to late 60s. Their lifestyle eats at them.


To be fair, I don't think it's just Alex Jones being a hateful piece of shit that has aged him. It's being an alcoholic, hateful piece of shit. If you're still drinking like you did in your twenties in your 40s and 50s, you're gonna look like that.


Yes. That is what I meant by "lifestyle."


As the other person mentioned, it's definitely the alcohol, but other things like unhealthy food choices and whatnot. Dude probably, no definitely, doesn't believe in sunscreen, hypertension medication, or skincare. Being skeptical about everything you hear from people who dedicate their entire life to educating themselves on medicine and health is a recipe for disaster.


He’s 50.  That is a *hard* 50. 


Aww man the IG police got to him. Edit: They did not. He blocked me. Making burners doesn't work for some reason but I can see him incognito mode. Please report him and I guess don't engage with him if he's gonna be like this.


You should definitely report this to the fbi. You can send an anonymous report if you want because what he just did is 100% a federal crime


This, u/basskev - do not let this go unreported.


Absolutely. This dude needs a reality check, and FAST if he thinks he can threaten to kill peoples’ children in front of them. This is what happens when people don’t face consequences for their actions. Rehabilitate him or completely remove him from society and put him somewhere he can’t hurt anybody or even communicate with the rest of us.


We should bring back exile. There are plenty of islets in Alaska.


We don't want that shit up here.


That maga dude needs to be exiled from earth. People like him are legit threat to society.


I hear the Sun’s surface is nice this time of year. Ready the cannon.


We don’t want anyone like that here friend.


I mean one of those far, far out deep in the Pacific islets.




I read on another thread showcasing his bullshit that he's from Canada. So send it to CSIS too. 


Just saw that too. He's not subtle with his threats of murder. He says he makes posts like that to bait out gay people to get their personal information so he can target them. This is the kind of guy you see arrested for murder and then articles coming out about how they had many social media posts talking about these fantasies but no one reported it or the cops investigated but did nothing until he acted on his fantasies.


Yes. This needs to be reported. Behavior on this continuum - not as bad but on the continuum - is tolerated in my family and the FBI has already started to keep tabs on one person in particular. We are in dangerous times, they are enabled and emboldened and coming out like cicadas. Unlike cicadas though this hatred and bigotry is extremely dangerous. Report him.


Also his account is still up, he probably just realized he fucked up and blocked you. He writes a newsletter or something about this stuff too. He's certifiably a maniac.


And who knows how many other psychos he might rile up if he puts out the OPs personal info in this "newsletter." Someone may try to "save" their children.


His profile says "1488th division" which is just a straight up NAZI dogwhistle


His account is active. I have just been reporting every one of his posts.


Report this to the FBI now, they will follow up. Stop waiting.


Did they? I’m looking at his Insta right now.


Ah, that's no good


Report him to the FBI and the Canadian authorities


On the seconds page, did this asshole admit to being a serial killer?


Sounded like it to me.


Report him. People like this need to taste the chain.


"Get a job" might shut his little mind down


Did you report him to the FBI? That's the only thing you should be doing right now, not goofing on reddit


Try the Canadian Security Intelligence Service I found this page a few days ago and reported it to IG to no avail. But people have found he’s a Canadian so the US FBI might not be able to do much, but the Canadian equivalent would be a better option to report.


Just saw he said he wants to kill the kids. He's implies he hates guys because they fuck kids...but he wants to kill children.... It's any excuse for these people.


Report this asshat to the FBI. Threatening murder is illegal and also he's a cruel person


Canadian Security Intelligence Service This guys Canadian from what I’ve found about him. CSIS is the Canadian equivalent of the FBI


Where did this all-gay-people-are-pedophiles lunacy come from? It's like some people skipped over the last 50 to 100 years, missing all the progress society has made since then.


4Chan. Literally.


Future sociology & political science students are going to have a great time when they get to the chapter on the early 21st century titled "How Banning Hentai on a Single Internet Forum Resulted in the Resurgence of Global Fascism".


No, this propaganda did not originate there, it predates the internet by many decades, but has become more mainstream through these platforms.


4chan, 8chan…someone needs to melt the serves that host those sites. Those are trash websites that allow hateful shit like that maga crap to fester. I know it’s not just those sites & that hatred existed before the internet but the internet does help to reinforce the hate when these assholes find others who agree with their crap.


