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Noticed you didn’t link the article stating she had an underlying heart issue related to cholesterol


This forum is so funny, they just post one sentence image to text posts with nothing more. At the end of the day heart disease is the number one killer in America (since before covid). Of course more people will die from heart disease, regardless of vaccine status.


Yeah. And even though it’s rare, 17/100000 people (statistic for heart attacks of people in their 30s) is still a shit load of people when you take a sample size of 8 billion


Well that’s as far as they read silly


Confirmation bias 😉 They saw what they wanted to see in the headline of the article and didn’t read any further.




What you mean like how all the deaths during COVID, were stated that they were caused by COVID, irrespective of any underlying health problems, so long as it was with 28 days of a positive test... So even if they had stage 5 inoperable lung cancer, it was definitely COVID, because that poxy test said it was.


Yeah, I remember seeing the news reports of all those shooting and car accident deaths as COVID related deaths. You’re right. 🙄


I would bet most Americans have soMe type of underlying condition


Probably. And the conspiracy we should be focusing on. It seems like anything we consume is killing us, albeit at varying rates.


I go by the rat studies, those who were fasted lived longer less cancers. The free range eat it all rats. Tumor out dead early. Everything in food is garbage to some level and putting anything in your body has an effect. Smart enough to know were all gonna die from some random cancer they “can’t” cure yet. Kinda a bummer. Figured they’d have a pill for it by now. But nope. More money in the treatments than saving people.


What do you think it would take to divert the focus from the jab to looking at all of the greed-driven substances that cause health issues?


So there is no point of getting jabbed up then.


Worlds fattest country we all got some kind of diabeetus


Also, for some braindead reason dental care is not covered by medical health care plans. Bad teeth = bad hearts


So thats an excuse for the chest pains being played as anxiety?


Anxiety does cause chest pain


And what gave her that cholesterol?? That's right.....THE VAX!!! The Vax put roadworks on my journey to work today. I was late because of it.


Mhmhmh what a coincidence….


>Noticed you didn’t link the article stating she had an underlying heart issue related to cholesterol Noticed you pretended like we haven't known for 2+yrs that people with underlying conditions are more likely to have severe adverse reactions to not only COVID, but the miracle elixir that the government did their best to force into our bodies.


Oooohhh burnnnn


Cholesterol killed her?!


OP posted a few days ago that the Vax killed Nick Lowden, the Aussie footy player. Turns out it was a suicide.


Want to know the best part about that? Nearly all comments pointing that out initially were removed by you know who because "there wasn't any evidence." I shit you not.


There's no proof that the vaccine *didn't* tell him to kill himself, so I guess that makes the vaccines involvement still an open question.


Shhh, they'll use this unironically as an argument


Op is a liar if he didn't correct his false claims. He didn't


Unironically, OP is probably the same type of person that got annoyed about the COVID death numbers but is lumping these deaths in as being caused by the poke.


Yeah, they just believe what they want and ignore the rest. Someone recently posted about Lil Tay implying she died because of the vaccine, turns out she's not even dead




The mods are unpaid shills




Who knew the Vax could drive a man. To suicide


Yeah but he was also vaxxed so can’t rule it out


The real conspiracy here is how women aren’t taken seriously enough in healthcare settings.


I’ve always wondered why this is when it’s men who notoriously over exaggerate how terrible they feel when they’re sick. Not to make any generalizations or anything but women have to power through life like everything is fine when we’re in pain all the time so if a woman is seeking medical care why would the healthcare provider just assume it’s nothing and brush it off? I know dudes who’ve gone to the ER over a rough healing tattoo while I’ve limped around work for a week with broken bones thinking it was just a sprain, I’ll never understand why it’s like this, lol.


It’s true! After getting two X-rays and cat scan while using a walker for 3 weeks I couldn’t bear the pain any longer and went to another orthopedic Dr who told me I had broken my hip and rushed me to the hospital!


I think I’m some of it is based in old stereotypes. This is part is purely conjecture on my part mind you. But men aren’t as open about their health problems with other men. We exaggerate around women because we want to be mothered, but around men we want to be seen as tough. So we under report symptoms at the doctors office (doctor is still a profession dominated by men). Women are “crazy” and “emotional” and “delicate,” which though anyone with half a brain now knows isn’t true (the toughest people I know are women) it’s a deeply baked stereotype that causes doctors to think they are exaggerating their symptoms.


