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I feel like this is something that you could find out quite easily


money printer goes brrrrrr devaluation and inflation goes grrrrrr




Nord Stream 1 and 2 are natural gas pipelines. They don't supply oil, gasoline, or diesel.




Germany didn't start constructing LNG receivers until after they had cancelled Nord Stream 2 and shut down Nord Stream 1. US investment into Germany's natural gas economy was literally non-existent. Even now, Norway is still Germany's main supplier of natural gas. Though, while you are correct about the US getting the advantage in oil imports, that isn't related to what you originally posted. You stated that oil imports are related to the Nord Streams, which they aren't. Natural gas isn't an oil.


You want to sure your source on us being the largest exporter? Saudi Arabia seems to be benefitting the most from the Russia oil block(or whatever), hence why they are throwing around money to sports leagues and stars. No other reason to offer a football player 1 billion dollars to play for them for 1 year!!


“Guys the Ukraine war is about the petrodollar” Lol


Ukraine war is about preserving/saving US global hegemony. petrodollar is important piece of that hegemony.


So when Putin literally stated that russia declared war to end Ukraine as a state and commit genocide, while the west took weeks to making a real response, was actually a secret plan about petrodollars because petrodollars is involved with this because….


Part of the petrodollar problem is that the BRICS countries want to have a non-aligned US reserve currency. The gold standard among others have been discussed. This is Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more countries who want to jump on board to create a whole new trading block which would then make the USD useless and not the worlds reserve currency. Hence energy and proxy wars. Don’t worry though, the water wars will overshadow it all soon enough.


Nothing you said even attempted to connect with Ukraine. Also this may shock you but there is no legal agreement for USD being used as a international trade currency (yes it’s way more then just oil). They can change at any time. The reason they don’t is because USD is the most consistent major currency. They can switch at any time.


I wish I had more time and was more eloquent in my response. Next time…lol.




You know you just admitted here you can’t even stand for your beliefs right. Like a bitch. As soon as your beliefs are challenged you cry and scream like a piss baby.


They can't just switch any time, easier said than done


are you mixing this up with Biden statement, that they were trying to start this war for decades to destroy russia genocide russians and carve up the territory into small puppet states?


Putin literally spend a hour declaring Ukraine to be a fake nation and theirs goal is to end it as a nation. He did this right before the 2022 invasion happened. What are you even trying to say?


within context that US did coup in Ukraine in 2014, installed puppet government, and started training them for war with russia. according to US plans to destroy russia and carve it up, steal oil, gas and all other resources. so that US can move on to china after that.


So the massive nation wide protest was a secret CIA operation and that a trend that Ukraine has been doing for decades now. That Ukraine wasn’t made that the president fucked their EU hopes openly take bribe money from Putin. You act like this is even the first take Ukraine has had a regime change because the people got pissed. Literally repeating Russian propaganda that they told you to believe. Good job being a sheep.




You know they are doing it to fuck Russia right? US saying fuck Russia is not something new. In fact the US has been supporting Ukraine for well over a decade now.




You pro Russian bro? Good job being such a sheep you repeats word for word Russian propaganda. Good job believing something other people tell you to believe.




Literal repeating what Russia told you to believe.


Well they succeeded the first time. DINAR was going kinda string and they were about to become the United States of Africa. Until someone became a scapegoat and the whole continent was never really the same after.


Also because countries like to sell to Americans and that gets you dollars, what do you do with dollars? Invest or buy from America again. Trade is good and debt is part of that. Oil is important but still a small part of why the US is so dominant economically.


This is a huge quantity of money. I am NOT suggesting that this much debt is necessarily a good thing. But I am a trained mathematician and teacher of mathematics; so here we go: The USA has a GDP of more than $20Trillion. It is carrying a debt of more than $30Trillion. Using round numbers, let’s call it an even $20T and $30T. That’s a debt to income ratio of 2/3. Now consider someone, and individual, with a $300,000 mortgage, $40,000 in student loans, an $20,000 car loan, and an income of $120,000. That’s a debt to income ratio of 3/1 Nobody would imagine an individual who has debt in the amount of 2/3 of their annual income as being financially irresponsible. And in the example I laid out, above, it would t be all that uncommon for someone tho have 4 or 5 times that much debt. 🤷‍♂️ $32Trillion is a big number… but…


The trick is that they don’t teach the citizens about economics, which allows the government to maintain adequate levels of black magic fuckery.


