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Death threats to prosecutors is a really good way to end up in prison.


It should be done, for each and every single threat.


For some reason, we’re not allowed to call them terrorist threats. Wrong skin color?






Couldn’t agree more.


Make it so!


You’d think, but nothing matters anymore. We can’t risk upsetting the Nazis.




Nazis get autopsies


I'm expecting to see headlines of arrests and the proceedings just like with the Jan 6th terrorists.


These individuals are begging for it


If you see any death/bomb threat comments on any platform, screenshot the username and their complete profile and send it to the fbi and not only to local police but to your democrat reps and online “influencers” with big followings that expose the far right.


Could you list some of those influencers, for those of us who may not be familiar?


thatdaneshguy, Ari Drennen, Alejandra Caraballo, Toby Morton. Just a few I remember. You can find more alike accounts on theirs!




Tizzyvent is another


MAGA = American ISIS


And even if they are less accomplished at literally killing ‘enemies,’ they are no less bloodthirtsy. All of their ‘solutions’ are about killing people now.


Not surprising considering how long murder porn has been popular in the United States. A lot of people seem to consume that content and internalize a lot of it because the violent rhetoric out of some of these people is over the top.


Excuse me, they’re “Y’all Qaeda”


> NBC News reported Friday that in the last three months alone, there have been dozens of death threats made against Bragg, his family and his staff, according to the New York Police Department (NYPD). And since April, the DA's office has forwarded more than 500 threatening phone calls and letters to the NYPD. At least two bomb threats were phoned in to the residences of two people involved with the case on the first day of Trump's New York criminal trial. Meanwhile, [Bragg himself is, understandably, trying to extend the gag order on Trump while citing these terrorist threats](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/alvin-bragg-gag-order-trump-b2566781.html).


You find them, you give them their day in court, and if convicted by a jury of their peers give them 20 years on each count mandatory with no parole.


"upsetting death threats" ??? Why not illegal death threats? Why are these domestic terrorists allowed to spread their terroristic threats of death to employees of the court and regular civilians? The longer the law allows them to terrorize without consequence, the more emboldened they will be. Are the police, FBI and other agencies just going to slumber until actual murders are carried out? Where are the "good guys" ? Are there any? Was law & order just a myth we saw in the movies? Sure seems like it.


> Are the police, FBI and other agencies just going to slumber until actual murders are carried out? Yes. The terrorists are the police. This is what they do on their days off. The FBI is a right wing organization that will not act against right wing political violence unless someone makes them, and the Biden administration is afraid to make them do their fucking jobs. >Was law & order just a myth we saw in the movies? Destroy property of a corporation or of someone with wealth, and see how fast the forces of "law and order" descend on you. That's what they exist to do. >The longer the law allows them to terrorize without consequence, the more emboldened they will be. They are normalizing right wing violence so that when right wing mobs start murdering people it's just another Tuesday.


I fear you are correct. I know many of them are. I was just hoping there is someone in authority who says we can't be the Nazis and puts a stop to it.


Dang those antifa terrorists pretending to be MAGAts again! Just like on J6! Just like all those bomb threats called in to Target stores and libraries!


I’m a democrat. I have guns. My advice to other democrats and all antimaga people buy guns. Buy guns practice shooting with them and keep them clean. These nuts attacked the capital once, they will do it again. And they won’t stop there, they will come after people in their homes. Be prepared.


These guys need to be pulled from the streets and while incarcerated educated with truth so they can see how embarrassing they been and apologize after a few years.


I agree except more like 40 years


There’s a simple solution: give Trump a nice, long jail sentence. The noise won’t stop overnight, but let’s be serious — you can’t be President from prison. Yes, the Constitution does not address that subject, but you would be unable to take the oath. The reason we still have a Trump problem is because the media keep spreading his hateful babble. Out of sight, soon forgotten.


That would help, but it won't fix all of it. It started long before his orange arse. It won't stop until they've ALL been rounded up. I am amazed at how many if them are discussed daily in the news and online ... and yet they still walk the streets. There are just far too many people on the right who approve of this ... evil. And I'm amazingly SICK of hearing how they don't know what people are thinking of, why they are voting "against their interests" or are supporting criminals. THEY BLOODY WELL KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. THEY WERE GIVEN PERMISSION TO HATE AND ARE ADDING EVERYONE THEY'VE EVER HATED TO THEIR LISTS!!


FBI if you’re listening


Yeah bubba take on the NYPD. I dare you to


Hmmm, the NYPD would likely not lift a finger, they're allies


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Fucking arrest them already.


What Wuld Jayzuz Do!!!


Lock his ass up!


Organized crime.


Lock them up. Fuck ‘em.


*Dials FBI*


They will be black vanned and taken to a black site next.


I think Trump is trying to operate now like his supporters are his crime family, encouraging them to act out with violence or violent threats - enough of them end up in jail, it will be the end of MAGA, and, thus, the end of Trump


Yeah, and they’re gonna shit if they eat regular.


we need to make an example of one of these maga weirdos. that’s the only way we will see any improvement.


When (hopefully) Trump loses things are really going to get bad with these crazy people


Ah yes, when terrorist threats are made by MAGAs, it’s “upsetting” Anyone else? Criminal.


That’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it works out for him.


Windbags will cry on July 11, when the orange messiah gets 3 years. So fin deserved!!! Vote Blue


Fucking MAGA Terrorists


Lock them up


Classy asshole. Only a Red Hat Cult Member would vote for him.


Common suburban Republicans


Wait, now we’re keeping America great? I’m just so confused at this point.


Just read an article on another Reddit site about this shit! When do the arrests began?


These people get dumber and more violent by the day. That's a bad combo. Prison sounds like a fine place for them to think about how stupid they're being... might take years.


I just figure that most of the Trumpster terrorists are too lazy to actually follow up on the threats. And I doubt if most of the others can even shoot straight. They will likely wind up getting shot and / or captured while attempting their kamikaze mission for their "Holy One".


So when do they start getting arrested for these threats???


This is why I don't say anything when someone is acting unhinged in the grocery store.