Hahahah what??? This is such a total inversion of reality. Women are prescribed narcotic opioid painkillers at much higher rates than men, like 50-100% more often depending on country and statistics, it is men who are told to suck up their pain and avoiding seeing doctors because they don't want to be seen as weak. Women are many more times more likely to be diagnosed with "fibromyalgia" for example than men because men with the same painful symptoms are much more likely to hide them and don't go to or want to tell their doctor about their problems. Also the men in your anecdotes sound like total wussies, I know guys who've gone around with broken fingers and hand bones or dislocated shoulders for half a year - a year because doctors told them to stop being p*ssies and didn't take their pain seriously.


Y’all gotta stop using random dead people to push your narrative. You have data? Post data. If you don’t, be quiet. Show me facts if you want to convince me.




This seemed pretty interesting to me as far as data goes. https://youtu.be/cd_RTf_ForA


Anyone want to bet on OP’s reading status?


Wait till you find out what one of the leading causes of death was before the vaccine


Can we tag any future posts of people who have died with it being vaccine related and copy all comments from this post to them? We’re not treading any new ground with the comments, and they’re all pretty much just repeated over again.


I have a friend that died at 25 of a heart attack precovid. What’s the theory there? Time traveling jabs?


Liar. Noone died before the covid vaxines came.


I’m sorry for your loss but that is for relaying this. These people are insane.


My mom didn’t die but had her 1st heart attack at 31 and second and 37. Her first was more than 20 years before COVID.


> Jade had an undiagnosed underlying heart disease, which runs in her family, that had been missed, her loved ones were reportedly told later. > She, reported the Liverpool Echo, added: "She had high cholesterol and was going to the doctor with chest pains. They were telling her it was anxiety which was how they missed her heart problem. Incompetent doctors dismissing a young fit looking attractive healthy looking mother as having anxiety rather than taking her complaints seriously https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-31-told-chest-pains-30690591


"No one is talking about the fact that everyone who gets vaccinated is going to die"


Wait til OP discovers everybody dies in the end, vax or not haha.


People without vaccinations die too


That's the joke


Exactly, this seems might come as a shock to folks, but it's a fact: People without vaccinations are dying. Every. Day. And no one on this sub seems to give a shit.






This place: “If anyone died after getting COVID, the evil powers that be count it as a COVID death.” Also this place: “If anyone died after the vaccines were released, we count it as a vaccine death.”


Even more hilarious is that the actual virus causes these same heart problems on its own.


Exactly. I also pointed [that](https://ibb.co/9VBnvHd) out, but comment got removed


Incredibly shitty and disrespectful to feed your narratives with the unfortunate events of others without even doing any research, or even reading the article in question. As you missed the important fact / crux of why it happened - [she had an undiagnosed underlying heart disease, **which runs in her family**](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-31-told-chest-pains-30690591).


Are y’all gonna do this every single time somebody dies?


*Jade had an undiagnosed underlying heart disease, which runs in her family, that had been missed.* Plus high cholesterol levels. The only tragedy/conspiracy here is that despite the hereditary nature of her condition they failed to make the correct decision. Are we going to spend the futute constantly pointing at any deaths that occur from heart conditions and blaming the vaccine, like heart conditions are a new thing?


You think posting this stuff makes you the good guy?


Damn you vaccine! Nobody ever died of heart attacks before covid 😢


I got the vaccine 5 times and Im still waiting on my 5G activation of cardiac arrest. These vaccines are so unreliable.


Oh, the classic cop-out from incapable doctors: It's just anxiety


On the other hand, you can (and should) always say "I know my body and this is not anxiety". Or "let's find some test results that support your conclusion". I had some chest pains a few weeks ago, and reluctantly went to the ER because I know what a doctor *should* do when you show up to the ER and say the words "chest pain". Within about 5 minutes of my arrival, I had an IV seated, blood labs being run, a chest x-ray, an EKG, etc. The doctors came back half an hour later and said that it was not cardiac or pulmonary, and showed me the results confirming that I had no blood clots, no troponin in my blood (which would indicate cardiac stress), a normal EKG, normal x-ray, etc. I accepted "it's probably anxiety or something you ate" after they showed me a dozen test results that all came back normal and ruled out anything that would have killed me. It sounds like this doctor fucked up real hard, but doctors are not psychics and they make mistakes, frequently. If you feel like something is wrong with your body, insist on figuring out what is wrong, or at least ruling out potential causes that could be fatal.