If that chan (8?) is still hosted in the Philippines: I’ve thought about a gofundme to lobby (read: out-bid their government bribes) and get them raided. They straight up execute drug users and dealers in the Philippines there’s no way there’s not something on there that violates one of their laws


LibsofTikTok cunt has been the most active popularizer of it the past 5 years or so. Wish someone would…..


Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned DDoS-attacks-until-they-stop-posting approach?


If a *left wing* person does that, suddenly law enforcement finds the time and resources to locate and arrest the assailant.


Wish someone would….. Give her [the Anita Bryant treatment](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.out.com%2Ftoday-gay-history%2F2016%2F10%2F14%2Ftoday-gay-history-gay-activist-pies-anita-bryant-face&psig=AOvVaw3LrHwhLB6Rl6ZqFuqOy-l8&ust=1718841196771000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCPC3oMus5oYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE)?


>Gay bars stopped selling screwdrivers and instead sold Anita Bryants, made with vodka and apple juice, the proceeds from which went to a fund that would help to fight against Bryant. That's great that she lost her jobs for being a bigot. I hate the c-word but some people just are the c-word.


If it makes you feel any better they are craigslist confirmed. :\^) I made a list and i checked it a lot more than twice...EVERYONE ON IT IS VERY NOT NICE. :D I consider it a service to other LGBT people o7.


It’s been an evangelical trope since at least the 1950s. The rationale is that everyone hates pedos, so by equating gays with pedos is a way to get other people to hate gays as well.


If only there was proof that it was christians the entire time touching kids.... :| \*insert spongebob diaper wall meme\*


I had a guy do this to me right after the 2016 election. Trolled my Facebook, saw pictures of my infant son, started calling him a “retarded little piece of shit”. I reported him and made my profile private. Within an hour my wife was getting the same messages from a new account. The fucking guy made a whole new account to attack my wife and baby. These subhumans never quit.


Damn I had pretty much an identical experience. Just a random guy on facebook that blew up my inbox because he didn’t like what I had to say. He went crazy on my wife as well. Fucking losers.


Sooooo tough. If he rapped, his *name* would be Low T.


I had a similar encounter on Facebook and they said the death threats didn’t violate their community standards.


Says a lot about the community.


The irony of him threatening to kill children because he wants to save them from a nonexistent danger to children… that’s not only horrific but also a perfect test case of the contradictions of fascism. And also a felony. Generally I wouldn’t say that the police getting involved would help with anything, but they usually care about threats to murder children. Report this fucker.


This dude is 100% the biggest pedo on earth. 100%. Guarantee it.


600 points for the the Canadian intelligence services finding cp on his pc. I agree dude is deffo a creep


Pepe AND Joker? Save some edge for the rest of us, bro.


This is the kind of person who carries out a lone wolf shooting like the Christchurch Mosque Shooting or the Pulse Nightclub. Do y'all think dragging them out into the light would do any good? I don't know anymore.


>Do y'all think dragging them out into the light would do any good? I think dragging them out into the light... into the hot desert... and pinning them down, spread eagle on the desert floor, covered in molasses, and shove a wet sock in their mouth. Then leave them for a day or two. Come back, drop some water on their face, and leave again. About 2 weeks of that should shut them up. If not, turn them over and do it again.


Yep. People don’t want to say it, but we’ve had generations of “hoping the right wing” type of folks would die off. But, I mean look at how many support the orange demon. Once someone reaches adulthood with these maga views, an overwhelming majority of the time…there’s no coming back. So if society wants to make it to where this type of hatred is at least pushed to the edges…well you’re gonna have to dwindle the numbers of these people down.


I've been seeing this guy posted. I've reported him, other people have reported him. Meta doesn't care. Says a lot about their priorities.


That’s what pisses me off. I’ve got a few different IGs like personal and art stuff. Reported him from both. Yet I kept getting message saying “This post/account doesn’t violate IG’s terms.” Like really??????!! Literal terroristic threats and open nazism and hate, racism, antisemitism, etc and it somehow doesn’t violate your rules? But I post something that looks like a boob, yet is just a circle and I get strikes against my accounts for “nudity”. Absolute lunacy.


Yeah, I honestly forgot I sent the "worst troll ever" message last week when I saw the original post about him.


He was probably seething because you forgot to reply.