How do people who owe $400,000 on their mortgage spend money on new clothes and vacations?


Which makes the home owed by the bank until paid off. So if we are 32 trillion in debt, who then owns us until we pay it off?


hijacking the comment thread here to provide some color to your comment. The US gov is $32 trillion in debt with over 50% of that debt due in the next two years. This debt will be refinanced by the US gov but at much higher interest rates then what it was opened at. The interest on our debt will be at minimum $1.2 trillion dollars a year. This is close to the entire US government discretionary fund. This is untenable on our current course and will lead to a debt spiral reminiscent of the Weimar Republic. Deflation into hyperinflation. If you want an informational explainer you can find it [here](https://youtu.be/Ef7RgJ48i74?t=1)


Could you also break out how payments are made and who owns the debt? I think that is all concerning and relevant to the picture .


The payments are made out of the tax revenue. The debt is owned by countless entities, you almost certainly indirectly own some government debt. The government doesn't go to the bank and ask for a loan, it issues bonds which pay a fixed interest and anyone is free to buy it, you can Google "Buy US Treasury Bonds" yourself. If you ever had money in an interest-paying savings account then your money was probably spent on treasury bonds and your interest is paid from a part of the interest they received from the treasury.


did you watch the video?


I make it a habit not to click on random imbedded links. So, sorry I did not.


To add a little extra to this thread, "charitable donations" to foreign countries, like what we're doing for Ukraine, is typically a good economic move when the country is going down the rabbit hole. When the debts come due, we have the ability to barter with the international community and basically go "see look how much we helped! Forgive some of our debt" and usually that's seen as a decent enough argument to avoid some things going into default/interest rates increasing/etc. By no means do I think Ukraine is going to dig the US out of debt, but I also don't think us giving them equipment is going to hurt us either, especially in the short term Edit: spelling. Probably still wrong, idc


Especially when the equipment given was old and going to be decommissioned. The real number of dollar value the US is gong to Ukraine is far lower then the number stated.


I'll bet you 1 million dollars hyperinflation doesn't happen in our lifetime.


If this is meant to be a joke, it's a very good one.


The joke is that if he wins 1 million is worthless anyway due to hyper inflation.






And can the bank just take the house if you're still making payments on time? The point I'm getting at is that people seem to act like you can't have any money if you're in debt. The US runs a deficit for the simple reason that it can. The United States government can borrow money cheaper than any other entity on the planet. As long as we keep making the payments on that debt then our interest rate stays very very low. It's not that confusing. Edit: I guess an important distinction I didn't make above is that a mortgage uses the value of the home as collateral. US government debt doesn't have any collateral. We could default whenever we feel like it and our creditors would have to eat the loss, but it would be a bad idea.


Depending on your contract with the bank, yes, they can. I’m not addressing what others said, just what you did. Which brings to light a concerning point. Who owns the US. My point, is that the US population, the US dollar, the land you live on, is all the collateral. If you the US stops making payments, the creditors don’t just “eat” the loss. Non-payment would be the virtual end of the dollar. And would have drastic repercussions. And an argument and concern can be made that it goes to more than just payments of the interest on the debt. And question what the “payment” actually is. Can you show the amount of payments we have to pay? And how they are paid? To show that we are making payments?


I feel like you're asking me to prove a negative. Can you prove that payments aren't getting made or that they're actually payments for something else?


My question was more rhetorical. And not necessarily my point. But, Clearly you don’t understand what proving a negative means. I’m asking you to prove something IS being done. That’s not asking you to prove a negative. What you just asked is to prove something ISNT being done, which is asking to prove a negative.


Yeah, that's fair. I got kind of twisted around on that one. I could probably look it up but I'd be lying if I said I'm going to. Have a good one.


Lol why it was rhetorical, is because you can’t just look it up. The “payments” aren’t exactly transparentz Do you even know who the largest singular creditor of the US is? The Fed Reserve…


No. The home is not owned by the bank.


For all intents and purposes, it is… it’s collateral, and if you fail to pay your mortgage, the bank has the right to it.


No it’s not.


Great value added with this comment. Applaud. Great rebuttal. /s explain how it’s not. You arguing that if you don’t pay your mortgage, you still will be fine and still own your home? Explain how what I said is wrong


The bank cannot come to your home to renovate it. They can't change the locks or do any of the duties of homeownership unless you violate your contract. It is your property that you are putting up as collateral for a loan.