Heart attack symptoms are women are drastically different than in men, easily confused with anxiety attacks (young mother with three kids, anyone could think she was just stressed out). That's why more women die of cardiac failure than men, the doctors failed her, not because of a vaccine she may or not got, but by not doing a throughout check up.


Guys she had a genetic heart disease and high cholesterol that did this. The story here is that her doctor fucked up the diagnosis, thinking she had anxiety instead of the treatable heart disease. She’s be alive if he identified it properly.


I've been having my own issue with chest pains and my doctor, after waiting 4 weeks to see them, just told me I'm stressed and need anxiety medication. Didn't send me to a specialist or even bother to do any proper tests. Just a "You're still a young guy, you are fine." And send me out the door. (Canada for context)


Chest pain anxiety… these doctors are just going through the motions these days. I had an allergic reaction and broke out in hives after a CT Scan with contrast and the doctor said it was anxiety. No I needed an epipen.


Conspiracy theories are now just deciding I’m right about the connections between things Literally you’re now using potentially unrelated events. Assuming they’re connected and usinh that as evidence you’re right Someone is dead. You’re sick.


OP is a plebeian of the highest degree.


Love when this sub post this shit,, doesn't link the actual article or the article explaining her heart condition


OP thinks young people never had heart problems before the vaccine lol.


just had a buddy say his doctor told him to skip the latest booster and that the mRNA vaccines have always been iffy due to inflammation issues, which lead to other vascular issues that is causing people to die. A very round about, don't-blame-me way to say it's been a scam all along.


Anyone know when my vacc heart-attack will kick in?? I'm hoping sooner rather than later


My guess is sometime in the next 1 to 100 years. I got the vax 5 times and I'm *still* waiting. At this rate, my wife is never gonna get that life insurance payout.


So he's safe for the next 11 months? Nice.


The NHS is in big trouble over this. They failed to do basic checks and this is happening all to often in the UK jow due to the HUGE backlog of GP and Hosptial appointments.


If she lives in nyc It woulda been so worth it Because you got free fries with every clot shot 👍


Anyone want to bet OP has less than 4 brain cells?


I heard she also frequently drank dihydrogen monoxide. Something that every person with similar death was also doing. So begs the question, what's really the culprit here??


You anti vax people are such a hinderance to this community and society. Move on, we’re here to talk about NWO and aliens.


I have many questions about the vaccine, and without looking at statistics, would think that these deaths have definitely spiked. Shit half the deaths on this site are from people who have not got the jab. But could it be that the amount of people who have contracted the COVID are getting these conditions as research shows? What about micro plastics and forever chemicals? Anyway, I wish someone could show me **credible** data showing the increase in clots and heart deaths, so far all I get here is screen shots...


>Shit half the deaths on this site are from people who have not got the jab Exactly, they don't even know if the people they're talking about were vaccinated, but you can't convince someone otherwise if it's what they want to believe. Someone recently posted something similar regarding Lil Tay, turns out she wasn't even dead to begin with >so far all I get here is screen shots... Because that's all there is


That's wrong. Here's a nursing professor reviewing a paper from Denmark that shows that heart attack deaths post jab are from bad batches of the vaccine. https://youtu.be/IZAso_eLJLI


All? The person who wrote the paper researched every single heart attack and ….somehow proved they were all from the vaccine? C’mon, you don’t actually believe that do you?


Oh, I see. You're being pedantic. I'll edit my other comment.


I looked at the paper, your conclusion is completely out of left field. You don’t seem to care about accuracy or facts.


I was expecting a YouTube link. See, for every 1 scientist/doctor/professor saying the vaccine is unsafe, there are thousands who say otherwise. I once read a study claiming the subjects developed hearth issues after the vaccine without even checking for hearth issues before the vaccine, so...


I know plenty of doctors and Healthcare professionals that researched the jab and decided it wasn't safe. Those people are silenced and you know it. To suggest that he wrong because he's in the minority is like saying copernicus was wrong because everyone else knew the sun went around the earth. Especially in a world where most news outlets are sponsored by the co.panies rhat made these vaccines.


