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>The news was immediately met with a superinjunction issued by the Gates Foundation which prevents media in relevant jurisdictions reporting on the arrest warrant or the existence of the superinjunction until the case is resolved. This shouldn't be a thing.


Also, this is exactly what they want, pretty much any news outlet that reports on this will be dismissed as fake, conspiracy, etc.


Newspunch LLC is not news. It's conspiratorial propaganda. That website is absolute hot garbage with no legitimate staff or ownership. I'm fairly confident it's a foreign interference page. Go on, try and find the source of this company


A source for the site is easy, it was founded in 2014 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai and his husband Sinclair Treadway. Sean also writes blatantly fake stories for a few other websites so yeah, definitely wouldn’t put much faith in this one


I wasn't able to find anything on the website itself, but it was also jam-packed with malicious advertising and data trackers. And then it froze up my browser.


I mean all mainstream media is conspiratorial propaganda so... Not saying I believe this shit though


Sure, but you can still look at their sources or the sources they report on if you're skeptical or spot a red flag, or maybe just curious.


It isn't


It probably isn't a thing. This is a newspunch article. Unless newspunch is pointing to a more reliable source the story is probably fake.


And it's rather obviously fake, because there's no mention of which judge actually issued the warrant, and no evidence, photographic or otherwise, for the warrant or any other part of this.


And people on this sub will always fall for it. I've seen dozens of newspunch articles here the past few years. They always get called out, but most people just read and believe headlines.


The problem is not the people in this sub falling for this particular story... The problem is The Western nations and some European nations fell for the vax and Pandemic overall... Covid is Patented... A naturally occurring Pandemic can't be Patented. Meanwhile i have clients, fiends and family ages 1 through 80 unvaxed, unmasked and unphased... including myself; unvaxed 5 times, never wore a mask... no cough syrup, not even so much as a Tylenol tablet since early 2000s... All they had to say was "Trust The Science" a few thousand times and card ya like the Nazis carded Jews during WW2 to get into a God damn restaurant for you to fold... Then pretend Trudeau, Biden, Pallosi actually got the jab on TV... then get a few hundred Hollywood celebs and ex presidents to run ads or tweets saying get vaxed "do your part" Meanwhile Censored people who actually did perform applicable roles in SCIENCE related to vaccinology, Virology, Immunology........ Lol come on... reassess yourselves, please.. your future offspring will question your actions a few years and decades down the road


Hah, so you're saying I'm wrong for calling out disinfo? The real question is why are you defending spreading lies just because they appear to agree with a narrative you want? Wishful thinking and bs doesn't do any good. There is no arrest warrant for Gates in the Philippines.


I didn't say you're wrong. However you should consider to watch a documentary called Shots: Eugenics To Pandemics... I knew about Universal Income, the rumor of this "Pandemic" to come, the mandated vaccinations, in the early 2000s... Because some MDs spoke up, some individuals read the WEF playbook, while others familiar with history know that it always repeats itself, eventually. It's okay if you disagree with me, i agree, i hate disinformation, I'm pissed off that its almost always someone with lower communication skills, lower analytical skills who hears something and repeats the message slowly getting further and further away from the truth from person to person.... Believe me i know... it doesn't mean the conspiracies are theories... the theories are eventually proven true, the opposing views are usually accepted as the ideal approaches after the fact... Can you argue that its human nature to make mistakes, or have a thirst for power, or wealth... sure you can... but that doesn't mean you disregard history; leading to the repetition of "mistakes" or rather premeditated crimes. Remember the Nazis, they carded the Jews prior to the end of world War 2, world Governments began to card everyone around the world to go into a fricken restaurant, gym or grocery store... Remember the 1960s Scoop in which Canadian Government policies allowed institutions and individuals to snatch up native children from their families and Rehome them in white households.... Remember slavery which was not too long ago in America and still is practiced today to some degree at the least... Think back and do your research as to all the wars waged by Britain, America and Israel... These political leaders have the same unified Agendas, that is why they are able to mobilize in synchronized fashion with one another... You want to find out the long, hard and painful way? Or do you want to take my word for it and begin paying attention or start expanding your sources beyond the mainstream narrative... lol... it is ALL Eugenics..... Every last bit of it. I've worked for the CBC, i studied Journalism. My father was an MP in Canada, but he was also a political activist who championed for freedoms of Oppressed peoples... my mother had a Masters in English and Psychology... I came from a good background of free thinkers and well educated individuals. Took me a few years to begin paying attention, but these crackpot leaders made it waaaaay too easy these past few years. Everyone will find out these upcoming months and years... the painful way though, but that's okay. It will make for a true Revolution


>consider to watch a documentary called Shots: Eugenics To Pandemics Who says I haven't? You know nothing about me.




Because it’s not.


