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Thank you for making this, also as an angler this gives me more motivation to do shit about this.


Original post updated with more flyers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat\_Project\_2025/comments/1dyjiyb/comment/lccevjy/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1dyjiyb/comment/lccevjy/?context=3)


ooooo tysm!


ty, I need to crosspost in my state sub and get these out in public.


The comedy *Evan Almighty* has an underlying premise of Congress turning public land into private land for politicians' personal profit, and "God" opposes those efforts, using "Evan" as a "Noah" to defeat them. Anyone who has conservative friends or loved ones might gift this "God-themed" movie to them, or share an evening with them, later doing nothing more than asking which were their favorite parts. Either might encourage them to watch it. Take a casserole over or something. A little cog dis isn't likely to injure anyone, is it. maga screams: *"Hollywood is evil!"* Let's show 'em a god movie.


As a hunter, thank you for this


Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but shouldn’t the poster say the next Republican president will as opposed to, should?


The core chapters on the federal government and national security are analyzed here and in other posts 👉 https://open.substack.com/pub/randomlysecured/p/on-second-thought?r=3igygo&utm_medium=ios


Oh my God. That 2nd one. My wife is a sustainable farming expert. Literally one of the best things you can do for healthy soil is incorporate NO-TILL PERIODS (aka _leave it alone_). You pay farmers to do this because it’s not in their **short-term** best interest since they can’t harvest and sell product — but it’s in everyone’s **long-term** best interests because the soil stay viable for longer and can continue producing new crops indefinitely. Otherwise farmers over-till their soil and gradually kill their ability to grow new crops. You can’t just TAKE TAKE TAKE from the land, you have to care for it, respect it, and give it a chance to restore itself. You do other stuff like rotate crops and plant cover crops, too, but no-till periods are essential regardless.


Good Work brother


Complete hogwash.


Project 25 PROJECT 2025: Partial list of proposed changes by Project 2025, with chapter and page references: • Privatize Social Security (c22, p715) • Privatize veterans’ healthcare (c20, p635) • Privatize infrastructure projects (c19, p555) • Privatize the Federal Aviation Administration (c19, p565) • Reduce federal disaster relief programs (c16, p610) • Reduce funding for federal research programs (c12, p415) • Decrease regulations in healthcare (c14, p450) • Reduce funding for public health programs (c14, p455) • Repeal the Affordable Care Act (c14, p460) • Promote free-market healthcare (c14, p465) • Dismantle the Department of Education (c11, p365) • Reduce federal student aid (c11, p385) • Increase private sector role in public education (c11, p390) • Limit federal involvement in technology standards (c28, p850) • Reduce federal government intervention in various sectors (c1, p25) • Cut federal support for renewable energy projects (c12, p405) • Reduce regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency (c13, p425) • Withdraw from international climate agreements (c13, p430) • Reduce environmental regulations on businesses (c13, p440) • Promote energy production on federal lands (c16, p600) • Limit the jurisdiction of federal courts (c1, p40) • Decrease the size of the federal workforce (c3, p95) • Restructure the Department of Homeland Security (c5, p165) • Reform the Department of Justice (c17, p565) • Repeal Dodd-Frank financial regulations (c27, p800) • Abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (c27, p815) • Repeal net neutrality regulations (c28, p845) • Eliminate the Department of Commerce (c21, p660) • Limit federal involvement in local policing (c17, p575) • Reduce business regulations (c18, p520) • Reduce federal oversight of labor standards (c18, p530) • Implement a flat tax system (c22, p700) • Lower corporate tax rates (c22, p725) • Restrict the powers of the Federal Reserve (c24, p770) Bye, democracy. Bye, America. Enter Authoritarianism, fascism. If you think average people are “ignored” now and in dire straits, enactment of Project 2025 under Trump will make you miss the good old days.


Lmao you guys are so sad


Project 2025 is a lie by the Dems to try to blame on Trump. Trump has nothing to do with it. Stop believing the liberal media lies.


This is a load of shit. A pipe dream started by a couple of far right nut jobs. Even Trump said it's to extreme. Nobody is going go along with this


“*Roe* has been settled law for 50 years. They’re not *really* going to go that far. Don’t be hysterical.” -Heard every woman before the Dobbs decision.


Really? Even when a majority of the party this started in is against it?


Majority of Americans did not agree with over turning Roe - how did that go?


Roe has been in the cross hairs since it's inception. And is one subject vs this thing which covers many subjects. Many of which it's own party holds dear. Not one Candidate has endorsed this crap.


Far right nut job,[Paul Dans](https://www.heritage.org/press/heritage-announces-2025-presidential-transition-project-hiring-paul-dans-direct-new), a former Trump official And the Trump has [close ties](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) to Heritage Foundation policies. Trump might publicly distance himself from Project 2025, but the overall GOP is not. Agenda 47 is truly just a distraction, a smokescreen you might want to call it. I don't know if you're being disingenuous, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Project 2025 is the GOP blueprint.