It's not because he's in the minority


Dr. John Campbell on yourube reviews scientific papers all the time and in detail the way a professor should. He actually had a video a few mo ths back that showed definitive proof that the people all dying from heart attacks post vaccine all got their shots from a few bad batches. https://youtu.be/iyo2UNQcdpQ


according to [CDC data](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/hus/topics/heart-disease-deaths.htm), sudden heart attacks are slightly down over the last 20 years and half of what they were in the 50's. I know you all think the CDC is lying and only screenshots and youtube videos are telling the truth, but even before the covid 24 kids died every day from heart disease.


sorry, I want to see a report from a ***credible source*** with the data that should easily be shown. Sudden heart deaths by year last 50 years. Not Dr. Campbell's youtube video..


Pretty dumb considering he's reviewing scientific papers on his channel and produces the links to those papers in his video descriptions. If you want "credible" data click the link to the paper in his video description. I personally prefer a professor of medicine who taught medicine his whole life to break it down for me. But so many people refuse to review anything on youtube, even when the source is obviously credible.


You don't find it odd that nobody ever wants to quote whatever scientific papers he's citing? It's always people only citing him despite the fact that he's only been involved in nursing, not even an actual medical doctor or researcher. Even his PhD was on how to influence people on social media. >I personally prefer a professor of medicine who taught medicine his whole life Hol up, you think there aren't any other biomedical scientist in the world that support the vaccines?


Citing Youtube as a credible source 😂


Tin foil hat alert. Womens heart health has been a conundrum in the medical world for ages. Get over yourself with the vaccination suspicion. Sad realization of tell tale signs ignored. You can remove this one from your list.


M24 here, mom has been a health care worker for 12+ years and told me to run to the hospital because I had what she undoubtedly diagnosed as a blood clot on my leg. Went to the hospital and was made to wait in the hallway with a massive welt on my leg vein that continued swelling and after looking at it for 2 seconds (not exaggerating) a doctor told me it was a charlie horse (obviously it wasn’t because I could move my muscles just fine with no pain, just very hot and swollen ball shaped welt) I went home and literally prayed that I wouldn’t die in my sleep and it took a month and a half in which the area went through several colors ranging from incredibly dark black to yellow at the end. The chances I could injure myself that badly without feeling it is just about 0 as I was quite literally doing nothing (very sedentary) at the time.


Can someone please explain to me why they would want to kill off the people that are complying and keep all the people who aren’t listening to them? It makes zero sense to me.


Not every death is connected to the vaccine. Its like everyone forgot that people died of different things before covid all the time as well.


Lemme guess her vaccination status that half the country has and isnt having heart attacks 💀😭


No proof whatsoever, but let’s believe you. 🙄


She had another cardiac arrest in hospital and they fixed her heart, she had a blocked artery but she was down so long that her brain was starved….


It’s so shocking before COVID that no one died suddenly unless they were old. Younger people had to die from murders or car accidents only. It’s so so shocking


Copy paste into search “died suddenly”


This is definitely anxiety from the recent climate change.


Hey but they are coming out with a booster for it! Don't forget to get it!


My guess is triple 💉💉💉




Not normal for people this young


Define "normal".... There are over 8 billion on people on Earth... If only 0.00125%, (*aka 1/80000*),....have an undisclosed heart condition, that's still 100,000 people.








It’s ridiculous how you think that none of it is Covid vaccine related


Heart disease was the leading cause of death before the covid virus or covid vaccine existed. Not only that but heart disease has also been increasing for decades. We can talk about statistical increases that are far above the increases we saw before covid but pointing at individual cases of something that was already the #1 cause of death is just silly.


Considering how minuscule the chance of it being vaccine related is, yeah?


The chances are 1:3 for subclinical myocarditis and 1:1000 for full blown myocarditis. It’s ridiculous that you are so misinformed you don’t even realize those are the chances and they are high


Those numbers are hilarious, I’m going to need a source for that




Don't provide them sources. They are only asking to slow you down/gas light. They have the sources taken down eventually, or added to the "snopes like response" you get from most search engines.


> Don't provide them sources. There are a lot of lurkers here who can use the information, personally I don't post for the tolls and shills but for them. I would advise to archive links tho, because sources do get removed often indeed.