China actually isn’t the largest creditor. The Fed Reserve is…


If you want have a better understanding of this there is a documentary on tubi called 'Zeitgeist Addendum' , it's really informative........If you borrow from an institution that created the funds lent to you, an institution that holds no collateral for the funds lent, then they cannot claim your property for interest unpaid. There have been cases such as this tested in court. It's all too much to explain and I'm not any expert but the documentary is well worth your time If you want to understand this subject fully.


Oh, so there's a payoff schedule in place and consequences for not following it?


No, because nobody can enforce a contract on the biggest economy and military in the world. If you renege on a contract, your debitors can call the cops on you. If banks renege on a contract, other banks can call the SEC on them. If the US reneges on its debt obligations, who's going to try to punish them?




I don't think $400,000 buys you even a single hit of adrenochrome. If it's real. Which it isn't.


It is real, in that it’s a real chemical that exists. It’s not “real” in the sense that it has magical properties or is harvested from children or any of that. It’s like $30 a gram, and doesn’t have any psychoactive effects. The chemical is produced by exposing adrenaline to oxygen. You can make your own adrenochrome by cracking open an epi-pen.


You really don’t know, of course it’s real, but the nature of it is beyond your experience so why do you pretend like you have some sort of deep knowledge of it?


Because it’s an incredibly simple chemical. C9H9NO3 Nine carbon atoms, nine hydrogen atoms, one nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms. That’s it. That’s adrenochrome. Do you believe that somewhere within these 22 atoms there’s some sort of magic or supernatural power?


I forgot I even said this, I was trying to think of the dumbest response and that was it


PPP loan forgiveness scam and the billionaire tax breaks before it that never expire are far worse. Lookup your neighbors and see how much of your money they stole https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/


Shit. I should have started a business before covid


a fake business LLC to hide taxes is fine, don't need an actual business at all.


Neither party cares about the debt. Only one party pretends to. “The debt is going to ruin us!” Then when those same people are in power, “hey let’s stop collecting taxes. That will really juice things!”


Not really if you look it up. Republicans always massively raise the debt while democracy’s turn it down or even reverse it.


> Neither party cares about the debt. Only one party pretends to. “The debt is going to ruin us!” Then when those same people are in power, “hey let’s stop collecting taxes. That will really juice things!” This practice doesn't end at Congress, sadly it extends to *some* voters as well. Many Republican voters are educated people, they know what they are doing by only complaining about the debt **only** when their party isn't in power. I never liked the idea that all Republican voters have no idea what they are saying, that's not true.


Hard to call ppp loans stolen money when the government hands it you. More like foolish to turn it down.


The "she was asking for it because..." defense? I'm with you in that it's not a black-and-white issue. I'm sure there were lots of PPP loans used for their intended purpose but the overall trend wasn't good. Very little of the overall funds ever made it into the hands of working-class Americans, most of it was welfare for millionaires.


So you're one of those "Anyone with more money than me is a rich millionaire.." attitude? Hate to break it to you, but there are a whole lot of small business owners who are just working class people too.


I don't believe in your extremist views that everyone belongs in one category and if you read what you replied to you'll notice I spelled this out quite clearly.


You just borrow your way out of debt


Bruh, you can't even crop a screenshot.


We have to assume at this point that money isn't real any more


Money always has been and always will be a social construct. Just because something is intersubjective doesn't make it "not real"


We should all just trade with each other and leave them out of the loop. (Which I think is what used to happen before banks became a thing and started dishing out loans)


Trade and barter is literally impossible in an advanced economy. Most jobs don't produce something that's tradable. What does the factory worker, who's job it is to screw the door on the car his team builds, trade? How does the bus driver pay his rent to his landlord that owns a car? How does a street paver trade with the foreign country that builds TVs? Currency is a pre-requisite to have any form of society at scale.


Oh yes it’s such a social construct. Like eating a hotdog is a social contruct


No, currency, aka an intermediary of exchange, is 100% a social construct. Whether it's gold, or Euros, or USD, or silver, or sea shells. It's a social construct that was invented by the human mind.


Tell that to my bank.