How does IG not ban this fool?


I could’ve guessed this response based on his profile pic.


I looked at his account and this guy is a white supremacist and is probably violent based on his content. Be careful.


The F was all that for? Yikes.


Massive self-hate on display.


Everyone please report this account. I saw it on this sub a few days back and reported multiple post and the account as a whole. Like blatant, not even remotely deniable racism, antisemitism, theorist threats, etc. Every single time fucking instagram kept hitting me with “We reviewed this account and found it doesn’t violate our policy.” Despite being posting open antisemitism and nazi bullshit. This dude is a legit monster/potential terrorist. And IG doesn’t fucking care.


He’s posting his own DMs now that include explicit death threats so hopefully that makes it bad enough for them to do something


I really hope so. I’ve repriced nearly every post on his account, even old threats and IG didn’t take them down. So either multiple reports after me finally got rid of them, or he personally deleted them.


MAGA are vermin so treat them as such.


Average Trump supporter


Fucking Yikes.. report that to the proper authorities..


And if you report this to Instagram/Facebook they won’t do anything. Post something in support of unionization, freedom from religion, or cited sources showing that conservatives are planning to destroy America and install a theocracy authoritarian fascist regime then you the content removed. Remember folks, capitalists favor fascism.


can we talk about how this person’s idea of a basass pfp is a hyperrealistic Pepe with joker makeup these are such unserious people


People need to start pulling these guys addresses and show up at their houses ready to see if they can back that shit talk up


do people like this actually genuinely believe they’re on the right side of history? or are they just evil on purpose because they’re miserable? i want these people to be studied or something


People like *that* are so far deep in the closet that they're in Narnia...


This is the same account that claimed he was taking pictures of naked gay men on bikes so he could meet them at their homes later to “get them”…


If he's in Canada, contact the RCMP as soon as possible. This guy is a real threat in waiting.


This right here should not be protected speech. As far as I’m concerned this is verbal assault and people that do this should be prosecuted. Making direct threats to kill is not ok.


Its not protected speech.  OP should be reporting this to the fbi but instead theyre playing it up on reddit for sympathy and upvotes.  From the way they are acting in this thread (completely ignoring any comment about reporting to the fbi) i think OP probably already knew about this guy and messaged him because they wanted this.


I reported his IG for some truly horrific things and IG was like, "no, nothing bad here"


Same. It truly does piss me off. Like it’s so openly blatant yet nothings done? But then I post some art and a circle is flagged as a breast and I get a strike? So I gotta fight with IG to prove it’s just a normal circle. But open terroristic threats are A-okay. Absolute bullshit.


“You have no idea what you have done! You have no idea how powerful I am!!!” 😭😭😭


Looks like haus_frog was banned but he created haus_frog2 and has written “love and acceptance for everyone” so - likely more of the same but in a private account.


No it's still active. He crying about how he's getting hateful messages...claiming that it's because he posted something about a naked bike ride and how he's just trying to protect kids. Absolute fucking scumbag.


These dweebs think they can say whatever they want and when someone calls them out they get defensive. Report.


I'd contact the fbi and have them pay him a nice visit


Treat every troll as a legitimate threat. Bring this to the FBI.


I had a dude one time say he was going to rape my kid, who was 6 months old in the picture. Conservatives are fucking psychotic.


Conservatives are truly trash, all of them (even the ones who may try to seem nice…those “nice ones” will still vote for trump).


I hope that you screenshot this and forward it to the FBI and not only Reddit. It's all funny and stuff, but this needs to go to the FBI, Homeland Security, etc., this is the type of nonsense that will be normalized if Agent Orange gets back in office. It is illegal currently, and it needs to be stop. Seriously, before something happens and you wished you would have stopped it, send it to the authorities.


Republican election strategy for 2024. Auditioning for Trump's VP ...


Funny how the people that deserve death threats are the ones throwing them around...


So yes, this should obviously be reported to whatever platform on which it occurred. The platform doing nothing about it is not the point... REPORT IT. Getting lazy and simply letting their behavior stay in the dark and not bringing it to light is counterproductive. Also... if such a mouthbreather tries to creep up on me "IRL" they're going to get a pretty nasty surprise. I'm a "lib'rul faggot" who protects & defends himself and what he cares about. So go ahead and try. Furthermore... I hope you all are taking the same measures. No sense in being fish in a barrel if these psychopaths actually get their way.