This response made me laugh harder than I have in a long time. Thanks friend.


oh, you! 31-year-old mums have ALWAYS been dying in their sleep, doncha know? It could be a LOT of things but it's totally NOT because of an experimental injection. That was, like, SO LONG ago, if it were connected it would have already happened, because Long Term Adverse Events are completely fake news, amiright? I wonder what her batch number was?


To add to this. Imagine how much worse the heart attack would have been, without the vaccine!


Maybe the vaccine actually saved her life, allowing her to live long enough to die from a heart attack instead.


Nihilistic optimism - I approve haha


covid alone also causes heart problems. no vaxx required. edit: for that matter, so do pathogenic external EM field fluctuations.


Double Jeopardy!




The important part at the end, right? In the control cohort, 27 patients had myocarditis (0.0046%) and 52 had pericarditis (0.0088%). Age (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.96, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 0.93 to 1.00) and male sex (aHR 4.42; 95% CI, 1.64 to 11.96) were associated with myocarditis. Male sex (aHR 1.93; 95% CI 1.09 to 3.41) and peripheral vascular disease (aHR 4.20; 95% CI 1.50 to 11.72) were associated with pericarditis. Post COVID-19 infection was not associated with either myocarditis (aHR 1.08; 95% CI 0.45 to 2.56) or pericarditis (aHR 0.53; 95% CI 0.25 to 1.13). We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection


Uh oh, way to ruin every fucking shill on this thread's talking about.


Oh, my apologies, please continue on with your delusions everyone.


What a waste. Damn shame. Feel badly for her kids.


31 is pretty young for a heart attack... *Huh.*


Dude, the girl died leaving her kids motherless. Maybe have a wee think and have a look in the mirror.


After my vaccination, I had begun having breathing issues along with chest pain. After several "tests" I was only diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. About two months later, I got a minor stroke. Luckily the stroke didn't cause any noticeable damage. But this has really opened my eyes to what's to come. I do believe the vaccine had something to do with it.


More political, non-conspiracy dogshit. You didn't even post the link. Probably because the other information in that article snuffs out the implication you're trying to make. This sub really just is r thedonald's fucked up cousin.


It was climate racism that killed her


It seems like 20 yrs ago this would be a huge deal. And can you imagine the outrage it would have been with this happening to *kids*? They've managed to re-program us to see death as not a big deal or something to investigate deeply. I remember when people being suicidal was treated differently. Now a lot of countries seem to be pushing assisted suicide.


What would have been a huge deal, someone dying due to something hearth related? It never would have been a big deal to anyone outside their family and friends. Before the vaccine you never cared about random people dying of hearth related issues. Not to mention, hearth related issues were the leading cause of death before the vaccine or covid even existed


Deaths not a big deal unless you die of Covid you mean


My wife had a heart condition that caused things like high heart rate, chest pains, shortness of breath. The Doctors said it was just panic attacks. It was not. Fortunately, her condition had a low chance of being fatal (not zero though) and they were able to treat it. But she was in her mid 30's, so my point is, it can happen. And this was way before Covid.


This is because symptoms in heart attacks are different in women than in men. If you had it, you would be in the floor grasping at the pain in your chest and would be rushed to the hospital and diagnosed asap. If your wife (in the case she would be still undiagnosed) had one, she would probably enter the hospital walking on her own and completely calm before just dropping dead out of nowhere. I'm glad they caught it in time and she's fine, man. You had a lot of luck.


I’ve heard so many stories of people with chest pain getting turned away at the hospital then dying


How about the fact that 93% of the UK above the age of 12 has been vaccinated? So statistically, many more vaccinated people will die than unvaccinated people. I'm all for raising questions about the vaccine, but people who blindly hate it obviously display no critical thinking


Surely it's climate-change related.


This is why you don't share anything personal with your doctor, keep it factual, exercise rutine, eating habits, alcohol use must be mentioned because of liver disease, other than that shut the fuck up.