>Just because something is intersubjective doesn't make it "not real" You must've missed this part. Intersubjective = social construct. Laws are social constructs too, but that doesn't mean you can just murder. Social constructs are the most important invention humanity ever made; it's a uniquely human ability that explains how humans are the only species that can create organizations / clans / structures that are both large and flexible. Fish and ants can create large groups, but they lack flexibility and can only function on preprogrammed "if this, then that" responses Orcas and Wolves have flexible groups. They can think and address scenarios uniquely, but they can't operate in groups effectively larger than about 150, which is also the rough human maximum size for hunter-gather groups before they'd split into 2, and also roughly the limit before currency becomes a requirement to function as an exchange medium. Humans are the only species to do both large and flexible BECAUSE social constructs exist. They're a necessity.


Yea if your going to start by mis quoting me I’m not going to bother reading the rest of it


Who did I misquote? That's my wrote quote from 2 comments ago lmao. You responded to it. You okay?




Can I have yours then?


Not yet. Maybe when I figure out the scam


The scam is that I’m trying to get you to give me all your money. So hurry up.


Debt to The Federal Reserve. End the Debt Based monetary system


The whole system is run on debt, companies borrow money to buy their own shares which in turn raises the price of the stock, people take mortgages for homes they can't afford,cars,etc. Which in turn raises the prices of things, because the money comes from out of nowhere and being lent to people by banks. It's all a big scam. And it will come crumbling down sooner or later, the Roman empire was thought to be invincible and they were controlling most of the land of earth at their peak,but they too failed.


Because money is fake


Debt owed between countries is very different from a debt owed by you to your bank.


Government debt and household debt are completely different things. US can and does operate with debt. Any why are you using nominal terms instead of % of GDP?


They control the dollar supply. When the dollar is no longer the global reserve currency (which may be sooner than you realize) the whole thing falls down.


The British pound used to be the Global reserve currency and their economy is still doing well


Not that well, certainly not compared to when the pound was the global reserve currency. They've went from the richest country to about the 30th richest (measured by GDP per Capita) and still falling down that list.


They are the fifth richest country in the world with a gdp of 3.2 trillion dollars


GDP per Capita. As I already said. GDP doesn't tell you anything.


You have no idea what your talking about


Ok. By your measure China is the second richest country and India is the forth...


I don’t get it. Every time the rich get a tax cut, I don’t see you or anyone on here talk about the debt, so STFU.




But the party that keeps saying this also wants to cut services for American citizens.... It's a cop out.


Suppose you had a printing press in your basement, that printed money. And any time you needed any, you went down there and printed it up and then used it for anything you needed or wanted. If no one ever said to you, "Hey you, you can't use this, this has no value, what you're doing is wrong !" If that never happened, what motivation would you have to ever stop ? None. That's what the government does. No one stops them. And they don't stop themselves.


I would love a logical answer to that.


You seriously can’t answer it yourself?


It’s easy to understand when you realize other countries won’t destroy you if you owe them money and they care more about getting their money back than going to war which would cost them even more money.


If you have money printer you can do whatever the fuck you want


Printing more money causes inflation


And they want me to pay taxes lmao


The US make *all* the wheels turn. Worlds powerhouse. Quite an amazing feat tbt. Everyone has debt. Also, a billion is 0.1% of a trillion.


that's a mask of a jesuit


No wonder they keep failing audits


country gives 100 billion in old used military equipment they will never use to ukraine, that they will pay back and people are mad... but no problem with trump leaving 80 billion worth of military equipment in Afghanistan for the taliban to steal


Was a part of the base closure team in Iraq, we move 4 billion in assets in 6 weeks from one location. Other teams were at different location with different time tables. I wonder who didn't do there job. We had planes and trucks daily to load. It was an unplanned closure took 90 days total.


The cost of the Trump/republicans last tax cut will be 2.3 trillion over ten years.


Wild how debt only matters when Republicans don't like something. But everybody's always got money for the MIC.


The UK is fucked, yet we still send multi millions to Ukraine and India, and spend multi millions bringing illegal immigrants into the country, giving them houses , food and cash. What is the actual point in working anymore?


Perhaps brexit was a dumbass idea.