Jesus Christ. I fear for the future. These asshats truly believe the shit they are spewing.


We should just follow the South Park strategy and lower the average dick size amount to help some of these guys out.


Arm yourself in case this dumb shit follows through on his threats. And email an FBI agent or something.


Block that shit when it starts. Don't read it and don't share it. Sharing it is like secondhand hate. Report it, block it, and move on. These are sad little people who let their worst selves out on the internet as a pressure relief valve for their pain, disappointment, and self-hatred, etc.


In their small little minds, do they really think shooting someone from behind makes them look tough? Wow, just... Wow....


So he assumes you're a "kid fucker" because you're gay, and he presumably doesn't like kid fuckers because they harm children. And then he proceeds to then threaten to kill your kids. Real big brain hour here


Homeland Security? CIA? FBI? All three?


Absolutely call the cops & file a report!


Wow, what an anti-Semitic fuck-banana. That dudes timeline is a Nazi Dumpster Dream. Report him report him a million times report this stain on society


I've reported that account before, and nothing ever happened.


Well he seems nice.


Real Christian of the man to threaten your life. No love like Christian hate smh


Either a guy in his 40s/50s or a teenage boy


And then you send all this info to the FBI


People like this are the reason why everyone needs a gun.




Calls you a kid fucker...proceeds to threaten to kill a kid...🤔


These guys are hilariously pathetic


Yikes I hate these psycotic nazi fuckers, I get random message like this from trolls and nazis on reddit and telegram all the time


I think he wants to fuck you.


I hope when the FBI raids his place they just put him out of his misery then.


How *dare* they invoke Pondy’s name. Pondy is the *coolest.* Not this used washcloth for an unwashed ass. Shame!


Violent people runnin around here mad about shit that has nothing to do with them and scotus: bump stocks are cool


This all sent from his mom’s basement


That's called projection.




Of course he'd put a bullet in the back of his head because that's what pussies do. They're nothing but whinny fucking snowflakes.


this guy AGAIN


Report this twat straight to the fbi.


Dude this guy is EVERYWHERE. I've submitted multiple police tips about him. Bro is trying to buy the house of Joseph Goebbels in Germany 💀


Report them to the police. Don’t take it lightly. If Hunter Biden can get someone arrested over a less extreme threat. This one needs to be taken even more seriously! These people aren’t playing. They’re full of hate. And foam at the mouth about what others do because they hate their own lives.


They just committed a crime. That appears to be Instagram, and Meta is very cooperative with authorities. Report them to the law and report them to Meta. Emphasise the literal threats to children. He just implied he has killed before. Meta themselves won’t ban him, probably, but they will cooperate with authorities.


What a sick and sad piece of shit...


Canada's new hate crime intent law would come in handy here.


I bet he screams snowflake


The troll is such a selfhating queer. I bet he fantasises about getting railed in truckstop bathrooms. Homophobes and closeted gay dudes are a heavily overlapping venn diagram.


How much you wanna bet later that night he was jerking off to tranny porn.


You should just call him a chomo and leave


Just an angry angry child


What a fucking child


I hope by “kid” you don’t mean the absolute worst case scenario.


My profile is private so he zoomed in on my kid in my profile picture.


Oh my bad, I misread. With how fucking horrible these people can be I wouldn’t have been surprised if you said otherwise.


Oh I totally see how it could have been interpreted.


They obviously don't know us♥️♥️🤗🤗🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚀🚀🧹🧹


“Bye *kiss*” 30 seconds later…. “Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble” Reminds me of my ex, minus all the infantile slurs and hate speech.


When conservatives say the quiet part SUPER FUCKING LOUD!!!


Can you go to the police with that?


I mean…the troll is obviously dealing with some level of self hate here right?


His Mom didn’t love him


I did my part.


you trolled em perfectly. say a little to set them off and let them spiral out of control. lol


I know it’s already been reported but stuff like this is reason number one I set my IG profile to private and only share with trusted friends / family.


He, that maga POS, needs to not walk this earth anymore. I’m sick of those fucking terrorists!!!


What a fucking degenerate.


I hope you reported this person, this is absolutely against IG terms of service, and tbh you may want to report to somewhere higher up as well (maybe the FBI cybercrimes dept?)