Former NBA star John Stockton said before the Jab he knew of 3 players that died, now it’s almost 1,000 physically fit athlete’s dead in past 3 years


Years After Smug Anti-Ivermectin Post, FDA Admits in Court That Doctors Should Be Allowed to Prescribe It August 12, 2023 You can only use untested vaccines during a Pandemic emergency if there are no alternative treatments available, it's called Emergency Use Authorization ( EAU ). Jan 31, 2020 — The Trump administration declared a public health emergency in the U.S. Friday in response to the global coronavirus outbreak. Vaccinations in the United States began on December 14, 2020. Biden ends COVID national emergency after Congress acts April 11, 2023 Well folks the emergency is over and the covid vaccines were tested and not approved. The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States. Apr 18, 2023 The Covid-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson is no longer available in the United States, (FDA) withdraw the EUA according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May 15, 2023 Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine No Longer Authorized for Emergency Use. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. According to Janssen, the last lots of the vaccine purchased by the US government have expired. Jun 5, 2023


Bro Covid does this


The same can be said of the people who die from Covid. What was their vaccination status?


Bet I can guess your political affiliation by your jump to conclusions and lack of due diligence to share the context that she had underlying heart issues.


This had nothing to do with vaccinations haha






As much as I agree, it's quite unbecoming to be almost mocking deaths. Yes, we were on the receiving end of it through the 'pandemic,' but let's rise above that, please.


Causation and correlation fallacy


My cousin in her early 30s died of a heart attack in the late 2000s. Young and seemingly-healthy people dying isn't new.


75% of the world is vaccinated, if every single dose was harmful then it would easily be linked back to the vaccine. The vaccine is a "russian roulette" . Not saying that she did or did not have prior heart problems, regardless its not like a coroner cant just change the COD. Information gets altered and suppressed all the time. Lets be honest, how many times have we seen altered/ disinformation? ESPECIALLY with drugs. People believed that red wine was healthy for you for how long? Why was that? oh, suppressed and altered information. Even drs where saying "red wine is good for you". Fact to the matter is, any alcohol greatly increases the risk of things like breast cancer. Anyone who doesnt agree with most people, even after time and time again of people with power lying, gets called a "tin foil hat wearer" even on a conspiracy sub and its sad. People here are supposed to be free thinkers and sharers of information, and people still do the politically motivated attacks even here, and its pathetic. Is everyone right here or elsewhere all the time? No of course not. But to think vaccines are the same as they were in the 50s, 60s, 70s, is just foolish. Do you really think you got the same vaccination as someone with a billion dollars or some kind of status or power? Get real. This sub should be better than political infighting and narratives. All information should be considered. Start with something you know to be true and take it from there. An article is hardly proof either way.


They were censoring doctors from talking about the shot. They lied about testing it, they lied about it’s effectiveness on transmission, one could conclude they lied about it’s safety as well. Most people can’t do a simple google search too see that was the case.[Look.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35456309/)


The poison Covid Jab is the most obvious culprit.


Literally happened to a friend of mine. He went to the hospital with chest pains and was told it was just anxiety, then went home and died in his sleep that night from a heart attack. He was in his 30s as well and this was before Covid and vaccines for it. This post is complete bullshit.


jesus christ people, move on to the next theory please


must have been winter vagina or global warming youtube link unrelated [https://youtu.be/XVON0vP8k4s](https://youtu.be/XVON0vP8k4s)


Someone on this sub implied Lil Tay died because of the vaccine. Turns out she wasn't even dead to begin with. Smh




Bruh it's about 1-3 years and you can still get vaccinated... Not "years ago" Covid wasn't 2010


Side effects just popping up now .My dick got smaller


I mean, at this point, the medical professionals have to be in on it. Not acting on complaints of chest pain is a *MAJOR* faux pas.


Triple Vaxxed plus three boosters, a model citizen. How could something like this have happened?


Heart attacks are caused by clogged arteries from too much cholesterol that is found in fast food and most of American food.


She’s not from America!! **NEXT!!**


Mum, from west lancashire, ENGLAND


You might want to look into England's obesity rate. They're on par with the US and have just as much terrible fastfood as us.


aka fast food free zone


I bet she drank water




You can see the denial in these comments from vaxers. I just feel bad for them. Sudden adult deaths have never been like it is today.


I'd be she's unvaccinated.


81% chance she’s vaccinated.


Guy gets shot: "of course he was vaxxed!"


I’ll put $100 on double vaxxed


Yeah most people are vaccinated... Im also almost certain she drank water. Water kills people? Conspiracy confirmed.


Let me google that for you: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-31-told-chest-pains-30690591 "Jade had an undiagnosed underlying heart disease, which runs in her family, that had been missed, her loved ones were reportedly told later. "