That's how a fractional reserve based economy that's built on debt operates. Now they need to speed up the collapse to usher in their new central bank digital currency


Government debt and private debt are two different entities all together. The former is a numeral technicality as it has itself as the owner (or another country, but more countries owe debt to the US), the latter owned by banks with leverage to shut you down. The all going debt ticker and the foreboding of the collapse of the US dollar is a ridiculous and meaningless sideshow with misled curiosity as its only visitor. Please ignore it and concentrate your mind on more weighted topics, such as toxic foods, general health and positivity and UFO disclosure


Caption should've read: "Still trying to figure out how national debt works."


Billions to other countries? How about the trillions to corporations during the pandemic?


That's because you don't understand the concept of debt?




[Here you go, complete breakdown.](https://www.usdebtclock.org/) If you all chipped in, it's only $7068 each


You forgot how to math. It's almost 100k each


Apologies, I looked at local debt. Yikes!


Can I pay it now to opt out of the whole "print money like the world is ending" system?


Someone doesn’t understand how the financial system works :(


You should take a class in macro economics


Elons got enough to give every person in the world 1 million.. let that sink in...


More like 30$...


The US owes money to itself, it can be erased with the swipe of a pen, other nations owe money to each other. That is the critical difference. Its why the US has such dominance. China has a similar thing different means, it controls the flow and value of its currancy tightly, allowing it to maintain economic power in another way.


Well thankfully Biden insisted on giving Ukraine trillions of dollars... Maybe if we give them a couple trillion more it will help us out! S/.... What a complete shitbag he is!!


For the trillionth fucking time: it is FAKE debt imposed by the banksters who pull the strings of this so called government. Edit: “Jerusalemisthegoal”? Yeah, Zionist shill.


Bankers is the right answer/Federal bank


If you have any cash, you better be turning it into precious metals or crypto asap. Otherwise, kiss it goodbye.




Gold is a scam, you pay fees to get it then turn around and pay fees to sell it. If you want 20% of your investment wrapped up in fees from the start of your investment then sure go with gold.


It's only a scam if you go through a broker


Please tell me where I can buy Physical gold without paying the fees involved... Pro Tip: you can't. Anyone buying gold will give you a fraction of what it's worth on top of fees associated with selling it, then turn around and charge you fees for buying from them. They get you coming and going.


What do you suggest then?Gold is one of the few things that have a real value https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/gold-price-rising/


He doesn’t have a suggestion…ignore him.




Here is a lady with knowledge 🎩


Somehow , some way , I'm sure it'll be Trumps fault lol


Checking vs savings account?


Exactly 💯


Bring out the shills!


All money is created by debt. If our system had no debts, there wouldn’t be any money.


Borrowing and printing is not viable


A samsonite full of IOUs should work just fine.


it's easy when you have the plates and presses.


This is a huge quantity of money. I am NOT suggesting that this much debt is necessarily a good thing. But I am a trained mathematician and teacher of mathematics; so here we go: The USA has a GDP of more than $20Trillion. It is carrying a debt of more than $30Trillion. Using round numbers, let’s call it an even $20T and $30T. That’s a debt to income ratio of 2/3. Now consider someone, and individual, with a $300,000 mortgage, $40,000 in student loans, an $20,000 car loan, and an income of $120,000. That’s a debt to income ratio of 3/1 Nobody would imagine an individual who has debt in the amount of 2/3 of their annual income as being financially irresponsible. And in the example I laid out, above, it would t be all that uncommon for someone tho have 4 or 5 times that much debt. 🤷‍♂️ $32Trillion is a big number… but…


How does an individual with hundreds of thousands in debt still donate money to charity?


Tax credits


Money isn’t real


Its all fairy dust.... it doesn't fucking exist


Wait till we hit 33.


Good question.


...and they can print the money themselves too.


Oh if they print 32 trillion over night be sure that it will be worthless.


Middle school social studies teaches about all the laws and treaties and we never paid attention. That stuff is still in play. It's not expired. The US committed to this long ago.


Complicated economics, you wouldn’t understand. Hey, look, a racist cop. Burn down a building a loot a footlocker. Oh, no… the left wants to take your guns, you better get out and vote.




At a dollar a second it world take over a million years to repay 32 trillion


Those rules only apply to us, not them remember?


They get richer, buy our shit. See Marshall Plan.


Yeah give the money to our people scumbags


1 more trillion till we hit the Masonic 33. Wonder what scam is in store


Because this country offloads the responsibility to pay off the debt to the tax payers and pockets most of what has been "donated".