Imagine how many of those arrogant pro-vaxers who wanted to belittle those who didn't trust the fabricated science, supported by the phrase "Trust The Science"... are now out here trying to reassure themselves... this must be fact-checked... this is not real ... LOL... Let's not kid ourselves, if you actually paid Attention, you'd have seen through the pandemic in literally every angle... Got more holes than Swiss cheese boy


> In 1995, the Philippines accused the UN agency UNICEF of waging a secret sterilization campaign in the territory. The state won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine secretly laced with an abortion drug. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries. The depop trials have been going on for decades. Billy donates millions to and works closely with unicef.


Wow and I asked for change for these asshats. Fuck me


Hey at least you know now. All we can do is be willing to accept new information for what it is, instead of what we were told it is.


Holy shit. I just had an earth shattering revelation that I trick or Treated for unicef as a kid


Same here. Pretty odd knowing you helped sterilize people by gathering change.


This is not a real news website. It’s all bullshit.


And they fell for it again?!


It's not a real news site.


Based on the population growth rate in the Philippines the program must have been a failure.


Catholics breed like rabbits.


It keeps their churches and coffers filled.


Sounds like they were caught and stopped. Who knows how effective it could have been.


Funny, I can't find anything about this event occurring, or corroborate anything in this article.




Anti-hCG injections were a thing unfortunately but their use was not widespread as far as I know. **Anti-fertility vaccines** https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2665354/ Slight religious bias but still shouldn’t have happened. **HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World** https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=81838


well this line alone "The news was immediately met with a superinjunction issued by the Gates Foundation which prevents media in relevant jurisdictions reporting on the arrest warrant or the existence of the superinjunction until the case is resolved." Tells you it is fake. Gates Foundation could apply for an injunction but the correct one they can apply is publication ban, they can't issue one just by themselves, if they did and people honor it, this means they are the gov't. Seriously think.




You know everything that happens in the Philippines because you live there?


It's a fake story on a fake news site.


Something this big, we would know.


Did you receive the tetanus vaccine with the abortion drug? As mentioned in this totally real news story?


I have. Have had 13 misscarriages since then. Haven't been able to have one birth. P.S. I'm a male


Just more disinformation to discredit real conspiracies. Why would they arrest bill gates? He did not create or distribute the vax.


I have to call shenanigans on this one


Officer Barbrady!!!!


Newspunch.com lmfao. Jesus Christ, I'm not clicking on that.


Mainstream media is trustworthy though 🤡


That's not how media literacy works.


Lmao dude it's a made up story from a bullshit website. Other "outlets" reporting it use the same text verbatim because it's not real.


Dumbasses on Reddit sure are 🤡




As do you, kind sir.


Absolute fantasy land horseshit.






It's fake


I used duckduckgo and this came up right away (I don't know anything about EU Times but wanted to show there's multiple sources reporting it): https://www.eutimes.net/2023/03/bill-gates-arrest-warrant-issued-in-philippines-for-premeditated-murder-linked-to-vaccine-roll-out/


Bro it's literally the same "article" as OP's link. It's bullshit.


There's just a bunch of questionable news sites all posting newspunch's article verbatim.


lol why is this downvoted. The eutimes article literally copied the article and linked back to newspunch. And newspunch linked back to no one.


Odd because I have ex military friends in the Philippines and they haven’t heard of this. No I’m not standing up for Bill Gates at all!! He is definitely one shady character, all the way back to what happened between him and Steve Jobs. I definitely would never trust this man with my children’s health, my friends health, or my farm land!!


Couldn't bill gates just buy the Philippines?


Just the politicians


Sounds like bullshit, got a primary source? I can't even find anything about him being banned in 2016.


The Philippines used Russian, Indian, Chinese etc vaccines. Will we see Putin, Modi and Xi in the dock with Gates?




No, it's silly nonsense




Just some of the vaccines used in the Philippines Serum Institute of India. COVOVAX (Novavax formulation) Phase 1. ... Pfizer/BioNTech. Comirnaty. Phase 1. ... Moderna. Spikevax. Phase 1. ... Gamaleya. Sputnik Light. Phase 1. ... Gamaleya. Sputnik V. Phase 1. ... Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Jcovden. Phase 1. ... Oxford/AstraZeneca. Vaxzevria. Phase 1. ... Bharat Biotech. Covaxin. Phase 1. Should be fun with Putin, Xi Jinping and Gates in the same dock .


You forgot the ‘?’ in the title.


I found this but it looks like a video of the same articles scrolling https://youtu.be/kE-Jw6OWu8Y


I don’t know what the standard of proof in the Philippines is so I don’t know if they have a case or not.


I'm a filipino but I just heard of it but ig it's true


The same people that think Gates didn’t do any of this think Trump is a fascist hell bent on causing a global war to enrich himself. That’s what you can’t make up. That these people exist.


Lol sounds like you're a butthurt Trumpie


Where's Aso the bounty hunter when you really need him.


Why cant I find a link to primary information?






Does anyone know why he was banned in 2016 by the Philippines?


He wasn’t.